The Clichéd Body Switching, YYH Style

Summary: The YYH characters switch bodies. That's it. By reading this, you know the whole, basic, boring, short version of the story. However, if you wish to see who switches with whom and laugh at the comedy (which is tragically overworked and stupid) then I (the author) suggest that you read the story... please?

Disclaimer: I don't own squirrel goes whhhheeee! or any of the YYH characters (or anything else in this story besides the pointless fact that I wrote). Yeah,...uh... that's all. Umm... right, hope you like


Chapter 1: Squirrels, Soggy Sandwiches, and Evil Youkai

There was once a girl; an ordinary girl whom nothing ever happened to. Now you (the reader) are probably thinking, "Wow. The girl probably discovers that she has some 'special' trait and goes off on an adventure in which she becomes the heroine." Wrong. This is just an ordinary girl who's never had anything happen to her and most likely nothing ever will. However, this ordinary girl happened to be a waitress at a place called the Kamikaze Café (which is completely ironic because "kamikaze" refers to the Japanese World War II suicide bombers, but the café is in a completely pacifistic town- which isn't really true but the government likes to think so). This is all, nevertheless, very unimportant to the story.

Anyway, this ordinary waitress was at the moment zigzagging in and out of people-filled tables carrying a neatly stacked club sandwich (consisting of deli ham slices, Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato, and ketchup) and a Coke on the rocks, all on a round brown tray, over to a table slightly away from everyone else. At this table, slouched a 14-year-old boy who you could have nicknamed Gel because of his excessive use of hair gel. This is, however, not recommended because Gel sounds like Jill and he'd probably get mad if you called him it and then he'd beat the crap out of you.

"Here's your lunch, cutey," said the waitress as she put his lunch down in front of him. Then she winked at him, "I'll be back with your bill in a minute, sugar."

"Gee, thanks," replied the boy, who's name happened to be Yusuke. Yusuke grabbed his club sandwich and began to eat it. Suddenly, a squirrel wearing a brilliant red cape landed on the table next to Yusuke's plate.

"SQUIRREL GOES WWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" it shouted distinctly. Then it flew off. Yusuke's eyes got very wide and if he was a little computer face dude, (A/N: I know the damn word, I just can't spell it) he might look like this: 0_o or maybe this: o_0. Either way, he decided that it just proved his idea that everything was in a conspiracy against him so he took a swig of Coke, and continued eating his sandwich.

The waitress came back and set his bill next to his Coke. His bill amounted to be about fifteen dollars, which is really quite an outrageous amount of money to pay for what he ordered, and he right away agreed so. Then again, this was all somewhat normal at this café because it didn't get too much service because everything cost too much, and so a constant circle of insane economics kept the café from expanding.

Just then, a bubbly blue haired girl with bright pink eyes popped out of what seemed to be nowhere and shouted, "YUSUKE!" so loud that Yusuke dropped the glass of Coke that he was holding all over his beautiful, delicious club sandwich. The sandwich absorbed the beverage like a sponge, and Yusuke something that I can't write here, so lets just say that he said 'flipity spit!' and everyone who has watched the cut version of The Faculty knows what he really said. Either way, it was so evil that the Botan, the blue haired chick, hit him over the head with a heavy metal baseball bat and Yusuke shut up... for a nanosecond that is.

"What is it, Botan, I'm eating lunch?! Which is now ruined..." he asked angrily, looking pathetically down at his soggy sandwich.

"Yusuke, no time to moan over a soggy sandwich, we've got big problems!" Botan retorted anxiously. "There's an evil youkai..." she started. Then she glanced around at all the people within a ten-foot radius earshot of her, which was about fifty nervous people staring at her bat. "Umm... hi folks!" she said enthusiastically, and put the bat behind her back. "Yusuke," she whispered to, well, Yusuke, "can we go somewhere else? Good. Pay your bill and come on!" she continued not waiting for an answer.

"Screw paying the damn bill! Let's go!" Yusuke eagerly responded. He grabbed Botan by the arm and pulled her away from the people and the café.

"Wait!" yelled an angry, ordinary waitress after them. "You didn't... pay." Her voice trailed off because she knew that he wasn't ever going to come back and pay, but also knew that he hadn't had any intension of doing it in the first place. So, she just watched them run off down the street while shaking her head from left to right and making an annoying 'tsk, tsk...' sound. Soon her gaze wandered to the coke soaked sandwich and left it there for someone else to take care of.

Subsequently, a red-caped squirrel came out of the sky with a WHOSH! and a WHHHHEEEE!!! and landed at the table Yusuke formerly sat at. After some sniffing and poking around, it began to eat the sandwich and everyone within a ten-foot radius of it moved to a twenty-foot radius of it and called for their checks'.

* * *

A/N: Yeah, this whole story is a little, how should I put it, dumb, gay, ect. But, hell, readers might have a better opinion (please?). I think I put too much unnecessary information, but I don't normally write like that (it's true!). So... this is my first fanfic and I'm not sure how good it is, but that's for all you girls and guys to decide for yourselves. See you (kind of) in the next chapter of: my really gay fanfic with the even gayer title!