I don't own RWBY or Godzilla just the plot, both franchises belong to respective owners.

Chapter III-Predator and Maidens 2

Vale; Main Street; 12:00 P.M.

It took Coco and Velvet thirty minutes to completely sort out their story to the cops. It only took so long because a couple of officers really didn't think the girls were telling the truth. They believed Velvet (being a Faunus) just randomly attacked four upstanding citizens for no reason, and Coco was her accomplice. Of course, these guys were quickly taken care of by two completely different factors.

"What?!" Ruby shouted. "How could they not believe you?"

"Ruby this isn't new, discrimination on faunas still goes on in our world, it doesn't matter if you're the victim when you're a faunas. They'll immediately mark you as the culprit for that." Blake said.

"But they're huntress's in training." Ruby said back.

"That only makes their case worst Ruby?" Circe said. "Plus the fact that their girls."

"What does being a girl have to do with it?" Weiss ask.

"Simple it's the typical stereotype of gender superiority where girls are weaker, and the law favors in protecting them." Circe explain though many of them were still confused.

'Sign' "Because of that woman tend to abuse that notion of the law into arresting innocent people by playing the victim." Circe continued.

"But we were the victims here." Velvet said.

"They don't care, over time the cops found out that these girls are full of themselves, so it'll be hard for them to believe your story without evidence and since your students from Beacon they highly doubt that a bunch of thugs can harm you." Circe said.


"Ruby don't even start, you're living in a world where the odds are stack against the faunas and with what I just said the odds were stack against Coco and Velvet from the start." Circe said.

One-A senior officer knew Velvet personally and knew she wouldn't hurt a fly and threatened to bring up the offending officers on charges if they didn't leave her and her friend alone.

"Officer Quartz!" Velvet said.

"Wait you know him?" Amber ask.

"Yes he's an old friend of my family." Velvet told her.

"Well at least he was there to help you." Yang said.

The second-Gojira nearly killed the officers. He wasn't sure why, but Velvet seemed so familiar to him, and that kind of lead to him having a fierce protectiveness of her, and by extent Coco. Though, after seeing her nearly brain one officer with a (purse? He wasn't sure what humans called it), that he found out weighed a good 300 pounds; he had to say he was intrigued by the girl and that he seemed just as familiar as Velvet.

"W-what how could a purse weigh 300 pounds? What do you keep in it?" Azusa ask.

"Oh trust me lady Gianduja is no ordinary handbag." Coco smirk.


"You'll see."

"The more time I spend with you girls the stranger you become." Azusa said.

But something about them bothered him. Their eyes would gloss over at random intervals, and they seemed easily distracted. There was something…familiar about it. He just couldn't remember why.

"Uh what's happening to us?" Coco ask.

"I…I don't know." Velvet said.

No one could formulate an answer for the girls as they too wonder why they look so unfocused.

But for Azusa, she had a vague idea on what it could be but with the lack of evidence she would just be pulling straws out of a hat.

After they took care of their statements to the police and Coco's Aura recharged and began healing her leg, Coco immediately dragged Gojira and Velvet off to her favorite clothing store. Velvet, of course, complained about Coco's overexcitement on the whole matter, while Gojira had been gob smacked at the brunette's strength at being able to drag him along so casually despite a splint on her foot.

"Um is it okay for you to be moving around with an injury like that?" Azusa ask.

"Pfft don't worry with my aura back up I'll be fine." Coco brush off.

"Plus the fact that our next destination is a clothes store, an injured leg won't stop her from shopping." Velvet mumble.

"Don't you dare start this again." Coco said.

'Aura.' Azusa thought. This was the second time she heard that term, what exactly did aura have on these girls. Aura is a term people use when they meditate and are spiritual but these girls don't look the part. Azusa would have to ask about this later but for now she just wanted to gear the story.

Upon arriving at the store, Coco was greeted by its owner, who was apparently an old friend of her family's. She explained the situation to her, and the woman responded by thanking the human Kaiju profusely, and hugging with a surprising amount of strength.

Did all human women have this kind of strength?

And if so, how come he never saw it before now?

"I wonder why?" Weiss ask.

"Maybe because…"

"That was rhetorical Ruby." Weiss said.

To show her gratitude, the shop owner, who introduced herself as Juniper Magnolia, quickly set to work on Coco's request of getting Gojira a whole new look. For several minutes, the monster king was subjected to prodding and absurd (to him) measurements as Juniper began to write down everything, she needed for her 'new masterpiece.'

"Everyone sit back and watch a profession work." Coco said smiling.

"Is she really that good?" Ruby ask.

"Uh yeah my boss is one of the best fashion experts I know, hell she even pick out me and Velvet's clothes." Coco said. "Ain't that right Vel?"

"Please don't remind me." Velvet groaned not wanted to remember that day where Coco's boss got a little to close to her to perform measurements.

She made quick work, too. Not even fifteen minutes after she raced to the back room, she came out with Gojira's new clothes. Coco had taken them from the woman and thrust them into Gojira's hands, then shoved him into a changing booth with orders of trying them on.

The Kaiju blinked at the door that shut in his face, uncomprehending of what just happened. He growled lowly. "I can see why Zilla's so-called father said no male will ever understand human females," he mumbled. "Too damn complicated."

"I presume Zilla is another kaiju?" Weiss said.

"You are correct, Zilla is another kaiju though his situation could be similar to mine." Azusa said.

"What do you mean?" Blake ask.

"Well Zilla was raised by a human scientist in another country, the government over there allowed it after they saw how docile he is." Azusa answered.

"Wait if that guy is allowed to have a kaiju why couldn't you be allowed to raise Jr?" Yang ask.

"That's because for them they killed Zilla's father and his siblings while he was still an egg." Asuza answer shocking the girls.

"Wow…that's pretty dark." Yang said.

He shook his head and changed. To his interest, the shirt had specialized slits in the back for his shoulder spines, and the jeans had a similar slit in the back for his tail. Shrugging, he set to work putting the clothes on.

As he finished, he turned to the mirror behind him and examined the clothes. He now wore a black sleeveless shirt with red tribal-like markings on the shoulders that wrapped around where his spines came out of the shirt, and in-between his shoulder blades and spines, the Japanese Kanji for "Kaiju", an addition that Gojira had recommended when Juniper asked. The jeans were dark blue and he also wore thick, steel toed boots while his clawed hands were clad in fingerless gloves.

"Now he's in proper clothes." Azusa said.

"Na-uh." Coco shaking her head. "It's not enough."

"What do you mean?" Amber ask.

"The outfit's fine but it needs a little more… something, a sign that screams. "You're fuck the moment you cross me." Something like that." Coco said.

It certainly was comfortable, and he could understand why humans wore them. Gojira snorted at his appearance. "It will suffice," he murmured and walked out of the dressing room. Coco, Velvet, and Juniper were all waiting for him, and when he walked out, all eyes turned to him.

"Why, Mr. Gojira, you look stunning!" Juniper exclaimed cheerfully, clapping her hands together. She was a rather short woman with a softer brown hair than Velvet's or Coco's that fell down to the small of her back. Her warm, blue eyes twinkled as she gazed at the human Kaiju. She wore a loose-fitting yellow blouse and a long, red skirt and sandals on her feet.

"Yes, Gojira, you…" Velvet commented with a blush.

"Ravishing," Coco finished with a smirk, then frowned. "But…something's missing…"

"What's missing? He looks fine to me." Ruby said.

"My dear girl you don't know fashion like I do. People like me we settle for fine we settle for magnificent!" Coco said.

"Oh no." Velvet dreaded that Coco would go into one of her long rants about fashion, thankfully it didn't happen.

"Coco," Velvet said in a dead tone.

"Don't 'Coco' me, Vel," Coco said. "He's got the look, but it's not enough. Needs to be more…badass. Something that screams, 'Oh! Don't wanna mess with this guy! He's a BAMF!'"

"Why can't you ever agree with me?" Coco ask.

"Because you always overdue it." Velvet said.

"There is nothing wrong with looking your best, we're huntress! We gotta look good." Coco said.

"I can't help but agree with her." Yang said.

"See!" Coco smile triumphantly.

"We're training to help people not start a fashion sense." Velvet said.

"Pfft to late for that. Vel look at what we're all wearing." Coco said pointing out all of huntresses in the room.

"Fashion sense already in the room." She said.


"I don't need anything else," Gojira said flatly. "I'm clothed. That's good enough."

"Don't be fucking ridiculous!" Coco admonished him. "You saved me! And this is me repaying you for that!" Gojira was about to say something, most likely something spiteful, but Coco's face brightened. "Oh! I got it!"

She ran through the store, rummaging through various boxes and rooms as she looked for what she needed. Gojira looked on in irritation before she returned with a box with a particular glint in her eyes.

"Um what is all of that?" Amber ask.

"Hmm well we do have a couple of accessories lying around in the back, you know belts, necklaces, armor." Coco said.

"Isn't that suppose to be a clothes store why do you have armor lying around?" Blake ask.

"Eh we keep some around in case a huntsmen comes into our store." Coco answered.

Velvet looked at the box and frowned. "Coco, what…?" she asked, but she didn't finish because Coco immediately blurred and circled Gojira with speeds that would impress Dr. Oobleck. When she stopped, Velvet's jaw dropped. Gojira was now wearing a small cross necklace and had a silver shoulder guard with red accents and elbow guard of the same color scheme on his left arm. He also now had shin guards of the same color scheme as well. A belt that was designed to look like a chain with a padlock as the buckle hung askew from his waist, and now he wore a metal wrist band on his right wrist.

The changes weren't all that awe-inspiring by themselves, but on Gojira, they definitely stood out. Velvet's face turned red at Gojira's new look. Coco smirked grandly, a light blush making its way to her face as well.

"Mmm-hmm damn I do good work." Coco praise herself causing Velvet to roll her eyes.

But she couldn't help but be awe-struck by Gojira's new look.

He already look…well decent by his previous outfit but this one made him look like the hottest huntsmen she has ever seen, and she wouldn't put past herself if he was a male model.

'WHISTLE!' "Now that is a badass right there." Yang complimented.

"Your boss really does good work." Weiss said.

"Hey don't forget I added the finishing touches." Coco said.

"Perfect! Now you pass!" she said happily.

"Pass what?" the Kaiju Faunus asked monotonously as he examined the additions. She just pick out random shit and put it on him.

"The badass test, obviously!" Coco said brightly. "Now you are worthy of being called my savior!"

"Oh I couldn't agree more." Coco said.

"Coco…" Velvet said again.

"I thought I asked you to quit 'Coco'-ing me, Vel," the fashionista complained. "You make to sound like I'm doing something wrong!"

"Ugh! Vel would you give it a rest already." Coco said.

"With you? I hardly can." Velvet said.

"…Do you even want me to comment on that?"

"Velveeeeeet…" she whined, but before she could continue, she and Velvet jumped at a loud growling noise. Startled, they turned to Gojira, who was staring at his stomach in bewilderment.

'Huh. That's never happened before,' Gojira thought, referring to his growling stomach. He had always sustained himself on atomic energy, and only ate food sparingly. But now, there wasn't any atomic energy near for him to 'feed' off of. 'Quite peculiar.'

"I didn't know this. Atomic energy has always been a part of a kaiju's diet, but I didn't know it had this much effect on them." Azusa said.

"Out of curiosity even with the atomic energy what do kaijus normally eat?" Weiss ask.

"Fish." Azusa answered causing Blake to perk up. "The island that they live on has an abundant supply of fish along the coast so they can eat as much as they want."

Even though she already had dinner, just thinking about eating fish was already making Blake hungry again. She even sometimes had dreams of going to a buffet where they served nothing but fish.

"Hungry, ain't ya?" Coco asked in amusement. "Well, I know where we're headin' next!"

"And I'll be paying for it, Coco," Velvet said suddenly. "You're not paying for his food as well as his new clothes. You don't have enough Lien for that!"

"You know I'm right Coco, you're already paying for his clothes there way you can possibly pay for his meal." Velvet said.

"Vel I'm an employee I get discounts, I can totally pay for lunch." Coco said.

"You'll be in the red until your next pay check." Velvet said.

"Well at least I don't worry about being in the red." Yang said. "We have Weiss to pay for everything."

"What!?" Weiss shouted.

"You are the one with money Weiss." Blake said.

"Don't you dare use me to pay for everything, I'm not your cash cow." Weiss said.

"Vel, I work here!" the fashionista complained again. "And I get an employee discount!"

"Just so you girls know if you're ever in the need of a new wardrobe I can get you a good price."

"Uh thanks but I think we're good." Blake said.

"And I still need to repay him for his help," she said calmly.

Gojira's eyebrow twitched. What was with repaying him crap? Why would they think they needed to repay him for saving them? Was this some sort of human custom he was unaware of?

"What's his problem they're just trying to thank him for what he did." Ruby said.

"Gratitude is a rarity for Gojira, he doesn't receive it often because of his history." Azusa said.

"Ugh! Fine!" Coco said in mock exasperation, throwing her hands up in the air. "I'll concede. But ONLY this once! Got it?!"

Velvet nodded happily, pleased that she could repay her savior. Coco smirked, which had Velvet stiffening up. "Well, what are we waiting for?!" she asked. She threw a stack of Lien at Juniper and then grabbed Gojira and Velvet by the arms. "Let's get some grub!" she said as she started dragging them again.

"Wait! Coco! You're going to wear out the soles of my shoes again! Slow down!" Velvet yelled.

"How the hell's she dragging me?!" the Daikaiju demanded.

This incited giggles from the girls but for Velvet she only groan.

"What's wrong Vel?" Coco ask.

"Coco I spent a good part of our first year buying new pairs of shoes because you keep wearing them out."

"Hey I said I was sorry didn't I?" Coco said.

Coco had dragged them all the way to what she knew Velvet's favorite restaurant was (Hey! She cared for her team and this was Velvet's time to repay their savior!), and quickly set them down at the first table she saw available. Velvet turned to glare at her friend, who was grinning cheekily, while Gojira was just glaring period. He didn't like being dragged around.

But before he could say anything about it, a waiter came up to take their orders. Gojira put his irritation to the side and ordered some water as he observed the others in the restaurant. He noted how a few were looking disgusted at this one guy with odd colored hair shoveling food into his mouth and making a right mess.

Since he didn't want any unwanted attention, he made a note not to eat like that.

"Ugh at least he's smart to enough to show common decency." Weiss said. She has always hated when people ate like that, they always got food everywhere making a mess.

After they ordered their food (Velvet a salad, Coco a ribeye steak, and Gojira a plate of cooked fish), the girls looked to Gojira.

"Great now I'm hungry." Yang grumble.

"How are you hungry we're in a dream." Amber said.

"Anyone can get hungry just by seeing food. I mean Blake always drools when she sees fish." Yang said.

Blake sank back into her seat with her cheeks blushing with embarrassment.

"So, Goji," Coco said with a smirk. Gojira's eye twitched at the familiar nickname. "Tell us more about yourself?" This was her chance to see more about him, and she wanted to see what kind of person her savior was.

Every leaned in wanting to know more as well.

Velvet was intrigued about what Gojira would say as well. She wondered if they had anything in common, so that they could become quick friends and…hopefully more…

Velvet blush at the thoughts of her other self.

"Vel you trying to get yourself a man." Coco teased.

"W-what no!" Velvet tried to deny but was failing.

"You know you want a piece of that." Yang added.

"Why are you attacking me?!" Velvet shouted surprise that Yang joined in.

"Sorry I couldn't resist." Yang said laughing.

"I just want to get to know him better." Velvet defended.

"Says the girl who want to become MORE than friends." Coco said.

"Shut up!"

He looked confused at the statement, also noting their eyes were glazing over again. He glared at the brunette. "Why do you want to know about me?" he asked in irritation.

Coco and Velvet blinked at his question. "W-Well," Velvet stuttered. "I…We just want to know more about you," she said.

He stared at her with peculiarly. "Why?" he asked with a tilt of his head, wondering what their goals were for wanting that information.

Coco shrugged. "How else do you make friends?" she asked rhetorically.

Friends. That word was not one that the Faunus was accustomed to hearing. He had met so few (even less that were humans) that he could even think of calling "friends." And even then, they were iffy at best.

"Does he not have friends?" Ruby ask, she could relate to it ask she spent more time learning about weapons instead of making friends.

"Well his allies could be considered his friends, but his relationship with them is complicated." Asuza said. 'But there is one ally of his that is considered his best friend.' She thought of a certain spike back kaiju.

His first instinct was to shoot them down, to not tell them anything about himself, but he smothered the urge. He needed information, and he stood a lower chance at finding it if he was by himself. He contemplated what to say about himself as the waiter brought their drinks. The girls were wondering what was wrong when he finally spoke up.

"I wish he didn't use us to just get information." Velvet said sadly.

"Under normal circumstances I agree but for him situation it seems like the best course of action." Amber said.

"What would you like to know?" he asked, not sure what to say.

The girls were taken aback for a moment. Coco, however, recovered quickly. "Like…where you're from. Or what you like to do? Family…what kind of Faunus you are…"

"Coco!" Velvet hissed.

"Coco!" Velvet shouted.

"What!?" Coco whined.

"We talked about this, faunas don't like revealing what species they are." Velvet said.

"Hey remember this is story me that said it." Coco said.

"Still the same person."

"What now?!" Coco whined back.

"That's very insensitive! Not all Faunus are so ready to tell others what species they are!" the bunny eared girl told her.

"Is that true?" Azusa ask.

"Yes, many faunas don't like revealing their animal species mostly out the fact that people would treat them like their animal counterparts." Blake explained while looking at Yang.

"Uh why are you looking at me when you say that?" Yang ask.

"I still haven't forgiven you for all those cat stunts you tried pulling on me." Blake said.

"Oh come I said I was sorry, I just wanted to have some fun." Yang said.

"Like those times you use the laser pointer, the ball of yarn, the scratching post, the giant box, shall I go on." Blake listed.

"Okay you made your point geez." Yang said.

"This is why faunas don't like revealing their species." Velvet whispered to Azusa.

"Oh…" Coco deflated slightly. She turned back to Gojira and said, "Right. You don't have to…"

"I'm from an island that was recently destroyed," he interrupted suddenly, looking at the girls blankly as he stunned them to silence. "I like to sleep, and family…" He paused, wondering if he should say anything. He shook his head. "I think I won't answer that one," he said sternly, looking at them with a look that said not to push their luck. They didn't. "And as to what…species of Faunus I am…" he continued, only pausing briefly at calling himself a "Faunus." "…well…" 'An irradiated, skyscraper sized, atomic charged Kaiju with the firepower of nuclear Armageddon.' "…I'm a Godzillasaurus Faunus," he said finally, shocking the girls to the core.

"You're a Dinosaur Faunus?!" Velvet screeched in quiet amazement, but quickly quieted down as to not drawn attention to them. Dinosaur Faunus were rare; almost no one saw one in person for their whole life because they were VERY reclusive, even to other Faunus!

"That's true." Amber said. "I've traveled Remnant for a few years now and I have never once seen a dinosaur faunas.

"Are they really that rare?" Ruby ask.

"Yes they are Ruby." Blake said. "Dinosaur faunas aren't like regular faunas, they seclude themselves on their own island and barely have any contact with the outside world."

"Do they ever leave?" Yang ask.

"Rarely." Blake answered.

"Well is there a reason why they seclude themselves even from other faunas?" Weiss ask.

"No one knows the exact reason, many people speculate that since dinosaur faunas are a rare breed they would rather stay together than live amongst non-dinosaur faunas and humans." Blake explain.

Coco had stars in her eyes. Never, in all her craziest fantasies, did she ever think she'd ever meet a dinosaur Faunus! And have him save her at that! Damn, the world was a mysterious place. She stared at him in wonder, but soon frowned and found herself asking something that had been bugging her for a while: "What's with the slits on your neck?"

"Huh?" he asked, tilting his head in confusion. "You mean my gills?"

"Gills?! You have gills?!" Coco asked in shock.

"Well we did see him sleeping underwater." Ruby said.

"Hey it's not like we see people with gills every day." Coco said.

"Aquatic faunas are quite rare to see." Velvet said.

"Yes. Isn't that what I just said?" he asked snidely.

"Dude. I was just shocked. Yeesh, don't bite my head off."

'Don't tempt me,' he thought. He wanted to know why this girl was so familiar to him, and biting her head off would be detrimental in finding out.

"Oh I dare him to try." Coco said.

"Anyway," Velvet said, deciding to push onto another subject. "That was really brave of you, to stand up for us I mean. Not many stand up to the Red Sons."

"Can't imagine why," Gojira scoffed. "They were hardly worthy of the time it took to fight them."

"One of them knocked you into the street and you were hit by a car," Coco deadpanned.

"Because I wasn't expecting the insect's strength," he told her in irritation. "I expected him to break his hand, not send me skidding back. And the car was too flimsy to even hurt me."

Coco raised an eyebrow at the "insect" comment, but let it slide. "You must have a lot of Aura then, huh?" she asked skeptically.

'Aura?' "What is that?" he asked in confusion.

"That's what I want to know." Azusa whispered.

The girls looked to him in shock. "You're joking right?" Coco asked. "How can you not know about Aura?! Everyone knows what Aura is!"

"Well, obviously I don't, or I wouldn't be asking," Gojira snapped.

That stopped the girls short. How could he not know what Aura was? The knowledge was as common as the knowledge of Faunus in the world. Coco looked to Velvet and raised an eyebrow. Velvet got the message and turned to the irritated Kaiju.

"W-Well, Aura is the manifestation of our soul," the rabbit Faunus explained. "It's our shield, our sword. We use it for all manner of tasks. Like the guy who hit you? He used his Aura to strengthen his punch, which sent you into the road." At Gojira's nod, she continued. "We use our Aura to defend ourselves against the creatures of Grimm, to enhance our abilities, and activate Dust."

"So that's what aura is." Azusa said amazed.

"Yes do you not have it in your world?" Amber ask.

"I don't think so, many people in my world see aura as some sort of spiritual essence that surrounds all living things." Azusa said. "We never actually thought it could be use like a shield."

"Hmm many scholars in Remnant see aura just like that as well." Weiss said.

'Creatures of Grimm? Dust? Just where did that damn insect weapon send me?!' "…I see," he mumbled and took a sip of his water.

"What are these creature of Grimm?" Azusa ask.

"Grimm are the horrors that have haunted Remnant since like forever." Amber answered.

"Is there anything else I should know about them?" Azusa ask.

"Maybe the fact that they are endless."

By this time, the food had finally been brought out. Coco and Velvet smiled gratefully as Gojira simply nodded to the waiter. The girls began eating calmly, but the humanized Kaiju waited a moment before digging in himself, mimicking how others (besides the man with the odd hair color) in the restaurant were eating.

"So," Coco asked after taking a couple of bites of her steak, "what made you save us to begin with?"

"Nothing," he stated bluntly, shocking them again. "If that dumbass worm had not have yelled at me, I would not have stopped."

Everyone had their mouths open at the declaration.

"W-What?" Velvet asked, aghast.

"Y-You…?" Coco whispered. "You would have left us?"

"Yes," he said, though as he said it, he felt a sharp pang in his chest. Like saying the words wounded him. What was going on with him?!

"The hell is wrong with him!?" Coco shouted. "If I was there right now I'll bash his head in!"

"He was willing to leave us." Velvet said feeling a bit heart broken.

"Why would he do that!?" Ruby said.

"While I don't like the fact that he was willing to leave you two, I shouldn't be surprise Gojira isn't one to possess chivalry." Azusa said.

"But it doesn't mean that he should have left them." Ruby argued.

"I don't think it really matters, Gojira war with humanity has made him bitter towards others, not only that but he sees no gain in helping others."

"But he has friends." Blake said. "He must've found the gain in that."

"I already told you the relationship he has with one of them is complicated and it's not like the others are any different." Azusa said.

Coco was beginning to get angry. "You would have left us to be raped by those…those…" Coco struggled to keep her anger at bay while trying to find the words she wanted. "Psychopaths?!"

"Hey, it wasn't like I knew you two were in that alleyway," he snapped back. "And I'm not in the business of helping people who haven't earned my respect! So, lay off!"

"I'm starting to regret buying him new clothes." Coco grumble.

Coco was about to retort, but Velvet's calmly hand on her shoulder made her turn to the other girl. She saw her best friend give her a look that clearly said "Think before you act" before she spoke up herself.

"You really have to work on that." Velvet said to her leader.

"Hmph." Coco cross her arms.

"You know you should do that too Yang." Blake said.


"W-Well, thank you anyway for saving us again, Gojira," the rabbit Faunus said gratefully. "If you hadn't…I…" She shook her head. "No. Best not to think about it," she finished with a small smile on her face.

Gojira again was struck by a sense of familiarity, but could not for the life of him figure out why. "…I...For what it's worth, I can't bring myself to regret saving the two of you," he said.

Velvet felt her heart flutter. "M-May I ask why?"

Velvet also wanted to know because even though Gojira doesn't exist in her world, she couldn't but wonder why he felt that way.

He nodded, but he stayed quiet for a moment before answering. "...The two of you remind me of two others I know…but I can't seem to remember who or why."

"I wonder who." Coco ask before attention went to Azusa.

Azusa felt everyone's eyes on her. "Why are you all looking at me?" She ask.

"Well since you're from the same world as him we thought you might know something." Yang said.

"Just because I come from the same world as him doesn't mean I know everything about him." Azusa said.

"Well can you at least give us a guest who we remind him of?" Coco ask.

"I don't know, Gojira barely has any human friends and I'm not well acquaintance with some of them so my best guess is that you remind him of other kaijus." Azusa answered.

"I wonder which one?" Velvet said.

Velvet blushed, but smiled happily. Coco cooled down slightly and smiled a little, but she was still miffed at the Faunus. Coco opened her mouth to try and restart the conversation, but thought better of it.

They ate the rest of their meal in silence, only speaking about trivial things and Gojira fishing for information about this new world while trying to be inconspicuous about it. He frowned, however, when he noticed their eyes became more unfocused as they ate. He almost growled out loud. The fact they were acting weird was so similar to something he had seen before, and he couldn't recall why was eating at him.

"Are you two high?" Yang ask.

"Yang!" Weiss shouted.

"What it's a valid question besides they're acting weird." Yang said back.

"We don't do drugs." Velvet said.

"Then explain why the two of you are out of it." Yang replied.

"We don't know." Velvet stated.

"I might." Azusa mumble and the only people in the room that heard that were the faunas.

The two soon to be Beacon second years continued stealing glances at their new Faunus friend, trying to get a read on him. He was an enigma. He confused them, even though he wasn't difficult to figure out. He was a loner, obviously someone who cared about very little, given his detached way of talking to people.

"It pretty sad that's he like that, I mean isn't he a dad?" Ruby said.

"He is but he's one of those dads are tough on their kids." Circe answered.

And he seemed to be ignorant of several things that were common knowledge around Remnant. Was his home island that isolated? Or was there something bigger going on with their new friend?

As they finished and Velvet was paying for their food, Velvet spoke to him; "Thanks again for saving us, Gojira. If I may ask, what are you doing next?"

"Look for information," he said automatically. "I'm…looking for the bastard that destroyed my island," he lied smoothly. "But I'm rather new to Vale, and I don't know where to begin."

"A likely choice of action for his situation." Amber said.

"Well, the public library is just down the road to the right," Velvet suggested, pointing out where it was. "You can start there."

"Or you can try the Archives at Beacon Academy," Coco said, pointing up at where Beacon Academy resided. "'Course, you have to be a Hunter or a Hunter in training to see 'em, but a quick talk to Professor Ozpin, and I'm sure he'd let you in at Beacon as a new Hunter in training."

"What is this Beacon Academy by the way? What do you learn there?" Azusa ask.

"Beacon is one of the four academies where they train students to fight the creatures of Grimm." Weiss answered.

"They teach you how to fight monsters?" Azusa said shock.

"Pretty much." Blake said

"But you're so young." She said. "Are your parent okay with allowing this?"

"Our parents are pretty ok with it." Yang said with a shrug.

Gojira looked to her and frowned. "Pass," he spoke blandly. "I don't like being told what to do."

"I'm not surprise that's his answer." Weiss said.

"It seems pretty obvious that he doesn't like being told what to do." Blake said.

Coco nodded. "Yeah, figured as much. Worth a shot, though." She sighed after that and said, "Well, Vel and I need to be heading back to Beacon. Nice meeting you, Goji." She waved and turned around.

"Yes," Velvet agreed. "I'm glad I met you today, Gojira. Goodbye." She smiled and waved at him as well.

None of them noticed a single redheaded figure leaving the restaurant behind them.

"Who was that?" Ruby ask.

"I don't know." Blake said narrowing her eyes. She read enough books to tell when something was up and so could everyone else. Why else would the they be shown this if it wasn't important.

Gojira was silent for a moment as he looked at them. "Yes…goodbye, you two," he said softly. "And…thanks…for all you've done for me today," he finished awkwardly. Showing gratitude was never his strong point.

Azusa giggle at this.

"What's funny?" Amber ask.

"I told Gojira one time that it wouldn't hurt to learn some gratitude when it came to those that offer help." Azusa said.

"Does he even need help?" Yang ask.

"Not really, rarely does Gojira ever need help. But it wouldn't hurt to thank those that do especially his allies." Azusa said. For all the time that she has known him, Gojira has always been a brick wall that refuses to let others through but ever sense Jr. and Minya came into his life he seems to be a little more accepting to others.

The girls just smiled wider and took off, waving goodbye to him. Coco looked to Velvet when she thought they were out of range of his hearing. "He was hot," she said to her fellow brunette.

Velvet nodded and blushed. "I hope we see him again soon."

"From the way this whole arc focuses on you two it's likely that you'll see him again." Blake said.

"I hope we do." Velvet said.

Gojira stared after them until they turned a corner and out of his line of sight. He frowned at the wall and scoffed. "What is with me?" he muttered. He turned around and asked quietly, "What is it about those two that's so damn familiar?" He shook his head and started walking towards the library Velvet pointed out.


The goon leader was breathing heavily as he stared at his leader. He had just told his story to the leader and was rewarded by having the shit beat out of him. Large, purple bruises began showing up on his body as several lacerations on his body oozed blood.

"Oh great these guys again." Yang growled. If anyone like them ever attack Ruby she would break every bone in their body.

"Okay even those bruises on that guy are pretty bad, if he'd stick around the alley I would've broken every bone in his body." Coco said.

"Hmm it look like the leader doesn't appreciate failure." Blake said. She could remember the times where members of the White Fang failed in their missions and they receive punishment for it.

"Interesting," the leader of the Red Sons murmured. "A Faunus that took out three of our best men? That is alarming." He looked at a wall and mused in a quiet voice, "Alarming indeed."

"S-Sir!" the goon leader gasped. "Let me redeem myself! I'll kill that sorry mutt! And bring you the girl and her animal sympathizing friend! Please! Give me another chance!"

"If he thinks that we'll be that easy than he got another thing coming." Coco growled.

"We'll be ready for them." Velvet said determine.

"Hell yeah we'll be." Coco said high fiving her.

The man laughed. "Darwin, you have been a loyal follow to our cause," he said. "And it is because of that, I'll grant your request."

"T-Thank you, Sir! You won't regret this! I swear!" the newly named Darwin exclaimed.

"Has Laal finished her mission?" the leader asked.

"Yes sir," another goon said. "She just called in. Informed us the Faunus is heading to the library and the girls were heading back to Beacon."

"So that's who that red head was." Amber said.

"Dammit they were spying on us the whole time why didn't we notice." Coco said.

"Remember you guy pretty unfocused the whole time." Yang said.

"That's not natural Yang, this Laal girl must've been doing something to them possibly it must've been her semblance." Blake said.

"Oh if that's true then that bitch is second on my fucked list!" Coco shouted. "I can tolerate a lot of things but NO ONE fucks with my mind and since they also fucked with Vel mind they're going down."

"Good. Now go: bring me the girls, and this animal's head!" he ordered. "And just to be safe, take one of our pets. Perhaps it'll be easier to kill him then."

Darwin grinned sadistically and cackled. "As you wish, Sir!"

"So thoughts for this one?" Circe ask.

"So already thinking about your future boyfriend." Coco teased to her teammate.

"Would you stop attacking me!" Velvet complained.

"Hey it's not my fault you're the lovestruck girl here." Coco said.

"It's just a crush nothing more." Velvet told her.

"That's not what you wanted."

"Shut up!"


The airhorns appeared again threatening to blast the girls again.

"Okay seriously anyone else before these two argue." Circe said.

"Well it was nice to know more about Gojira." Azusa said.

"I'm more worried about the Red Suns, it looks like they haven't given up on Coco and Velvet yet." Blake said.

"Yes and it seems now that Gojira has become a target as well." Weiss said.

"I dare them to try and fuck with us again." Coco threatens.

"But Coco they manage to beat us and were about to rape us." Velvet stated.

"I am well aware of what happen and our possible fate Vel, but I'm trying not to let it get me." Coco said. "But like I said if that guys think it will be easy to get us a second time then I'm gonna make sure that they're sent to the hospital hook on life support."

"Circe hurry up to the next chapter we have to see how this goes down." Coco demanded.

"Alright then, but just so you know from this point on things are about to get real." Circe said before reading the next chapter.


Hey everyone the next chapter of RWBY reads G.O.D. is out.

Now everyone I got some bad news.

Is that I lost my job, because of the virus sales at the store I work at went down and we were force to close. So currently I'm job hunting.

This story will be put on hold after the end of the first arc so I could work on some of my other projects, since some people keep pestering on a certain story.

That is all I have to say.

I should have the rest of the arc out by the end of this month so wait until then.

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This is Nicdragon8 signing off.