I'm With You
by OceanGirl28

Disclaimer: I do not own any Harry Potter characters. They belong to J.K.
Rowling. I don't own the song either; it's Avril Lavigne's.

Summary: It's the night before graduation. Everyone's partying and getting
drunk from too much butterbeer, but there's one Gryffindor missing.why
isn't she having fun like everyone else? HG/HP

I'm standing on a bridge

I'm waiting in the dark

I thought that you'd be here by now


Hermione Granger walked outside on the Hogwarts grounds, lit by the stars. She didn't care if she got caught and in trouble. It was her last night at Hogwarts anyhow. They were graduating the next day. "I'm never going to be able to tell him how I feel." she thought to herself. "He would never like
me anyhow." she sighed. She had tried everything to try to get him to
notice her. She straightened her hair, learned how to play Quidditch,
didn't boss Ron or him around, and even some of her grades went down.


There's nothing but the rain

No footsteps on the ground

I'm listening but there's no sound


It started pouring. Hermione didn't care though. It would only conceal the
tears streaming down her star-lit face.


Isn't anyone trying to find me?

Won't somebody come take me home?


Harry Potter was tired of partying. Everyone else was drunk . . . he didn't think getting drunk for tomorrow was such a good idea, so he stayed away
from the butterbeer. Harry sighed, while staring out the window at the moon. Just then lighting struck, which startled him. He jumped away from the window hastily, but then heard rain pattering on the roof, and decided to look out the window again. Just then, he spotted a small figure walking
toward the bridge. "Hermione?!"


It's a damn cold night

Trying to figure out this life

Won't you take me by the hand

take me somewhere new

I don't know who you are

but I... I'm with you


Hermione stood on the bridge, staring out into the Hogwarts Lake. All of a
sudden she heard a crack which startled her. She turned around abruptly only to see Harry standing on a broken stick with an innocent look on his face. She had her hand over her heart. "You scared me." she said. "I - I'm sorry." he answered sincerely. "Why aren't you up partying with the other
Gryffindors?" she asked. "Why aren't you?" he replied.


I'm looking for a place

searching for a face

is anybody here I know


Hermione sighed. "You wouldn't understand." she said quietly. "Try me." Harry answered. Hermione sat on the edge of the bridge and sighed again.


Cause nothings going right

and everything's a mess

and no one likes to be alone


"I . . . I just don't want to graduate . . . that's all."


Isn't anyone tryin' to find me?

Won't somebody come take me home

it's a damn cold night


Harry laughed. "Normally, I would believe that . . . but something else's
bothering you . . . I can just . . . sense it."


Trying to figure out this life

Wont you take me by the hand

take me somewhere new


Hermione stared into his bright emerald eyes. "You can always see through
me, can't you Harry Potter??" she said jokingly.


I don't know who you are

but I... I'm with you


"What are you doing out here 'Mione? You're gonna catch a cold or
something! Now you wouldn't want to be sick for graduation, would you?"
Harry asked.


Oh why is everything so confusing

maybe I'm just out of my mind

yea yea yea


"Oh, I don't care." She replied sadly.


It's a damn cold night


"There's no way you can't care about graduating from Hogwarts Hermione! I
mean, this'll be the biggest day of our lives!" he replied in shock.


Trying to figure out this life


Hermione just shook her head. "There are more important things in life,


Won't you take me by the hand?


"Hermione?" Harry asked after an awkward silence. "What's wrong?" He gently
stroked her cheek, while pushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear.


Take me somewhere new


She closed her eyes. He was so soft and gentle. She loved him.


I don't know who you are


"Harry I - " she started to say, while pulling away from him.


But I... I'm with you


"Hermione, what's wrong?" he asked again, "Please, please tell me!" he
begged, "I can't stand to see you like this 'Mione! I lu - "


Take me by the hand

take me somewhere new

I don't know who you are

but I... I'm with you

I'm with you


"What did you say Harry?!" Hermione asked confusedly.

"Nothing." Harry answered embarrassingly.

"Did you say what I thought you said?"


"How do you know what I thought you said?"

"I - - I don't."

"Well then what did you say?"

"I - - I forgot."

"Harry, tell me the truth."

Harry gazed into her eyes.

She returned the gaze.

Right then, she knew what she thought was true.

"I love you to Harry." she said smiling.

He smiled back, and before she knew it, he had pulled her into her first
kiss. Their wet lips met into a tight lock . . . and that, was that.


Take me by the hand

take me somewhere new

I don't know who you are

but I... I'm with you

I'm with you

I'm with you...