Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY and FFVII remake they are the rightful property of Rooster Teeth and Square Enix.
Italics are thoughts
Bold and Italics are flashbacks
**Communications through tech devices
Chapter 10 Mad Dash
(Location: Weapon's stash Warehouse Sector 7 slums Midgar Planet Gaia)
Ruby gave a soft sigh as she finished up organizing the weapons. Even for her she couldn't believe she was able to make so many in weeks. The petite was so happy after having her first official Avalanche meeting. She and Jaune were in on the whole thing to how the group do things. They have also being brief of their next mission. Barret finally spoke that their next target will be Makot Reactor 5. After a victory destroying Mako Reactor 1 they will be taking the next one on the list. The maps the Arc have given helped a lot laying the structure of the reactors. Making things less difficult for the group. Guess it was enough to proved she and the blond were on their side and to get on the leader's good side. After the meeting they celebrated with some drinks, pinball and darts. Turns out she was better at darts than at pinball breaking Wedge's record who was on the top list.
Unfortunately she couldn't said the same for Jaune who was bad at it. It was no wonder he didn't had a gun for a weapon. Not a single dart made it to the board making her feel sorry for the blond. It made her feel so happy to spent time with them, laughing and telling past stories of their missions. It was a year since Avalanche was formed and apparently the victory at Mako Reactor 1 was their first solid victory over Shinra. Before that mission they were usually doing scouting missions, keeping an eye on any of the power company's cargo drops. It sounded boring and not like they were doing much. It will explained why they were so happy after returning to Sector 7 with a mission success over one of the mako reactors. Good thing and Jaune ran into them when they were there. Almost felt like it was fate. The petite's silver eyes narrowed fate, sounds like it was the work of the Whispers.
They really are the arbiters of fate, controlling everything that was happening. Destiny wanted them to meet Avalanche and join them. Better forget about it before she gets angry then again, she was kinda in a bad mood already. During the celebration Ruby noticed Jessie stealing glances at Jaune, winking at him as usual and attempting to put her around him. Such things made the Arc feel nervous and insecure obviously he didn't like it. At least that's what believes because his cheeks were getting red, not a good sign. The silver eyed Huntress groaned why was this bothering her in the first place. It shouldn't, but it was. The brunette so mushy with the blond was annoying to her. The reaper kept her cool not wanting to end up making a mistake by dropping one of her baby creations. No more thinking about it because her temper will flare and that will be a very rare occasion. Unless if it's Cinder that would really makes her blood boiled.
She will remain calm and forget that happened. A smile spread her lips staring at the weapons she made truly proud of her new babies. But none of them will ever replace Crescent Rose it her one and only weapon that will remain a masterpiece in her eyes. The only thing left to do is work on a few minor details before all will be ready. She work on those after getting back. Jessie wanted them to join her to a trip to her mother's house which it was very sweet of her. Though truthfully she wanted to go to keep an eye on Jaune and make sure the brunette doesn't do anything to him. A loud knock interrupted her thoughts coming from the steel door at the end. Ruby used the chain to closed the door to the big stash the weapons will be a surprise when she returns. The petite went to the door after the third knock someone was being a little inpatient. The Huntress didn't said a word she just answered the door only to see a familiar face.
"Tifa, hey!"
"Did I come at a bad time?"
"Nah. I was about to head out."
"It is a little late. I was having a hard time if I should drop by."
"You're here now, let's go" the petite smiled putting the lock on the door closing the warehouse.
They started walking together while Ruby was feeling conflicted. Honestly she wasn't expecting to meet the brawler because it won't be long before they go with Jessie and the others. Biggs and Wedge will be coming along with Cloud and of course Jaune. It was the Arc who told her that he learned from the brunette it's supposed to be a secret mission that not even Barret must know. This got her attention something that needed to be kept from the Avalanche leader, must be that personal. Tifa counts too so she couldn't tell her and she hated keeping secrets after learning her lesson with General Ironwood. Not to mention she didn't like to stay quiet for too long specially when he was with a good friend. The brawler has become close to her during the couple of weeks. Making it harder to keep the information from her. Maybe she can find a way around it. Something did got her attention that it was worth mentioning. If it overlooks the secret mission.
"You don't want to go to the mission, do you?"
Tifa turned to the silver eyed girl giving a soft nod. She did talked it over with Cloud and he understood her. But she was still bothered. Usually she wouldn't get involve because while the others were gone she's the one to look after Marlene. But Marle volunteered to take care of the little girl because Barret wanted her on this mission. The dark skinned leader had a strong feeling Shinra will be well prepare this time after the destruction of Mako Reactor 1. There's no way they will risk another reactor. They could be planning an ambush this time as to be expected.
"I don't. But I have a duty to fulfill, I am a member of Avalanche after all."
"You can't back down?"
"No. Barret wants me on this mission. It's time I do my part for the cause. Chances are very high this one won't be as easy as the last mission. He's being very cautious and he should be for obvious reasons. It's better to have more members in the group ready to help just in case it gets too dangerous. I know I'm not into destroying things and innocent people getting involved. But we all knew what we signed in for. Destruction and people losing their lives is part of the cause. Anything to save the planet. For the sake that there won't be any more meaningless deaths" her brown eyes softened remembering the tragedy that befell her home town it was all done by a SOLDIER of Shinra.
"It doesn't mean you have to like it."
"Pretty much. Hopefully I will be on the sidelines when we reach the reactor core."
"I just wish Cloud could come too."
"I wish he could. But Barret wants to save money just in case this mission isn't successful like the last one. He can't risk hiring him plus...He still doesn't trust him. I tried to convince him many times but he's so stubborn. He knows he was one of the reasons the mission to Mako Reactor 1 was a success, he acknowledges it but he finds it hard to believe someone like Cloud."
"Is it because he used to be a SOLDIER?" Ruby knew Barret's hate for Shinra goes deep.
"I suppose that's one of the reasons but Cloud left Shinra and he has no interest of coming back to work for them."
"I wonder if he's willing to work for free, just this once."
"Doubt it. Extra muscle for a possible suicide mission requires quite the amount of money."
"That's it!" the reaper smiled at the brawler" what if Jaune and I hire him to help us with this mission?"
"You would do that? Do you two have enough gil for his services? We had to pay him fifteen hundred for the last mission and we didn't had it at the time. Good thing he was patient waiting for his pay any other mercenary would never allow it" Tifa was surprised.
"I'm sure we can talk it out and each of us sharing the amount enough to hire him. That way he can go and watch our backs. The mission will get easy with him around."
"It sure will" the brawler smiled knowing Cloud is strong having him around is a great help.
"Then, it's a deal. I will talk with Jaune tonight and see how much gil we can come up with."
"You don't have to do this. Don't you guys need the money for your own needs?"
"We already have what we need along with some supplies we haven't use yet. Some potions, phoenix downs. Most I stole them from Shinra officers but we're good."
"Maybe I can help too. I don't want you guys to do this on your own. I might be able to get some gil from me that it's separated from Avalanche's pocket."
"Thanks! But we got this."
"You know, I usually came to you because you might be troubled. I thought you weren't happy at the celebration or maybe you were upset with about something."
"I'm all good and why would I be upset? I'm more than happy to be here with you guys!" Ruby did her best to give a real smile remembering when Jessie was flirting and teasing with the Arc guess the brawler noticed.
"Instead you're the one to helped me. Well we better get going to Stargazer Heights and call it a day."
"I do have some stuff to do. I'll...Catch up later, promise!"
"Okay. Later Ruby. Take care and thanks" Tifa smiled before walking off.
"Time to get this over with. Whatever this mission is."
Cloud stood at the under city train station where Jessie told him to be. According to her she wanted him to accompany her to a secret mission to the Sector 7 plate. Somehow he had a feeling it was connected to Avalanche's mission to Mako Reactor 5. He still hasn't thought of charging simply because her expression was very serious. Whatever the mission, it must be very important for the brunette. It was a nice gesture she gave him a summoning materia as an apology or as he stated, a proposition. It was payment but he prefers gil over materia. Guess he can make an exception this time. Not like it was the first time didn't charged someone for his services. Jaune was present too and next to him was a motorcycle. Looked like it was an old model, still reliable though. The vehicle has always attracted the ex-SOLDIER because he like how it feels to ride using one of those.
Guess it was yearning for the vehicle wanting to feel the air hitting his face and the speed. Looks like he was going to get the chance to use a bike. He never rode one during his services with Shinra but he was taught how to use one just in case. All SOLDIERS must be prepare and ready for anything. They were waiting for Biggs and Wedge to arrive with more bikes he was expecting. Ruby arrived shortly waving at him and the same with Jessie. The brunette smiled at her though she was hoping she wouldn't come with them. It was Jaune the one who told her about the secret mission guess there was no stopping it. True she wasn't going to stood low and end up in a cat fight with the red cloak girl. It was all fun and games but it didn't meant she can't take it further. She won't risk her friendship with the silver eyed girl. The mission is important, so is finding Mr. Right.
"I'm not late right?"
"You're early. Biggs and Wedge still haven't arrive. They're taking their time getting their bikes."
"Looks like the last train left. Biggs said they changed time. He and Wedge went to get us transport" replied Jessie.
"Yeah" Jaune suddenly sweat dropped" they couldn't get a third one for me so I decided to buy one instead. I already bought this way ahead because I always wanted to have one. And don't ask me where I bought it. Some things are better left off unsaid."
The skin color from Ruby's face turned pale white" you bought it? How much did you spent on it?"
"A lot. Best if you don't know."
The Huntress gave a long sigh. Well so much for hiring Cloud to accompany them to the mission. The only choice will be for Tifa to step out and let the mercenary go in her place but Barret would never allow it. And the brawler made it clear she wants to go. Now she will have to think of another way because seriously she wasn't going to be able to pay the blond merc with the gil she currently has.
"I don't mind going on bike" said Cloud breaking his silence.
"It's better this way if you ask me. Less passengers to deal with" smiled the brunette.
Wedge and Biggs have arrived with the three bikes moving them without turning on the engine.
"Everyone made it, good" said Biggs.
"We borrowed these bikes promising will be returning them in one piece. Here's hoping we don't run into any trouble" said Wedge.
"And what's fun if we don't get some excitement before reaching my home?"
"Look after it okay" said Biggs to the ex-SOLDIER.
"Your home?" this surprised the Arc.
"My original home where my mom and dad lives."
"Okay" he nodded while Jessie kept her smile having a feeling that it was a touchy subject for her.
"You guys eventually realized I wasn't my usual self so you decided to lend me a hand."
"Like we'd let you go just like that" smirked Biggs.
"Yeah, even if you have Cloud, Jaune and Ruby with you. We figure out you wanted to see your parents.
"This is going to be so cool. This will be our first time seeing the plate from Sector 7!" the reaper sure seemed excited.
"Why do you need me again?" asked the merc.
"You have a very important role in this mission. You're perfect for it" said Jessie.
"Visiting your parents?" he wasn't convinced thinking she was wasting his time.
"I wouldn't have tell you unless if it's true. Besides, I gave you a summon materia in return that's better than receiving fifteen hundred gil."
Cloud stood silent that wasn't entirely true but he will still take it. The summon will be a big help for future battles and he noticed it wasn't ready to use yet. But seriously going to meet her folks. She must have the idea he's not the social-talkative type and she still wants him to go. He understood Jaune and Ruby coming along for the ride because they can get well with anyone and be all chatty. Not him, definitely not him. Why did he had a feeling this was going to be a long night.
"All right everyone, here's for an awkward family reunion!"
Wedge and Biggs got on their bike as Jessie was about to get seated with Jaune on his new bike. But Ruby beat her to it as she was already seated behind the blond. The petite stuck her tongue at her assuring her victory. The brunette just rolled her eyes at her childish attempt. Maybe she can tease her later for not acting her age. You think she will act like a seventeen year old girl not a ten year old. Looks like she didn't had a choice but to get seated with Cloud. Not that she was complaining being behind the blond merc. The engines of the three bikes roared as they left the station entering the Corkscrew Tunnel. The Arc has quickly gave Ruby something as she caught it. A card with her picture and a fake name because she's not "Rossalia Wood".
(Music: "Crazy Motorcycle Chase Theme" from the FFVIIR original soundtrack)
Jaune was smiling happily, he was going so fast he like it so much. The speed, the wind hitting his face, the friction from his seat because of the engine. And to think he will be having trouble. Scratch that as the Arc almost lost balance and immediately got it under control. Guess it's to be expected when it was his first time using it. Good thing Ruby didn't noticed as she was also smiling liking the ride. No wonder Yang likes riding her bike, this experience was amazing. To think he was missing this and now he was living it. As long as he keep his eyes on the road ahead and the bike under control, everything should be okay. Taking a quick glance at the bike next to him, Cloud was so calm not having any trouble driving his bike. He looked like a professional maybe it wasn't his first time driving one. Then Jessie started talking, telling the ex-SOLDIER something.
Jaune arrived at the train station and looks like he was way too early. He was moving the bike before he let it rest in a corner. The Huntsman will have to wait until Jessie and the others get here. Ruby was also coming but she decided to head for the warehouse where she is keeping the new weapons she made. Cloud was also coming and he wondered what they will be doing on this mission. The brunette hasn't told him yet except that it's a secret. He wondered if it has something to do with the upcoming mission to the next mako reactor. The Arc was suddenly startled as Jessie was right next behind him.
"Why did you have to do that?!"
"To see your reaction. Nice face."
The blond Huntsman gave a sigh. Guess she won't change.
"Here you go. You'll need these if you want to get to the plate."
Jaune took two plastic cards seeing his and Ruby's picture and names. Identification but the names were incorrect, he raised an eyebrow.
"Fake Id's?"
"But you have to admit they look pretty real?"
"Won't we get in trouble for having these?"
"I'm sure you and Ruby are already in enough trouble after helping us destroy one of Shinra's mako reactors."
"Good point" he sweat dropped.
"These are important if you want to get around. I told you Shinra scans everyone who travels by train having their information on their record database. Last time we were on the train I got lucky to hacked their security mainframe. That won't happen again. This time, you two have to be ready."
"Thanks Jessie. So, what is this mission about?"
"Getting curious aren't we?" she smirked" don't worry I will tell you eventually. For now enjoy the ride. Biggs and Wedge already figured out I was planning to leave. Those two can be very sharp sometimes. Anyway, all we do now is wait until they get here. Though it sucks the train isn't here yet. Got a bad feeling."
"Her parent's house. There has to be more than that but, what?"
"Id scan! Ready!"
The group saw the red lasers that scan their ID's. They passed through them and nothing seem to be wrong. Jaune and Ruby were surprised, the fake identifications worked after all.
"So far so good!" said Biggs.
"All right, here comes the hard part!"
"And that is?"
"The fake ID's may have held up, but from this point on, we might get pinned by a scan…."
"They'll come for us" replied Cloud.
"You should have told us that from the start!" said the silver eyed Huntress.
"We knew these ID's weren't going to save us from Shinra completely. We should know this sort of thing to happen" the Arc knew the power company wasn't going to get fooled again.
"Yeah, what he said" said Jessie.
"Oh, man!"
"Just like that?" said Wedge.
"No need to worry. We've got Cloud and our two new members? That will be more than enough to handle anything Shinra will throw at us."
"I hope that's the case" Jaune gave a sigh.
"You do know how to drive, right?" why was she asking this now.
"SOLDIERS get mandatory training."
"Well then! You gonna take my breath away? Make my head spin with your amazing skills?"
"Don't blame me if you get sick."
Ruby rolled her eyes so now she was teasing Cloud. Better the merc than Jaune. Why was she feeling this way. She didn't like it whenever the brunette would tease him or flirting. Yeah, she knows the meaning of the word she wasn't that dense. Remembering her older sister would do that too if she sees boys she would like. Then again, Yang could be one of those people that might like both genders. That wasn't important she's with the Arc as it should be. That's enough to put a smile to her face.
"I'm counting on you not to crash us."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence. I don't blame you though. I don't consider myself a professional at riding a bike. But this isn't so bad."
"You're doing fine so far. Just keep your eyes on the front."
The blond Huntsman gave a nod as he immediately spotted something approaching from the rear view mirror. Men in uniform as the ones from the Mako Reactor. Shinra officers on bikes that didn't took long. So much for a peaceful quiet ride.
"We got company!"
"That was fast" Jessie looked behind.
The officer went ahead firing his rifle at the bike being ridden by Biggs and Wedge. Ruby smirked as she took Crescent Rose in rifle mode pointing at the officer, catching him off guard. The petite went for his bike, aiming at the engine. The reaper kept on firing while Cloud got closer using his buster sword with one hand. This really shocked both the Huntsman and Huntress knowing that weapon is heavy. The engine of the bike of the officer blew as he lost control crashing. Two more officers arrived with the ex-SOLDIER slashing one and Ruby shooting at the other, getting support from Biggs with his rifle. Both officers were downed as their bikes crashed. This isn't what they wanted but they didn't had a choice. Being with Avalanche means you're officially Shinra's enemies.
Three more officers arrived as the reaper reloaded with a new magazine. She fired a couple of shots following it up with water. The officer that was being attacked fired his weapon at their bike. Jaune unsheathed Crocea Mors, he may not be as strong as Cloud but he can still help his friend using only the sword. He just needed to try and drive with one arm as he got closer attacking the enemy bike. More of them showed up firing their rifles while one of them had a grenade launcher. The merc was already ahead going after him while Jessie kept holding onto him. He was going so fast she just needed to grab something afraid she might fall off from the vehicle. At the same time it was nice feeling his body with hers. Cloud wasn't buffed but he has a nice rough back, his shoulders are probably the same.
Things got complicated when officers ahead started throwing fire bombs. Now they weren't playing fair meaning the lengths they will go to take them down. Jaune was finally putting his driving skills to good use, doing his best to avoid the flame bombs. Biggs kept shooting with his weapon, the same with Ruby and Cloud. Jaune aided them casting fire and thunder causing a lot of damage to the officer's bikes. The vehicles were destroyed as the drivers were sent flying. Looks like it was over but they thought too soon as new enemies arrived. Small and mechanical, drones. It was a little to fire at them because they were small so the reaper had to use her rifle scope to aim better. It was no problem for the ex-SOLDIER as he slashed a couple cutting them in half. The Huntress cast water followed by a shot that destroyed the drone. The last drone fired a lightning attack but the Arc countered with thunder destroying it.
They were on the clear until more officers showed up, there was no end to this. They passed someone who had a bike but they couldn't get a better look at him because they were going too fast. The officers were talking in their communication devices. They had no idea what it was about but it was their time to attack. It wasn't fair but they needed to take them out before they can call for more reinforcements. More drones arrived to support the mobile unit making things annoying for the group. Six against three weren't nice odds. Biggs was having trouble fending off the forces as Cloud looked at Jaune. Both nodded teaming up going after the drones. The Arc and Ruby cast water and thunder causing critical damage to small mechanical units while the merc cut through them like a hot knife through butter. They followed taking out the officers before they could damage the bike Wedge and Biggs were riding. Going after the weakest link first.
After that was taken care of they were hoping that was the end of it. Shortly they finally left the tunnel as they stood in the open.
"We made it!" said Wedge.
"Woo-hoo! Topside!" followed Biggs.
"Hope that was the last of them" said Ruby.
"Keep going till we hit the station?" Cloud asked Jessie.
"No, head straight to the warehouse. Our magical ride is almost at the end…."
"Warehouse?" said Jaune.
"Long story short. I couldn't get in touch with my supplier to make the bomb so we're hitting a Shinra warehouse to get the materials instead."
"We're stealing from them now?" this surprised the silver eyed reaper.
"I thought you were done with the bomb" said the Arc.
"No. I want to make the bomb right this time. With you guys helping us, we'll actually get away with it. I'm positive we can get everything we need if we raid that warehouse."
The blond Huntsman shook his head, still blaming herself for the destruction from Mako Reactor 1 and part of Sector 8 getting hit. He heard the red cloak petite groaned as she spotted more officers of the Shinra Mobile Unit from his bike's rear view mirror. These guys don't know when to quit, the Huntsman unsheathed Crocea Mors again. Cloud was already ahead of them since he still hasn't sheathed his buster sword never letting his guard down. Jaune warned Wedge and Biggs that it wasn't over yet as the young man readied his rifle. Just when they were about to fight the officers have suddenly turned around and left. Ruby and the ex-SOLDIER stood confused at what just happened.
"Why did they left?"
"Because they know trouble is coming" replied the blond merc.
From his rear view mirror he saw a red bike heading their way at high speed. The rider was a young man looking into his mid twenties with half-long blond hair and clear blue eyes and he noticed his eyes weren't normal. Wearing an attire a bit similar to the one he was wearing holding a big sword. A buster sword but a different model from his own. The man has actually a wall with his vehicle taking out the officers that run away. No wonder they took off, they were probably scared of this guy. Ruby saw everything impressed, never thought you could do that with a bike. She has never seen Yang doing those kind of stunts with Bumblebee.
"Who's that?" asked Jessie.
"Really?" the Arc was shocked along the red reaper.
Cloud knew this man was a SOLDIER with the way he rides his bike and with those stunts. They were trained for anything and they needed to be good at anything. The man was laughing as he landed with perfection increasing his speed. Now it was obvious this guy no longer works for Shinra just like him. With the way he attacked those officers and how they hightail it out of here but didn't got the chance to escape to safety. He wondered if he was a mercenary too meaning, someone might have paid him to go after them. But this was just his speculation. The guy could also be an outlaw after quitting his SOLDIER status he chose to live a life of crime.
"Well, hello!" spoke the unknown SOLDIER.
"Who's this?" asked Biggs.
"Too quick for the eye, you cross him, you die! Now...Mind if I cut in?"
The SOLDIER has suddenly slashed a small concrete bridge above them. Good thing they were going fast enough to avoid getting hit by the falling ruble.
"Splendid! I've been looking for a new dance partner!"
"What's he talking about?" said Ruby.
"He wants to fight Cloud" spoke Jaune guessing a SOLDIER would want test his strength against another.
"We don't have time to deal with you, go away!" said the silver eyed girl.
The man chuckled in amusement he was going to have so much fun" private party, huh? That's fine. I'll settle for a race, just one."
"You talking to me?"
"I most certainly am."
"Then no."
"Ah, so terribly sorry! Your words fail to reach my ears, sluggish and slow as they are!"
"What's this guy's deal?" said Jessie.
"The lady's curiosity has been piqued! My name is Roche, but you may address me by the more accurate appellation: Speed Demon!"
"He talks too much. Still, he's a SOLDIER not to be underestimated" thought the Arc.
"Heard that, huh?" said the brunette.
"My ears are attuned for the feminine voice!"
"This guy is the worst."
"No kidding!" followed the Huntress.
"Yes. Yes! This is the contest I've been waiting for!
The blond merc clashed weapons with the Speed Demon. Their reflexes and timing were so precise as expected of a former SOLDIER. Ruby is right, they don't have time for this. They were in the middle of an important mission. It concerned him that by now those officers might have contacted Shinra HQ and have given them their report. That warehouse could probably be preparing their security just in case. They kept on clashing until Roche went ahead, his bike is truly fast. The model he was using is Shinra's as expected from the electric company. SOLDIERS would use those models if they needed to travel far away. Best vehicle to rely on for fast travel. The man was now releasing powerful shock waves from his buster sword as Cloud evade them. This model may not be fast but it was still reliable. This looks more like a fight than a race.
Now there are some good news. Roche was only focusing on Cloud, the blond merc is his target. The Speed Demon was still using his shock waves to rip the bike the merc and Jessie were riding. The ex-SOLDIER used his bike to climb ride the wall in the expressway releasing many lightning bolts as the merc evade them. Wedge gasped almost getting hit, the same with Jaune and Ruby. They will have to interfere if they wanna to stop this wacko. The silver eyed Huntress reload Crescent Rose with a new magazine aiming at the Speed Demon. She was having a hard time, the guy couldn't stay still. Moving too much as was trying her best using her weapon's scope. The Arc cast thunder as it hit Roche's bike. The man turned to them. Guess he was focusing on his prey to realize the others can be fighters. He jumped getting next to the bike of the Huntsman and the Huntress.
"What do we have here? You're not a SOLDIER."
"Sorry to disappoint you" replied the blond.
"You will need more than just materia if you want to take on me."
Cloud took his chance as her charged in, warning Jessie to hold on. He performed a round slash moving the vehicle causing damage to the Speed Demon. A smiled spread his lips increasing speed and releasing lightning as he can lift his vehicle all the way and release them as soon as it hits the ground. Ruby fired a couple of shots while Jaune released fire and blizzard. Unfortunately it missed him but went after them instead leaving the merc alone. Now it was his chance as he told the brunette to take control of the bike. He jumped so high as landed on Roche's bike and performed an attack, hitting part of the engine causing a small fire. Jumping back to his vehicle. The Arc and reaper stood in awe because what he just did was so cool.
"Well, well, well. I do believe this round is yours" he chuckled staring at Cloud" maybe next time we can keep it just between the two of us."
"Maybe" the merc thought it wasn't that bad, it was a good fight or a good race.
The man started laughing as he turned his bike around" until we meet again my friend!"
"At least he wasn't a sore loser" said the red cloak girl.
"That guy was really dangerous, the way he fights...Good thing he's not with Shinra" followed the Arc.
"It's the fact he no longer works for them that makes him more dangerous" replied the merc.
"That's true."
"We did it!" said Biggs.
"Go team!" followed Wedge.
"Don't get too excited. Reinforcement are hot on our trail" said Jessie.
(Music end)
Ruby was smiling holy crap what an evening this has been so far. It was suppose to be a race to Jessie's home at first, before Shinra forces found them. Then all the fighting and meeting Roche. The action, the adrenaline the non stop smell of burning rubber. It's no wonder Yang likes riding her bike. Maybe she will compete in races. There was this one time the blond brawler told her about clandestine races in Vale for top money. Her older sister would be perfect to bury the competition. It didn't helped since she misses her a lot.
"You okay?"
Ruby snapped from her thoughts as Jaune gave a quick glance, keeping his eyes on the road.
"I'm more than okay, it was all crazy. We were like broom and then boom and then wram! It was...Wow. By the way, you're not so bad at driving a bike."
"It's not so hard when you get use to it. I think all the fights made me drive better."
She giggled before she stood silent. It made her feel better talking to the blond. It will sometimes make her forgot about her home, her family and friends. The silver eyed petite rested her head on the Arc's back as Jessie noticed. Now, she wanted to tease the girl but somehow she felt like it wasn't a good time. The mission was on her mind. They still haven't arrive to enemy territory yet. Cloud suddenly drove near the bike of the two teens.
"For what?" asked the Huntsman.
"For distracting Roche. You gave me the chance to attack him."
"I'm sure you would have been able to beat him without our help."
"You still helped."
"Sure. No problem" Jaune smiled while the reaper smiled too happy they were getting along with the merc.
The group stopped reaching a large gate with bars. On the left corner a staircase leading up. This will be the first time Jaune and Ruby will visit the plate of Sector 7. It was hard to contain their excitement. That is if they encounter more of Shinra forces. They parked the bikes not that far from the staircase as they got off the vehicles.
"We'll go on foot from here. Don't wanna draw too much attention to ourselves" Jessie brought a valid point.
"Hey, did these things leave a mark?" asked Wedge checking his eyes due to the goggles they were wearing during the journey.
"They got you pretty good" said Biggs.
"Aw...And I'm running on fumes" the chubby guy touched his belly.
"Don't worry, we'll top you up on soon enough" the brunette smiled" now, let's roll."
"I don't mind getting some food" Ruby sweat dropped hearing her stomach roaring, guess she was hungry.
"You should have eaten something before we left" Jaune walked with her and Cloud next to them.
"Sorry, I didn't know this trip was going to take so long."
"If we are going to Jessie's home I hope it's not a bother if they give us food."
"You're hungry too?" the petite smirked.
"Up until now I didn't know. It's not every day we travel with Shinra's forces chasing us."
"It won't be the last time" replied Cloud.
Both nodded it will be too good to be true if they won't have to deal with the power company. Of course not because they just found out they're going to a Shinra warehouse to steal materials for the bomb they were planning to place on the next Mako Reactor. They climbed the stairs going inside as they reached a closed double door with a control panel next to it. Honestly, Jaune was expecting Shinra security here but looks like they were on the clear for the time being. Jessie let Cloud do the honors as the ex-SOLDIER reached the control panel and opened the door. It showed a tunnel which it must be the part of the route the train takes. They went to the right as they spotted the city that is the Employee Housing Area. It wasn't that big but it definitely has better living conditions that the slums for sure. At least the power company knows how to treat the ones that work for them.
"Here we are-the employee housing district. Where they put you when your parents work for Shinra" said Jessie.
"Somehow, I'm not surprise they would labeled their employees separating them from the rest" said the Arc.
"I guess. They would never put them with those that live in the slums" replied Ruby.
That's when it hit the two teens. It should have been obvious. If this is where Jessie's home is, then her parents are employees of the power company. It explains why she was no longer living with them. She works for Avalanche, to keep them safe she needs to be away from them.
"While their reactors were slowly killing the planet, we were living the good life…."
The Arc and reaper heard the brunette's tone. It was filled with sadness and concern. She must be so worried about her parents and scared of what will happen if Shinra finds out a relative of one of their employees is working for their enemy. Better not to think about it. It must have taken her a lot of courage to come here. Wedge and Biggs went after her, leaving them and Cloud behind.
"Maybe we shouldn't have come. It's too personal" muttered the silver eyed petite.
"We have to. They need any help they can get for the raid at that Shinra warehouse" followed the Arc.
"Get used to it. We'll be facing them more than you think" spoke Cloud.
They nodded as they went after the three. Wait a minute, if they were visiting Jessie's parents. Do they know she's with Avalanche. It was hard to tell since the brunette hasn't given any details. They do know they were going to her house first before heading for the warehouse. Not having a clue why they were going there to begin with. They were able to get a better view of the district. Definitely better living conditions with bigger houses, vehicles, cleaner not a single sign of scrap laying around. It was an improved version of the slums. They reached the three that were standing not that far from another nice looking house that had the lights from the front door on.
"Figures. Still leaves the lights on every night for the girl who only comes once every other blue moon. Mom's an old-fashioned type like that."
"She must really miss you" Jaune gasped why did he had to say that out loud" I'm sorry I didn't mean-"
"No, it's okay. I don't visit her that often."
"Think she'll make us pizza? Her Midgar Special? She's quite the cook. Quick to whip up finger-licking food even if you drop by in the dead of night" asked Biggs.
"And she loves guests who ask for seconds or thirds" added the brunette" okay, let's head in. Cloud-you know what to do. Why don't you wait around the corner over there?"
The blond merc nodded as he stood on the corner her mother won't be able to see him. Jessie has already told him ahead what was his purpose when they visit her home. Jaune and Ruby didn't know since she didn't filled them in on the details of this part of the mission. But what the heck, they were going to eat and the reaper's stomach was getting worse. Not that long and the Arc's appetite started to. Though he wasn't as hungry as the petite.
"It's a shame you won't get to try the Midgar Special you would've really like it" said Wedge.
"I'm happy I'll be able to try it!" the silver eyed reaper chirped.
Jessie still has the key to her original home so it was no trouble opening the door. Once they were all inside the ex-SOLDIER stood on the corner and took his time. Waiting before he gets the sign to make his move.
The five members of Avalanche were greeted by a woman looking in her mid thirties. With short brown hair and eyes wearing a lilac long sleeve blouse with a long cream skirt reaching to her ankles and pink slippers. The woman who is Jessie's mom went to her and gave her a big hug. Looks like she has missed her daughter a lot. She saw Biggs and Wedge as always and two new people she has never met before.
"Sweetie, I'm so glad to see you it's been a while."
"I know mom and I'm sorry. It has been so long but I've been busy."
"We can discuss it over something to eat if you're guests would like some?"
"Yes please!" Ruby and Wedge said in unison.
"I'm Jaune" the blond introduced himself" nice to meet you Mrs. Raspberry."
"Ruby. Happy to meet you too. Can we eat pizza now?"
"Sorry about that. My friend is very hungry" sweat dropped the Arc.
"We both are!" added the chubby member of Avalanche."
"Might as well make one for everyone" followed Bigss.
"All right. One Midgar Special coming right up."
Jessie led them to the table as her mother started taking the ingredients from the fridge. It won't be long before as she quickly excused herself and went to turned on the lights from the back signaling Cloud to enter and find what they came here for. Honestly, she couldn't go with stealing her father's Shinra employee card. Which it was the reason why she was relying on the blond merc to get it for her. The brunette returned shortly getting seated. They were in awe seeing how fast the woman was making the pizza. She added so many tasty ingredients. It was making the silver eyed girl and the chubby guy's mouth watered. This was perfect while they were waiting, Cloud would make his move and take the card. By the time the pizza is done, he would already be out of the house. Jessie didn't doubt him after seeing him fight. This job will be a walk in the park for him.
Minutes later the smell from the oven came to haunt their noses. It was delicious as Ruby and Wedge's hunger got worse. The others wanted to have a bite too because damn, that smell was amazing. So Jessie wasn't kidding when she said can make the best pizza in Midgar. There was only one way to find out if it was completely true. The smell was getting stronger and it was getting hard to control themselves. At least, those that were starving. Waiting was pure torture they needed to eat it now. Wedge has already taste the Midgar Special and he was in love with it. The bell of the oven telling it was finally done was music to their ears. The woman put on her mitten opening it, removing the very hot done pizza. Jessie helped her mother setting up plates to the table while she brought the silver tray with the large meal and the pizza cutter can't forget that. The smell hit their nose like a strong punch to the face. But it was a good feeling they couldn't touch it yet making it worse that they have to wait more.
Probably the most amusing sight watching Ruby Wedge playing the waiting game and failing miserably at it. Neither said a word because they prefer to stuff their faces with the delicious pizza before them. Mrs. Raspberry rolled her eyes in return, they were that hungry. She left and shortly arrived with a stand fan plugging it to the nearest electric outlet, turning it on. The fan was on the pizza so it can cool it off. These kids can be patient enough to eat. Minutes later the fan did it's job as Jessie took the pizza cutter it wasn't that hot anymore. The brunette gave a piece to everyone as the chubby members and the silver eyed petite were the first to taste the dish. Their eyes finally get a taste of it and it was impossible to put into words what they were eating. The only word they could think is unrealistic delicious. Wedge was in cloud nine every time he eats this pizza it reminds him how good it is.
Jaune and the others took a bite after. It immediately hit the Arc's taste buds while Jessie and Biggs were enjoying the food. This was true pizza, how it should be and taste like. He remembered eating pizza with his teammates at his world and it was good. But this, was amazing. The Midgar Special is the real deal. The ten slices of the pizza have been devoured thanks to the starving ones while the others got full not being that hungry. It really hit the spot wanting to have another slice but they were just too full. Well, maybe Wedge has some room for more. Ruby was too happy staring at her belly not regretting eating so much. Jules would probably lose his mind if he finds out she destroyed her diet. Whatever she was still working out every day, she won't die from filling her belly just once.
"Thank you so much!" the petite was in a better mood.
"I could never get tire of your pizza" followed Wedge.
"My pleasure. So sweetie, when are you going to give up on the Gold Saucer? How long has it been since you even performed?"
Neither Jaune or Ruby knew what she was talking about. Jessie hasn't told them much about her personal life. Hearing the word" performed" was she a singer, an actress or a dancer.
"A lot of people rely on Jessie" replied the chubby member.
"As a stage hand, right? You can be one of those anywhere. So why not come home and get a job at the Sector 8 Theater?"
Oh boy mentioning said sector wasn't a good idea. She probably hasn't seen the news of the damages done to part of the city. The Arc had a strong feeling the brunette hasn't told her mother she works for Avalanche. Which it was understandable. It was for the best to keep her parents safe. Though if Shinra ever finds out, they will be in danger. Looks like Ruby realized it too. The reaper understood why keep it a secret but it didn't felt right with her.
Her past experience with keeping secrets from others was still haunting her. Her parents should know but who knows how they will take the truth. Their daughter works for a eco terrorist group. Shinra's enemies, the same group that destroyed a mako reactor and who knows how many innocent lives got hurt and killed. Asides from that, so Jessie used to be an actress at a theater. Probably before joining Avalanche. Judging from their expressions they needed to keep the secret and for their female friend to stay away from them in order to keep them safe. Not an easy thing to do to leave your family behind. The reaper was speaking from personal experience.
"Uhhh, I'll think about it" she stood in thought realizing Cloud must be done by now and he was currently waiting for them outside of the house.
"Don't worry" Ruby suddenly spoke" she's doing a great job at the Gold Saucer, she's currently giving me acting classes."
This surprised everyone at the table. Jaune didn't saw this coming. Mrs. Raspberry was taken back too before smiling. She felt pride for her little girl well, not so little she knew she was old enough to make her own decisions.
"I didn't know you have taken in a pupil."
"Well uh...A lot has happened and there's so little time to give you all the details. I'm really sorry, I wish we could stay a little longer. But duty calls."
"So soon?"
"Yeah, well, we hadn't even planned on dropping by. But Wedge wanted to taste your famous pizza."
The chubby member nodded truly the most delicious dish he has ever had.
"Sure I can't tempt you with some more?"
"Maybe just a couple slices. Missus R."
"Wedge!" Jessie and Biggs scolded him.
The Arc shook his head, clearly he has forgotten the reason they came here. The Huntsman took a glance at the clock on the wall in the right corner. It was seven fifty six, they really needed to go. After all, they still needed to do the hardest part of the mission.
"Hey! I'm...I'm doing it for you guys! You don't want me going to work on an empty stomach" he defended.
"Thank you very much for the meal Mrs. Raspberry. It was nice meeting you" said the Arc.
"Same here! Your pizza is so good! We'll do our best to come back. Stay longer this time, so you and Jessie can catch up" followed the red cloak girl.
"I hope so. Still, I appreciate you took your time to visit me. Hopefully when you come back your father would be awake."
"Yeah, hopefully…." spoke the brunette in thought.
"Please tell me all about your classes with Ruby. I want to see the fruition of your work."
"Will do mom."
"I'm planning on using a weaker blasting agent this time. Since I can't get in touch with my supplier, our only option is to loot a warehouse owned by Shinra."
Cloud stood on the corner to the house patiently waiting for the others. Getting the ID card was too easy. Jessie's mother never suspected someone infiltrated the place. Though it bothered him, stealing like a thief. He was a mercenary his work should be mainly fighting monsters or anyone from Shinra. It could even be as bodyguard duty. But not stealing from a person that was unconscious. But this was necessary to find the materials for the next bomb for the upcoming mission. A mission he won't be attending this time. Barret paid him for his job at Mako Reactor 1 but, not for the next one. Unlike last time Tifa will be joining them along with Jaune and Ruby so he will be alone at the slums. The ex-SOLDIER saw them leaving the house, about time.
"Hey there!" Jessie was the first to greet him.
The blond merc replied showing her the Shinra ID card that belongs to her father. The brunette smiled taking it, that was one mission done. Though it still breaks her heart she had to do this. Send a mercenary to snatch the bard while she and her friends distracted her mother pretending they were just dropping by for a visit.
"Now comes the hard part. I'm gonna use this to sneak into the 7-6 Annex."
"All right, let's get to it" said Biggs.
"I'm guessing the warehouse isn't that far" said Jaune.
"It's northwest of here but we can't risk all of us coming you guys are staying outside. Only I know what to steal and from where. That's why it has to be me."
"So we came all the way here just to eat pizza?!"
"Not that I'm complaining" replied Wedge.
"You think I'd let you off that easy? You're gonna earn every slice helping Cloud, Jaune and Ruby. I'm not dumb enough to walk into Shinra territory alone. Just do the thing where you draw everyone's attention away, like he did at my parent's. What's the word again? Maybe I'm more nervous than I thought."
"Diversion" replied the merc.
"Yeah, that! Nice one, military man."
"So what does this mean we're going some Shinra folks out to dinner?"
"You know damn well what she means" Biggs slightly hit the chubby guy.
"We're going to get into another fight with Shinra. We knew it was going to come down to this" said Ruby.
"While she's inside, we make sure the guards are focused on the outside. Yeah?"
"Exactly, couldn't have put it any better. When you see a flare go up, that's our cue. Rush the front gates and make for the warehouse plaza. The more hell you raise, the more time you buy me."
"I guess with these three, we will have a chance. We'll be lucky if there isn't too much security. But that will be wishful thinking" said Biggs.
"Just leave the hell raising to us" the reaper stood confident.
"How much time do you need?" asked the Arc.
Cloud gave a nod he also wanted to know.
"Enough for me to sneak in and get the materials. It all depends how long you can fend them off. I'll send another flare when I'm done. We rendezvous at the vacant lot up ahead."
"Hold on. How are we supposed to get back to the slums? Wait for the first train?"
"No, I wanna head back before that. Don't worry I have something worked out. Now let's get this done."
Jessie went ahead leaving the boys the silver eyed petite behind. They started walking following the brunette. Jaune and Ruby didn't thought it could get any more exciting than now. They're going to a Shinra warehouse and later they were going to another make reactor.
"Jessie's dad was in there, right?" asked Biggs.
"Yeah" replied Cloud.
"Mako poisoning. Happened while Jessie was doing a show at the Gold Sauce-Aw, but what do you care?"
"So that's what happened?" Ruby's eyes softened.
"No, I wanna hear it."
"Jessie always wanted to be an actress. Worked her ass off for years until finally she caught a break. Top billing. Parents were thrilled. And then...Right before opening night…."
"Her dad had an accident" replied Wedge.
Jaune and Cloud stood in thought while Ruby felt bad for her. Guess she was putting a strong face for everyone's sake. It was horrible her father suffered that accident just when she was about to start her career. Fate can be a real bitch sometimes.
"Collapsed from overwork...And in the worst possible place. Mako Storage. Lay there half a day before someone found him. Been like that ever since. No chance whatsoever. That's what got her into planetology, and led her to seek out Avalanche. How far we've come…."
"Jessie's has a theory about it. Thinks her dad's spirit is stuck now-between his body and the heart of the planet. So if we don't shut down the reactors soon…."
"He'll get caught in the flow and...Poof" finished Biggs.
The three listened to everything as they were in deep thought. So that was the main reason why the brunette is helping Avalanche she wasn't just trying to save the planet but her father as well. They wonder if her theory could be true. The reason why he hasn't woken up yet. Was his spirit stuck in the life stream and he won't return because the reactors are sucking up too much mako. But what if his spirit gain passage meaning, he will die. Guess Jessie is having it rough but it make them feel for her. She must have a lot of strength to do everything for the sake of her family. Not to mention she was keeping her distance and secret not wanting them to know.
"So, either he will live and wake up…Or die….?" spoke Jaune.
"That's how it is. Jessie is willing to take the risk whether it saves her old man or not."
Cloud gave a small chuckle.
"What's so funny?"
"Just that I understand how you feel. Unlike most of the time."
"I see…."
Ruby gave a giggle" you know Cloud, you might be all silent and brooding most of the time. But you're really a good person."
"Yeah, I think so too!" smiled Wedge.
"We all knew from the start that deep down you're good" followed the Arc.
The group chuckled while the ex-SOLDIER ignored them.
"Mako is the essence of life itself. Of memory and hope. It's not something you burn in a reactor just to keep the lights on. Hell no."
Ruby wanted add more to the topic but she felt now it wasn't the time. They're suppose to get to the warehouse. Guess it can wait for a little longer.
"Oh-don't tell Jessie about this little chat, okay? When she gets pissed, she gets punchy."
"Don't all women get punchy when they're angry?" said the blond Huntsman.
"I guess. But Jessie's punches can hurt...A lot."
"For sure" Wedge shivered remembering the last time he made her angry.
"Well...No promises?" said the merc.
"You're kidding?" Biggs sweat dropped.
"He's serious, Cloud. She's beat the shit out of us!"
"I wonder If Jessie is worse than Yang when someone messes with her hair" thought the reaper her eyes widened, the thought is very scary.
"Not my problem."
"This guy!"
"I'm sure he's joking. He really doesn't mean it" that what Jaune believes.
"I don't joke."
The Arc sighed as they resumed walking. Turns out the warehouse wasn't that far at all. Jessie forgot to give the detail as they arrived at the spot where they're suppose to meet with the brunette. They kept going until reaching a security checkpoint.
"Gotta stay hidden-wait for the signal."
"It's so quiet."
"Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling?" the Huntsman felt uncomfortable so quickly.
"Just need to get pass this gate."
"Wait" the ex-SOLDIER immediately noticed something wasn't right" where are the guards?"
They took a better look and noticed the guards weren't present in the toll booth. Not a good sign.
"Guess now I know why the bad feeling."
"Let's go inside!" said Ruby.
To be continued
-Cliffhanger dum dum dum! You folks should be expecting them eventually if you're going to continue reading the story.
-Yeah a change a few things from canon when it comes to how Jessie wanted to go with Cloud nothing harmless that will change the story.
-Roche is an interesting character I am hoping to see him again in the second game.
-Just played chapter 17 of the Honkai Impact 3 story until the next section is available on the 23. Wow Mei is truly set in saving Kiana that she's willing to become the Herrsher of Thunder though I wouldn't trust the World Serpent. Kevin seems a sketchy character to me.
-Replying to reviews:
*Dragon lord Syed 101- like I said it was a filler chapter I've been wanting to add to further Tifa/Ruby and Cloud/Jaune's relationship. Adding the fan service. And Ruby already has the weapons thing figured out, she thought ahead.
*TheEmeraldMage- Quite the long review lol. Nothing can be done to change with how they wrote RWBY. I only want Yang to act like herself but she's just...I don't know not recognizable. I'm not happy with Sony censoring game like they did with the part of Senran Kagura Reburst where you can fondle the girl's body, it's only touching them no nudity but they removed that whole section from the pissing me off. Oh well that's it's better to buy the Japanese version. They also censored DMC5 when Dante carried a naked Trish and they put those annoying neon lights as censor. Yet they didn't censor Abby having doggy sex with Owen in the Last of Us part 2. Anime games are the only ones that should get censored. Speaking of TLOU2 I didn't minded Ellie/Dina ship the problem is the story how they wrote Joel's death, how OOC he and Tommy were and how they destroyed Ellie's character. I don't give a crap Abby she's a Mary Sue with her only purpose taking the spot light for Ellie. It makes me wonder if this game was about Ellie or Abby. And Honkai Impact has a lot of yuri shipping and I love it because they're done right, the story is done right. There's Kiana/Mei, Bronya/Seele, Rita/Durandal. All those ships make perfect sense because they were done right. No rushing, no force, no pretending and no ship baiting. You see them interacting and you can clearly see that there's something going on. Not like Bumblebee which is ship teasing so the fans will continue watching the show. I'll end my rant.
*fernandamichelleraya- I don't hate Neo I like her at first but now I don't like her. She has become Cinder's loyal pawn. It still amazes me she hasn't thought she can get rid of her if she wants to. I wish she would have back stab her like I did in my Journey to Redemption story. I think that was the best thing I've done in that story so far. The Qrow/Summer ship is pure crack Miles and Kerry said Qrow is not Ruby's dad a few years ago and the fans are still saying it's true, whatever floats their boat. I don't take the ship seriously but since we don't know jack shit about Summer anyone will come up with theories that she and Qrow were secretly together.
*Siegnir- thanks I am planning in giving more bonding moments because they are important in this story.
*calderoneric758- that was the only thing I had to retcon in the story sorry. I just couldn't make Jaune practice riding a bike. Because if I did I will have to add it in another chapter and I already have the story figure out at least until ch20. I made him learn a little fast. As for Ruby I don't think her legs will be able to reach the pedals, I think she has short legs. Petite girls usually have short legs or I can be wrong. Can't say anything for the future outside of the first game.
*Saint Saber Fang- definitely the fans have proven to make better RWBY works than RT themselves.
*Jebes4781- thank you hope you continue to enjoy it.
*Gry24- thank you and Happy Late Birthday. Also the way the poll is going I'd say yes and I am planning of giving them a semblance. As for Sephiroth you will have to see to find out.
*Ultimate Kuuga- I know but Mei attacked Kiana because she knows how stubborn she is. She's always thinking of saving the world before worrying of herself plus she doesn't have much time before she dies. There's also the weight that Himeko sacrificed herself to snapped her back from the control of the Herrsher Sirin. Mei is hell bent in wanting to save Kiana at all cost. For once she wants to be the one to save her instead of her doing the saving. It's for that reason she chose to become the Herrsher of Lightning. Because she loves Kiana that much you see this is how you make a ship. Not that force and baited crap that RT is doing with Bumblebee. Now if I'm lucky to pull Herrsher Mei in the gacha in the first try I will be grateful.
*Guest- damn I forgot about that animation. I had a feeling something was missing with the chapter. Not gonna edit but who knows I might add it in the future.
*Vein Bloodborne- thank you will continue to keep the story great.
*keybladelight- I said in the first chapter it will be Cloud/Tifa because I like the ship. Also I don't think I can include Aerith sorry.
*SkiesEagle- thank you hope you continue to like the story.
*Gabriel443- muchas gracias que te siga gustando el fic.
-Getting to RWBY news Kerry confirmed weeks back that they started writing v9 okay. Second they confirmed v8 will take place across 2 days which makes me believe the volume will be more flashback centered. There's no way they can make a 13 episode volume in only two days. I'd say there has to be flashbacks to fill in the gaps well unless the volume will only have 4 to 5 episodes.
-In more RWBY news I just read spoilers for the newest novel Before the Dawn. And oh boy it's too long but just reading all of it. I'm not interested to read the novel not in the slightest.
-As always thank you very much for the favs, follows and reviews I really appreciate it.
Next time: As the Wheel of Fate turns