Old Author's notes: Um... I don't know what to put here. Hi, I guess? This is my first ever fanfic, scratch that, this is the first-ever story that I have written in my entire life. So... feel free to review or something. Anyways, Enjoy... I guess.

(Edited/Rewritten to fit the narrative of ch. 3-4 and for future chapters, along with technical writing improvements)

New Author's note: Why the hell did I even decide to start it off this way? I learned a bunch of narrative techniques, I wanted to try them out. There were also inconsistencies that needed to be dealt with. It doesn't change much of what happens here. I just modified it a bit, so it synchronizes better in reference to the future chapters.

Additionally, I reread the LN and rewatched the anime to try and mimic Hikigaya's thought patterns. Which was interesting, so to speak. I'm sorry if it feels off.

I am also going to redo chapter 2 in some aspects.

Disclaimer: The claim no ownership of the characters of the story. All rights belong to Watari Wataru, the original Author of Oregairu.

Chapter 1: Hikigaya Hachiman tries to understand.

The tension between us is deafening. Was it because we're on the rooftop where all cliches happen? Coincidentally, it's also in the late afternoon, so the golden light from the sun and the light breeze makes everything all the more dramatic. Possibly it's because it's the first time we've talked in a significantly long while after she suddenly stopped recognizing my existence.

Or maybe, just maybe, it's because I'm doing a kabe-don (1), the most normie thing a normie can do. My arms, fully extended and pinned against the wall, trapping the resident fire queen of Soubu High between them, staring at me with surprise.

Now that I think about it, its probably all of the above. The Romcom Gods seem to be having fun at the moment, messing with my life.

Curse them.

I wonder how it looks like from a bystander point of view. A high schooler finally making his debut? A crime waiting to happen? Or maybe someone like me will see this and think Normies go and die.

Yet here I am, doing something I would naturally condemn anyone for doing it. If I were to see myself doing this in the past, I would straight up cut my arms off afterward and then die from embarrassment before I bleed out.

You know what? I'll do precisely that after what happens eventually.

But that doesn't matter, for now, all I need to do is get my thoughts across this thickheaded blonde woman that I appear to have captured. After a month of suddenly ignoring me and playing a game of hot or cold, killing myself is the least of my worries.

You're probably wondering why I'm now in such a predicament no less initiated by me, and with the Miura of all people.

It's because the one in question has been avoiding me for over a month for no particular reason that I would understand. And I pride myself on making up reasons why people start to avoid me, and Miura is Miura. Last time you guys checked, she would probably look for a clock all over the whole school instead of asking me for the time of the day. But after a year's worth of study sessions, going to each other's houses and going on friendly outings as she would call it. Things change, I guess.

At least I thought it did.

Miura just became different all of a sudden. I wouldn't say different, but It's all I can say to describe what happened. Because I have entirely no clue what spurred it in the first place.

And by that, I meant every form of interaction we used to have suddenly stopped.

Exchanging greetings, having conversations, eating lunch together, meeting up to study, going to school, going home from school, all of it just disappeared. Miura just up and decided that I didn't exist. The worst part of it all is that I can't comprehend why she is doing this. Attempts to approach the Fire Queen were fruitless. Hence, why I'm unable to explain what's going on with Miura.

Was I bothered by it?

Absolutely, I suddenly have so much more free time that I don't know how to manage it.

Was I only bothered because I suddenly had a lot more free time?

That's one of the reasons.

Did I actually miss Miura?

Next question, please.

Then what's the other reason then?

I realized early on that it had something to do with me. It didn't happen in an instant. The first week this all began, we were pretty much on speaking terms with each other.

Aside from disregarding my efforts to approach her, Miura kept on stealing glances whenever we were in the general vicinity of one another. I sit right next to her in class, of course I'm going to notice it right away. It wasn't exactly subtle. As if she wanted to be caught doing it. Asking her about it didn't exactly help, cause as I said, she's ignoring me. In the cases where she did acknowledge my presence, I was either met with silence or saying…

'It's nothing, Hikio.'

Oi, It's obviously something if you're acting this way, woman.

It started off as a minor inconvenience. If Miura didn't want to talk, then fine. It's not like I can do anything about it. She's not even allowing me to speak with her. After a few days of getting the silent treatment, I decided to just mind my own business.

'More free time,' I initially thought.

Then she took it to another level in a way that just furthered my own confusion as to why she's doing this in the first place. After Miura realized that I wasn't paying attention anymore. She decided to up her game, whatever it was. In the week that followed, her choice of action was to switch strategies. The strategy being glaring…

I'm not kidding.

Then again, It's Miura. It's is probably one of her 108 skills. I've been on the receiving end of it far too many times to count. But this was just pointless, to begin with. It didn't even take long for her to start doing it.

Just imagine her glaring at me, where I could see within my peripheral vision. It was as ridiculous and as uncomfortable as it sounds. I was met with her scowl in the mornings, afternoons, lunch, in the hallway, even in the clubroom. Every time our eyes met, I was subjected under the gaze of the Fire Queen of Soubu.

And to remind you, we share the same classroom, and she sits RIGHT NEXT TO ME.

It was obvious.

It was annoying.

It was driving me insane.

And it doesn't help that Miura still won't explain herself.

There was this one time during Miura's frequent visits to the service club, instead of fiddling with her phone or striking up a conversation with Yuigahama. She thought it was a brilliant idea to sit in front of me and just to stare me down while I was reading to pass the time. Yuigahama tried starting a conversation with her only to be responded with audible hums, and the usual 'is that so?'. Yukinoshita didn't even bother doing anything. In fact, she thought it was an excellent time for one of our banters.

'Oh, it seems that you've finally done something unforgivable, Hikigaya-kun.'

I couldn't even retort, since the more pressing issue was the fact that Miura was right in front of me. We ended up with dismissing club early since there was a… Technical difficulty, it being the fire queen invading my personal space and disturbing the workplace environment.

A week later, after enduring all her relentless bothersome looks, I decided to indulge in her game of silent treatment. My plan was simple, just ignore her.

Horrible, I know. But as Sun Tzu once said…

The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.

I just had to ignore her. Easy, right?

What transpired next made it hard to do that. Miura didn't even give me a chance. When she realized that I wasn't paying attention to her bothersome looks. The glaring routine stopped and was replaced by what rational people would call… Stalking.

… Are you kidding me?

I didn't notice it at the start. Mainly, I was surprised that Miura stopped staring at me even before I began to set my plan in motion. I first caught her doing this was when I was eating lunch at the usual spot near the tennis courts. Believing it was a coincidence, I just brushed it off.

Next, it was at the library, the same place and time we regularly met up for our study sessions. Miura was peeking through the entrance, Instantly turning around when she noticed I saw her.

'Is this one of those 'Notice me Senpai' tropes? Cause something is very wrong here!' was what crossed my mind at the time.

She began to occasionally follow me around the school campus whenever she could. Except for going to the restrooms, of course. She learned to not do that later on, much to both of our embarrassments. It was one thing to be glared at, to be followed around is something else entirely. Don't even know which one I prefer, honestly.

The time I realized she really was stalking me was during one of the Club hours that week. Yukinoshita and Yuigahama forced me to play along with their game of, 'whoever loses buys drinks'. Which I am ashamed to admit, to have lost. Imagine my clubmates' smug faces when they won. With no other choice but to follow the penalty for losing. I got up from my chair, walking towards the door that connects to the hallway. Sliding it to open, I was met with Miura standing right outside the entrance, scaring the hell out of me, making me jump back in response.

'Whoa! what the- Miura?'


'Miura-san, do you have a request for the service club?'

Miura looked up, and I just stood there unsure how to react. Was she expecting something?

'It's… Nothing, sorry for bothering you guys,' She uttered before leaving.

Oi Miura, Isn't this getting too far? Cause I was extremely weirded out at that point. I didn't want a yandere(2) in my life.

I went on ahead to the vending machines to buy the drinks for Yuigahama and Yukinoshita. When I returned, my clubmates gave me looks of concern, while I ignored them as I was handing out their beverages.

Miura's stalking routine carried on but with less frequency this time. I have gotten more or less used to it by now, so it didn't bother me as much as before. Don't know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing.

What happened in the next week that followed was the event that changed everything.

Yuigahama couldn't attend club that day due to plans with her family. So Yukinoshita and I decided to close up early since we haven't been receiving requests as of late. I usually go to the library after club hours. I study alone now since the person who was supposed to be my company is nowhere to be seen. With time to spare and nothing else better to do, I decided to go to my usual spot and drink a can of Max to pass the time.

That's where I saw Miura, Tennis practice. She must've volunteered to assist Saika in his training by being his opponent. It was getting pretty intense too. Both Miura and Saika kept on scoring points that couldn't break the deuce. A small crowd even gathered around the tennis court to see the legendary match between the Captain of the Tennis Club vs. the Fire Queen of Soubu.

I got up from the staircase to get a closer look. Walking towards the combined commotion of the Tennis club members and student spectators, cheering for the players in the court. Finding a good spot at the side without merging with the crowd.

The two contenders had a moment of calm, both sides already panting heavily due to the prolonged match. Saika was up by one point, his turn to serve. Following the ball, as it was released, I turned to the receiving side only for my gaze to snap on Miura's. Our eyes met for a split second, making her lose focus. By the time she recovered, it was already too late. The serve had already bounced once and was too far away to return. But instead of accepting defeat, Miura dove towards it despite how futile it was, causing her to crash against the rough surface of the court.

In place of the roaring cheers for Tennis Captain's victory was silence… All of the attention was fixated on Miura, who had trouble standing up. I froze… contemplating whether I should move or stay in place.

Inevitably, I chose the latter.

After being ignored by Miura up until that point, I wasn't sure if she wanted me anywhere near her anymore. It was so unexpected that it took all my willpower to prevent myself from going towards her. Saika rushed to the other side to check on Miura.

'Yumi-chan, are you alright!?' Saika called out.

'I'm fine… Ow-' Miura winced as she finally got up, revealing a bloody gash on her knee.

'You're not fine at all! You're hurt!'

'It's nothing, Saika-chan.' Miura responded as she brushed herself off, taking a quick look around to see the quiet audience. 'Haah… It looks like I lost!'. She announced to everyone.


'It's my loss, Saika-chan.' She said while extending a hand to the victor. 'But I'm not going to lose next time.' Finishing with a small grin.

Saika reluctantly accepted the handshake, and the onlookers boomed in celebration of such beautiful sportsmanship. Miura was ok in the end, at least.

After breaking away from the Saika, she turned towards where I was, and our eyes met again. It was longer this time. I struggled to maintain a poker face, as we both examined each other. Miura's expression was blank with emotion, the same as mine. The moment passed by, with neither of us acknowledging what was happening around our surroundings. We stood there, locked on to each other.

When I couldn't resist anymore, I took a step forward only for her to shift her gaze downwards at the same time, muttering something I couldn't hear. Miura then turned around and began walking towards the school building, probably to the infirmary to get her knee checked. And I stood there, watching her back as she disappeared into the crowd.

After that turn of events… I found myself standing outside the door of the clinic, sometime after what happened earlier.

Why? I didn't know.

Maybe I just felt guilty that I didn't do anything for Miura earlier. I expected Ebina and Tobe to visit, but they never came… Things like this tend to spread word quickly. It was strange that both of them never arrived. Even if that weren't the case, Miura could still contact them with her phone.

I assumed she just wanted to be alone. If she didn't want to see her friends, then maybe she didn't want to see anyone, let alone me.

But I waited, regardless. For the whole afternoon, I stood there, resting my back against the wall beside the infirmary. Waiting for Miura to come out. Even with the barrier separating us, I pictured Miura sitting there alone, waiting for… something.

What was stopping me from opening the door? What made me so anxious about checking up on the Fire Queen? Dozens of questions passed in my mind as I stood outside for what felt like hours until it became actual hours.

When the Familiar bell chime rang throughout the school, signaling that all extracurricular activities are to be stopped and students must go home. I heard some shuffling in the room, and the door of the infirmary slid open shortly after.

Finally, after three weeks of next to zero contact, Miura and I were face to face with each other. Both of us didn't know how to react. Miura had a small look of surprise on her face, while I just stared at her, waiting for her to say anything.

But she never did…

'What do you want, Miura?' I spoke up to break the silence

And, just like how she always answered that question.

'It's nothing, Hikio…' shifting away with a sad smile.

Talk, woman. If you want something from me, just say it.

Taking her words for what they were, I tore my gaze from the Fire Queen and began walking away from the situation, intent on going home after a mentally exhausting day. Stealing a quick glance at Miura, she followed suit behind me, her eyes locked on to the ground below.

Back when we used to spend time with each other, we realized that our houses were relatively near and that we took the same route when going to and from school. After studying, we would usually go home together riding in tandem with my bike if Komachi wasn't preoccupied with something else. My little sister still outranks Miura after all.

Coincidentally, my means of fast travel was out of service at the time, so I had no choice but to walk home. Our trip was unbearably silent. Miura just shadowed behind me all the way to the intersection where we usually split up. We never talked, and I never looked back.

As I turned towards the direction of my house, Miura called out behind me, halting me on my tracks.


Without turning around, I replied. 'What do you want, Miura?' hoping to finally get an answer from her.

Instead, what I got was…

'I'll see you later…'

Not bothering to give a reply, I let my feet move again. The sounds of my lone footsteps audibly filling the streets basking in the golden glow of the setting sun. I was frustrated, even with everything that had happened, even when Miura finally spoke up. All I got from her was that one line. It didn't explain anything. All the way home, I never felt Miura's gaze leave me…

And that was the last time Miura and I talked to each other. In the weeks that followed, I or rather we just didn't care anymore.

I didn't even see the point of pretending not to care any longer, and so did Miura. She went back to her original routine before we ever knew each other. I still sense a few looks, but that's pretty much it. Now I have lunch just the way I did before, enjoying the cool breeze while watching the tennis class go on about their training. I still study at the library since I got accustomed to working there. Without Miura's presence, I can finally divert all my focus to whatever I'm doing. Club hours also went back to normal; by normal, I mean usual silence with the regular talks from Yuigahama and insults from Yukinoshita, along with the standard requests from clients.

Just like how it was before.

In the events that Miura and I do see each other, she'd quickly turn away or go somewhere else. On the way to school, she would quicken her pace like she's late. Instead of staying in our classroom during breaks visits, Miura would either drag Yuigahama and the others someplace else or go somewhere alone.

So that's it then.

Some days later, Yuigahama began to regularly ask me about Miura during club hours, which I either ignored, dismissed, answered in a half-assed way. A few days later, Iroha started asking similar questions whenever I helped out the student council. The next week after, Ebina also joined in this asking routine during class.

Is this some sort of routine now?

Then it was Saika, during his breaks, the same time I ate my lunch. Followed by Tobe, who I completely didn't notice. Next was Yukinoshita, when she realized why I was spending more time in the clubroom than usual. Even Hiratsuka-sensei when we randomly meet up or during our ramen nights. And finally, Komachi when we go home together. All of them asking the same question over and over again.

'Where's Miura?'

I dismissed the topic whenever I could because it doesn't concern me in the slightest, but I would be lying.

I don't have any of the answers. Why keep bothering me? It was annoying. As if I didn't care at all, they treated me like I didn't and kept on reminding me of it. Miura was the one who decided to act like I never existed, ask her. I'm not the one who started it. All your constant pestering makes me feel like I'm the one at fault that she doesn't want to see me.

I didn't do anything.

'Hikki… Have you been meeting with Yumiko lately?'

I don't know. You're her friend, ask her. She's right over there too.

'Senpai, are you free this weekend? Are you going out on another date with Miura-senpai?'

If this is another one of your mock dates, I'll have to pass, and no, I don't have plans with Miura, and they're not dates. They're just friendly outings.

'Do you have plans with Yumi-chan later?'

Nope. None that I would know.

'Hachiman, why haven't you been talking to Yumiko-chan?'

Don't know, ask her, Saika.

'Hey there Hikitani-kun, Bro, have you seen Yumiko?'


—'My, it looks like Miura-san has finally realized how frightening your eyes are, Hiki-'scary'-kun.'

Leave me be, woman.

—'Don't you want to see her?'

Not unless she doesn't want to see me. And shouldn't you focus more on getting a boyfrie- OOF!

I deserved that one.

—'Onii-chan… Is everything ok with Yumiko-senpai?'

I do not know, my dear sister. Why don't you ask her instead? That probably got me a lot of points!

And stop asking the wrong person, again and again, you damn meddlers. If you didn't know, I'm the one who needs the answers to those questions the most. Do you think I'm unaffected by this? Why else would I still bother with Miura?

Even when we stopped associating with each other, I still check up on her often at school. I would still go to the library at the usual time we meet up. I would always wait at the school gate every time classes ended, and I even leave club hours early just to catch a glimpse of her.

Why am I doing this?

Because I'm waiting for an explanation.

—Why don't I just talk to her?

I have my pride. Besides, Miura started it.

Swallow it, perhaps?

No. I've had enough doing that. Especially after what Yukinoshita and Yuigahama went through, and my parents when they knew about the things I used to do.

Did I actually miss Miura?

Isn't that obvious?

So what happened?

He happened.


A particular blonde individual by the name of Hayama Hayato. The King of Soubu High…

(1)Translates into Wall Slam in Japanese. It refers to the act of slamming your hand to the wall next to a person as a way of showing… Intimacy.

(2)It is a combination of two Japanese words that will roughly translate into 'Sick with Love'. Characteristics of a Yandere is an absolute romantic obsession with someone they know, accompanied by aspects of extreme psychotic tendencies.

Old Author's notes: Aaaand, that's it. I'm still working on the next chapter, but I already have a layout of events. Feel free to ask questions and leave a review, I don't know if I can answer them really, But I'll try.

Oh yeah, Shout out to my friend for reading my drafts, proofreading, and putting up with me as I suddenly decided to start writing this. Thanks... I guess.

New Author's notes: So how'd I do with the rewrite? Was it better than before, or did I just manage to make it worse?

Anyways, feel free to review again in chapter 1 and tell me what you think.

While I'm still thinking about the next chapter, which would be chapter 5 as I'm currently typing this. I'm gonna retake a look at chapter 2 and see if I can improve it.