A new beginning

And it happened. After so much rancor, contempt and finally some acceptance, what many wanted to happen but few dared to think it would come true: Sesshoumaru had two daughters and to top it all off with a beautiful human woman.


One possesses the serene countenance, almost devoid of emotions characteristic of her father, and the other, on the contrary, the liveliness of her face stands out, like that of her mother. Respectively their names are Setsuna and Towa. They are different both in appearance and personality, perhaps due to how fickle nature can be or perhaps to imitate the profound differences that united their parents in a love that was always destined to evolve.

Since their conception, four years have passed that seemed to all the shortest in the world, because when you are really happy, time passes as a caress that is appreciated and not only as changes and circumstances that accelerate aging.

Inuyasha and Kagome had their daughter almost simultaneously, and her name is Moroha. She is a nice looking girl with a daring look and adorable and unmistakable dog ears. The hanyou cousins are unaware of the fact that they have contemporary relatives since their parents have not seen each other for some time.

Kaede's inevitable death was followed by Rin's decision to finally leave the village in the company of Sesshoumaru. He even observed from a safe distance the small funeral act that was performed in commemoration of the honorable old woman and was not quite sure why. She probably felt the need to pay respect to the person who took care of Rin for so many years. Although she was human she had developed almost animal instincts and knew he was close. It didn't take long for her to find his whereabouts and after a hesitant moment she nodded in his direction and he reciprocated. It was not necessary to say anything, Sesshoumaru understood that the time had come.

The rest is history. Things happened, love transcended and gave birth to their adorable little ones. Rin was already impatient to go visit Kagome and Inuyasha and see what had become of their lives. They would definitely be surprised to learn what their fate had in store for her.

For his part, Sesshomaru felt resigned. His wife had been urging him for the visit for years and he did not understand why after so many years going almost religiously to the village he no longer tolerated the idea of approaching it. Naturally it was because she was the only reason to go there and because he was aware that as soon as he set foot in town and people found out about his extended family, the jokes would not stop.

In his defense, sometimes people made mistakes. Or in his particular case sometimes they did things well.

" Girls, are you ready? " Rin asked lovingly to her daughters, although they continued playing as if they had not heard anything.

"Pick up your things that we leave soon to see your uncles " she insisted, starting to lose her patience a little. Although she was characterized by having a kind attitude, that did not mean that she tolerated impudence, neither of her daughters nor of her own husband.

Intuiting that not even her mother's threatening tone was going to dampen the girls' desire for immediate fun, Sesshomaru had no choice but to give them one of his unmistakable looks of annoyance. He did it without Rin observing the gesture and without instilling much anger; He wanted his daughters to want to continue being with him. Immediately they began to behave like little angels and enlist without question.

Satisfied with herself and with her knack for enforcing order, Rin smiled, and the demon was once again able to observe one of the reasons why he fell in love with her.

Although they were hanyou, the girls inherited the ability to fly, which secretly made Sesshoumaru proud. Rin could not fly but it was something that did not bother her at all, since that way she could travel in the arms of her beloved. She settled back and rested her head on his chest as he held her tight. She sneaked up to meet those golden eyes that took her breath away and without thinking for a moment Sesshoumaru kissed her briefly on the lips. Rin was startled and her heart began to pound noticeably, still after so long it kept happening to her. She blushed and smiled sheepishly at him as an excuse. She always did that.

"We arrived" the yokai announced in his usual sensual voice.

It didn't take long for Inuyasha to notice his scent and follow the trail, accompanied by a curious Kagome. Without having to get too close they saw the picturesque scene: two little girls who bore an incredible resemblance to Sesshoumaru and Rin, who were still practically hugging each other.

"Is it possible ..." Kagome started to say in disbelief.

"... that these two ..." Inuyasha continued.

"... be a couple and those are their daughters ?! " The priestess finished saying or rather shouting.

Almost at the same time they both began to laugh; he with a thunderous laugh and she in a nervous way that was quickly supplanted by one equal to or perhaps even louder than her partner's.

Sesshomaru started to turn around to get away but Rin grabbed him firmly by the arm and held him back. Finally he composed himself and took a few safe steps in the direction of his brother and asked him in the most threatening way he could:

" What are you laughing at.

" Oh brother " Inuyasha exclaimed smugly " I always knew that karma would attack you in the worst possible wa...

He couldn't finish speaking because he received a blow to the head that almost knocked him down.

- Sit! Sit! SIT!

With each shout the poor hanyou seemed to bury himself deeper and deeper into the ground. Already satisfied Kagome approached Rin and they gave each other a long hug, they had missed a lot. Rin made sure to position herself between the two brothers to try to avoid a future fight and understood all the sacrifices Sesshoumaru had made in order to be with her, such as letting go of a large part of his pride. Realizing this made her love him even more.

They went to one of the cabins where the presentation of the cousins took place. With the innocence that can be expected, they looked at each other for a while, and suddenly they began to play. After the tension of the unexpected encounter the adults caught up, or rather the women did it while the parents entertained themselves by watching the girls play.

"Ah! How about we take our daughters to the nearby flower field? " Rin suggested.

If no one had been present maybe Sesshomaru would have smiled. He was certain that the interest in going to see the flowers was not exactly so that only the girls admired them.

Kagome's eyes lit up but her eyes suddenly darkened, as if remembering something.

" I would love to accompany you but I have to attend an exorcism … "

"We'll catch up with them in a bit," Inuyasha suggested, and so it was done.

About fifteen minutes later the incomplete group was in the field. At the same time a little further Kagome received the news of the delay of the exorcism and assumed a thoughtful attitude. The intrigue began to take hold of her and she decided that taking a look at the unexpected couple trying not to be spotted might be a good idea. She needed to see for herself if Rin had fallen into good hands.

With the help of binoculars (brought back from the present time long ago) Kagome hid herself as best as she could and the surveillance began. She first looked in the direction of her daughter and found her talking to the others. She couldn't hear anything but the expression on her face was enough to know that she was happy. Then she focused on her main goal and witnessed something that stunned her. Rin was in deep contemplation of various colored flowers and without realizing it Sesshomaru had grabbed one of the brightest and most beautiful and delicately placed it on her hair. After a while the human approached a stream to drink water and stopped halfway, admiring the beautiful gesture. Then she stood up and kissed him through the air.

Their relationship was full of those kinds of details instead of loving words that can sometimes turn out to be empty. Without wanting to, the priestess went from being curious to feeling a hint of female jealousy. Inuyasha was cute in his own way but he definitely didn't behave like that with her. Taking care not to make any noise, she approached, wanted to listen a little more.

Perhaps referring to what she had just witnessed or something new that had happened while she was plunged into her bitter thoughts, Rin exclaimed:

- You are the best husband in the world.

She said it with infinite tenderness that was also evident in her eyes and Sesshomaru wasted no time in approaching her and plunging her into a deep hug.

For Kagome this was the drop that spilled the glass. She spent years, YEARS, hinting at Inuyasha to propose to her until she practically forced him to. It didn't seem like the case of those she was watching.

" Hey, what are you doing? "

Kagome turned around and saw that her husband was accompanying her but without trying to cover up his presence.

" Shh, Shh! " she whispered, her eyes imploring him not to make a sound.

He ignored her and kept talking to her, even questioned her when he found out that she was spying on his half brother.

"I wanted to make sure he is treating Rin well," she started to say with false calm, "but I realized that Sesshoumaru is treating her ...

With each word she spoke, she became more annoyed and Inuyasha seemed to dwarf proportionally.

"… MUCH BETTER THAN YOU TREAT ME! " She finished saying completely furious, not realizing that her attempt at surveillance had been ruined.

Puzzled by the din Sesshomaru and Rin soon came across them and had a long time listening to Kagome's drama. The demon knew from the first moment that the human was not far away but this kind of show was not expected.

The brothers suddenly began to sniff the air and said almost in unison:

" Fire"

Both women raised their hands to their mouths in concern and shouted:

"The girls!"

They separated into pairs to carry out the search and noticed that something was wrong. Although the smell of smoke had not been so powerful, the fire they were witnessing was.

How could the forest catch fire at that speed?

Heart in their throats, they kept searching, desperately shouting their daughters' names as their lungs filled with smoke. They would rather die than surrender, but their fate would be far more uncertain.

The origin of the fire had not been natural. It was magical.

In the place where they were each began to fall asleep, until they fell to the ground and their minds vanished. The last thought of all was dedicated to their daughters and was full of pain.

But they did not die. The moment they fell asleep the fire disappeared, it had already served its purpose. Everyone else who was exposed to the smoke suffered from selective amnesia that would not allow them to remember Inuyasha, Kagome, Rin and Sesshoumaru.

Their lives took a sudden turn that day and it would be up to Setsuna, Towa and Moroha to grow up healthy and strong so they could discover what had become of their parents and regain their memories.

A new story had just begun.

Well, several years have passed since the last time I published something, even since I last entered the page. I am very happy for the announcement that the story will continue and this is a kind of prologue that I wanted to do. It is my interpretation of the little information that has been released and I hope you like it.

This was originally submitted in spanish but I realized that google translate is actually pretty good right now so I used it and fixed some minor details so this can reach a wider audience. I hope you enjoyed it and let me know if you did!