All right here's a retake. Now first I would like to thank xJamesx70 who did a beta reading and two people (who I won't name for the sake of their privacy) who gave advice and some details in how is stuff done at base in the Army and the Marines. Additional advice is welcome from vets or others that did their homework is very much welcome. (Although both their MOS and unit are different from what i have, i hope i got some things right.)
As of this writing, I noticed that even my re-done prologue already has 15 favorites and 17 followers as of writing this. Thank you everyone those who had returned to me in spite of my stunt. And in turn, I'll provide you people with a quality story to the best of my abilities.
As a note, I retconned Lambert to a Staff Sergeant. I noticed that the work of SFCs, who are platoon sergeants (doing admin work on base) is gonna be hard for me to accurately portray and it'll be hard to characterize him and his relationship with the other guys as an NCO hanging with the junior enlisted is apparently a bad thing. (Fraternization). I could take some liberties off this but also the PSG is gonna be handling a lot of guys so I narrowed it down also to a squad for Lambert so I can at least have an easy start for this thing.
EDIT to the Prologue: I added the British. A quick re-read made me notice I missed them.
And how, here we go. Enjoy. :)
EDIT 2: Changed from Tara to Taya in this chapter. Fucked that one up and patched it.
EDIT 3: (Added on July 8) the lyrics of 'Hard Work' is removed.
Chapter 2: Calm Days
Fort Stewart, Georgia, United States of America
0630 Hours
April 8, 2022
The entirety of Bravo Company from 3rd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment did their daily morning PT just right after the formation and accountability just moments earlier in one of Fort Stewart's open roads under an early Georgia morning.
The COs, XOs, PL and guidon lead the way in the front while the first sergeant and the platoon sergeants are on the left with the junior enlisted in formation and squad and team leaders on the right. One such squad leader is Staff Sergeant Mitchell Lambert, a veteran for over 10 years that has seen quite a few of his own action In Iraq and Afghanistan and as well deployment in Europe like Germany, Poland and the Baltics as part of a rotation in deterrence to Russia and a deployment to South Korea as well.
As they ran on, they chanted a cadence, the sounds of their feet in sync to their jug.
After several minutes had passed, to which the company run opted to say silent one of Lambert's squad members, Specialist Anton Lebedev, a Russian-American spoke onto him. Normally this would be a shut up and run but a few quirks are allowed in.
"Good morning, Staff Sergeant."
Lambert never looked at him but he responded nonetheless. "Good morning Specialist. Enjoying the run so far?"
"I am." The Russian-American spoke.
"Well you better. This is gonna be a long while."
Lebedev chuckled. "Yeah. I can see that, Staff Sergeant.
The men continued to PT until about an hour before the junior enlisted went off to their barracks to wash, shave and poo with the NCOs going back to their own housing either within Stewart or just close outside of base to shower and change from PT onto their standard uniforms.
Fort Stewart Mess Hall
0830 Hours
One of Fort Stewart's mess hall are filled with soldiers of various MOS eating their breakfast and Army cooks doing their thing; either serving the men or cooking more food. At times there'd be civilians who are working with the enlisted on cooking the food. Voices can be heard from the varying groups of American soldiers who are chatting to their teammates.
As Lambert ate his breakfast; consisting primarily of hash browns, bacon and pancake with syrup and a glass of water, his friend and team leader Sergeant Tyrone Wilbur snickered at him. "Still eating the heavy shit, Staff Sergeant?" This caused Lambert to look up to Wilbur who was at first showing off a smirk. "We might need a PT to keep you in shape after that."
The Staff Sergeant then noticed that Wilbur's breakfast was simplistic with it consisting of bagel with cream cheese and a glass of orange juice. He then answered with a bit of mock enthusiasm. "Well I like my breakfast heavy as you know, Wilbur." Lambert playfully tapped his stomach. "I want it full! Just before the PSG or the Lt decides to smoke my ass for whatever reason they might have later in the day. And don't worry, even if I eat a lot I kinda tend to stay slim. Must be the fast metabolism."
"What? You enjoy this, Staff Sergeant?" An irked Corporal Steve Blackburn, one of the gunners in Lambert's team asked, gesturing to his plate with oatmeal and raisins.
"Well it's not like we had a choice in the matter. Should've just joined the Air Force if you want gourmet steaks 24/7."
"Didn't pass the ASVAB for the Air Force."
"Yeah i fucking figured you didn't pass for the Chair Force so now suck it Blackburn."
Laughter erupted from the table in this gesture and the soldiers continued to eat but it wasn't the end of it yet.
"Staff Sergeant?" Private Terrence Alvarez, a light skinned Hispanic spoke as it earned Lambert's attention. "Are you a sweet tooth or a savory?"
"Both but I'll be more on leaning sweet in the typical time but this is just one of the moments I opted for both hehe." Lambert then took a bite of a pancake and while he's chewing, he spoke. "Why?"
"Just ought to ask, Sir."
Lambert merely nodded on as a sign of affirmation and while they continued digging in, Specialist Luke Stebbins, a grenadier in the squad spoke up. "Staff Sergeant Lambert?"
Lambert looked at him as he first sipped his water before addressing him. "Yeah?"
"How was South Korea?"
"It was fine. I didn't meet any K-pop stars serving in the ROK Army though but their barbeque is good. Why ask?"
"Eh, my sister's been nagging me to take a photo of some boy band- BTS or whatever if we ever go to South Korea."
Lambert chuckled. "Well from where I see it we're likely to get back in Europe under Atlantic Resolve so she better get used to European guys."
Laughter echoed again lightly. Although this is more due to the good mood. Spirits were high and the troops in good morale.
And morale is very important to the troops.
"Staff Sergeant, what is your favorite Europe deployment so far?"
The questioner in this mind had been another of the privates, Private First Class Mark Jordan who served as the rifleman in Wilbur's team.
"That'll be Poland. Welcoming people and cute Polish girls and good food, environment is also good as well. Wish we were in ground to Belarus though."
Wilbur looked up at Lambert. "Staff Sergeant you're married."
"I know." Lambert nodded. "Just saying, man. What you think? Me cheating on my wife? How about I hit you when you couldn't even know the name of your own goddamn battalion one time?"
"Hey that was the first time! Want to strike back with that soda machine incident here just two years ago?"
"At least I got ass earlier than you!"
"Yeah? Screwing your class secretary in high school counts?"
"I'm no hopeless smut unlike you. Plus we used protection."
As the two men then began to trade insults and slurs, Specialist Luke Stebbins whispered onto one of his squad members, Corporal William Sykes who was watching the two trade insults lightly. "This happened frequently to them?"
Sykes didn't look at Stebbins but nodded. "Yeah it happens. All the time. Best buddies, also quite bashers to one another just like any good old best buddies in the military. You'll understand soon."
20 minutes later
Lambert took a drag of his cigarette outside the mess hall with him leaning just close to the door of the mess hall. It was still a break time and when there's a break, he would always come to take it to opportunity.
Because another moment of bullshit is probably bound to come for him.
A second later Wilbur emerged from the mess hall's door and noticed his squad leader simply smoking and casually starring up in the blue skies. Immediately the Sergeant spoke. "You okay, man?"
Lambert then looked up into Wilbur, cigar in his mouth as he took another drag before exhaling the smoke out. "Yeah, yeah I am. Was I zoning out?"
"No worries, I am fine."
Wilbur merely nodded. "All right." He then simply grew a grin to which Lambert was puzzled about. "Hey, we'll be on leave tomorrow for about the rest of the weekend. What you planning on doing?"
"Probably just stay here or fish at Clarks Hill Lake. You?"
Wilbur merely shrugged. "Just at home; watch Netflix and eat pizza."
"Not gonna go out fishing?
"Soon. Or maybe I will, I'll hit you a call."
"All righty then."
2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion Barracks, Camp Lejuene, North Carolina
1900 Hours
To any normal outside observers, the three story brick building would've resembled more of a house containing some of the weirdest and perhaps some of the most unique group of people on Earth. Something about like being in their habitat like where animals or beasts would reside.
And maybe the barracks of the 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, or really any of the barracks in Camp Lejeune counts as such. This is more because Marines that are either dressed or undressed were around doing their business like playing pranks, doing funny stuff or just mucking around. The Marines' reputation throughout history also helped to cement this view as well.
To some of 2nd LAR members, Corporals Paul Hernandez and Josh Lockett this was a familiar case.
Lockett was starring outside the window while Hernandez simply laid down. Their room was simply for the most with a pair of beds, a pair of computers that had printers. In between was a white board that had important details like time, names and to do lists. There was a sink and a refrigerator with a microwave on top, a pair of closets and a bathroom. The beds meanwhile had their own closets.
Not Air Force levels of accommodation, but the Marines were known to make do.
Lockett sighed as he rubbed his head. "Another day, same shit tomorrow in the Corps."
Hernandez meanwhile stood up and made way for a refrigerator as Lockett spoke to him. "Hernandez?"
The Hispanic Marine then pulled out a pair of bottle of beers, responding all the while. "Yeah?"
Lockett then turned around to notice Hernandez pulling out the beer bottles to which Lockett shared a grin. "Jesus Christ man, that shit again? That's gonna get you smoked in the morning when you can't get up at 0430."
Hernandez then walked up to Lockett, passing a bottle to him to which Lockett took. "Well, I am used to it anyways haha."
"Well whatever. Let's just not stain the room, don't wanna have the higher ups booting our asses you tracking?"
Hernandez nodded. "Yup."
The two Marines then clanked their beer bottles and each took a sip.
After the duo sipped their beers, they then spoke with Hernandez sighing. "Shit's still on my mind, man."
Lockett then turned into a concerned expression and immediately put his non-dormant hand on Hernandez's shoulder. "Yeah?"
"Yeah. It keeps going off whenever we pause. I wish I could work all day so I won't be dragged into it.."
With that the Hispanic let out a sigh as he then looked down on the floor, Lockett being silent and letting him continue "I miss my mom…. she went off too early, man. Tomorrow's her birthday and I'm not yet on leave to even visit her grave."
Lockett knew the pain of this. Flashbacks then went back to how Hernandez told Lockett that the former lost his mother in a car accident when he was only 19 years old and all the while he was still in school. He had been devastated since but who wouldn't? He had joined the Marines with the intention of making her late mother proud or simply find a way to distract him from it.
Of course in the end he was still bothered by it.
"Hey man, you need a trip to the MFLC?"
"Dunno ma-"
"Hey, Staff Sergeant Sullivan's a reasonable man. He could make an excuse for you."
"I'll just hold onto this for now."
Without a lack of better word to say, Lockett rode along. "All right, but remember the MFLC. Staff Sergeant's reasonable and you wouldn't be discharged for it."
Hernandez nodded and then took a bigger drink of his beer with Lockett following along. Once done, Lockett spoke again. "Hey man, whatever you do your mom's proud of you. I'm sure your old man and relatives are too. And remember that you got the squad as best friends."
Hernandez smiled at the gesture. "Thanks man."
Lockett then saw the initiative to make the mood lighter. "Now what are we waiting for? Let's get wasted!"
Hernandez then grinned at this. "But I thought you were worried for tomorrow."
"Eh it's still pretty early so we might as well drink and take it. Just a bottle then we fuck off all day."
"Roger that."
The drinking then continued on.
RM Poole Firing Range, United Kingdom
April 9, 2022
0700 Hours
Sergeant Andrew Thomas reloaded a full EMAG onto his L119A2's magwell as behind him, Colour Sergeant John Sloane watched on with Sergeants Anthony Hadleigh, Mikhail Petrenko, Warrant Officer 2nd Class Duncan Robinson and Captain Mike Haberfield all of whom had their eyes layed onto Thomas from behind using a raised platform. All of them are Special Boat Service members with deployments around the world, including classified incursions into Syria and Africa barring Thomas. The SBS operator in this case was wearing his full gear, including eye and ear protection and as well gloves, vest, helmet and even a holster for his P226.
While his rifle was indeed suppressed, a suppressor wouldn't necessarily dampen out the sound.
"All right Thomas." Haberfield started. "I know that you're new and all, being a Royal Marine prior and passing selection but let's get you up to speed shall we?"
Thomas then starred down onto the range, his rifle still in safe and the muzzle pointed down and finger off the trigger. His rifle was held down by his firing hand with a sling helping to make it secure on him. "Sure thing Cap."
"Anyways, got that rifle loaded?"
"Yes, Captain."
"Aim your rifle downrange."
With that Thomas instinctively flicked the safety of his rifle off and shouldered his rifle, aiming through the attached ACOG scope of his L119A2 while utilizing the angled foregrip. As then, a target popped up just above the firing range. "Now, shoot every target that pops out."
Without a verbal compliance, Thomas then aimed his rifle up and fired a shot, sending the target down. With this came up another target on the ground, to which Thomas quickly bought down the sights of his rifle into and firing again and again the target went down.
However he wasn't done yet as two targets simultaneously appeared far off. He quickly fired a shot at each targets, hitting them with precision and getting said targets down.
"Not a bad start." Haberfield said with impression in his tone as Thomas look behind onto Haberfield. "Certainly got that reflexes but let's say shit hits the fan for you and that several targets ended up popping at once. You ready?"
"All right."
Thomas then shifted back into the firing range. Then suddenly the first target appeared in the middle right of his view to which he shifted his carbine down to that and fired three shots, sending the target down. Another target then appeared, this time in the middle with Thomas again firing three shots again in quick succession and putting it down. A third target then appeared in the left of his view, again firing another three shots that put it down. A fourth target then surfaced onto the far left on the back of the firing range to which he shot off three rounds and hitting all before putting it down and lastly, another target just a bit right of it to which again another three shots were fired and putting it down lastly. This in turn had the veteran SBS personnel whistle in impression.
Then again a fifth target resurfaced in the center of his view to which he quickly turned his rifle with quick speed onto it and fired another three shots. Then again, another target resurfaced into the far left.
The shooting then continued on until his mag was depleted and then quickly switching to the P226 to hit two targets before holstering his sidearm. The SBS so far were impressed in his shooting.
"Nice job, mate!"
"Now come here and knife the watermelon below me."
Thomas then turned around from the firing range, first putting his rifle on safe as he did so. What appeared in front of him are bearded white men with varying eye colors, Petrenko in particular being the tallest. The men wore their Multicam shirts and pants but didn't have any gear unlike Thomas.
Thomas then pulled out a Gerber MK II knife from one of his pants' pockets and approached the watermelon placed on the table. He then flipped the knife, keeping a firm grip on it using the handle and then dashing it on the watermelon which in turn caused it to split up in two.
Haberfield took onto to comment on this. "Nice! Your fruit killing skills are remarkable!"
"And I thought Asians are only good in math and science."
Sloane shot Petrenko a look. "And Russians were good at poisoning people."
"Colour Sergeant, I'm British as you. I just happen to be from a Russian family. And no, I'm not FSB."
Sloane however looked into Hadleigh. "Probably an FSB spy. He might poison us, mate."
Hadleigh rode along. "Yeah, he might be."
"What is with you people and Slavs?"
Thomas didn't relent and joined in into the bickering. "At least I graduated from Cambridge."
Before anyone could comment on this, a voice then promptly silenced everything. "All right, all right. Stop this shit right now, gentlemen." The SBS operators quickly went silent as Haberfield then came down to Thomas' position before putting a hand onto Thomas' shoulder a second letter with Haberfield giving Thomas a look of confidence.
"Well, you seem to be a competent guy so far. Show up early, good shooting and quick reflexes."
Thomas nodded. "Thank you Captain. When do we get deployed?"
"Probably in a month or so. Afghan, Iraq, Syria. Who knows? Your South Korean butt might even see a deployment in Africa. But I suggest you don't get too eager there yet, man."
The new recruit nodded. "All right."
"And also Thomas?"
"Don't call the guys by rank. Just call 'em by my names, but you will refer to me as Captain Haberfield, Robinson by Warrant Officer and Colour Sergeants Sloane and Bingham by their ranks. Is that clear?"
Thomas let out a smile and nodded. "Understood, Captain Haberfield."
Haberfield then tapped Thomas' shoulder twice. "All right."
Naval Air Station Oceana, Virginia Beach,Virginia, United States of America
April 10, 2022
0900 Hours
"So, you ever made contact with her Burke? She in love or wants to have a coffee date with you?"
"Well dunno. She's quite chatty though and very much expressive to be when we call or webcam, that a sign?"
"Yeah. And if that means you can potentially get one."
"Well I'll see where this goes because our line of work is like requiring us to be very much radio silent."
"You told her that you a Navy SEAL like Chris Kyle did to Taya on the book?"
Petty Officer First Class Richard Burke shrugged his arms as he laid down onto his bunk, looking directly at Petty Officer First Class Dustin Recker who was wearing only his AOR1 pants and a shirt and shoes with a brown hair, brown thick beard and blue eyes. "Yeah." Burke on the other hand had blue eyes as well and blonde hair with a beard matching his hair color. Both are Caucasian.
Recker then opted to make way for the nearby fridge of their room to grab an energy drink, muttering something to Burke all the while. "Better not tell her you're Team Six yet otherwise Lieutenant Rorke will fuck you in the ass."
"Nope! Only told her that i'm US Navy SARC."
"Well good luck, you're a mini celeb now. Hopefully It won't spread around like a fire."
Burke nodded. "Well, I said SARC not Team Six so not too much on the OPSEC violation for now. Just hope that she can understand I wouldn't be talkative much due to our work."
"All right."
Almost immediately as if on cue the door of their room opened and Recker and Burke came to attention on the man who peeked inside. He too was wearing his AOR pants and a shirt. He had Caucasian features with black eyes, black hair and a beard. His body wasn't too buffy but he can pull a lot of weight.
Like most SEALs.
Lieutenant Christian Rorke then spoke up to the boys. "Recker, Burke- briefing room at 1300. Just ought to remind you two in person."
Both SEALs nodded. "Roger that Lieutenant. We deploying again?"
"Dunno. Commander Taggart just wants our asses there."
With that Rorke closed the door shut and left the two PO1s to themselves. Burke then promptly stretched his arms for a moment as he watched Recker drink his energy drink. "Any word from your Belarusian goddess?"
It took a second before Recker responded. "Oh Natalia? Well it's the usual she misses me and that she wishes me a safe way. She's going to Minsk to visit her babushka."
To which Recker in turn pulled out his iPhone 5 from his pants' pocket to look something of value. Lied in his phone's wallpaper is a Christmas photo taken in Minsk with a woman with fair skin, blue eyes and blonde hair. Their smiles were clearly bright as day there in the photo. "God, I miss her but someone's gotta make the enemy scared of the dark but I won't be NSWDG forever either."
"Visiting her babushka, eh? Say Reck, how's your visit to her babushka by the way again?"
"I was a bit pampered with the food haha. Pops was a bit ecastic and arrogant but I held my ground and then lightened up while I told him I was military. Brothers and cousin were borderline worshipping to me when I was back in my last years of Team Three and told them I was a SARC as well cuz OPSEC but eventually they got it right that i was a SEAL, not Team Six SEAL though. Turns out the bro was a 33rd Guards Spetsnaz Detachment dude. We arm wrestled and took onto some hunting in the woods. Still surprised that I wasn't turned over to the KGB there and accused of espionage."
"She singing Katyusha for you?" Burke then pulled out his phone, which is allowed if the SEALs were not doing anything for the day as long as no activities they were doing is posted on the internet.
"Well, yeah. Actually sang it once to me, only with alterations to match her American gold knight."
"And oh Reck?"
"A Belarusian Jody is probably there doing her right now."
Recker merely flipped Burke the finger as the latter simply chuckled in response.
Clarks Hill Lake, Georgia, United States of America
April 10, 2022
1200 Hours
"Two months in and the goddamn Army still hasn't payed me yet, goddamnit."
"That's the Army for ya, mate."
"Well… whatever. It'll be all worth it in the end."
The squad now with Lambert, team leaders Wilbur and Sergeant Downey Johnson, Corporals Steve Blackburn and William Sykes, Specialists Anton Lebedev and Luke Stebbins and PFCs Mark Jordan and Terrence Alvarez were sat down in front of a table using folding chairs alongside their respective girlfriends or wives with children that tagged along. Wilbur and Sykes were cooking the fish caught earlier by the squad and are now eating together.
Lambert had his hand over the hip of his wife, Maria and their daughter Amelia and son Alex.
"So daddy." Amelia looked over at his father who was chatting with Johnson. "When will you stay home for good?"
Lambert looked over his brunette haired daughter with a light smile. "I'm nearing there honey, just four more months."
"Four months?!" Amelia pouted out. "But I want my daddy and mommy together in home now!"
"I will, don't worry. Once that's done I'll be in our home together forever. Is that good enough for you?"
"Yes, daddy."
It was then Maria's turn to speak up. She had brunette hair and fair skin with black eyes. "So Mitchell, any idea that you'll be deployed somewhere or just stuck back in Stewart?"
Lambert merely shrug an arm as he picked up a nearby bottle of juice. He could have beer but today wasn't the place for it, or the mood for it.
"Probably still in Stewart or maybe get a word that we'll prep out to Europe." He then took a sip of his juice before continuing. "Germany or Poland again most likely. Could even be Bulgaria or Romania, depends."
Maria smiled at this gesture and then opted to take a shot. "You're not cheating on me are you Mitchell?"
Lambert raised his hands in a form of defense. "No, no! I wouldn't. I'm always a loyal guy, you can ask my prior exes to you."
Maria however laughed instead. "Just playing with you Mitch."
Lambert let out a smile and chuckle in turn. "Ok."
Meanwhile in the grill, Wilbur and Sykes were grilling the fish as smoke rose up above them from the grill.
"You better not be burning that shit, Sykes."
"No Tyrone I'm not." Sykes flipped the fish with a spatula. "This is some good Cajun cooking everyone's gonna experience."
"It better be good or I'll smoke you back at Stewart."
"Yes, Sergeant."
Eventually all is ready and then as team leader, Lambert decided to go off with tradition of being also the speaker. He made his way to the front of the table, in full sight of everyone. "All right, everybody. Now though I gotta admit that I'm bad with speeches so pardon me if I screwed anything up."
The adults laughed and so did the children.
"But I want to thank everyone in the squad and as well their relatives that managed to come for this important moment. Granted that most of them didn't see the kind that me and Wilbur and Johnson endured in Afghanistan a while back but in the time that we were in base or out in Europe, you're some of the most memorable men I've seen in the United States Army. To the new boys in the squad, I wish you all the best in your career in the Army and always remember that you got the American people supporting and thanking you for the work that you're doing."
Cheers and clapping were provided to Lambert by everyone.
"So, now let's eat!"
With that in the way, the squad and their partners and children began eating their lunch. It would be a memorable moment for everyone.
2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion Barracks, Camp Lejuene, North Carolina
1400 Hours
Song Playing:
Aaron Smith- Dancing (KRONO Remix)
Lockett and Hernandez with Staff Sergeant Jamie Sullivan and other Marines in his squad were cleaning their barracks. This is the product of having nothing much to do since II MEF isn't destined to anywhere major yet, or at least their unit is yet.
Because the situation is nothing but boredom and there was no COs looking around and Sullivan, being more than reasonable for a few antics has allowed for a few stuff to make the cleaning a bit more… energetic.
And here comes forth Private Lance Dalman deciding to mock dance as he mopped the floors with Lockett and Hernandez joining along, moving their hips left and right and making small moves to their legs as they did so.
Sullivan then decided to ride along and then goof off. In spite of being an NCO, he can use the joy of the recruits mucking around for a bit.
"ISIS needs to be wiped out once and for all. Delta knocking off Baghdadi ain't enough." Dalman muttered. "If only we're allowed on boots on the ground with a big force, we'd roll over those fuckers in an instant."
"Even then, some other fanatic ass group could rise and proclaim their mission to continue the scroll. That means occupation and the Army getting in, that is if the Syrians and the Russians agreed to allow a bigger force in. We're uninvited in Syria as it is right now." Sullivan answered as he moped the floor close to a door.
"We humans are blessed and cursed."
"You got that right Lockett. Where did you get that from anyways?" Sullivan looked at Lockett with a curious look.
"The book, Staff Sergeant."
Sullivan's expression then became puzzled. "What fuckin' book?" He then realized a thing. "Oh.. well. Fuckin' meme gamer."
Eventually after a few more hours the Marines had cleaned their barracks but the problem is that, boredom was still a thing with them so the Marines decided to be a bit more… creative.
Not long the Marines were now holding brooms. They were grouped in a hallway and then began to do a sweep of the room as if they were sweeping a building with their M4s.
Summers' Residence, Charlotte, North Carolina
0900 Hours
April 11, 2022
The sun brightly rose around the city of Charlotte and this home in particular is no different, but it does hold a family with a heritage for military service. The home was a simple two story building with it squeezed between two other houses. It has two garages which contained a Hummer and a Volvo. It had small walls that separate the home from the other homes with a decently sized swimming pool in the back.
Marine Raider Staff Sergeant Jackson Summers and his wife, Anna of Norwegian decent were slept in the room. Anna in particular was leaning onto Summers' chest.
Slowly, the Raider woke up and then began to move Anna gently away from his chest with Anna's head falling onto the bed's mattress. Summers then stood up and began stretching himself before going for a series of morning push-ups to start the day.
Anna eventually woke up and noticed her husband doing push ups. "Good morning Jackson."
Summers paused and looked at his wife with a smile. "Good morning Princess." Summers then proceeded to keep doing push ups with effortless efficiency, a product of Marine training.
Anna then mockingly pouted. "No kisses for me, my knight in shining armor?"
"Not now, Anna. Push ups in the morning first. I gotta be in shape!"
"I had a weird dream of Mitscher and Masterson barging in onto Overbeck's room doing his thing and then Mitscher threw up."
"Blake Overbeck the wildman and his daily routine no doubt disturbing the silent peace back then."
Anna and Summers chuckled at this gesture.
"Who's making breakfast by the way?"
"I am, Princess!"
"Oh well, suit yourself. What you have in mind?"
"The classic American."
Once Jackson's done with his pushups the wife and husband then darted off to their respective areas. Anna in the dining room, sitting and turning on the TV and Summers in the kitchen making breakfast.
Anna was tuned on the news. While she is totally aware and has her own suspicions of American media, which itself has been a topic of constant heat since Donald Trump was elected it was at least something to get a grip of what is happening and then from there she'll do her own research.
Jackson then laid down the breakfast of the day later on. Bacon and eggs, hot cups of coffee and chocolate with hashbrowns.
The duo then began eating as Anna began to talk. "Any word from your CO or other Raiders in your team?"
"Mitscher's in Louisiana on visit to his family and girlfriend. Overbeck probably doing his thing, you know what that is." Anna and Jackson then laughed. "And apparently we got a new boot being assigned to our MSOT tomorrow."
"A new Raider?" Anna then became curious. "Who?"
"Brady Coleman. Former 0311 and 2nd Marine Division. He's a corporal."
Anna then sighed, to which Jackson simply ignored. "Leaving again soon, Jackson?"
"Well, yeah. Such as life in the Raiders but at least we spent time together right?"
Anna smiled at the gesture. "Right."
The duo then continued to eat.
Meanwhile at 3-69 AR Barracks, Fort Stewart, Georgia,
"Staff Sergeant! Come look at this!"
Lambert then moved into the nearby TV set where fellow soldiers were watching a TV report. What is happening on the TV is best described as a mess.
A reporter was fanatically running away from what appeared to me medieval warriors, armed with bows, swords, spears and lancers while being supported by lancers. On every occassional glimpse in the sky would see a winged creature flying by.
"T-they're attacking! Medieval warriors that appeared through an unknown structure in Times Square! They're hurting civilians goddamnit! Where is the NYPD and National Guard!" A medieval looking cavalry soldier then came in full view of the camera with a lance pointed at him "Oh fu!"
And then with that the camera was dropped and in full view of one of the streets in New York are a group of medieval warriors in proper view.
It wouldn't be long before the alarms in Fort Stewart were ringing off. Although Georgia was a ways up from New York, the threat being displayed here justified such to the 3rd being alerted for any sudden threats.
How did I fare here? I decided to do this so I can flesh out some of my characters, both center protagonists (Lambert for the Army and Sullivan's team for the Marines being the deuteragonist) and some of the SOF guys more before the shooting-shooty one sided massacre amongst other things. Any suggestions on improving characterization or correcting me in military details is welcome.
And while this is not necessary, I ought to say this for my sake and some truth. I added a group of Marines under a light armored recon battalion cuz in the earlier installation I put out mechanized infantry doing reconnaissance… and reconnaissance in Army brigades are done by Cav Scouts, not guys in mechanized infantry units (I know this but I figured to say 'fuck it' just for the sake of having my characters do something outside. It'll be also an opportunity for me to give the Marines some representation.
The squad organization I got is from from although it states there Specialists are with the 249s when a top comment in Reddit (r/MilitaryPorn) said the 249s are manned by Privates to Corporals but I decided to go with Corporal. Any corrections here is appreciated. I also replaced the DMR featured there with an M4 because my guy told me that an M4 should be there, not a DMR.
I also seek to expand into other nations that are mentioned here. Anyone who did their homework in other of the mentioned NATO armies' in regards to SOP or how they do things, please let me know what they do. I wanna make my portrayal of them to have a shed of authenticity.
Sergeant Andrew Thomas, Staff Sergeant Jackson Summers, Corporals Blake Overbeck and Brady Coleman and Anna Summers are characters kindly provided to me by xJamesx70 so they belong to him and credits to him. Remember to leave a review if possible. Compliments, criticism, pointing out errors are welcome and so are questions and suggestions (to which will be addressed in a private message). Only rule of thumb is don't be a senseless asshole when writing down in the reviews.
Review response:
Coment9: Thank you for the correction.
Guest: Thank you for enjoying the first version of Trident Justice. This one you'll be in a treat as this is more refined and even better.
OPSEC: Operational Security
NSWDG: Naval Special Warfare Development Group. The official name for SEAL Team Six
CO: Commanding Officer
NCO: Non-Commissioned Officer
MFLC: Military & Family Life Counseling
MEF: Marine Expeditionary Force
PFC: Private First Class
MSOT: Marine Special Operations Team
ASVAB: Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
SARC: Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman