A small ten year old girl's fists tightened around the metal barrier set up by the police. Fifteen minutes before, the little family were strolling till they heard screams coming from a burning fire caused by a pyro-villain. The man and woman left their child in the hands of police to run to the scene to help with any burnt and hurt civilians. Katrina could feel her heart beat faster when more chaos ensued. The pyro-villain came around with another villain who could transform into an ox. In order to protect the civilians, Katrina's father, with his health regeneration, blocked each blow coming from the raging ox. Katrina couldn't look away but she very much wanted to. She couldn't believe her eyes seeing the ox who was persistent on harming someone who wanted to help people. Katrina's father, Yota, didn't have abnormal human strength. He couldn't keep holding onto the ox's horns and push it away but he knew he could keep its sights on him while his wife take care of the civilians. Other pro-heroes were doing the same on evacuating the hurt civilians. Without feeling it, Katrina already had tears well up in her eyes. When she tried to call out to her dad, it seemed her voice was unheard and died out.
"Yota! All of the civilians-."
Behind Katrina's mother, Aimi, was a villain who had spears for arms. Katrina's voice sounded strangled but it came out, "M-mom!"
Blood dripped out of her mother's mouth. Her grey eyes looked across the scene seeing her daughter openly crying. These were times she wished she could hear her mother's words with sensitive hearing. Katrina felt heavy hands gripping her biceps as she unknowingly tried to get over the barrier and into the scene.
"Make sure the girl doesn't get to the scene! It's still dangerous here!"
Yota tried to use his non-existent strength to push the ox's horns away but his muscles grew weak and caused him to falter. He tried to move fast enough but muscle strain caused him to freeze. The ox blew air threw his nose and ram straight through the man. Katrina called out while trying to fight to get out of the police and some pro-hero's grip, "Daddy!"
The ox horn removed its pointed end from the severely injured man. Katrina already felt it in her gut both of her parents were gone. The pyo-villain broadcast his will, "We will take down any and every hero no matter what the cost. One by one! Heroes shall perish."
Katrina felt her legs fall weak and dropped to the ground. Tears flowed down soaking her sundress her mother picked out for her that morning.
Katrina rubbed the creases out of her forehead. She hadn't had that nightmare in a while. It was a quiet morning so far. Her foster parents headed out to work meaning she is stuck here with her foster brother.
Katrina moved herself to the edge of her bed. She let out a large breath to help calm her racing heart. A ten year old boy busted open her bedroom door, "I need you to take this away."
He held out his gashed hand. Blood started to drip onto the carpet. Katrina's eyes widened. It would be wrong for her to let him continue to bleed. She rushed to the boy grabbing his wrist. She would scold him for being so reckless but she knew it was on purpose and he would whine to his parents about her scolding. At a young age, she had to learn about the human body and where can wounds be placed on herself without harming her much. Katrina's eyes watched the deep gash disappear on the boy's hand and onto her forearm. Her jaw clenched at the pain. The boy saw his hand was 100% healed and now that his foster sister was dripping. The boy's lips turned into a cruel smile, "You better clean up this mess or I'll tell mom and you know how she gets."
Katrina's lips turned into a firm line after the boy skipped away whistling. Her free hand added pressure to her wound. She hissed heading to the bathroom for the first aid kit. There, she cleaned up the wound and gave a proper dressing before having to clean up the blood. It would be a bit before her health regeneration would kick in. Katrina dressed in her middle school uniform. She would change out of it once she got to U.A's school grounds. Today was the day for testing to enter the new upcoming class. Luckily, her foster mother had a prearranged pick up for her son by a friend's mother so she didn't have to worry about taking him to his school. The auburn haired girl ran out of her foster home in hopes to get there early to change.
Katrina sat uncomfortable in her seat as she listened to the instructions. She thought maybe she should of went to the support class testing. Katrina glanced down at her hidden wrapped arm. She flexed her fingers to open and close. If she could get a hold of a teacher, maybe she could talk to them to get her into the support testing site. Sure, she wanted to be a hero. A hero who can save people just by touch.
A voice caught her attention as they whispered towards her, "Hey, don't worry you'll do fine. It'll go by so quickly and before you know it you'll have your response to your entry."
Katrina glanced slightly to the owner of the voice. He wore a big grin on his face. He held up a pair of thumbs up. Katrina turned away slightly unsure how to answer, "I... eh... Japanese is bad."
The boy's light blue brows raised, "O-oh! You are learning Japanese?"
Katrina's lips went into a firm line. She wished her parents spoke more Japanese when she was younger. It didn't help they wanted to hold onto the American dream and didn't want their daughter to be ridiculed for knowing another language other than English. She only knew what her foster brother and her foster mother is saying due to key words and the responses after what they said. The light blue haired boy rubbed the back of his neck. A smile still etched on his face, "Well... This will be difficult as I don't know English that well... I hope you understand this then, good luck! I hope the best for both of us."
Katrina studied the boy's body language before coming to terms on a guess of what he said. She nodded.
Heavy breaths left the auburn haired girl. She was not used to this much exertion. Her hands rested against her knees. She tried to catch her breath. The timer went off a few seconds ago. Those around her were trying to catch their breaths at the amount of robots to take down. Cuts and scrapes were littered across her arms and legs. She wasn't able to take down any of the bigger robots but she tried her best with the smaller ones. Other than that, she tried to heal those who really needed it as she was coming by. If she were to lift up her shirt, there would be bruises littered all over her torso.
She hoped by the time she got home, her foster mother wouldn't try anything. Her body really wouldn't be able to take it if so. The practical exam was the day after this so those prospective candidates can rest up and have their mind be fresh. Katrina didn't come across the light blue haired boy again. She let out a breath of relief. It would've forced her to speak with him with her broken Japanese. There were times she wished her parents didn't care for the 'American Dream' or what others thought of their household. She really wished her parents spoke Japanese at home and have her speak English in school.
By the time the candidates were released to head home, she took her time in changing into her school uniform. Light cuts and bruising littered across her body.
"Hey girl."
Katrina didn't know it was her they were trying to talk to. A clear of throat finally got her attention. Katrina saw a short older woman wearing a medical coat. Katrina licked her lips. The woman curled her index finger to gesture for Katrina to follow her. Katrina looked around seeing other girls were talking and finishing up. The short woman started to walk away. She piped up in English, "You better hurry, girl."
Katrina's eyes widened. Quickly, Katrina pulled her backpack on her shoulder and fell behind the older woman. Katrina rubbed her neck in nervousness, "You speak English?"
The older woman guided Katrina into the school campus to her office. She answered, "Of course especially if you need to help other heroes or citizens who do not speak Japanese. English is very common."
The woman gestured to the bed, "Sit and take off your jacket."
Katrina's brows knitted together as she did what she was told, "I do not understand."
The woman gently took hold of Katrina's arms. Her eyes studied the different bruises and cuts. The elderly woman explained, "If you haven't noticed, I am in the medical field. Judging by how you do not know me as I'm known in Japan, you're a foreigner. Name's Recovery Girl."
Eyes widening, Katrina remembered her mother telling her about a healing hero back in Japan.
Aimi held her daughter in her arms. The mother rocked side to side on the porch. Earlier in the day some kid told Katrina her quirk was worthless and it wouldn't do much other than being a nurse. Katrina had hopes in becoming a hero or at least a support hero. When Aimi got home with Katrina, she knew something was wrong. Katrina wasn't her usual cheerful self. Occasionally the mother heard her daughter sniffle but by the time Aimi looked over Katrina quickly wiped away any evidence. When Yota mentioned the word 'hero' that was when Katrina started tearing up. Yota felt horrible and didn't know what was going on. Aimi told her husband she would console and talk to their daughter. Aimi glanced down at her daughter who held onto her mother tightly. Katrina buried her face into the crook of her mother's neck.
Aimi asked quietly, "Are you ready to tell me now about what happened back there?"
Katrina sniffled. Aimi felt a tiny nod in her neck. Katrina spoke softly, "Someone said my quirk was stupid and worthless. It wouldn't be great in the hero world and I only should be a nurse."
Aimi briefly paused in her rocking before she continued her rocking. Aimi rubbed her daughter's back. Aimi rested her cheek ontop of Katrina's head, "Well you listen to me Katrina. Listen very closely. Back home in Japan as I was growing up, there was a remarkable hero. Her name was the Youthful Heroine: Recovery Girl. Her quirk was healing people just like yours. Instead of touching them like you can, she gives them a kiss and in a while you'd be healed. She defied the odds and worked hard where she is today. One day whenever we go visit Japan, I'll see if we can go meet her. I think she would love you."
Katrina pulled away from her mother slowly, "Really?"
Aimi smiled, "Of course, Katrina. You know you two are very similar not just by quirk standards. She is also a very sweet woman, caring too. Of course those are two of many qualifications you must have to be a hero as well as a healing hero. Now let's head inside. I'm sure your father feels horrible for making you cry. Go give him a big hug to make him feel better. He can be your first patient. Make him happy and smiling."
The five year old sat up straight with a nod. Immediately, Aimi heard her daughter's footsteps and calls towards her husband. Aimi chuckled.
Katrina didn't realize Recovery Girl already gave a couple kisses to her wounds. It made her feel tired. Katrina let out a yawn, "My mother talked about you when I was younger."
Recovery Girl raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"
Katrina rubbed the back of her neck once more, "Yes, she said we have similar quirks. I can take away someone's pain and or wounds and place them onto me. I can put them in a spot where it wouldn't be too harmful to my body. My health regeneration isn't all too great so I try to break up the wounds when placing them on me."
Recovery Girl rubbed her chin, "Interesting."
The nurse of U.A. clapped her hands together, "Alright, I'm done here. Get your jacket and head on home. Get some sleep."
Katrina nodded pulling her jacket on. Once the girl left, Recovery Girl pursed her lips in thought, "All that child needs is health regeneration pills then she would go places at least in the support division."
Recovery Girl grabbed her cane and headed out for the evening, "That'll be a later thought."