"Then I will finish this." He uttered darkly, raising his wand to point directly in the quivering man's face.


He dropped the wand and ripped the mask from his face, thankful for the late summer's fresh air. He pushed a hand through his too long, sweaty blonde hair before bumping his fist against his co-stars.

"Another one almost in the bag!"

"Not just another one, boys, but the last one."

Draco looked over to see the director, Severus Snape, walking over. One would think the older man was actually in the dark movie series about witches and wizards with his black hair and black clothing, but it was his vision after all.

"True, true. Hey, I'm gonna go make a quick call to my daughter before she goes to bed. Later."

Draco watched as Marcus Flint walked away, before turning to the director.

"I hate those masks."

The man laughed, the sound out of character. "You've been saying that for years, yet you keep coming back and putting it on. Too bad after next month it'll all be over."

He grinned, already feeling the elation of an almost complete movie. Sometimes he forgot how long he'd been at it, and while he knew he would miss everyone he was honestly glad to see it all come to an end.

"I promise to put it up in a really special place in my house, as soon as I actually buy one."

Snape shook his head. "You will, one day." He sighed. "Now, what do you plan on doing with your little mini vacation?"

They had been filming for the past eight months and planned to wrap up in Ireland within the next four weeks. His plan was to fly over late the next day and spend a week with nothing but a good beer and himself, seeing as how filming had a week and a half gap.

"Avoid responsibility." He said with a grin.

Snape shook his head. "I actually want to believe that, but knowing you it'll be filled with reading scripts for a potential contract."

He ran a hand through his significantly dryer hair. "Well, there's actually three that I need to at least glance over."

"What you need to do is take a break, and that's coming from Snape the director, not Snape the godfather."

Draco opened his mouth to respond but the older man beat him to it.

"You've been working on The Deatheaters since you were sixteen. Four movies in six years is brutal and I know I for one will be glad to go off and relax for a while." He gave him a look. "Maybe you should try that out for a change."

He actually ached to do just that, to pretend for a while that he was a normal twenty two year old and shuck responsibility.

"Take some time off. Wrap up this series and go out and live your life."

He raised a blond brow. "Would this conversation have anything to do with a potential new series that's brewing in that brain of yours?"

Snape let out a bark of laughter. "Only slightly. I do think that you need some rest, to be as close to a normal twenty two year old that you can be."

Normal? Draco wanted to scoff at the mere idea that he would ever be close to normal. Even if he had never gone into acting his family name would have prevented him from blending into the background.

Snape must have witnessed his dismay flash across his face. "Now, this is coming from me as a godfather, so take it to heart. Don't ever let yourself make the same mistakes I did. I cared more about what people thought of me and who I wanted to be then I did real friends and because of that I lost the one person who had always been there. No amount of fame or money can ever make up for that loss, so I want you to make sure you find someone who doesn't care about any of those things."

He'd often forgot how his godfather had let his friendship with the one fade as he chased fame and glory. He wasn't like his own father, who's money and fame came from a long line of wealthy, but was someone who had fought tooth and nail for everything he had.

He nodded, not even sure what to say.

"Alright, enough depressing talk. You have one week to sow your wild oats before we wrap up this monster. Go get some rest and try to not let anyone know you're there."

He laughed and clapped a hand on the older man's shoulder. "I promise to try."

"Do more than try. I want you to pretend your just a normal guy who wants to see the world before starting his career. Go out, have fun, and rest so that we can wrap this beast up."

He nodded again, knowing that he wouldn't take any of the advice given to him. "I'll do my best."

"Not one word that I just said stuck in your brain." His godfather said with a shake of his head. "One day what I say will all make sense, I just hope it's not after you've screwed everything up."

"Uncle Sev-"

"Don't uncle Sev me." He cut him off with a snort. "Just go wash up and enjoy your vacation. I don't want to see your face until I absolutely have to."

Draco grinned. "You'll miss me, don't deny it."

That earned him a punch to the shoulder, and despite the older man being slimmer and, well, older, it hurt.

"Ouch. Gosh, fine, fine. You won't see my handsome face until the morning of shooting."

With that he made his getaway, wanting nothing more than a cool shower to wash the grim off of his body and a bed to crash in.