Hi! This is my very first Gilmore Girls Fanfiction! So please be kind, and let me know what you guys think :) It'd be great to get some reviews to see what you're thinking, especially with it being the first I've done in this category, definitely a bit different to my usual Harry Potter fanfics! As per, I definitely don't own Gilmore Girls or anything at all, just merely borrowing it. This first chapter isn't the biggest but hopefully, it sets the scene for the rest of the story.

Chapter One

A week. That's the amount of time she'd been able to negotiate with her mother to have before answering any questions about her baby bombshell. She honestly wished she could extend it for a lifetime and never have to face the interrogation she knows is due but she had to admit, she was impressed her mother had lasted this long. Lorelai Victoria Gilmore was not known for being able to keep her mouth closed.

That negotiation had taken place 7 days ago.

Currently, Lorelai was sat holding her hand in the middle of a gynaecologist's office in Hartford. She was currently on the grey leather chair, her jeans unbuttoned, and her white shirt pushed up.

"Lorelai Gilmore?"

"Yes," replied both her and her mother to the shock of the doctor looking up from the chart. Rory glared at her mum. "Sorry, we're both Lorelai's, please call me Rory or my mum will be annoying all throughout this."

The doctor smiled. "Not a problem, Rory, my name is Doctor Kelsey. I'm here to see how far along you are and make sure everything is looking okay. Do you have any idea how far along you are?"

Rory shook her head, giving the older blonde-haired lady a nervous smile. She was in her thirties, but she still couldn't help but feel embarrassed about her situation. "I've not had a period for a few months but I've been incredibly stressed, like life-altering stress, and so I didn't think anything of it at first but then I started feeling sick a few weeks ago, so I did a home test, had a breakdown and here we are."

"At least we know it's not Chewbacca's otherwise you'd look like you've got a bowling ball shoved up your shirt," quipped Lorelai, trying to lighten the mood.

"It was a Wookie," groaned Rory.

"Hopefully, I'll be able to confirm the baby is 100% human," replied Dr. Kelsey, a twinkle in her eye. Rory hoped the fact that she wasn't even questioning what was said meant she'd heard a lot worse in this room. "Right this will feel cold."

Rory gasped as the cold clear gel was spread on her belly and gripped her mum's hand tighter.

"I don't miss that feeling," laughed Lorelai. "But I promise you're about to have a much better feeling."

Rory closed her eyes, wishing the room would swallow her up as she felt the pressure on her stomach. This was not what she planned and she didn't know how to feel. A minute later the silence was replaced with a loud heartbeat.

"Open your eyes, Ror, that's your baby," she heard her mother say softly.

Rory looked up at her mum who had a large dazzling smile on her face and tears in her big blue eyes. Lorelai nodded encouragement at her daughter, and Rory finally turned to see the screen. Honestly, it was a blob of white swirls on grey to her but paired with that beat she instinctively knew that was her baby. She felt her own eyes swell up with tears and rubbed them hurriedly.

"That's really my baby? I'm really pregnant."

"Really," deadpanned Lorelai. "How are you feeling?"

"I don't know," said Rory honestly. "I mean, I've known I was pregnant for a few weeks now, but I don't think I've really known it until now. Do you know what I mean?"

"Absolutely, kiddo," smiled Lorelai, before turning to the doctor. "Does everything look okay?"

The doctor nodded. "Baby is looking good, nice strong heartbeat and I'd say roughly around 11 weeks." Rory nodded slowly. In her heart of hearts, she had already known that. "Okay, I'm going to give you a few pamphlets I want you to read through, a card for your next appointment, and a few pictures. It's too early to see the sex of your baby, but if you are wanting to find out we should be able to tell at your next appointment."

Sensing her daughter was in another world of her own, Lorelai took the folder from the doctor and thanked her for her time, and helped her daughter clean up before shepherding her out.

"Sooooo," drawled out Lorelai, her hands clasped around a hot mug of coffee. They were sitting in a café a couple of streets away. Rory was staring into her own pitiful mug of decaffeinated coffee. "I have been earn-a-sticker-for-good-behavior kind of patient, but you are pregnant, and I need answers."

"I mean, the 'I'm pregnant' bit is kind of the main bit."

"Nuh-uh," said Lorelai, shaking her head. "You promised. And geez, I was a sixteen-year-old runaway, what can I judge you for?"

Rory bit her lip. "Let's just say there'll be a different kind of judgment."

Lorelai sighed. "It's a Huntzmore baby, isn't it? Or would it be a Gilberger baby?"

"Neither," exclaimed Rory, before putting her head in her hands. "I mean, yes, it is his baby, but that is not baby's name."

"I thought you had ended that little arrangement."

"I did, eleven weeks ago," said Rory, with a groan. "One last magical night before he goes to fulfil his dutiful role in the Huntzberger empire and I fulfil the role of homeless, jobless but apparently full of baby."

"Been there," grinned Lorelai, before realising now wasn't the time for joking under Rory's glare. "Look, was I happy that you and Logan had your what happens in Vegas deal? No. But I didn't think it was my place anymore to pass judgment because you're an adult now, kid, and I've learnt from the past of blowing up at you and it affects our relationship. You're my priority, Rory, and that means accepting your choices but being here for you."

"I never thought you were happy but I'm glad you didn't shut me out over it. I don't think I'd have coped this year at all if I thought you hated me," admitted Rory.

"I could never hate you, just as I know you'll never be able to hate baby Lorelai."

"I'm not sure the world can handle another one."

"It would be a great way to end your book though on the bright side, introducing another Gilmore girl!"

"It might not even be a girl," commented Rory. "Right now, it's just, an I don't know."

"Right now, it's a little coffee bean," smiled Lorelai. "Also, who are you calling homeless and jobless? You are living in a mansion in Hartford and you're an author."

"I'm only there until I've written the book," said Rory, rolling her eyes. "I can't do it anywhere else than at grandfather's desk. But that's not a long-term situation, Grandma will want to sell it."

"I'm sure your grandmother would rather keep it in the family especially considering her family is expanding. Long term though, what is your plan?"

"I feel like we're no longer discussing my housing or profession anymore, are we?"

"No sweetie, we're not," said Lorelai softly, grabbing her daughter's hand. "Have you thought about it?"

"He's getting married."

"And the whole time he's been engaged he's been more interested in you. I'm fairly sure he would leave his French Countess, even without a bun in the oven."

"She's not a countess," said Rory, shaking her head. "I really don't want to be the girl that has to beg the boy to love her or to get the boy simply because there's a baby involved."

"From what you've told me, you're the one that set the parameters of Vegas, he's following your lead. I can't really blame the boy considering last time he took the lead you rejected his proposal."

Rory scowled. "The parameters are that despite the fact he thinks I don't need rescuing, it's what he likes to do. He's the one I turn to in times of need and he rescues me. If he left Odette, that's all it would be."

"Hmm having that one special person that you turn to in times of need and supports you? Yeah sounds like it would be a horrible relationship."

Rory ignored her mother's sarcasm. "That's assuming he would actually rescue me this time. He'd be wrecking his love, family, and professional life. This little coffee bean is going to destroy his plans."

"Love, you have to tell him," urged Lorelai. "Yes, it's going to shake things up and no, I don't know what will happen but he needs to know. He might not want anything to do with the little coffee bean or he might want to marry you tomorrow. Or you co-parent the bean and live your own separate lives. But you can't keep it from him. It still kills Luke he missed out on so much of April's life. He will be over the moon about the baby but he will be upset with you if you don't tell the father."

"You haven't told Luke about the baby yet?" asked Rory surprised.

"He may be my husband but you will always be my number one, well I'll probably have to downgrade you to number two once bean's born," rambled Lorelai. "And then there's Paul Anka, but Luke is a solid number four."

Rory laughed. "Thank you, I want Luke to know but I just need a bit of time to get used to it first. I've always thought about kids maybe in the future but only because that's what people do; I still need to get my head around the fact I'm going to be a mother."

"You'll get there, especially when you unburden the secret of it, believe me."

"I think he'll be due in New York in a couple of weeks. There's an annual company gala that I know he's required to attend. He usually comes for that and then stays through until the New Year."

"Are you going in person?"

"Seems fair, life-altering news isn't great to receive in a text."

"Do you want mummy back up? You know to either hold your hand or to punch him in the testicles?"

"Gilmore Girls in force? He'd probably more terrified to see you than he would be about the baby."

"Very fair point," conceded Lorelai. "I've not seen him since he broke your heart and you ran away with Obama. Is he still good looking? It would be good to know if my grandbaby will be attractive."

Rory pictured his face in her mind and smiled sadly. "He is still very good looking. I don't think you'll have to worry about the little bean."

"You're not too bad either so we've got hope."

Rory took a swig of her quickly cooling coffee and grimaced. "I hope this baby appreciates the fact I'm having to drink decaf."

Please do me the biggest love of all and leave me a review :)