Three: An Unexpected Reunion…
Three months after his move to Columbus, he had his first appointment with Dr Mary Wagner. She was the last piece of the puzzle needed to complete his transformation. Renowned for her work with children, she rarely took adult patients until she learned that he was the son of Beverly Hofstadter.
With a great new job and coworkers that truly respected him, Leonard was overwhelmed with a feeling that he was unworthy of his sudden good fortune and decided he needed to speak to someone. He had done his research and chosen Dr Wagner because her child rearing theories were the exact opposite of his mother's.
Their first session went extremely well as Mary was upfront, saying that thought his mother's child rearing theories were responsible for doing more harm than good and that she had only agreed to take him as a patient was to prove she was correct.
Over the next few months, the two saw each other each week. Dr Wagner was appalled at the methods his mother had used on Leonard to support the theories she touted in her books and assured him that he had been the victim of abuse by his mother and indifference from his father. Learning that he was not a failure went a long way towards building the self esteem he had lacked his entire life.
Feeling that he no longer needed to see her, Leonard was about to end his sessions with the psychiatrist when she comes to him with an offer he couldn't refuse. With his help, she wanted to write an expose on his mother and put an end to her child endangering methodologies. While he had no desire to punish her for what had happened to him, the idea that he could prevent such trauma from happening to others was impossible to ignore.
Professionally, his team had made a breakthrough in a laser tracking system that garnered a huge grant for the institute. He had been accepted by his peers and was highly regarded by the members of his team. Leonard even began dating again and while the women were nice, they weren't what he was looking for. He had learned a hard lesson from his time in LA about the difference between wants and needs.
Time passes and although he was unable to attend Howard's wedding, he made sure to send a nice gift and his best wishes. He wasn't surprised to learn of Sheldon's firing and subsequent return to Texas, nor that Penny had moved away as well. Thanks to his work with Dr Wagner, he understood that it was his willingness to acquiesce to whatever his friends wanted that had kept the group together. The proof was how everything disintegrated when he left,
Dr Wagner completed her book and Leonard was given a preproduction copy. He was shocked to learn the damage that his mother's self serving child rearing books had done to other children that professionals like Dr Wagner spent years of therapy trying to undo. She made him realize that he had been nothing more than Guiana pig that his mother used to validate her flawed theories. Several chapters of the book were dedicated to Beverly Hofstadter's parenting methods on him. While he knew that she would probably never speak to him again, he felt obligated to warn her.
As he could have predicted, she saw his involvement in the book as a personal betrayal and that she had done nothing to warrant that type of treatment from him. But that is quickly followed with a dismissive remark that no one would take Dr Wagner's writing seriously. After all, she was Dr Beverly Hofstadter, with over a dozen best selling novels on child rearing.
It was her hubris that would ultimately be her undoing. Within a week of the book's publication, several other prominent mental health professionals came forward with similar stories of patients like those mentioned by Dr Wagner. Soon the media picked up on the controversy and it appeared every talk show had a person on that had been harmed by Beverly's books. One month later the New Jersey psychiatric association revoked her privileges to practice in the state. That was followed by her publisher pulling all of her books from store shelves and canceling her contract in an attempt to hedge against the lawsuits that were sure to follow.
While he felt bad for her, he was happy that other well meaning parents would not be subjecting their children to his mother's methodologies. The desire of the media to hear his side of the story forced him to take a leave of absence until the interest waned, or the next sensational story came along. Convinced that the safest place to go was the last place he thought anyone would look for him, Leonard decided a trip to the coast was in order.
It was soon after his arrival, he decided to drop in on Howard as the two had remained in contact. The stunned look on Bernadette's face as she answered the door was priceless. That look was soon duplicated by her husband as he came to see who his wife was talking to. After an exchange of hugs, the couple invited him into their apartment. Once the initial shock wore off the three talked about their lives since his departure eighteen months earlier.
Leonard listened patiently as Howard went on and on about his experiences as an astronaut. He was proud of his friend's accomplishment and told him so. Leonard invites the couple out to dinner so they could continue to catch up and they accept.
They had a quiet meal at one of the many restaurants that they wanted to try in the past, but had been forbidden by Sheldon for any one of his idiotic reasons. The tiny Italian bistro had a great ambiance and excellent food. The conversation flowed freely along with the wine. Both Howard and Bernadette could not get over how much Leonard had changed since the last time they saw him and told him so. Howard amused the three with stories of Sheldon's irrational behavior after Leonard left that led ultimately to his firing from Cal Tech.
At first Leonard wanted to feel bad for him, but Bernadette chastised him for assuming the blame, saying that it was inevitable that Sheldon would finally say the wrong thing to a person that had more power and would pay the price for his arrogance.
Leonard talked about his job at Battelle and the large government grant his team had been given. He talked about the expose book, the subsequent interest by the media in him as her Guinea pig, that led him out there. Bernadette was curious to hear if there was someone special in his life back in Columbus and seemed to perk up when he revealed that there wasn't.
As a way to thank Leonard for picking up the tab, Howard insisted that he meet them for dinner at their place the next evening. Having no firm plans, he agrees to see them at 7:00 pm. After another exchange of hugs, they go their separate ways and Bernadette begins to formulate her plan. Howard is keenly aware of how devious his tiny wife could be and knew she was up to something.
Leonard arrived at exactly 6:59 pm, dressed in a pair of khakis and Oxford shirt, looking every bit the casually dressed professional. Howard greets him at the door and ushers him into the living room after taking his drink request. Bernadette steps out of the kitchen to exchange a brief hug as Howard returns with his drink. The two sat there and discussed their future plans. Howard was curious to know if Leonard had ever considered returning to the West coast, and was disappointed to learn that his friend was content with his life in the Midwest.
A few minutes later Bernadette announces that dinner is ready and the two follow her into the kitchen. Nothing could have prepared him seeing her sitting at the table. The gobsmacked look on his face was matched by hers. She knew that the man standing before her by his voice, but everything else was different. As badly as she wanted to sprint from her seat and throw herself into his arms, she could see that that would be the worst thing she could do. At that moment, all she hoped for was that he wouldn't simply turn around and walk away.
"Look who's here!" Howard offers in mock surprise.
Seeing her again, looking even more beautiful than he remembered, made him feel as if the last eighteen months never happened and he was still nothing more than the shy insecure nerd in love with a woman he could never have. Instead of running away, which he desperately wanted to do, he walks to where she is seated and extends his hand. "Hello Penny. Long time no see."
Stunned by his gesture as if they had barely known each other, she rises to her feet and wraps her arms around him while whispering. "Hello Leonard. I never thought that I'd ever see you again. I'm so glad I was wrong."
She could feel his entire body stiffen in a self defensive mode as she tried to tighten her hold on him, hoping he would return the hug. He didn't and she releases him from her hold as he takes a seat at the table directly across from her. Howard knew from their conversation the night before that there was enough of the old Leonard still there that he would not run away, or at least he hoped so.
Bernadette and Howard took their seats as Penny complimented her for the dinner. Bernie tried to keep the conversation flowing, talking about her recent promotion and a new drug they were testing. Howard asked Leonard about his job and he answered with as little additional information provided as to not appear rude.
Bernie turns to Penny and comments. "Doesn't Leonard look great? I can't get over how much he has changed."
Penny's face flushes as she looks directly at him and shyly remarks. "Yes, he looks very handsome."
Bernadette then looks at Leonard and remarks. "And doesn't Penny look beautiful tonight?"
Leonard looks directly at Penny who obviously had gone to great lengths to look perfect tonight and replies. "I alway thought that Penny was the most beautiful woman I had ever met. I still believe it's true."
The sincerity in his voice as he spoke was her undoing. Of all the bad choices she had made in her life, letting her fear of moving forward with him had been the worst. To see him now only made the hurt increase. Penny burst into tears and runs out of the room managing to get out "I'm so sorry", between sobs.
Wanting to run after her as he would have in the past, he was torn. Seeing her again brought back every single emotion that he ever felt for her. The love and adoration, but also the hurt and betrayal. Howard gives him a sympathetic look as he can see the war going on inside his friend.
Bernadette excuses herself from the table and takes off after her friend who has locked herself in the bathroom. Gently tapping on the door, she asks to let her in. Another minute passes, filled with the sound of Penny crying, before the door unlocks. Bernie lets herself in and closes the door behind her, taking a seat on the edge of the bathtub.
Penny is seated on the toilet, her face buried in her hands, trying to muffle her sobs. Bernadette can't help but feel bad for her friend, but also knew that Penny shared most of the blame for her predicament. She had warned her about breaking up with Leonard only because Penny was afraid he wanted to move their relationship forward and she wasn't sure of her feelings for him.
Bernadette knew that Leonard was head over heels in love with Penny and would have agreed to move at whatever pace she wanted, provided they stayed together. Instead, she ends things with him as if he had done something wrong, and then adds insult to injury with the trite 'but we can still be friends' parting shot.
It had never occurred to Penny that while she was in search of somebody better, he would do the same and by the time she realized her mistake, he was in a new relationship. Pria was everything that she wasn't and certainly a more appropriate match for him. She leveraged the feelings that he still had for her to stay in his life, secretly hoping that his relationship with Pria would fail.
When she was called back to India, instead of seizing the opportunity to restart their relationship, Penny decided to back away. By the time she learned that Leonard was going to move to India, it was too late and she ended up trying to drink away her hurt, bemoaning her failed love life with Raj.
Based upon what she had told Bernie on more than one occasion, she still had no idea how she ended up in Leonard's bed, naked and very hungover with an equally nude Raj beside her. Assuming the worst, she slipped on enough clothes to make a discreet departure before anyone could see her.
And everyone knew how that turned out.
Knowing that this may be her last chance, Bernadette barks. "You're blowing it! I convinced Howard that you were exactly what Leonard needed, but it looks like I was wrong! You never really loved him did you? He was simply the excuse you used to justify your poor choices in life."
The vitriol in the little blondes voice as she chastised her, got Penny's attention and she stops sobbing. "That's not true! I love Leonard more than any man I ever knew, but I can't undo the past. He's moved on. Look at him! He doesn't want somebody like me!" She is nearly shouting by the end of her rant and Bernadette has heard enough.
"Are you blind as well as deaf and dumb?" Bernie fires back, her anger growing. "Did you not see how he looked at you? What he said about you? And what did you do? Run away like you have from him before. If you let him leave this time, you'll never see him again and you'll be left with nothing but the 'if only's'."
Back in kitchen, the two men sat in silence, both trying to catch bits and pieces of the conversation in the other room. Neither knew what to say as Leonard looked at his watch for at least the third time in the last five minutes. He knew that Howard and Bernadette were only trying to help, but seeing Penny after all this time only seemed to dredge up the painful memories of why he left in first place.
Howard could see after Leonard looked at his watch again and again that he was waiting for his chance to leave. He also suspected that if his friend left with way things were at this moment, the odds of seeing him again were slim at best.
"Maybe it would be best if I left..." Leonard offers and starts to rise up from his seat. "I'm sure that you both have get up early tomorrow. Tell Bernie that dinner was excellent and thank you for inviting me here. I rarely get a home cooked meal."
He is out of the kitchen and halfway to the door when five feet of angry blonde steps in front of him. "And where do you think you're going mister?" Bernadette asks in what he can only guess is supposed to be a stern voice.
"I know that you and Howard both have to work tomorrow and it's getting late." Leonard offers, hoping to placate her.
"You're not going anywhere until you talk to Penny. That girl's a wreck from guilt. Talk to her. It's the least you can do." The tiny blonde's voice morphs from stern to almost pleading as she speaks.
Leonard sighs and knows what he has to do, if for no other reason than to appease Bernadette. He closes the distance between where he was and the bathroom, gently tapping on the door. "Penny, it's me... can we talk?"
There's no response and he's about to turn around to go when the door unlocks and slowly opens. He looks at her, eyes swollen and nose red from crying and can't suppress a chuckle. Penny looks at him aghast from his reaction and remarks. "I can understand why you hate me, but I never thought that you'd take pleasure from my pain."
"Oh no! I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing at me because you still are the most beautiful woman I ever knew. Red, runny nose, puffy eyes and all." Leonard replies, looking directly at her.
As if spring loaded, Penny lurches from the toilet and directly into his arms, holding him as if he might disappear if she lessened her hold. "I love you Leonard Hofstadter. I love you so much it hurts. I know you probably hate me, but could you forgive me?"
He gives her a gentle squeeze in response and replies. "I don't hate you. I never hated you. I could never hate you. When you broke up with me, I was crushed. I always felt unworthy of you and when you broke up with me, it seemed inevitable. I tried to accept the fact that women like you cannot love a nerd like me. My whole relationship with Pria was an exercise in me trying to move on with my life."
Leonard pauses for a moment to see if she is listening before he continues. "I tried to tell myself that she could replace you in my heart, but I was wrong. By the time I realized that I was only someone she used to fill her time with while she was here, I return to find you coming out of my bedroom with Raj..."
Penny starts to say something in her defense, but can see by the look on his face that he has more to say. "Now I know that we weren't dating, but if you caught me coming out of your bedroom, your best friend following behind me, what would you think?"
She knows that there is nothing that she can say that could ever justify, or explain her actions that night. Hell, she still wasn't sure herself. Instead, she just held him tighter and prepared herself for his rejection.
He lets out an ironic chuckle before he continues. "I guess I should thank you. Seeing you and Raj together was the last straw... I knew that I couldn't continue with the way things were before, trying to simply be your friend when I wanted to be so much more. So I did the only thing that I could and left it all. And it would have been perfect except for one thing, I still was in love with you..."
The kiss that followed was one that they would remember forever, conveying every emotion they felt at that moment. Their kiss ends and they both silently mouth, wow!
He looks into her eyes and calmly remarks. "I know that it's unfair to ask you to give up your dreams of stardom, but I want my wife to live with me..."
It took her a few seconds to realize what she thought he said. Any doubt in her mind was erased as he reached into his wallet and after digging around a few seconds, extracts an engagement ring. She can see the worn spot in his wallet, signifying he had carried the ring for quite a while. "Oh my god! Are you really asking what I think you're asking?"
"We can be in Vegas in a couple of hours. I've got a few days before I have to return to Columbus. Marry me. While I can't give you the glamorous life of a Hollywood star, I can promise to love you." Leonard pauses, trying to interpret what her stunned expression meant before he assumes that her lack of a response is her looking for a way to tactfully decline his proposal. He opens his wallet and starts to put the ring back while commenting. "I'm sorry. I thought that we wanted the same things."
She grabs his hand stopping him from putting away the ring. "Yes, yes I will marry you!" She places her hands on his cheeks and gives him a gentle kiss. Releasing her hold on him, she extends her left hand and he slides the ring on her finger. A perfect fit. Her smile seems to light up the entire room as she gives him a kiss and asks. "How long have you been carrying that ring?"
"I bought it the week before you broke up with me. I knew then that you were the only woman I wanted as my wife." Leonard answers with a sad smile at the memory.
"But how could you be so sure? I mean, we had only been dating a couple of months..."
"We had known each other for almost three years. We had been friends first before we became lovers. What else did I need to know?" He replies matter of factly, as if it was obvious.
"Think that Howard and Bernadette are up for a road trip? I need a maid of honor and you need a best man if we're going to do this right." Penny remarks as she kisses him again.
The End (for now).