Welcome everyone to our new story Beach Characters' React to Death Battle.

Kaizoku: Okay, so before I forget, who's going to react to this, exactly? Ichigo and the friends he makes along the way or just the 13 Court Guard Squads EXCLUDING Aizen, Gin, and Tosen?

Ichigo and the friends, with a few of 13 Court Guard Squads members.

Kaizoku: Ah. Who, exactly?

Rukia, Renji, Tōshirō, and Momo for now.

Kaizoku: Alright then.

Anyways, I got the idea of doing this after reading a few stories like this.

Kaizoku: Me too, but I had the idea of using Tales of Xillia characters since they've yet to be in a Death Battle.

I could help you with that if you like.

Kaizoku: Eh. After we're done with your series first.

That'll be a while you know…

Kaizoku: I know.

Just making sure, and should we add Yuzu and Karin?

Kaizoku: If you want.

Okay. You want to do the disclaimer?

Kaizoku: Sure. The following is a nonprofit fan based crossover. Bleach is owned by Tite Kubo, Viz Media, Studio Pierro, and TV Tokyo while Death Battle is owned by its own YouTube channel and Rooster Teeth and formerly owned by Screwattack. Oh. And if we are doing Samus vs Boba Fett now, Metroid is owned by Nintendo and Star Wars is currently owned by Disney.

Thank you for that. Now onto the story.

Chapter 1: Special Delivery and First Battle: Samus vs Boba Fett

Ichigo was walking home from a long day. "Man, I like being a Soul Reaper, but it can get tiering at times." He got home and found a package next to the door. "Huh? What's this?" He picked it up and looks at it, but there was no label to who it's for. "Is this a trick from dad or something?" He read the note that was on the package.

To who this is found by;

You have found our package me and my partner sent. This was an experiment we wanted to try. And what best we should send. Copies of our favorite Web Series. We sent it through randomly though, this was an experiment to see if our theory, and this was a prototype devise. We put in a same devise in with the show so you can get the other parts when they are made.

From the senders.

P.S. If this is a world where a person is in the episodes, know this is for the multiverse, infinite timelines, infinite possibilities.

Ichigo raised an eyebrow on that last part but decided to look it over for now. He walked into his home. "I'm back," he called out.

"Welcome back, Ichigo~!" Yuzu greeted.

"Was there anything outside the door?" Karin asked.

"Yeah, there was a strange package outside," he said, showing them it. "Says there's a show in it."

"What show is it?" Yuzu asked.

"Don't know. Didn't open it." Ichigo answered.

"Well, we'll look at it after dinner, okay?" Yuzu asked.

"Yeah, okay." Ichigo answered.

After dinner...

The three of them looked at the package and opened it. "Here we go…" Ichgo stated. He opened it and saw dvd cases and a portal looking devise that looked like a small Stargate. (A/N 1)

Yuzu pulled out one of the cases and read the title. "'Death Battle'?" she asked.

"Not sure what that might be... And the note says that if anyone from the world we're a part of is in this show, it's part of some kind of... multiverse, or something." Ichigo replied.

"Huh? You can't be serious about this multiverse thing…?" Karin asked, dead panning. "It just sounds ridicules…"

"Yeah, I don't know why this whole talk of the multiverse thing was on this note..." Ichigo said.

"What is this thing?" Yuzu ask, pulling out the portal devise, and accidentally presses a button, turning it on. What looked like a blue portal glass appeared.

"Whoa!" Ichigo yelled.

The three of them see themselves in Soul Reaper fighting a Hollow. "What the heck?" Karin asked.

"Wait, that's...!" Ichigo gasped.

"What is it Ichigo?" Yuzu asked. "Why are we dressed like that and what is that thing?"

"I-I don't know!" Ichigo answered.

"This is nuts," Karin stated.

"Close it! Do something! We can't let that thing get into our house!" Ichigo ordered, referring to the Hollow.

Yuzu saw the button that said off, and pressed it, shutting it off.

"That was freaky..." Ichigo sighed.

"Okay… Maybe there's some truth about that multiverse thing…" Karin stated.

"Let's just go ahead and watch this before we go to deep into whatever that was..." Ichigo recommended.

"I'll get the TV set up," Yuzu stated, doing just that.

"You do that. I think I'm gonna... have a sit." Ichigo said.

Yuzu puts the first disk in and took a seat with her siblings. "Wonder if this'll be any good." Karin thought out loud. They first read the rules.


Combatants possess no non-canon knowledge of each other.

To ensure a fair fight, character personality restraints from killing are ignored.

All other character traits & tactics are ignored and largely to be represented faithfully.

Research source prerequisites are generally determined equally unless specified.

No outside help.

The three were actually interested in this.

Cue: Invader (Jim Johnson)

As the video plays, the trio of siblings see a gate with the words DEATH BATTLE. In front of it are some metal spikes below it and some chains flying above it.

"The bounty hunter. Galactic pirates of living beings." Said one voice.

"They blow shit up for cash." Said another one excitedly.

"A prime example is Boba Fett, the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy." The first voice told.

"But don't forget Samus Aran. She's so badass, whole planets explode when she's done with them. BOOM!" The second voice declared.

"I'm Wizard."

"And I'm Boomstick!" The two voices introduced.

"And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills of these two beastly killers and answer the most important question of all: which of these warriors will win... a Death Battle?" The first voice known as Wizard finished.

"Huh, so the first episode is bounty hunters," Karin stated. "… Why do those two sound familiar?"

The first contestant the three Kurosakis see is a man wearing a unique set of armor and a cool looking helmet with a T shaped visor, he's also wearing a cape. They also notice he's wearing a jetpack and holding a cylinder shaped gun in his hand.

Boba Fett

Cue: Star Wars Soundtrack

"Boba Fett is well known for his cunning, ruthlessness and brute force. But his killer instinct relies on his diverse arsenal of death," Wiz explained.

"Plus, he wears the most badass space suit ever!" Boomstick stated.

"I have to admit, it is kinda cool," Karin stated.

"I'm not surprised you would be," Yuzu chucked a bit, scratching her cheek with her figure.

"I do have to agree with Karin," Ichigo commented.


Nearly Indestructible

Micro Energy Field

Penetrating Radar

Protection from Fire, Poison, Acid, Cold

Retractable Drinking Straw (This made them chuckle)

"That's no ordinary spacesuit, Boomstick; that's Fett's Mandalorian Armor, forged from nearly indestructible Duraplast containing a Micro Energy Field for dispersing impacts," Wiz continued to explain.

"This guy can have a freakin' bomb blow up in his face and still walk away," Boomstick stated.

The three sibling's jaws dropped. "Did he just sat it can take a bomb to his face?" Yuzu asked in shock.

"I-I'm not sure I heard it right but yeah," Karin stated. "but I think they did say that."

"Okay, that's impressive," Ichigo stated.


Flame Projector

Fibercord Whip

Wrist Laser

Concussion missles

Stun missles

"His gauntlets house a flamethrower with a reach of five meters, a fibercord whip, and numerous concussion and stun missiles," Wiz explained.

Ichigo chuckled. "Sounds like a Swiss Army Knife of steroids," he stated.

EE-3 Carbine Rifle

Fires in Short Bursts


Shoulder Sling.

"His weapon of choice is his EE-3 Carbine Rifle. An extremely accurate and powerful weapon which Fett often cradles like a child," Wiz explained.

Ichigo and Karin just gave a deadpan look. Yuzu on the other hand, giggles. "That is funny," she said. Her giggling was contagious, making her sibling chuckle.

"It is kinda fun so far," Karin agreed.

"Agreed," Ichigo just stated.

"Yeah... I do that with my guns too..." Boomstick said.

"That's not weird at all, Boomstick." Wiz replied, sounding a bit weirded out.

The three siblings chuckle a bit more.

"Fill us in on Fett's heavy weaponry." He asked of Boomstick.



Up to 1 minute of Flight

Max Speed: 145 mph

Magnetic Grappling Hook

Anti-Vehicle Homing Rocket

"Well, everyone and their grandmother knows that Fett can zoom around on his badass jetpack, but that jetpack also has a single anti-vehicle homing rocket, and believe me, you don't wanna see this thing heading your way." Boomstick stated.

Karin just whistled. "That is cool but leave the rocket and just give me the pack."

"Well, he can only use that rocket once, so it might be possible to do that..." Ichigo pointed out.

"That's right, Boomstick. In short, Fett is a human swiss army knife. He's killed hundreds of criminals, politicians, and Jedi. He even held his own against Darth Vader. Twice." Wiz said.

"Holy shit that's hardcore!" Boomstick stated excitedly.

When the three saw Darth Vader, they all had a chill go down their spins. "Why do I feel like it would be a bad idea to meet that guy if he was real," Ichigo asked.

"He became leader of the Mandalorian mercenaries after the Galactic Civil War, and battled Mace Windu to a draw when he was 12 years old." Wiz continued.

"Sam Jackson's got nothing on him!" Boomstick declared.

"So around out age huh?" Karin asked. "That's impressive."

"Sam Jackson? Must be an American Actor," Yuzu thought about it.

"But with all his awesomeness, every so often, Fett will totally blow it. He's fallen into the Sarlacc three times. Three! And the Sarlacc's not exactly running around, looking for snacks." He pointed out.

"Three times?" Boomstick asked. "How do you even do that once? It's a giant hole in the ground with teeth, and he's got a jetpack!"

Ichigo and Karin dead panned, and Yuzu just giggled nervously. "Guess everyone has their flaws…" Yuzu said.

"That Sarlacc looks pretty scary, though..." Ichigo pointed out.

"Still, even with his ridiculous flaws, Boba Fett is a whole new meaning of deadly." Wiz stated.

"No disintegration." Darth Vader ordered; his chilling voice shivered the Kurosakis' spines.

"As you wish." Boba Fett replied.

The doors of Death Battle close after that, signaling the next contestant.

"So, who's the next guy?" Ichigo asked.

"I think it might be a woman, with the name they have," Yuzu stated.

The next contestant is a blonde woman wearing an impressive, smooth looking orange armor with a red chestplate and helmet with a green visor. She also appears to have a cannon that looks like it's actually the armor's right arm.

Samus Aran

(Cue Lower Norfair from Super Metroid)

"Samus Aran was infused with bird-like Chozo DNA at a young age, increasing her strength, speed, and athletic ability far beyond those of a normal human being." Wiz explained.

"How do you do that!? I want me some bird DNA!" Boomstick asked.

"Space science?" the three suggested, shrugging.


Shields Entire Body

Environmental Protection

Easy to Upgrade

No Restriction to Movement or Flexibility

"She wears the Power Suit, typically in Varia form," Wiz continued explaining, "shielding her entire body without restricting any movement or flexibility."

"That… is and impressive suit of armor…" Karin stated, truthfully.

"Too bad it makes her look like a dude..." Boomstick plainly said, getting a few chuckles from the Kurosakis.

"What's wrong with that?" the three siblings asked, then looked at each other. They then laughed harder.


Easy to Upgrade

Power Beam

Charge Beam

Ice Beam

Grapple Beam


"Her primary weapon, the Arm Cannon, has acquired numerous awesome upgrades over the years, though the basic power beam is a pea shooter with a pathetic range," Wiz explained.

The three siblings shrugged. "Guess it has other abilities we don't know yet," Karin stated.

"But when it's fully charged, it'll blow your face off. BAM! Shoop Da Woop!" Boomstick exclaimed excitedly.

The siblings see this and were impressed. "Not bad" Karin and Ichigo stated.

'Maybe I should try something like that…' Ichigo thought.

"The Arm Cannon can also use an Ice Beam, a Grapple Beam, and a plethora of seeking and super missiles," Win listed. "Samus controls the skies with the powerful and speedy Screw Attack, and if there's trouble on the battlefield, she can curl into Morph-Ball Mode and slip away unnoticed."

The three siblings' jaws dropped. "How is she that flexible…?" they asked in confusion.

"What the...!? How does she do that?" Boomstick asked, dumbfounded.

"Bird DNA, Boomstick. Bird DNA." Wiz answered.


Huge Blast Radius

Deals Massive Damage

Crystal Flash Healing Abilities

Deployed Only in Morph Ball Form

"Samus also has a frickin' huge supply of Power Bombs, which will destroy anything on the screen in seconds, nothing survives!" Boomstick exclaimed.

The three siblings sweat dropped at Boomstick's attitude.

"She is known to be the bounty hunter capable of taking on impossible missions, fighting massive beasts and even wiping out an entire species. However, she often makes mistakes. Somehow, she always seems to lose all her power ups and upgrades at the beginning of every mission." Wiz said.

The three siblings sweat dropped again.

"Man, someone get this chick a purse." Boomstick said.

This made Karin get a tick mark. "What did you say you basterd!?"

"Whoa there Karin calm down, it's just a show," Ichigo stated, trying to calm his sister down.

"Time to go." Samus declared as the doors close then reopen, showing the two combatants getting ready for battle.

"I like her," Yuzu stated.

"Same," Karin agreed.

Just then the doors closed and opened again.

"The combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all," Wiz stated.

"But first, we gotta pay off my double barrel, bazooka shotgun. Thanks to Netflix." Boomstick said before an advertisement started playing.

The three siblings just ignored the add. Ichigo then asked his sisters, "So, Yuzu, Karin, who do you think is going to win?"

"I think Samus is gonna win. I want her to shove that whole purse then in Boomstick's face!" Karin replied.

Both Ichigo and Yuzu sweatdropped from hearing this. "Oooookaaayyyy…" Ichigo stated, then looked to Yuzu. "And you?"

"I'll have to agree, even if Karin did go a bit overboard, I'm going with Samus as well," Yuzu answered.

"And you Ichigo?" Karin asked her older brother.

"Yeah, I think Samus is gonna win too." Ichigo answered.

Now that they chose the add finished.

"Oh yeah, well it's time for a Death Battle!" Boomstick shouted.

Just then the doors closed and opened again.

The siblings first see nothing but outer space until they see a ship that they assume belongs to Samus. She then gets hit by Boba's ship that's shooting her and she's hurled toward a planet that looks like Earth. Samus crash lands into a futuristic city and gets out while Boba hovers towards the ground from wherever he landed from.


(Cue Bounty Hunters Pursuing the Falcon)

Samus fires her power beam, but the bullets disappears before they can even reach Boba Fett.

"Damn, that short range isn't helping her," Karin stated.

"Hey now, it's just starting," Ichigo told her.

"He's right," Yuzu agreed.

Boba Fett fires a few shots at Samus and they manage to damage her, but Samus jumps out of the way, and while she is in the air, she fires a missle at Boba Fett and manages to hit him.

"There you go, Samus!" Karin cheered.

Samus lands in front of Boba Fett and he uses his flame thrower on her, which manages to damager her a bit, but Samus jumps away from the flames and fires another rocket at Boba Fett, but he flies out of the way with his jetpack. He proceeds to fly away from Samus, but she quickly catches up to him using her Screwattack, and manages to hit him causing him to fall and land on the ground.

"This is getting good," Ichigo stated, getting into the fight.

Boba lands on the ground, and shoots missiles at Samus from his wrist, right when she was landing, making her take more damage. She then turned to morphball form and rolled away. Boba saw this and fired his vehicle homing misses at her.

"I don't think that'll work on her," Yuzu said.

Sure enough, Samus avoided the missle, leaving it to hit the ground and explode. Boba walks a little closer to the site of the explosion. However, Samus was already behind him and left something by his feet then rolls away unnoticed. Boba doesn't notice the something either.

"Wait. Isn't that...!?" Karin gasped.

Karin guessed right as the 'gift' Samus left Boba explodes massively. This did quite a bit of damage to Boba.

"Geez, can't believe he survived that," Ichigo stated, shock from the explosion.

"That armor of his is something else," Yuzu commented, with Karin agreeing with a nod.

Samus then appeared in front of Boba again. He tried to fire another rocket at Samus, but she dodged. She then fired an Ice beam at him freezing him.

"I don't think Boba's gonna get out of that in time," Karin stated.

Samus charges up a shot. Once it was fully charged, she jumps in front of Boba, crouches, and points his arm cannon in Boba's face.

"You're mine." Samus declared as she shoots her fully charged shot at Boba's face, removing it from his body, making it fall to the ground.


The three siblings were shocked at finisher. 'Why do I want to sing "Decapitation," while air guitaring?' the three asked in their heads.

"That was a bit bloody," Yuzu stated.

"Well it is called Death Battle," Karin pointed out. "Not all deaths will be pretty or clean."

"HOLY SHIT!" Boomstick shouted in awe. "Did you see that Wiz!? That was insane!"

"Fett battled like a champ," Wiz started explaining, "but in the end, Samus' superior technology and athletic skill trumped his. HARD."

"I guess that's true," Ichigo said, agreeing with Wiz.

"While her basic Power Beam failed miserably, Samus put her Chozo DNA to work by jumping and dodging around Fett's offenses. Boba Fett, who relies more on cunning and brute force, simply didn't have the means necessary to catch Samus." Wiz continued explaining.

"Makes sense," Yuzu said.

"Being flexible is good in those sorts of situations," Karin added.

"He was shooting all over the place, but that space chick was just too quick for him," Boomstick stated. "He even tried to use his homing rocket, but anybody who's blown up a lot of shit knows that anti-vhiecle rockets don't work too well on people."

"That does seem to be logical…" Ichigo stated flatly.

"Exactly. Samus is about four times smaller than the average vehicle, so there's only about a one in four chance for a direct hit from Fett's rocket. Not to mention she kept moving, preventing Fett from getting a solid lock on her." Wiz kept explaining.

"After that screw-up, Samus managed to sneak around Fett and left a little surprise at his feet," Boomstic added.

"Being small does come with advantages~" Karin stated smugly.

"Fett's micro-energy field managed to minimize the damage he took from the power bomb, but by that point, it was all over. Samus froze Fett with her Ice Beam and finished him off with a Charge Beam to the face." Wiz declared.

"Samus sure stopped him cold." Boomstick punned.

"… Really… A pun…?" Ichigo and Karin asked.

Yuzu giggles. "It was a bit good~"

"Really Yuzu…?" Karin asked flatly.

"That's right Boomstick," Wiz agreed. "The winner is Samus Aran."

"I have to admit, that was actually pretty good," Ichigo said.

"Next time on Death Battle." Boomstick said out of nowhere, catching the Kurosakis off guard.

When they hear this, they all suddenly looked back to the screen...

There was a flurry of punches covered in purple flames and then an odd burning symbol hangs on the screen. Then they heard a creepy chilling voice that said... "Your soul is mine."

"Well that wasn't foreboding or anything…" Karin sarcastically stated.

The three then looked to one another. "So what do you two think?" Ichigo asked his sisters.

"I think it's a great show we could watch~!" Yuzu exclaimed happily.

"Yeah, me too. Frankly, I'm just glad we could watch this together. How about four more episodes before we go to bed?" Karin suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Ichigo said, getting the next episode ready.

To be continued.

And there we have it. Thanks again for helping me with this.

Kaizoku: Of course.

So next chapter, I'm think of adding their father to react to the crazy, and add on to it.

Kaizoku: Well alright then. With that said, thank you for reading.

See you all next time.

Please R&R

A/N 1: Anyone remember that show? It was great.