Two Thousand and Five, Lian Yu

She had been trapped on Lian Yu, an island in the middle of the North China sea, for almost two years and Olivia was starting to think it was going to become her home for the rest of her life. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing; she would miss her mother and younger sister, Thea. And Tommy, her best friend. Laurel probably wouldn't miss her since she got Sara killed, but Olivia would still miss her. Olivia had a new family, though. One that she would miss just as much.

Olivia Joanne Queen was born May 16th, 1989 to Robert and Moira Queen. When she was fifteen, she and her friend, Sara Lance, Olivia's girlfriend's younger sister, got on her Father's yacht to go to China with him for a business deal. Sara's parents, Quentin and Dinah, okayed Sara going with her. Olivia was hoping to bring Laurel, her girlfriend at the time who was also a year older, but she had too much to do with Junior year quickly approaching for her. Laurel had seen them off with a loving kiss to Olivia and a tight hug to Sara, and a couple of days later Olivia was adrift at sea and Sara was dead at the bottom of it.

Now, a year later, Olivia had watched her father shoot himself in the head and buried him on Purgatory, got shot in the shoulder with an arrow by a man named Yao Fei who would later become like family to her, got captured by mercenaries looking for Yao Fei and was tortured for information, and later stumbled upon the site of a crashed plane where she would meet Slade Wilson; the closest thing to a father she felt she would ever have again.

After Olivia and Slade were captured again, they met Shado Gulong, Yao Fei's daughter. She was a better mother figure to Olivia than Moira ever was. Yao Fei was sadly killed when the three escaped Edward Fyers', the leader of the mercenaries, grasp and they buried him next to Robert.

A few months after meeting Shado, Olivia realized how easy she was finding it to call Shado and Slade mom and dad. She would, of course, never call them that to their faces if she could help it, but in her head that's who they were. The fifteen-year-old would joke that watching the two of them flirt was like watching her parents flirt with a good-natured eye roll. Shado would smile knowingly while Slade grumbled about teaching Olivia some respect with an ass kicking.

Slade and Shado both taught Olivia as much as they could so she could defend herself; hand to hand combat, weaponry, and Shado was teaching her how to shoot with a bow and arrow. Shado was, obviously, a natural while Olivia was passable at best. She could usually hit her target, but she trained for hours to get where she was at, one day hoping to be as good as Shado and Yao Fei.

At one point during their fairly domestic life that they managed to carve out in Hell, disaster struck. Slade and Olivia were out hunting, Slade congratulating her on the quick kill she did with the bow. On their way back, missiles rained down on their home. "Shado!" Olivia called out in a scream, rushing towards the plane.

"Kid! Kid, stop! Olivia!" Slade yelled after her, weaving his way through the smoke and fire towards her. Olivia had almost reached the Fuselage when a grenade struck right in front of her. Olivia went flying, landing hard on the unforgiving ground.

She was pretty sure she wasn't conscious for a few moments and when she came to, Olivia could hear only screams through the ringing in her ears. Sitting up was difficult but doable, and she looked around in a daze. Hands started grabbing at her, and they weren't the gentle but firm hands of Shado, or the calloused, large and comforting hands of Slade. They were different, foreign, and Olivia struck out. "Bitch," one cursed in a gasp, staggering away from her. She kicked and snarled at another one before her dirty blonde hair was grabbed tightly to hold her head still and a firm punch was landed against her jaw. She fell back to the ground with a cry and looked around for help.

And then she noticed that there were still screams.

Two Thousand and Thirteen; Starling City

Olivia bolted up out of bed, breathing heavily. She glanced to her left to make sure her bedmate was still sleeping peacefully, but Laurel just grumbled before going still. Sliding out of bed silently, the twenty-four-year-old padded softly into her bathroom to splash some water on her face. She hated remembering that particular time on the island. She hated remembering Shado. She hated remembering Slade. Each was painful in their own way, but the betrayal she felt thinking about Slade was like a hot knife sliding through her chest, cutting deep. He was basically her father, her dad, and he hurt her badly. Worse than anyone else during her eight years in Hell.

Olivia's eyes slid to the door when she saw some movement, and Laurel Lance was standing there, clad only in one of Olivia's tee shirts and a pair of underwear. "Ollie?" She questioned, dark hazel eyes swimming with concern. Olivia dried her face and walked over to Laurel. The brunette reached for her, wrapping her arms tightly around the blonde in a comforting hold. "The island?" Laurel questioned in a low tone, pressing a kiss to Olivia's temple. The two women were about the same height, Olivia usually having a bit of an advantage in the stilettos she wore when at the company she currently owned, Queen Consolidated.

Moira and her husband, Walter Steele, were the previous owners of the company, Walter the CEO. When Tommy's father, Malcom Merlyn, devised a plan to level the Glades, the poorer neighborhood of Starling City, killing numerous people and almost killing his own son before Olivia took him out with an arrow through the chest. Moira was outed as accomplice of the destruction at her own accord and Walter stepped down as CEO and divorced Moira.

Her mother would not have been accepted as the new face of the company, so that honor went to Olivia. A palm to her cheek brought Olivia back to the present and turned her face a bit to pepper light kisses to Laurel's palm and wrist.

"Yes," Olivia finally said, answering the question. Laurel stepped further, pressing against Olivia until she stepped back into the bathroom wall and then plastered herself to the blonde's front, a leg lifting to go in between Olivia's.

Laurel knew just where to rub with her thigh to make Olivia hiss. "Would you like to forget about the island and everywhere else for a while?" She offered. Olivia grinned. She would love to.

Kicking the blonde's legs, a little further apart gently, Laurel gripped Olivia's hips, pulling her lower half off of the wall. It gave better leverage to move her leg further between them, and Olivia suddenly felt a dampness on her own thigh as Laurel started grinding her hips down. Olivia moaned loudly as the rhythm Laurel set was making waves of pleasure crash down on her. A hand snaked underneath her own t-shirt before it was pulled over her head. She helped Laurel take hers off and their chests pressed together as they continued to rut on each other's thigh.

Olivia pushed off the wall, moving them back towards the bed with a soft laugh, crashing their lips together heatedly.

"Don't forget about date night later," Laurel reminded Olivia that morning as they were both getting ready for work. The blonde nodded.

"I remember, honey." Laurel smiled, natural make-up looking perfect with her chocolate locks cascading down her back. She was dressed in a dark blue blouse tucked into a high waisted black pencil skirt with black three-inch pumps.

Olivia had just slipped on a black dress with three quarter sleeves that went down to almost her knees. The dress was form fitting, easily showing off her curves. She stood up from the bed after slipping on matching closed-toe stilettos. Her hair was half pinned up and curled lightly so her hair was gently brushing a bit past her shoulders. Her make-up was similarly done to Laurel's in neutral tones.

She glanced down at the slim watch on her left wrist and smiled over at Laurel. "Would you like to grab breakfast?" Laurel frowned in disappointment.

"Ollie, I'd love to, but I have a deposition this morning that I need to prepare for." Olivia nodded in understanding, pulling Laurel towards her by the waist. Laurel came willingly, a grin playing on her dark red painted lips. "We don't have time for a distraction game," she protested lightly. Olivia hummed, leaning forward to brush her lips against Laurel's neck. "Olivia," Laure groaned, head falling back to allow the blonde more access. Olivia grinned, catching some skin between her teeth, biting lightly. She pulled back, kissing Laurel quickly before the two left her bedroom.

They found themselves in the foyer quickly, John Diggle, Olivia's bodyguard and friend, waiting for them. "You sure took your sweet time," he commented. Olivia raised an eyebrow at him.

"We were busy," she answered.

"I think you mean 'getting busy'," Thea, Olivia's younger sister, snickered while coming down the steps.

"Thea!" Laurel chided, cheeks turning a bit pink. Olivia chuckled, accepting the hug from her eighteen-year-old sister before the younger girl walked into the kitchen.

"Are you both ready?"

The three traveled to the car, Diggle opening up the back door for the two women before taking them to work. Laurel was dropped off first, she and Olivia sharing a brief kiss and a promise of date night later before Diggle and Olivia were heading to Queen Consolidated.

"Are you planning on going out tonight?" Diggle questioned, eyes never straying from the street.

"Yes. Laurel is staying at her apartment tonight after our date."

"So, things are going well after you told her?" Olivia nodded. After Malcom Merlyn decided to destroy the Glades, Tommy almost died saving Laurel's life. Laurel found Olivia with her hood down, crying over Tommy's still form. Once they found out he would make it, Olivia told her almost everything; she, of course, left some things out.

Laurel was understandably pissed off. She felt betrayed and wondered why Olivia felt she couldn't trust her. Though, Olivia was pretty sure she was mostly mad about her going to Felicity Smoak for help after Moira shot her last year. Laurel didn't really like the bubbly IT girl.

After a few more fights and a lot of tears, the two made up. Olivia still felt a bit hurt that Laurel thought she was a murderer, even though the brunette swore that she only said that in the heat of the moment. The two decided to try out a relationship again, and things have been going well since. Olivia has wondered, though, what would happen to their relationship once Tommy woke up from his coma? She always said when because there was no scenario to Olivia where he didn't make it. Laurel and Tommy had started sleeping together when Olivia was gone and then started a relationship right before she came back. As much as she loved and missed Laurel, she could easily see how happy the two made each other and she had never planned to get in the way of that.

"You still seem apprehensive." Olivia shrugged her slim shoulders.

"Just waiting for that other shoe to drop, I suppose."

"That 'other shoe' being Tommy, I'm guessing?" The blonde rolled her eyes. Of course, he picked up on that. Diggle was too damn perceptive.

"If Tommy is who Laurel truly wants, who am I to stand in her way?"

"She loved Tommy. There's no denying that, we all saw it when they were together. Olivia, you, however, are the love of that young lady's life. Just like she's yours. You both look at each other like no one else in the room exists or matters. I think you two are it, you know?" Olivia smiled softly. Laurel really was it for her. No doubt in her mind.

"Thanks, Dig," she said, reaching over to grasp his arm in thanks. He patted her hand lightly before they both pulled away.

"Any time, Liv."

They pulled up to Queen Consolidated, a waive of reporters already spilled out in the front. They've practically been camped outside the offices since Moira admitted being an accessory to the Undertaking.

"Miss Queen!" A reporter shouted close to Olivia once she got out of the car. Diggle was a steady presence by her side, acting as a wall between her and the reporters. "Do you have any comment about your mother's arrest and recent release from prison?"

"No comment," Olivia answered, barely glancing over at the reporter shoving a microphone in her face, a camera not too far behind.

"Get back!" Diggle shouted, an arm out to block any of the reports from getting too close. "Vultures," he muttered as soon as they got through the front doors. Olivia smirked over at him, clapping him on the shoulder lightly.

"I'm aware." They continued to the top floor where Olivia's office was. A woman was standing by her office door next to a nervous Felicity.

"Miss Queen?" The woman questioned, frowning at the blonde, dark eyes emotionless. "My name is Isabel Rochev, and we need to talk." Olivia raised an eyebrow.

"Do you have an appointment?" She questioned.

"Considering I'm going to be the owner of Queen Consolidated in twenty-four hours, I don't believe I need one." Olivia paused, surprised.

"I believe you're right; we do need to talk. After you, Miss Rochev."

Slade Wilson hated himself. He had done so many bad things in his life that he regretted. After he was found along the shoreline of a coastal city In China, he was reunited with his son, Joe. As soon as he woke up in the hospital with Joe looming over him, he expected the tough questions; where did you go? Why did you leave me? Things like that. What Slade didn't expect, however, was the question that spewed out of his son's mouth; "Who is Olivia?" Slade was taken aback. How did Joe know that name? "When they found you, you kept muttering her name; Olivia. Who is she?"

Olivia Queen. The closest Slade ever had to a daughter. He had hurt her so bad; it was one of the many things that made him hate himself; the torture and agony he put that poor girl through all because he believed the words of a madman over her.

He told Joe everything. Started from the beginning and ended with how Olivia rolled her broken body off of the freighter to kill herself. How only hours later the man behind everything was found and admitted he lied about blaming Olivia for Shado's death.

Slade was beside himself with rage; he beheaded Ivo right then and had his men dive into the water to try to find Olivia's body. She deserved to be put to rest next to Shado and Yao Fei on the island. They never found her.

Days went by with this guilt hanging over Slade's head. Days turned into months, and months turned into years. Joe has heard every story about the girl that would've become like his older sister; as did his youngest son, Grant. He was a surprise that Joe sprung on him a few days after Slade made a full recovery.

One day, after six years, Joe and Grant came skidding into the training room where Slade was demolishing a punching bag. "Dad, you need to come see this," Joe said seriously.

"What's going on?" Slade questioned, grabbing for one of his beloved katanas.

"It's about the Queens." Slade had kept an eye on the two remaining Queens, feeling like his owed that to Olivia.

"What happened?"

"Just- just come see." They traveled to Joe's room where the news was playing. The words on the bottom of the screen had to be a mistake.

"Olivia Queen was found alive! The heiress to the Fortune 500 company, Queen Consolidated, was found on a deserted island in the North China sea. Robert Queen has also officially been declared deceased." Slade's heart stopped. Olivia was still alive? A small clip of footage appeared next - a clearly older Olivia was being escorted to a car with her mother, but Slade was just studying Olivia. She looked leaner with more muscle definition. Her eyes colder and her mouth seemed to be permanently stuck in a frown.

"Is that really her?" Grant questioned in a small voice, staring up at his father and older brother.

"Yes," Slade answered. "Yes, that's her." Grant blinked slowly, and then looked back to the TV.

"She's pretty." Yes, Slade agreed silently. She always had been. Time hadn't touched her in that department.

Slade kept a better eye on Starling City at this point, zeroing in on a vigilante that had been around for a few months before Olivia got back. He knew it was her, though. The news didn't actually know an exact description of the vigilante, but they described Olivia as a male, lean, dark hair and Hispanic. The exact opposite of her looks. Slade was proud; the vigilante was doing exactly what Olivia always planned to do - save her city.

When he heard of the plan to level the Glades, Slade was fully prepared to pack up his gear and go help his girl, Joe eagerly right behind him, but it happened early than expected and the Hood was still seen after, so at least he knew she was still alive.

That was also when Slade decided he needed to see her. He needed to apologize. Even if he had to beg for her forgiveness, he had to speak to her; so, Slade got to work.

Olivia couldn't believe the audacity of this woman. Isobel Rochev was going to be a big thorn in Olivia's side, she could already tell. After the dark-haired woman left, she leaned back in her office chair with a loud groan, rubbing her forehead. "What are we going to do about this?" Felicity demanded, closing the glass office door behind her as she spoke.

"I don't know yet, Felicity," Olivia sighed. "Clearly, she and I need to negotiate something."

"What, are you going to sleep with her, too?" Blinking in shock, Olivia reared back.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm just saying, you have a track record, Olivia, when it comes to sleeping with bad guys. Does the Huntress ring any bells?"

"Of course, I'm not going to sleep with her, Felicity, Jesus Christ! In case you haven't noticed, I'm in a very serious relationship with Laurel," Olivia snapped.

"Right, because that has stopped you before," Felicity scoffed.

"Felicity, I think it's time to go back your desk," Diggle ushered, having stayed silent until then. The IT girl spun on her pink heel and stormed out of the office. Olivia turned to Diggle in exasperation.

"What the hell has gotten into her?" She questioned. Diggle sighed, sitting down in the chair in front of Olivia's desk. "Dig?" She pushed.

"We both know she doesn't like Laurel and feels you could do better," Diggle answered. Olivia frowned.

"That's not going to happen," she retorted immediately.

"I know, but she seems to think that as soon as Tommy wakes up, Laurel is going to drop-kick you to the curb."

"Not going to lie, I sometimes think that too," Olivia admitted. "I had just hoped that maybe Laurel's dislike of Felicity was just one sided. Laurel seems to think that she's just waiting for Laurel and I to fight so she can swoop in and prove her love, or something." Diggle shrugged, not disagreeing. "You know what, I'm not worrying about it today. I have a date with the love of my life in a few hours. Whatever is going through Felicity's head is not my concern right now."

"Punch a few bad guys tonight," Diggle suggested. "It will probably make you feel better."

It did.

That night, Laurel was sitting across from her in a white, long-sleeved dress that practically glowed against her tan skin. Her white strapped heel rubbed against Olivia's bare leg and the blonde grinned. "Don't start something you know we can't finish tonight," she playfully warned. Laurel leaned forward.

"You know I can't resist you in green." Olivia was wearing a green dress that had small silver chains as shoulder straps. Her shoes were silver open-toed stilettos that matched the silver chains perfectly. They ate their dinner, each talking about their day. Olivia smartly avoided talking about what Felicity had said to her. When the date was over, Laurel and Olivia shared a kiss in front of the restaurant. "Be careful tonight and call me if anything happens," the brunette commanded before pulling the blonde into another searing kiss.

"Always," Olivia promised before the two went their separate ways. Olivia made her way to Verdant, going to the basement through the secret entrance and saw Diggle and Felicity already there. Diggle smiled at her.

"How was the date?"

"As good as always." Olivia noticed Felicity frown down at the computer keys and rolled her eyes. Maybe she really did need to hit something.

Two Thousand and Five, Lian Yu

When Olivia came to, her cheek was pressed against something cold and wet. Her hands were bound behind her back with, she'd guess, some rope if the chaffing burn, she was feeling was anything to go by. Using her shoulder, she pushed herself into a sitting position and looked around. She had no clue where she was. She only had to wait a couple seconds before two men came into the room and they grabbed each of her arms, forcefully ushering her along up some metal steps, that were also wet. Was she on a ship? She was thrown into an office, landing on her right shoulder with a groan.

"Hello, Olivia," a voice said from behind her. Olivia jumped and turned her head as much as she could, ignoring a sharp sting that went from her temple down her neck. Concussion, she thought.

"How do you know my name?"

"My associates heard your companion yelling your name," he answered, waving a hand in dismissal. Companion? Olivia pushed past the pain in her head to try to remember what happened. Missiles. Explosions. Shado and Slade. The screams that weren't hers.

"Where are my friends?" She spat, now struggling to get out of her bounds.

"Dead, most likely," the man commented. "Your male companion was burning, last I heard." Slade? Burning. No, no, no. "Oh, where are my manners? My name is Anthony Ivo. I believe, Olivia, that you may have some information that I need." Olivia cut her stinging eyes to Ivo in a glare.

"Information about what?" Ivo went on to explain that he was looking for a World War II Japanese submarine that was supposedly somewhere on Lian Yu. "I've never seen a submarine here before."

"I think you're lying," Ivo said calmly, standing up from his seat.

"I'm not!" She protested quickly, a panicked note entering her voice. "I've honestly never seen one!"

"It's a pity that you're hiding things from me, Olivia. Maybe some time with one of my associates will jog your memory." He exited the room and Olivia faced the other way, not wanting to see who would enter after he left. The tears came back, trailing one after another down her face. The door shut softly behind her and Olivia closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She'd be fine. She'd faced pain before at the hands of someone else. She'd be fine.

Soft footsteps traveled towards her and then stopped in front of her. Olivia opened her eyes and saw a pair of combat boots and slim jeans tucked into the boots. Olivia's eyes traveled up the legs that were very feminine and kept going up until she met familiar light blue eyes.


"Prisoners do not speak," Sara retorted harshly, bringing the whip she was holding down hard on Olivia's left shoulder.

"Sara, please," Olivia pleaded brokenly.

"Prisoners do not speak."