This is a drabble fic and it's UNEDITED. I'm just throwing that out there now because I know eventually someone will say something. I'm really excited to post this vampire drabble to get back into the fic world. I know I've been posting here and there but since I've started back up with school, I haven't had as much time. Now, I'm just going to make time because I miss Twilight fanfic so much.

This story was part of a poll in my facebook group (The Highlander Princess's Clan) and won. I originally was going to make it a one-shot but for some reason, that felt too intimidating. I'm taking a few courses over the summer (Yay! *sarcasm*) to lighten my load a bit in the fall. That being said, I'm going to be updating this fic daily until it's finished.

Please let me know what you think in the comments or you can just hit me up on Facebook. I'm always online because of online classes, so I'll definitely see your message. Lastly, I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. It's a crazy world right now.

1: Distressing Thoughts

As he peered at her limbs, his eyes saw white against white—they were entangled in the sheets as she laid in the darkness. Part of him wanted to grab the curtains and pull them open … just to see. She shied away from the sun. Whenever, he brought it up, she quickly dodged the subject. She liked to play with him like that. Since they met, they had only been together in darkness. Even now, he could taste the woods at night and feel the blood trickling down his neck. It had happened so fast and before he knew it, Edward felt like he had been spirited away.

His family had been different. Despite a childhood of being brought up on the occult, nothing prepared him for this. This was … too much. Bella was too much. As he watched her writhe in the sheets, he thought she could easily suck him dry if she wanted to. I shouldn't think things like that. He didn't know for sure … but he had a suspicion about her. It was something he didn't want to admit to himself. The girl who saved him a few weeks ago might not be a girl at all. Well, not a typical girl. Not one who had to breathe … or go out in the sunlight … or have to eat normal food …

Edward felt his back creak as he stood up and moved across the room. It had been weeks since the attack and his body still felt stiff and beaten. He was careful, though, as he sat down on the edge of the mattress and watched her sleep. Does she sleep, though? Maybe she's just pretending for my sake …

Her long brown hair covered her pale shoulders, causing her to look even more doll-like and porcelain. Here, she seemed fragile—almost breakable. But Edward knew that she was anything but. He wanted to pull her aside and study her. Maybe write endless research papers on her until someone believed his experience. He knew if he went back to the university now, no one would believe what happened to him. They would laugh and tease him about his creative imagination. No one would ever believe that he met—at least, he thought he met—a vampire.

Of course, he had never seen her drink blood … yet. Only recently had he grown suspicious. Well, only recently had he become really suspicious. That first night … just remembering it put his entire body on edge. Anxiety filled him as he remembered her yellow eyes staring into him. Even then, she had seemed otherworldly. With his attacker's blood speckled across her skin, she looked like she had fallen from the pages of one of his fantasy novels and onto his lap.

"How long are you going to stare?"

Her voice was a grumble as she kept her face pressed against her pillow.

"How long have you noticed?"

"Since you started." She shifted onto her back and smiled at the man as he reached up and adjusted his glasses before dropping his gaze. "It feels weird. I'm usually the one who's watching you."

"You watch me sleep?" Edward asked without looking at her. She could be intimidating when she wanted to be. He didn't know if it was her reddening eyes or her pale, naked skin or her rose-colored nipples, but he bring himself to look at her.

He heard her laugh before answering.

"I think you're fascinating."

"Fascinating." He shook his head. "I could say the same about you."

"You think I'm fascinating?"

"You're … different."

"What? You're not used to girls saving your life?"

"It's not that …" he trailed off again, feeling his cheeks flame. "I'm not used to girls being so nocturnal … or have such weird eating habits …"

She ignored him and reached out, grabbing his wrist before pulling him on top of her. He felt his eyelids droop. He had been avoiding sleep. If he closed his eyes, he would remember that night—the moments right before she saved him. His heart slammed against bone as he thought about it. The knife digging into his flesh … sharp teeth … and the smell … God, the smell … so putrid he could never forget … or the way his blood gushed from his vein … and then yellow eyes and darkness. The darkness was the part that scared him the most—lost memories which he feared would never be returned to him.