It was a sunny Saturday morning, light breeze in the air and some clouds in the sky lazily passing along the sky. Not wanting to waste the day at home, Inko decided to take her son out for an adventure day. The mother and son had been walking around their city enjoying their small adventure, they would occasionally do some window shopping and pop into a store if they wanted to. When the duo were making their trip they noticed a mass of people in the plaza area, deciding to investigate it, they entered the plaza area to see what was happening.

When they entered the area they saw a tent with balloons set up along with it, next to the stands was a life size cut out of the pro hero All Might. Izuku seeing this rushed over to the stand wanting to see what they were doing or showing, inko following close behind not wanting to lose sight of him.


The announcer spoke loudly to the crowd, next to him was a spinning lottery box that was colored yellow, blue, red and white. A man had gone up to the announcer and gave him some money to play the game, spinning it rapidly the man waited for the ball to pop out. When it stopped spinning a yellow ball had popped out, grabbing it the announcer spoke again "Ohh sorry their sir but it seems you didn't win the grand prize." Hearing the news the man deflated a bit, "But you did win a T-Shirt!" the announcer said, giving the man a T-shirt with the words "PLUS ULTRA!" sprawled across it in bold text, smiling a bit the man took his prize and left the stand.

"You see everyone here leaves a winner! Remember you have the chance in winning exclusive prizes here and nowhere else like a T-shirt, keychain, an exclusive All Might figure, but the grand prize is THIS!" The announcer spoke with flourish as he pulled out five tickets. "The grand prize is five tickets to the famous hero themed amusement park all expenses paid!" Izuku lit up with excitement looking at his mother for permission to play. Looking at her son she nodded in agreement, smiling Izuku hugged his mother before heading straight to the announcer. Digging into his pockets and hoping he had the right amount to play, he was relieved to find out he did. He gave the announcer the money and approached the spinning lottery, giving out a small prayer he spun it.


Letting go of the handle, Izuku waited, the lotto slowly came to a halt then a white ball popped out, taking it from the tray the announcer spoke again. "Ohh sorry their green bean you didn't get the big one, but you do get an All might key chain." The announcer gave Izuku a keychain shaped like a miniature version of All Might doing a smash pose. Taking the prize Izuku walked back to his mom. Inko seeing how sad her son was at losing decide to try and cheer him up. "Wait for me here." Nodding Izuku saw his mom approach the announcer and gave him the necessary amount to play and spun the lotto with gusto. "I can hope to win the figure at least." Inko thought to herself. Izuku waiting at the sideline crossing both of his fingers for luck, not noticing his floating companions doing the same.

"LET'S SEE IF MAMA GREEN BEAN CAN WIN THE GOLDEN PRIZE!" the announcer spoke out loud to the crowd.

Stopping from spinning the machine Inko waited for it to come to a halt, the lotto slowly came to a halt before a metallic golden ball popped out from it. The announcer looked at the ball with a slack jaw expression. Finally gaining his composer before speaking again "I GUESS I MAY HAVE JINXED MY SELF BECAUSE MAMA GREEN BEAN WON THE GRAND PRIZE" The announcer spoke, the crowd cheering for Inko, Izuku himself was jumping up and down in joy. Inko surprised herself took the tickets from the announcer before walking to her son again. "I guess we just need to plan the day that we go don't we" Inko said looking at her son who was smiling up at her. "YES, can we invite kacchan and his parents to come with us?" Izuku said, Inko remembering that there were an extra three tickets. "I don't see why not, I'm sure that they would like to join us." Inko said still surprised that she had won the prize.

"Why don't we go meet them now and see when we can set up a date" Inko said, nodding along followed his mother. The mother and son left the plaza and began walking to the Bakugou residence. After their small stroll to their friend's house, knocking on the door they waited for a response. They heard a muffled voice behind the door. "Coming" then seeing Mitsuki open the door.

Mitsuki seeing it was her best friend and her son smiled at them "Not that I don't like seeing you two here but what's up with the small visit. I didn't forget anything that we had planned, did I?" Mitsuki asked, standing to the side she gestured to the duo into her home, they entered the living room where they saw the other members of the Bakugou there. Katsuki was sitting in front of the tv with a video game console playing a fighting game, while his father Masaru was sitting at the couch reading the newspaper.

"We have guests" Mitsuki said as she entered the living room after Inko and Izuku.

Katsuki looking away from the TV waved Izuku over while getting another controller so that he could play too. Izuku nodded and went over to sit next to his friend while looking at the character roster. Masaru looked up from his news paper and greeted Inko with a smile. "Hello Inko, it's a pleasure to see you and Izuku to come visit us." Masaru said as he folded his newspaper and put it on the coffee table. "The pleasures mine, Izuku and I just finished going out today and wanted to visit you to ask you a question." Inko said as she sat next to her friend on the couch. "Question about what?" Mitsuki asked as she took a sip of her tea.

Inko began telling the parents about the small lottery that had been going down in the plaza where they lived. She told them that the grand prize was an expense paid trip to an amusement park that's hero themed, and that she had won the tickets herself. "The prize was five tickets, Izuku and I plan on going but since we have three left, we thought if you would like to go with us." Inko finished looking at blond duo gauging for a reaction. Mitsuki and her husband looked at each other, having a silent conversation with one another before they both came to a silent agreement together. "We would love too and thank you again for inviting us, how does the next coming up Saturday sound." Masaru asked. "That works out fine since I don't have anything planned then." Inko said.

"YES!" the parents looked over to the children that were sitting in front of the TV, seeing that they were fumbling with their controllers to un-pause the game. Mitsuki and Masaru smiled at their son, "Well be taking that as a yes for Katsuki as well." Masaru said seeing his son with his friend Izuku playing their game together. The adults continued talking with one another while the kids played together.

Secret hide out…

A single light bulb beamed down on a single table in dark room, the table itself held several items holding pictures and maps. Next to the table were a small group of people talking with one another. One of occupants of the room was looking over the tables content of softly murmuring to himself. Across the table were his two companions, both were talking with each other boasting on who would perform better. "Would you two shut up and focus." The man looking over the table asked, looking at the people across from him. The two people that were talking stopped before responding to him. "Come on Haruka lighten up won't you, it's a simple job nothing to get your panties in a bunch." Replied a lazy female voice. The man now identified as Haruka stood a tall 6.3 with a strong build with dull grey eyes and a shaved head, giving out a tired sigh.

"Our pay is determined if we do well, so if we don't succeed then we come out empty handed, with the possibility of getting thrown into jail." Pointing at the contents of the table again he spoke. "Our client wants us to hold our end of the deal, which we should plan on upholding." Haruka spoke. "It's a simple job nothing to worry about, with the other grunts working in on this then it'll be a piece of cake." Another man spoke out.

"This isn't our normal type of clients that we usually get, he's the big one in the underground, and from what I've heard about him I don't want to be on his bad side." Shooting a sharp glare at his more robust companion Kurou. The man stood at a decent 5.10 with a lumber jack build, with a big belly and thick arms, the man looked like your average bodyguard. "If your so worried about this operation why don't we just go over the plans again." The female companion spoke again. "I will, we don't need this to go up in flames, plus with the pay that the client is dishing out then it will be worth our wiles." Haruka began walking around the table pointed at four locations on the map. "For starters were going to have the grunts work the security thin so they won't be much resistance, when their keeping security busy well be sitting up for the bigger surprises." Pointing at a picture of a Ferris wheel and roller coaster. "Why does the big guy want us to attack an amusement park, doesn't really make sense, a mall would have been a better choice." Kurou said with a snicker. "The main reason why we must do this flawlessly is supposedly that All Might is supposed to make a surprise visit there, but the big guy said not to worry since he's hired other people to keep him busy. That's why we need to hit these targets then bust out before the so-called symbol of peace gets there."

Looking at his companions again he could see that they were surprised to hear about the symbol of peace would be there. "So, if everything goes to plan, we can ditch the place and get the money and lay low." Seeing that his companions were more serious about the situation he continued. "While the grunts work the security system you will keep any interfering people at bay, while Yaeko keeps us protected from any unwanted attacks." Kurou said. "So, when is this going down exactly" Yaeko asked. "This coming up Saturday, during that gap well be preparing ourselves for the operation am I clear." His companions nodded at him, smiling at them they went over the other details of the plan together.

Another disclosed location

A man in a business suit could be seen sitting in the center of the room, tubes could be seen coming from his person into the ground. In front of him a black mist formed taking shape of an individual wearing a bartender's uniform, but no face could be seen except for the glowing yellow eyes. The misty individual spoke to the sitting person in front of them. "The preparations have been set, the multiple parties have been informed of their objectives and times they need to initiate." Spoke the misty person. A small hum could be heard from the individual. "I'm assuming that all party members know their objectives as well." Standing straight up again the misty person spoke again "Yes they have been given their prime objectives for their part of the plan.

"I trust that you know what to do to these people that we hired fail and are captured in the event that they fail." The sitting individual asked. "To take them to our "facility" where they can contribute to your plans even if they fail." Nodding to his answers he spoke again "good that is all for now Kurogiri" with another bow, Kurogiri left his masters presence. "You may think that you've finished me off all those years ago, but you didn't, you've left me damaged yes but I know I did the same for you. Let this small operation be a small reminder that you're not the same symbol of peace that you make yourself out to be." With that the individual resided back into himself, the only thing that could be heard was his breathing as he waited.

Hello everyone, it feels like a month since I have last written this but its only been about a week but I'm glad to update this. So a few things about this, I really don't know how to feel about this chapter, maybe I'm missing something since I feel like I could have done better in some way but it hasn't slapped me in the face just yet… Other than that, I thought I would take a reviewer's suggestion and have All Might see young Izuku, just a small seed to plant in the future if you catch my drift.

Other then that small tidbit I hope this story is enjoyable for all of you that are reading, I'm a broken record but leave a review if you can, they do help out a bunch and I've gotten some solid ideas for the story from them. Other then that see you next time.

Oh, and a small favor you do not need to if you want but I thought I would ask. If you can tell me what you think on how I've been writing my stories lately, what I mean is that the first two chapters had the a structure while the two (including this one} have been free form. The first two chapters have an "essay structure" to them, while the others after them have been a vague idea of a chapter and writing and seeing where it goes. Like I said its just a suggestion, but I would like to see what every one says, so if you would like just read either chapter 1 or 2, and compare it against chapters 3 and 4. But like I said a small suggestion.

Goodbye, Take Care.