Ending 2


Thorin and Dwalin looked up towards the sky as Cerise and Bilbo landed in front of them. Cerise let go of Bilbo and ran straight to Thorin, wrapping her arms around him and capturing his lips with her own. Thorin wasted no time as he fiercely kissed her back. He could taste her tears as they kissed, or maybe they were his. He couldn't tell, nor did he care.

"Thorin… Thorin…" She cried, pulling back only for him to kiss her again.

"You came… After everything I said and did… You still came…" He choked, holding her close to him. She nodded, cupping his cheek and kissing him once more.

"Of course I did," She sobbed, a smile gracing her face. "I love you, Thorin,"

"I love you as well, Cerise," He promised her and pressed his forehead to hers.

Bilbo cleared his throat while Dwalin smiled at the scene. "U-Uhm… Well… Guys? We have to leave, now! Azog has another army attacking from the north. This watchtower will be completely surrounded, there'll be no way out!"

"We are so close… That orc scum is in there, I say we push on!" Dwalin stated.

Thorin, who still held Cerise's hand, shook his head. "No! That's what he wants. He wants to draw us in… This is a trap," He finished in realization.

He turned to Dwalin. "Find Fili and Kili, call them back."

"Thorin… Are you sure about this?"

"Do it," He ordered, "We live to fight another day,"

Suddenly, they hear a noise coming from the towers behind them. They all turned, watching as Azog appeared with Fili in his hands. He shouted something, holding Fili over the edge and pointing his blade at his back.

"No…" Cerise whispered, her eyes widening in horror as Azog stabbed Fili in the back and dropped his body onto the ground below.

"Fili!" Cerise cried out, but her eyes fell to his brother who, enraged, ran towards the top of the tower.

"Kili!" Thorin shouted. He let go of Cerise's hand and ran after Kili, killing the orcs that went against him.

Cerise followed closely behind with a new sense of fury growing in her stomach. Fili… The dwarf who smiled so kindly towards her. Who she had spent the last month of her time with. Who she laughed with and came to truly care about.

This was unforgivable. Azog was unforgivable.

And she would make him pay.

Suddenly, Bolg appeared from the mist and attacked Kili. Thorin sliced through another dwarf, calling out to his nephew in panic. Cerise ran past him and took flight in the air. "Cerise!" He tried to reach for her, but it was too late.

"Go to Kili! I will distract Azog!" She ordered. She didn't even give Thorin a chance to respond before flying into the air towards the pale orc. Azog smirked at her, getting his weapons ready.

He shouted at her in orcish, but Cerise gave him no chance to attack as she slammed her body into his. They tumbled out of the tower and fell back to the icy falls beneath them. Cerise rolled out of the way of Azog's blade and with a swirling low-kick, she sent him to the ground. Cerise tried to stab the orc, but he blocked her with his sword and slammed the side of his mace into her side.

She grunted in pain, rolling out of his rance so she could recollect herself. Her side began to bleed from the impact of the spiked mace. Her shoulder screamed at her in pain, but she just pushed past it. Azog got to his feet right when Cerise managed to get on her knees. He began to run towards her with his weapons in hand.

Cerise narrowed her eyes and covered herself with her wings. She felt Azog slam his mace into her wings and try to slash against her hide, but it was impenetrable. Nothing could get past her scales of a dragon.

She pushed him back by using her wings, knocking Azog off his balance. Using this as her chance, she swiped up with her sword towards his heart. A throbbing in her right shoulder caused her to flinch and instead of going to his heart, her blade fell to the left, hitting his shoulder.

Azog let out a screech of pain before kicking her in the stomach and causing her to go straight to the ground. She wheezed, the air getting knocked out of her and the ice beneath being stained with her blood that dripped from her shoulder and side. She was growing weaker by the second. Her strength faded with every move she made.

And now she had lost her sword. Azog dropped his mace and used his only hand to grip her sword's handle and rip it out of his shoulder. He dropped it to the ground, his eyes glaring into hers as he walked towards her with his bladed arm being raised to strike.

Cerise tried to cover herself with her wings, but Azog used his feet to pin them to the ice. He snarled something to her in dwarvish and raised his blade over his head. Cerise shut her eyes, taking a deep breath, and accepting her fate.

But before Azog could do anything, another blade pierced through his back and out his stomach. Cerise opened her eyes, staring right at Thorin, who had saved her. He let out a loud roar before throwing the dying orc off of her and to the side where his body rolled to a stop.

"Cerise," He breathed in relief, helping her sit up. She winced from being moved. Her shoulder and side were not doing so well despite having a Dragorian body.

"Thorin… What…" Cerise coughed, letting Thorin hold her close to his chest.

"I couldn't let you face him alone, my love," He told her, stroking her hair in an affectionate manner. "You've saved me so many times before, it is now my turn to save you,"

Cerise gave him a weak smile, thankful that Thorin made it to her in time. She would have died if it hadn't been for him. Above them, they heard the sound of eagles flying. They looked up and watched as thousands of birds flew towards Erebor to fight with them. Her heart felt light for the first time in days as a new hope filled her body with happiness.

"The eagles…" Thorin said in awe, smiling down to his love. She nodded, tears of joy running down her cheeks.

"We've won, Thorin…. We've won the war,"


After the war, they held funerals for Fili and Kili. The two brothers who had perished in battle, not as jokesters, but as warriors. All eleven dwarves, Bilbo, Gandalf, and Cerise were present for their burial and every one of them shed down their tears for their fallen comrades.

Many lives were lost during the war on every race's side. The orcs had been killed in battle or imprisoned to await their executions. The evil in Dol Guldur had been contained… for now.

Tauriel had left with the elves. Her grief was too much for her pure soul to handle and so she left to return to her life in Mirkwood. Cerise wished she could have said goodbye to the she-elf, but Tauriel had left before she was allowed to leave the medical bay.

When the funeral ended, she found Thorin in his room, staring off into the distance from his balcony. He was now the King of Erebor and demanded that Cerise become his queen, despite not being a dwarf. Cerise, who knew she could not live without him, agreed and decided to stay in Erebor with the dwarves.

She shut their room door behind her, strolling towards Thorin without saying a word. There was nothing to say, after all. She slid her hands around his shoulders, leaning her head down to rest against his.

"They forgive you…" She whispered, knowing in her heart that it was true.

Thorin sucked in a tight breath, "After all the things I've done… After failing them and… Almost losing myself… Do you really they think to forgive me?"

Cerise nodded her head and put a hand on his cheek. He leaned into her touch, his eyes filled with sadness, but they were also the clearest she had ever seen.

"They do," She said with confidence, "And they would want you to forgive yourself,"

Thorin shut his eyes, another tear falling down his face. She wiped it away with her thumb and leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to his forehead.

"And you, my love? Do you forgive me after everything I've done? After all the tears I made you cry?" Thorin whispered, finally opening his eyes to stare at the golden orbs of his lover. Cerise gave him a warm smile, one he wished she would always wear for him.

"Of course," She answered truthfully, "I will always forgive you,"

Thorin finally gave her a smile back and leaned forward to capture her lips in his.

The quest was over and the battle was won. Thorin knew he would be able to rule justly with Cerise at his side and Cerise knew she would always be there. Because despite everything they said and did, their love was true. Thorin, the hard-headed, revenge-driven dwarf king now knew the power of forgiveness. Cerise, the kind-hearted, fiery-spirited Dragorian now knew how to love.

And they lived happily ever after.
