A/N: This story is a remake of the original story I posted a good while ago, just wanted to freshen it up and start off a bit differently. This story will be biased towards Ghouls being much much stronger than what they usually are said to be, just wanted to say that in advance. Also, more and more ghouls will come into the story as the story progresses, some canon and some made-up by me.

Finally, this story might actually have minor crossovers with other anime's, but the story will be mainly focused on the Tokyo Ghoul and Seraph of the End worlds.



At the current time, a group of five could be seen walking through the empty streets of the city of Tokyo. The group all seemingly wearing outfits reminiscent of that of clowns, the four that were walking behind the one in front all looking identical. The four clowns had red hats and striped white and red shirts, all also wearing masks with cross-eyes, a big red nose, and prominent black lips.

The figure that was walking in front appeared to be a little girl, having on yellow shoes with black long socks with green stars, her skirt being orange and also having a white shirt with pink buttons and a pink collar. The sleeves were baggy and she had black and red striped sleeves covering her arms, her face also having a mask on it.

The mask was a clown-themed mask that covered the upper half of her face. It resembled that of a cartoon depiction of a rabbit or some sort of rodent, having a round nose and protruding incisors. The mask also sports two large circular drawn eyes, with a star around the left eye and a large blue nose.

The time of day seemed to be really early in the morning, and from what could be seen of the sky, it was probably somewhere past one in the morning. As they walked the empty streets, which was probably since every person was probably asleep in their homes, they were seemingly looking around searching for something.

"E-Excuse me, boss."

"Hmm?" The figure in the front responded as she held her hand to her forehead as she seemed to look around with a constant smile on her face. She listened while searching as she soon heard the question being asked by one of her guards behind her. "Wh-Why are we here? Especially at this time of day and place..."

"Why? Isn't it obvious?" The girl said as she turned to look at her guards with a tilt of her head. They seemed to be confused as they stared at her, though a feeling of unease was present as they all had a bad feeling about this... "We're looking for him of course! And this time of day is the easiest way we're going to be able to!"

"Wh-When you say he, you don't mean... HIM, right?" One of the other guards asked with a shaking tone as they heard her response. The other three just as one edge as they looked at their leader, who was seemingly giggling as she then nodded her head strongly. Making them shake visibly as they knew exactly who she meant...

"Yep, we're looking for the only ghoul that exists within this ward. The Silent Devil!" The girl giggled with amusement and a bit of insanity as she covered her mouth with her right hand. The person that she was referring to was infamous in all the other wards of Tokyo, known for his power and intimidating nature, earning him the title of The Silent Devil.

He was said to be a one-eyed ghoul, a rarity among their species, and a damn powerful one at that. Both investigators and ghouls alike avoid entering into the tenth wards, also known as Meguro ward, as it was pretty much a suicide to step foot into the place, especially after midnight as that was the time that's said that he is out on the hunt.

The Silent Devil was known for being rather quiet yet deadly, which made sense for his name, and was considered to have the ranking of an SSS-Class Ghoul, and very well earned for that matter. Even the likes of top-ranking ghouls were smart to not confront the ghoul unless they were either completely stupid, or were confident in their skills.

He resided within this ward and was the only ghoul that actually lived here, unless there were some that were hiding away in fear of him and were unable to leave, which was unlikely as he most likely had killed them off. It was rumoured that whatever ghoul or whatever investigator had stepped foot in this ward, was never seen again.

Even the likes of Roma, which was the little girl right now, considered to be in the same class as him was not stupid enough to actually try and engage him fully in a fight, but was still curious to see him, thus leading her to where she is now. She was known as The Dodgy Mother, and was a very powerful ghoul in her own right as well as the founder of the Clowns, a group of ghouls.

In truth, while she may appear to be the age of a child, she was actually far older than she looked, probably somewhere in her fifties or so. Her guards could only look at her in horror as they had heard the stories of The Silent Devil, and were not keen at all in meeting him, they may be people who crave chaos and destruction, but this was stepping over the boundary!

It was well known that this time of day was The Silent Devil's hunting hour, the time in which he goes onto the streets to kill any people he may find still walking around at night so that he could consume them. This time of day had been labelled as The Devil's Hour, quite appropriate, and was a time of day to especially not visit this place!

"Now, we just need to find where he is!" Roma cheered as she skipped around the place looking for any signs of him. The other four clowns shooting their heads in multiple directions, preparing for any kind of attack that might ensue. The paranoia and anxiety they had right now was immense, and the atmosphere of the place wasn't helping either. "Hmm~... where could he be?"

"You have guts to show your face around these parts again, Roma."

"Oh~, there you are, Ryoken-kun!"

The four guards all shot their heads towards where the voice had come from and were shocked at what they saw, a child. A child who was leaning against the wall of one of the buildings across from them, a child who appeared to be around the age of thirteen or so that stared at them with his eyes unblinking.

He had a lean yet built body along with fair skin that was slightly pale and black eyes, having straight black hair that covered his right eye, his left eye staying exposed as it held a slightly emotionless look in it. His attire consisted of tight black pants along with metal tall white boots with black soles, also having a tight black t-shirt and metal black armguards that reached up to his wrists and just below his elbows.

This was none other than The Silent Devil. While they may be a child, their title and ranking as a ghoul were well earnt indeed. Just because he was a child, didn't mean that he couldn't be strong, as can be seen from everything that has been talked about him as well as the rumours that have been spreading about him over the time he had been known.

"You're lucky that I had spared you last time, why are you here? It better be for a good reason, or else." The boy said firmly, his emotionless eye unblinking, making it more intimidating. The four guards all stayed frozen as they held their breaths, Roma just giggling as she skipped a bit towards him and stopped a few meters away.

"I just wanted to see you, Ryoken-kun!" Roma shouted happily. In an instant, a long red tentacle coming from Ryoken's back had shot towards Roma and stopped a few centimetres in front of her face. She couldn't even react in time to it as she just stared at the kagune that was menacingly ready to cut her to pieces with rapid speeds. "Impressive as always!"

"What do you want? Hurry up, before I decide to make you mincemeat."

"Okay, okay! Calm down!" Roma said quickly as she waved both her hands in front of her face as the kagune retracted quickly back into Ryoken's back. He stared at her with crossed arms as the wind swayed his hair back and forth, though still covering his right eye. "I just wanted to come to tell you something that might interest you!"

"What would that be?" Ryoken asked with a calm and slightly monotone voice. He wasn't sure if he should seriously listen to her or not, he always found her as an annoyance ever since they met, which was one time, and she was really damn lucky he let her go with her life. Ryoken listened as she then explained.

"I heard some pretty interesting news from Uta that a new one-eyed ghoul is now working at Anteiku, and shows some potential. Sounds pretty fun, don't you think?!" Roma said with a cheer as Ryoken scoffed as he pushed himself off of the wall. He then responded. "Anteiku, isn't that, that cafe within the twentieth ward? Why should I care?"

"Well, because something pretty interesting is happening right now!" Roma cheered as Ryoken rose an eyebrow slightly as he heard this. He just waited for Roma to continue as the woman giggled. "From what he had told me, that ghoul was kidnapped and they are trying to save him. Uta is even helping, and that one group called Aogiri Tree is involved as well."

"If that's all, then you're wasting my time. It's not my problem..." Ryoken said as he turned and began to walk away. Though, he was soon stopped when he heard Roma say something else that made him narrow his eyes slightly. She said. "Oh, before you go though. I heard that the one that kidnapped him was... Yamori."


"Got your attention, did I?" Roma giggled as she skipped on next to him as she stared at his face from the side, she gave a smile as she saw his left eye narrowed ever so slightly. She giggled again as she walked a bit in front of him with both arms behind her back. "I know you want him to suffer, and I wouldn't mind watching such."

"... Hmph." Roma smirked as she saw him reach into his shirt and take out what appeared to be some kind of mask before placing it onto his face, his hair still covering his right eye as the mask was giving a very uneasy and intimidating aura. When Ryoken turned and faced the four clowns, they stiffened under the sight of the mask.

It was mainly white in colour with black lining the edges, his hair was still covering his right eye as a sharp fiery-shaped black eye design was on the mask where his left eye would usually be seen. It didn't seem that, that eye was actually cut out for his actual eye to be seen as it was just seemingly painted on, a fake eye per say.

"Very well, where is this taking place?"

"In the eleventh ward, sounds like a party is about to happen!"

"Whatever, I'll be going." Ryoken said simply before he started walking past the guards, Roma giggling as she watched him walk away. The clowns all falling to their bottoms as his intimidating aura consumed them, he then ran at incredibly fast speeds that caused ripples in the air. Disappearing quickly from the area as he made his way towards the eleventh ward.

Ryoken could currently be seen jumping from rooftop to rooftop at supersonic speeds and it didn't even seem like he was trying in the slightest, in fact, he held a bored expression on his face, though it was incredibly difficult to tell. He had entered the eleventh ward not too long ago and was now passing by a long road as he could see and hear explosions in the distance.

He could still smell the presence of Roma and her little crew a good distance away, though he could tell they were coming towards here as well. He continued running before looking up to see a row of windows that had shattered glass everywhere, there were also countless CCG members all around the area fighting against many ghouls, some stronger and some weaker than others.

He jumped down onto one of the lower buildings before bending his knees as soon as he landed, to which he then did a powerful jumped, cracking the ground in the process as he launched towards the huge building at rapid speed. He had moved so fast that the CCG members could only see a blur that couldn't be identified.

He had jumped right through the window and landed inside, he didn't stop as he continued running through the complex, heading straight towards his target. He could smell him, he could smell his scent! The scent of that torture freak that he wouldn't love more than to make suffer, not because he did anything to him, but because he just saw the man as a nuisance.

'There's also another scent... perhaps it's that captured ghoul that Roma told me about.' Ryoken thought to himself as the scent of another ghoul could be smelled, though the scent also seemed to hold a human scent as well. So, it was pretty obvious to him that he was picking up the scent of a hybrid.

It didn't take long before he arrived in front of a large pair of two metal doors, having easily slashed any ghouls or investigators that managed to get in that got in his way, and he doubted they could even make his appearance out before they were shredded by his kagune. He doubted they were any stronger than B-Class Ghouls and Rank 1 Investigators.

"Time to say hi to Jason..." Ryoken muttered with an eerily calm tone. He pushed both doors open as they made loud creaking sounds due to being dragged across the ground, and as soon as he opened it, the strong smell of blood invaded his nose. He didn't flinch at all as blood was a norm for this kind of world he lived in.

He walked in and stopped a bit in the large room as he looked around without turning his head at all, only shifting his eyes around and taking in everything he was seeing. The floor was checkered and the place seemed to be surrounded by a red crimson cage, a rather strange design for a room indeed.

He narrowed his eyes as he saw what appeared to be two figures battling it out at the centre of the room, he immediately recognised one of them to be Yamori, who seemed to have his shirt ripped off and was only wearing white pants and had his kakuja activated. Covering his entire right arm and partially his head with only his mouth and nose exposed.

The other figure in the room was whom Roma must have been talking about, the new one-eyed ghoul that Uta had told her about. The person appeared to be a few years older than him and had snow-white hair and was wearing a pair of ripped clothes, consisting of a black shirt and also white pants, both being very damaged as blood was present on the male's face.

"So, you're Yamori, huh?"

"H-Huh, who the hell are you?!" Yamori shouted as they both turned towards the source of the voice. Only to see Ryoken walking calmly towards them without a care in the world, though they were both unnerved as they looked at his mask, while it was a simple design, it did give an uneasy feeling. Scratch that, the kid had this whole uneasy aura about him.

Ryoken continued walking before stopping right beside the white-haired male, who stared down at him in confusion. Ryoken then looked up at the boy and told him this. "Get on out of here. Leave Yamori to me. I have always wanted to put him down once and for all, his damn fear-inducing has caused some ghouls to try and flee into my damn territory. So, get the hell out of here."

Ryoken ordered in a calm yet serious tone. The white-haired boy was going to say something, but stopped himself as he saw Ryoken's left eye staring at him seriously without blinking a single time. He just nodded before quickly running out as four tentacles similar to Ryoken's were on the boy's back as he ran.

"So, it's just you and me, Yamori."

"Damn you! It's your fault he's escaped now! I'll make sure to give you a painful death, you brat!" Yamori roared as he charged at Ryoken after raising his right arm, which was the one covered by his kagune, and swung it down towards him. You could tell the swing was probably strong enough to destroy a decently large building. "Die~!"


"Wha-!" Ryoken didn't even flinch as Yamori widened his eyes when Ryoken suddenly disappeared, only to see find himself planted on the ground after a powerful force was placed onto his back, making him crash to the ground with a grunt of pain. He turned his head up to see Ryoken having planted one of his legs atop of his back. "Y-You, brat! I swear I'll kil- gah~!"

"Silence." Ryoken said darkly as he formed one of his tentacles and stabbed it right through Yamori's left arm, nailing it down in place on the ground. Yamori gave powerful screams of pain as three more came out of his back, two having done the same to his legs as the fourth did the same with his right arm, easily piercing through Yamori's kagune. "What was it that you did? Oh, right... what is one thousand minus seven?"

"F-Fuck you! G-Gah~!"

"What is one thousand minus SEVEN." Ryoken emphasised as he stabbed a fifth tentacle into Yamori's right shoulder as he stomped down, most likely having broken the ghoul's ribcage in response. Yamori flailing and struggling to break free as Ryoken stared down at him with his usual calm demeanour, though a slightly darker look in his eyes. "I don't have all day..."

"N-N-N-Nine hundred a-and ninety th-three!" Yamori cried as he could feel the immense pain coursing through his body. He looked up at the child, who gave him a cold look that made his blood run cold. He could have sworn he recognised this kid from somewhere, but where?! "Wh-Who are you?!"

"Shut up. What's the next number?" Ryoken glared as he put more pressure onto Yamori's back as he formed a sixth tentacle that had morphed into a clawed hand that gripped Yamori's head and pressed it to the ground. Yamori was silent as he looked at Ryoken, causing the boy to apply great pressure down on Yamori's head. "What... is... next!"

"G-G-Gah~! I-It's n-n-nine h-hundred and e-eighty six!" Yamori cried as he could feel that his head was about to be crushed at any second if any more pressure were to be applied. He stared up at the kid's face before his hair seemed to blow out of the way, revealing a kakugan that had pulsating red veins that glowed through an eyehole on the right side of the mask. 'Hold on... that mask, that hair, that clothing... it can't be!'

A black and white mask...

Black hair covering the right eye...

Black and white clothing...

"Y-You're... You're The Silent Devil!"

"Well done, it seems you do have some sort of brain in that head of yours." Ryoken gave a small chuckle as he said this. Yamori had felt it... he felt fear after so long! The being that was currently pinning him down was THE Silent Devil, the one that no ghoul ever dared to go up against, except for those of the true stupidity! "Now, shall we continue..."


A couple of minutes later, Ryoken could now be seen sprinting through the complex. He had finished off Yamori not too long ago and was now satisfied with what he had done since coming here, and there wasn't exactly anything else here that interested him in the slightest. He was quickly making his way through it as he soon came into view of something.

He stopped his advance when he looked down from a flight of stairs towards what appeared to be a stand-still between three people, all being male from what he could tell. One appeared to be a CCG member and the other two were ghouls that wore purple cloaks and had on white masks with different designs painted on them in red.

'Impressive, that investigator is actually somewhat holding up against those two ghouls. If I had to say, they're probably S-Class or so...' Ryoken thought to himself as he looked down at the little battle that was occurring, a look of amusement slightly appearing on his face as he saw the investigator get knocked down, though he seemed to be able to hit them back just as hard. 'Whatever, time to get going.'

Ryoken turned and was about to leave, but stopped when he picked up an unusual scent. He shifted his gaze over towards a small water tower atop of the building he was now on, he could smell that the scent was coming from behind it. He narrowed his eyes as he saw something walking out from behind it, a humanoid figure.

"Ah~, a human. Tell me where this is, livestock!" The figure had demanded as Ryoken narrowed his eyes underneath his mask as his hair had been covering his right eye once again. He could tell this person didn't hold the scent of a human, nor a ghoul, but something completely different. But, what exactly were they then?


"Hey, I asked a question, livestock! Where am I?!" Ryoken didn't know what the heck this idiot was talking about calling him livestock, but he could tell this dude was already annoying the fuck out of him. In an instant, Ryoken suddenly disappeared before reappearing right in front of the person in an instant. "Wh-What the hell?!"

"You don't know who you're dealing with, do you?"

"Sh-Shut up, livestock!" Ryoken didn't even flinch in the slightest as he saw the ridiculously slow movements that the figure had, at least in his eyes and most likely others, as the person had sent a punch towards him. Ryoken having just blocked the punch with a simple raise of his arm as he hadn't shifted from the force even a single millimetre. "What?! You can't have blocked that so easily! Are you a vampire?!"

"Vampire? Is that what you are? Hmph, not the craziest thing I've ever heard." Ryoken scoffed as he crossed his arms. He didn't even react as he saw the vampire lunge at him, their sharp teeth on display ready to bite. He just allowed them to do so as he watched them bite down onto his neck. "What a pathetic bite, is your species really this weak?"

"Th-This can't be!" The vampire muttered in complete shock. The vampire backed away as he felt his two sharp teeth that he used to suck the blood of his victims with, the teeth now bent and cracked as there was no sign of them having been able to puncture through Ryoken's skin. "Just what are you?!"

"Hehehe~... you made a huge mistake coming into ghoul territory." Ryoken giving a small laugh as he glared at the vampire. The vampire widened his eyes when he saw something extend out from Ryoken's back, four sharp red tentacles with black platings and red pulsating veins, all four slithering calmly behind his back.

"What the..."

"Now, you shall pay the consequences." Ryoken stated firmly as the vampire soon recoiled back in fear as he saw something that caused his blood to run cold. He fell to his bottom as he stared up at the child who now had his kakugan on display as his hair moved out of the way, the red and black eye glaring down at the vampire with immeasurable blood lust.

"Wh-What are you...?"

"You're worst nightmare. I'm a ghoul."

In that instant, all the vampire could see was a flash of red as Ryoken cracked his middle finger using his thumb before he found all four of his limb completely sliced cleanly off. Ryoken slowly walked over to the downed vampire as said vampire couldn't produce a voice due to fear of the tentacles slithering behind Ryoken, he could only watch as the ghoul picked up one of his arms.

"You're a vampire, right? I wonder... what do you taste like?" The vampire could only gape as immense fear found its way to its face, even more so than ever before. The reason being that he saw Ryoken take bites out of his dislocated arm, seemingly unaffected by the fact that he was consuming flesh from the very same being that was alive in front of him.

The vampire was breathing heavily as it knew that it had royally fucked up, it could only remember having been taken to this city through some kind of portal of sorts. It knew there was something different about the blood it smelled of some of the people in the city, different from the humans, and... this was the cause? A ghoul? What the heck even was that?!

True, the vampire and its own species had taken humans back where he was from as pretty much as their prey, but this was not something he had seen. Vampires drank the blood of humans and such, but these ghouls actually ate the flesh a well! You wouldn't find a vampire doing that! And... it was honestly a terrifying sight when it was in tandem with the sight of Ryoken's kakugan.

"Wow, I have to admit. Your species taste incredible, better than even the taste of the humans and ghouls alike. Such an interesting flavour." Ryoken said as he wiped his mouth, traces of blood still on it as he had finished the vampire's entire arm. "Could be better, definitely could be better. But, good nonetheless."

"St-Stay back! Stay back, you monster!" The vampire cried out as he tried to crawl away with the limbs that were slowly regenerating over time. Ryoken didn't say anything as he just slowly walked up to the vampire as he had tried to crawl away, only to stop in fear when one of Ryoken's kagune stabbed itself in front of the vampire's face.

"You aren't leaving, bloodsucker. Your fate shall be painless and swift." Ryoken stated. The vampire couldn't say anything in response before he felt his head instantly get sliced off, the force having sent the head into the air, to which Ryoken used one of his kagune to swiftly slash the head to bits as blood splashed all over the ground.

Ryoken watched silently as the sound of explosions, gunshots, and clashing of ghouls can be heard from all around the area. He stared down at the unmoving body of the vampire, who showed no signs at all of movement. He scoffed as he could see the weakness of these creatures, and it was pathetic really.

"So, you vampires can't regenerate if your head is destroyed, huh? Pathetic..." Ryoken sighed. True, there were some ghouls that couldn't survive having their heads cut off, but there were still many that could regenerate them with ease. But, it seems that vampires couldn't do that at all as this vampire seemed to die instantly. Though, maybe the vampire was just too weak to do so, he didn't know. "Hm?"

As he was looking over the dead vampire's body, he noticed something strange happening right near him. He blinked as he saw that it appeared to be some kind of shift in the area next to him, almost as if the space there was altering. He was slightly surprised when he saw a blue and white portal suddenly appear in front of him.

'This scent... more vampires.' Ryoken thought to himself as he looked at the portal. He could smell the scents of many many more vampires as well as humans lying beyond, and he had the idea that this portal probably leads to another world. While it sounded absolutely crazy, anything could happen in this twisted and cruel world.

The idea of another world was crazy, they were things considered in a fictional sense, like in books and such. But, considering the fact that he had never ever seen something like a vampire, or even thought of one to exist, just helped give evidence to the fact that this portal could lead to another world filled with many more of them.

The scent of humans on the other side was the same as the ones here in his world, and it intrigued him to find out just what this other world may be like. His life here was pretty boring honestly, just having stayed living his life in the tenth ward where he constantly killed investigators and ghouls that entered into his territory from other wards.

"Hmm, could be interesting to find out where this goes..." Ryoken muttered to himself as his kagune returned into his back as his kakugan changed back into his normal eye as his hair covered his right eye again. He cracked his neck and middle finger before narrowing his eyes at the portal. "Alright, let's take a look!"

With that, Ryoken leapt into the portal with supersonic speeds.