
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Firebreather.


(With Harry)

Harry looked down at the letter in his hand. He couldn't believe what he had just read. The almost fifteen year old pinched himself in the arm. He winced at the pain. It was confirmation that he wasn't dreaming.

Dear Harry,

My name is Margeret Rosenblatt, your aunt. Shocking, I know. You see your father was my baby brother. When I was born I couldn't use magic. I wasn't a squib but at the time my parents didn't know that. My magic was dormant. Despite that my parents loved me very much.

When Voldemort came to power my parents feared for my life. They decided that the best course of action was to send me to a muggle boarding school in America. It was there that I met my husband. He helped me unlock my magic. Even though I wasn't in Britain I kept up with what was going on. I mourned my parents death and I mourned my brother's death.

I knew about you and have tried to get into contact. This letter is one of the many I have sent. I have tried Muggle methods and I tried to visit. My letters never reached you and my calls would disconnect two seconds in. The minute I stepped onto British soil I would forget why I was there. It pissed me off. Someone was stopping me from meeting you.

In a last ditch effort I gave the letter to a friend of mine. He said he would try to deliver it to you. I really hope it works. Please write back to me as soon as you can.


Margeret Rosenblatt.

Harry wasn't sure what to think. He had an aunt. He wondered if Dumbledore knew and why Sirius and Remus never told him. He was brought out of his thoughts when the phone rang. Since he was by himself, he answered the phone.

"Hello this is the Dursley Residence. How may I help you?" He greeted.

"Hello Harry." A familiar voice greeted.

"Hermione?" He asked into the phone.

"Yes it's me. Sorry we haven't been returning your letters." She said.

"Why haven't you?" He asked.

"Headmaster Dumbledore asked us not to. He was afraid V-v- you-know-who would track it. I lost your number so I couldn't call you sooner." She explained.

"I see. Thank goodness. I-" He couldn't continue.

"I know. That's why I had my mum look up the Dursley's number. I didn't want you to think we abandoned you." The frizzy haired witch told him.

"I'm glad you didn't." Harry said.

"So the headmaster had me and the Weasleys stay with Sirius at his family home. It's for protection. He plans on bringing you here once he knows it is safe." She said.

"That's good. I don't know how long I can stay here. Only Dudley has hurt me but with how angry uncle Vernon is getting with my nightmares I'm afraid." He said.

"I'll let him know." She said immediately.

"Thank you. Oh, I received a letter from my father's older sister." He said.

"What?" She sounded as confused as he was.

"Exactly." He read the letter to her.

"I'll talk to Sirius and Remus about it." She said. "I'll also mention it to the headmaster."

"Thanks. Is Ron with you?" He asked.

"No. He's covering for me. I'm on a payphone right now. I even look like a boy so no one will recognize me." She said proudly.

"Hermione Granger are you breaking the rules? For me?" He gasped out.

"Yes I am. You're my best friend Harry. You matter more than some rules." She told him.

"Thank you." He said, his voice full of emotions.

"You're welcome. I have to go now. I'll try to talk to you later." She said.

"Okay. Bye." He said.

"Bye." She hung up the phone.

He sighed as he put the phone back. He was sick of not knowing anything. It was time to change that. Now that Voldemort was back he needed to train and if Dumbledore didn't then he was going to do it himself. He went to the cupboard. Fred and George had taught him how to pick a lock. Once it was he grabbed his wand and his first years defense book. He was going to review his previous years and go from there. He would try to buy more when he was allowed to get his school supplies.

(America: With Nita)

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the half Giant freak!" A teen girl laughed as Nita walked by.

Nita Giantbane was a half Giant. Her father, Maxwell, was one of the most powerful giants in the world. Many respected him and not because of his power but because of his wisdom. He led the largest giant colony in the world. Most went to America just to be able to learn from him. Nita was proud of her Giant genes and background. Most of her classmates were jealous. She, like her parents, was very powerful.

Hearing the other teen call her a freak due to being a half giant pissed her off. Nita turned and glared at her. The others with the girl had been laughing until they saw the glare. They quickly ran off. The girl was confused as Nita walked up to her.

"Did you just call me a freak for being a half Giant?" She asked.

"Yes I did. Giants are stupid, useless, beasts." She sneered not realizing the danger she was in.

Two seconds later the teen was on the ground. She held her nose in shock. Blood was running down her face. Above her was Nita. She glared at the girl.

"Still think I'm a stupid, useless, beast?" She asked. "Just remember I am the top student in our defense class and my father leads the world's largest and most powerful Giant colony." She turned on her heel and walked away.

Nita went home after that. She knew that she shouldn't have punched the girl but it was hard to control her temper when Giants were insulted. Her parents were going to be upset with her. It wouldn't be the first time she used violence when defending her race. Her father understood but she still needed to learn to control her temper.

She made the decision to tell her mom. Hiding it would only get her into more trouble. Nita groaned at her stupidity and went searching for her mom. Luckily she was in the kitchen and not somewhere else.

"Mom?" Walked up to the woman.

"Yes dear?" She looked at her.

With a sigh Nita explained what happened. Her mother didn't interrupt once. She waited for her daughter to finish before speaking. She was disappointed that her daughter resorted to violence but happy that she didn't try to hide it.

"I see." She said.

"I'm sorry mom." She said.

"I know." Tala said. "I'll talk to your father and we'll decide your punishment. Go to your room."

"Yes mom." She stood up and did as told. 'Hopefully dad isn't too mad. Cleaning the animal stalls is the worst.'