First, I edited the intro, but you don't have to go read it right now. The only change is that all the ships are canon except for winterwidow. That's it. Also, I'm really sorry for not updating in so long. Anyway, here's the story! Hope you enjoy.

"Okay, guys, we're going to get lunch at the cafeteria, then we'll go to the labs," Ellie told them.

The class was happy about this. Midtown was a science school, so naturally, they were excited to see the labs at Stark freaking Industries.

As they walked to the cafeteria, Ellie was pointing out the various things that were on the official tour. Meanwhile, Ned had badgered Peter into giving them his own personal and unofficial tour. Meaning, all his embarrassing stories that happened in this particular section of the tower.

"That's where Uncle Clint dropped down on me from the vents for the first time. Scared the living daylights out of me."

Ned snorted. MJ looked like her normal, disinterested self, but anyone who knew her well could tell that she was holding back a smile.

Peter sighed. "It's not funny, guys!" he complained. "'Sides, I was 5! Anyway, that's where I met Morgan for the first time, when I was 11" he said, pointing out the spot to his friends.

"Are we going to see her later?" MJ asked him.

"Maybe," he shrugged.

Then, gasps of amazement could be heard all around the trio. They'd arrived at the cafeteria.

Now, that might not sound very interesting, but this was Tony Stark's building. He likes making things look cool. The cafeteria, for instance, was covered in murals of some of the greatest scientists in recent history.

"Look, Peter, there's Howard Stark! And Bruce Banner!"

"Hey, Parker!" Peter groaned and turned around to see the one and only Flash Thompson.

"What do you want, Flash?" he said in a bored tone.

"Well, I was going to ask you why you look so amused. I thought you'd be more surprised, seeing as you've never been here before.

He got no answer, discovering that the trio had turned away from him and gone to get lunch, leaving him as the last in line. (A/N That's what I would do)

"Hey, Ellie, Peter."

"Abby, this is the tour group from Midtown," Ellie told her.

"Cool! So guys, today I have an activity for you to do. You can either build a robot, of sorts, or you can figure out what's wrong with this line of code. (A/N I have no idea if this is right or not. Forgive me if I'm wrong. I am definitely not a tech person.) Any questions?"

Flash raised his hand. "Yes?"

"How much did Parker pay you to pretend to know him?" he said, like that was a normal question.

Abby sighed. "Kid, he didn't pay us to know him. Believe it or not, we do know Peter." She then pointed to a girl named Amanda. "Whats your question?"

"Do we work on these alone, or do we have partners?"

Abby smiled, saying,"You can choose whether or not you want to work with a partner."

Peter, MJ, and Ned were naturally in a group together, and they chose to build a robot. Flash and his group were doing a robot as well.

"Raise your hands if you did the coding project." About half the class raised their hands. "And who did the robot?" The other half of the class raised their hands.

"Those of you who made a robot, you have the option of showing the class your creation", Abby told them." After everyone who wants to has gone, Ellie and I will check the coding. Any questions?"

Murmurs of "No" filled the room.

Flash shot his arm into the air while saying,"Can I go, can I go?"

"Amanda, why don't you and your friends go?" Abby said, completely ignoring Flash.

The rest of the class snickered, laughing at Flash and his childish behavior.

"We built a cleaning robot that mops, sweeps, and dusts," said Betty Brant. Amanda and the rest of their group told everyone how it worked, and then proceeded to demonstrate.

2 more groups went, and then it was Flash's turn.

"We created a lie detector," Flash stated proudly. "It measures your heart rate when you're saying something."

Suddenly, before he could demonstrate, a new voice cut in. "Excuse me, could I have a word with Mr. Parker?"

Ooh, cliffhanger! I'm very glad that I didn't do a cliffhanger last chapter, because that would be horrible to wait on. I don't know how long exactly the next chapter is going to take, but I guarantee that it's not going to be as long as this was. I'm already writing it, so good for me! See you next time!