Welcome new and old reviewers! Join me in this journey, as I reboot a story that I wrote several years ago. Originally publish October 29th, 2014. Six years ago! It was my first story and it has a special place in my heart. A total of 19 chapters, and 250+ reviews before this reboot. I can only hope this new rewrite gets the same amount of love as the original version.

Disclaimer ~

Once again, I own nothing but my imagination and a few muses that I picked up off the street. If you recognize it, it's not mine.

Story Warnings ~

This is the first, and only warning that I give that covers the whole story. This story contains elements of : miscarriage, suicidal thoughts/attempts, abuse, dark/manipulative relationships, PTSD, blood/gore, child abuse, and brief gloss over of previous rape (not in detail at all. Squint and you'll miss it)

The demon slowly blinked his bright red eyes, his expression unreadable as he watched the creature before him. His beautiful Doll sat properly before him, her hands folded in her lap and her back straight, just as he had posed her. She was wearing a simple green and white dress, which he had carefully chosen, with hope that the familiar colors would bring back some life into her cheeks. Her soul though, which peeked out of her blue eyes, was still subdued. Even the calico cat, that he had been able to keep just for her, did not bring that beautiful light back to her eyes.

Sebastian stood tall, his red eyes watching the rise and fall of the woman's chest. Admittedly, she was a beautiful creature, in her own unique way. Her skin, despite her hardships, was still a healthy cream color. The demon often made his Doll go outside, even if it meant carrying her unresponsive body in his arms. Her midnight black hair was carefully combed every morning, so it fell in gentle waves to her waist. Muscles, which were once toned due to a vigorous lifestyle, were now lax, giving her a frail appearance. Silver scars adorned her body, covering every inch of her delicate skin, with the exception of her face. The scars were noticeably clustered around her throat, belly, and spine. Her most enchanting feature was her sapphire blue eyes, which once shined with her soul's innocence, and were now dark to the world. Her innocent soul was previously destroyed, ripped apart and tainted by a cruel darkness that was not his own.

Normally, Sebastian would relish in the sorrow and misery of the girl, as he would any human. His demonic nature made it so he fed, and drew pleasure, from the torture and pain of those around him. This girl was different though. She carried the unique bloodlines of a miko, a host to one of the purest souls to be created. She had broken under strain, and shattered to countless pieces.

This was unacceptable.

Sebastian reached out an ungloved hand to cup her cheek. Obediently the miko shut her eyes and leaned into his cold touch, submitting to him. Her head fell back, pushing her throat forward, leaving it exposed. A quiet whimper escaped her as she once again asked for a death that Sebastian denied her.

"My poor Doll. So sweet, so fragile." Sebastian spoke to the girl quietly, so as to not frighten her. Not that it mattered, for many years he had spoken to his Doll, and for nearly just as long, she had remained silent and unresponsive.

She has remained physically unchanged since that night he found her, nearly a century ago. He still remembered that night vividly, and the events that followed, which changed his life.

Like most events, it had started in an insignificant way. The demon had been hunting, searching for an easy meal to tide him over until his next contract. He had crossed into another demon's territory, meaning to simply cross the border and exit on the other side. All demons were naturally territorial, so when the two demons accidentally stumbled across each other, it was no surprise that the ookami chose to defend his territory.

The fight had been short, but vicious. Sebastian was the stronger demon, but what the wolf demon lacked in strength, he made up for in stubborn pride and the reluctance to submit. It wasn't until a critical wound was inflicted upon the grey ookami, that he realized his mistake and attempted to flee. Bloodlust pumped through Sebastian's dead veins, and like the predator he was, he pursued his prey, tracking him to the crumbling remains of a once great mountain.

The wolf's death had been torturous, and bloody. Sebastian took joy in the wolf's horrified screams as each bone was slowly shattered, and each cut was carefully made longer, and deeper, with each slice. Sebastian had taken his time, and it took hours for the wolf to finally die in a puddle of his own blood and organs. Sebastian was peening over his kill, the blood still warm on his clawed fingertips, when the rustling of fur caught his attention.

A cruel smile formed on his lips as he considers the thought of taking the dead demon's meal. For demons, there was no greater insult than taking their meal, and proving who the strongest demon was. Sebastian kicked the corpse out of his way, his eyes glowing at the prospect of another hunt.

It was not a meal he found though, but a living human doll. She was huddled in the back shadows of the cave, clothed in animal fur that matched what the ookami was wearing. Several deer skins were draped over her in an attempt to keep her warm, but she still shivered violently every few seconds. Food was scattered around her dirty feet. Days worth of meats and vegetables were rotting away, untouched except from the maggots that feasted on what she ignored. She was breathing evenly, showing that she was indeed a living human, though her crushed soul and dead eyes, revealed that there was not much there, inside that human shell.

Her deep blue eyes were trained ahead, gazing at the bloody remains of her companion. It was obvious that she had seen the whole battle, but she had not reacted once. Sebastian hadn't even heard her heart rate pick up, despite the gory sight before her, or the strange demon approaching her. Sebastian was kneeling before her now, his clawed fingertips reached for her throat, when he finally sensed the dying power within her soul.


A servant of the gods. A pure soul. They were a rare, dying species. Most demons feared them due to the purification power they could weld, but Sebastian knew that this woman did not have the will to use that power. To a yokai, a lower leveled demon, a miko could possibly mean death if their powers were used on them. Sebastian, despite having an animalistic appearance at time, was a pure demon. He was a creature straight from Hell, and to him, a miko meant so much more.

A miko was a servant to the gods, but it wasn't always a holy god they served. A miko could easily serve the shadows, obeying those who gained power through darker means. A pure demon, like himself, could tame a miko. A miko's untouched soul had the unique ability to regenerate, no matter how many times they were consumed. Such an easy, delicious soul was a rare treat, and it meant the demon would never go hungry again. A dark miko could also become a demon's bride, without fear of being crushed beneath Hell's atmosphere, or killed by their own spawns. In the past, most of the demon's mates were mikos, before their species became rare.

There was a catch. The miko had to be willing. They had to give their body and soul to the demon, or else their clashing powers would destroy each other and send both souls to Purgatory. Not Heaven nor Hell, but Purgatory. The ending for everything, with no chance of rebirth or redemption. For both demon and miko, this was the true death.

Sebastian couldn't give up the chance to have a miko for himself. Mikos had not been seen in centuries, and this could be the last one in existence. The crafty wolf demon had tried to protect and hide her from the world, but now, this broken doll belonged to him.

Under the cloak of night, Sebastian stole away his prize. His new doll didn't protest, or attempt to put up a fight. She laid limp in his arms, her eyes blank and soul uncaring. She was either unaware of what was happening, or she did not care. Sebastian was hoping it wouldn't be hard to bring this miko back to herself.

That was over a century ago. Sebastian had yet to to fix her, but he refused to give her up. After searching, and researching all he could about mikos, he has come to the conclusion that his original assumption was right. This was the last, true miko to exist. Each day of denial, just fueled his stubborn pride to bring her back. To give her up would mean admitting defeat, and to never have another miko in his palms again. To kill her would result in the same consequences. No, this miko had to live, and serve him.

In the span of a century, the doll had only ever reacted twice to him. The first time was only after a handful of years after his persistent questioning. The miko had gazed up at him, in the middle of the night, and spoke one word. Kagome. A single word, which he knew instinctively was her name, lost in silence of time.

Afterwards, despite what he did or how much he tried to bribe her, his Doll refused to open her mouth again. Thus, they went several decades without speaking again.

The second reaction he got, was startling, and Sebastian unknowingly made it worse. They had been strolling down a cobblestone street, a scant few years ago, when a pure white hound ran across their path. Sebastian had been holding his Doll, her small hand curled into the bend of his elbow, but even so, he had not been prepared for the hound, and therefore his Doll tripped and fell to the harsh ground, before he could catch her. The dog came to an immediate stop, whining an apology as he trotted up to his victim, and ran his gross, slobbery tongue over her face.

Instead of comforting her, the sight and touch of the canine sent his Doll into hysterics. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she wailed a song of grief. Her hands, for the first time, moved on their own free will to clasp over her stomach. Her body trembled as she continued to scream and cry to the Heavens. The repulsive dog tried to flee from the crying woman, but his Doll lunged forward, grasping the dog's scruff with both of her hands, and forcing the dog to her chest. The canine's head rested over her heart, and his hot breath bathed over her stomach, which sent jealousy coursing through Sebastian's veins.

He gave a demonic growl as he reached down, one of his hands easily wrapping around the back of the dog's neck. How dare this beast touch his Doll? How dare this mongrel touch what is not his? If she wanted comfort, or company, his Doll had him. There was no need for a dog. With that thought in mind, Sebastian clenched his hand together, instantly crushing the spine of the dog.

Without a sound, the beast died, slumping into his Doll's body. She only hugged its dead body closer, hiding her tears in its mangy fur, and rocking them both back and forth. When Sebastian reached down in an attempt to extract the vermin from her grasp, she reacted like a cornered animal, snapping her teeth at his outreached fingers, and growling like a feral beast.

Sebastian reacted without thought. His hand slapped back, smacking the girl in the mouth, and sending her sprawling to the streets. His own demonic energy rose, blanketing what little of her miko powers existed, as he stalked forward. A dominating growl escaped him, as he towered over his Doll, needing to see her submission.

"I'm sorry," and finally, she spoke after decades of silence. Her voice cracked and croaked from years of abuse, but it was still a melody unlike any other. "I'm so sorry." His Doll rose to her hands and knees, so she could crawl forward. Sebastian was prepared to accept her apology, and help clean her newly bleeding lip, when his beautiful Doll crawled past him, and cuddled into the fur of the deceased beast. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to lose them, but I was weak. I was only human.

"I'm so sorry 'Yasha. I'm so sorry. Forgive me." Tears and blood mixed together, before falling onto the white beast below her. "Please forgive me."

Sebastian's patience snapped. No longer could he watch his beautiful Doll, grovel and plead to the corpse of a vermin. He reached forward and forcefully extracted her away. She fought him like an animal. She screeched, bit and kicked against him, but Sebastian was stronger and his grip never loosened. Ignoring the crowd that had started to gather, Sebastian dragged her away, back to the home where they were temporarily staying. After collapsing on their shared bed, his Doll went back to being unresponsive to the world around her, except there was a change this time. Now, she spoke and dreamed.

When awake, his Doll's dead eyes would stare at the wall, and she would rapidly apologize. She would beg for death, beg for forgiveness, and finally, beg for somebody named 'Yasha. When she slept, her sleep was plagued by nightmares. She would wake herself with her own screaming and thrashing, often hurting herself in the act. It was only Sebastian who kept her from cutting too deeply, or causing herself injury by rolling off the bed.

After several continious days, her voice no longer had the strength to go on. Her voice died once again, but Sebastian knew, in her broken mind, she was still apologizing and begging. The nightmares, they never left. They continued to torture his Doll, causing her silent throat to try and produce whimpers, as her body thrashed around to escape monsters that were not there. Often, Sebastian would forgo hunting at night, to stay with his Doll and monitor her erratic behavior.

Years had slowly crept by, and still, his Doll was tortured. She never spoke, but she always obeyed. Naturally, she was submissive to those around her, even those who were not worthy of her compliance. In an effort to protect her already fragile mind, Sebastian's decided that all canines were to be kept away from her, in an effect to avoid triggering another violent episode.

The rustle of cloth pulled Sebastian out of his memories. He blinked his incandesce eyes, his attention immediately falling to his Doll. Even after so many decades, there was a part of the ancient demon that hoped he would be able to put his Doll together, and she'd look at him with clear eyes. For a single day, he wanted his Doll to be normal and whole. He wanted to speak to her, to know what happened in her shrouded past, and how to fix it. What started as a selfish mission to obtain a miko, was now personal. He wanted his Doll to be fixed, and he wanted to be the one to do it.

Unfortunately, the rustle of cloth was only his Doll's cat. The little calico had made her way into her mistress' lap, purring a melody as she rubbed against the miko's stomach. A genuine smile formed on the demon's lips as he watched the scene. His Lord had forbidden cats in the mansion, but even broken, his Doll had managed to charm him, and she was given an exception. He allowed one cat to stay, with hopes that it would help her recover and keep her company on the days that the young Lord and demon were gone.

He reached a gloved hand out, and stroked her bony hip. His sensitive fingers could feel the rough texture of a scar even through her clothes. After years of research, he knew who his Doll really was. He knew about the small, round jewel that was safely nestled in her body. He was no fool, not even he was immune to the temptation of the jewel's power. However, to remove the jewel would mean killing his Doll, and he valued her more than the brief desire of power. Besides, as long as he cared for his Doll, he would have both the jewel and his toy in his possession. Why choose one, when he could have both?

"My poor Doll. How can I fix you?" His voice was a low murmur, meant only for her ears.

Her mouth parted just a hint, as she spoke a, "I'm so sorry."

It was the same. It was always the same, even when she had her voice before. Sebastian stroked her cheek, the honeyed words of a demon escaping him, as he tried to coax her back. "I know. You are forgiven, Kagome. Just heal, my precious Doll."

"I'm so sorry," she repeated. "I didn't mean to lose them. I tried so hard." Her hands moved to clasp over her shrunken stomach. "I tried."

"I know, I understand." His murmurs were drowned out by her trembling cries, as new tears soaked into his bare hand.

"I'm sorry, 'Yas-"

"Sebastian." The demon had often changed his name over the years, and he knew it was confusing to his Doll. He tried many times to remind her of his current name, but her fragile mentality simply couldn't remember all the titles he was given. At least, that's what he told himself every time she called him 'Yasha.

"I want to die." Her voice cracked as it protested being used once more. "Please kill me."

"I can not," she never gave any signs that she heard him, but he continued to converse with her. "You are unique. You must live." Sebastian refused to acknowledge the heaviness in his unbeating heart, as he heard the heartache in Kagome's voice. All she ever wanted from him was death, and yet, it was the one thing he could not grant.

"I'm so sorry. I tried so hard. I don't want to be in pain anymore."

"Hush, my Doll. Just quiet down. I will fix you, I will end your pain."

As the sun rose, its golden light bathed over the demon's personal room. The scene was a heartbreaking one. One girl, barely alive and more doll than human, sat properly in a green and white dress, while a tall, dark butler stood before her. The demon's body was hunched over, so he could press his forehead against his precious Doll's cheek. The Doll was still, only crying her tears, while the demon was unnaturally still, listening to her raspy cries, unsure how to repair his broken doll.

They stayed this way, until the girl collapsed from exhaustion and the demon was summoned by his master.

`·.¸¸.·´´¯`··. . .·

"How is your toy this morning?" The young boy's question shattered the silence, only accompanied by the rustling of his papers as he worked.

Sebastian, who was occupied with dusting the shelves, gave a small hum of acknowledgement. "She is faring the same, as usual."

"So, she is still broken?"

"Yes, my Lord."

There was a stretch of silence. No doubt, the boy was lost in his own thoughts, as he considered his next words. Like the child he was, Sebastian heard as sound of a hand slamming down on the desk, in a sudden show of a tantrum. "You shouldn't torture a creature like that. Sebastian, I order you to fix your Doll, or put her out of her misery. It's disgusting how you can continue to torture such a creature that is obviously in pain."

The feather duster in Sebastian's grip snapped clean in half before he realized what he had done. The invisible chains of command were already bounding themselves around the demon, ensnaring his mind and limbs. Dark energy flooded the room as the demon tried, for the first time, to shake off a command. A vicious snarl rumbled in his chest, and his human facade faded just enough for his eyes to shine with the horror of Hell's fire.

Ciel didn't react to the change, choosing to stay focus on his work, and avoid the eyes of the nearby predator.

"She is the last of her kind. It would be a waste to kill her, my Lord," Sebastian tried to reason with the boy through clenched teeth.

"I do not care. She is suffering. I have spent time with her. She speaks to me, and I know of her cravings for death. She is broken, and some things can't be fixed. She is one of those things. My order stays the same."

Sebastian, in a rare show of rage, used his demonic energy to disappear from the room, leaving a shower of black feathers behind him. Ciel paused, momentarily stunned at the amount of emotion his butler had just displayed. Still, Ciel held firm to his decision. Kagome was suffering, anyone could see that, and if she was truly immortal then she could be stuck forever in her misery. It would be a sweet mercy to kill her now, instead of letting her suffer for eternity. It was clear now, not even a demon could fix the damage that was inflicted upon her.

In his personal bedroom, Sebastian emerged from the shadows, a trail of black feathers following him. His red eyes blazed as he stalked forward, each step precise and deliberate. His predatory instincts were locked on his little Doll, who had not moved an inch, since he left her this morning.

She was awake again, and her lips were moving, forming silent apologies to souls long gone. Her eyes were still misty, as tears continued to streak down her face, in an unending supply of agony. Her hands were still clasped over her stomach, twisting and tearing at the delicate nightgown she was in. Her tortured eyes didn't move from their dead stare at the wall, even as Sebastian's human skin fell away to reveal the monster beneath.

A clawed hand reached for her throat, his fingers easily wrapping around the thin column. Sharp finger nails prickled at her fragile skin, drawing blood to the surface. The broken Doll's lips parted, a soft sigh caressing his exposed skin, as she leaned further into his deadly grasp. Sebastian could only watch as her eyes filled with hope - hope that her wish would finally be granted.

Could Sebastian heal her? Could he bring back his broken Doll? Doubts plagued his mind, grappling and twisting with the commands on his contact.

Was the pure miko, that she once was, still lurking beneath this shell?

"Give me a sign," for once, Sebastian begged a mortal. His own voice cracked with misery and pain. "Show me, that you can be whole again. Show me, you won't be my Broken Doll forever."

Oh goodness, I've never been so afraid to restart something in my life but I must. I want to show everyone what I could be now, and what my loyal reviewers and followers, have pushed me to learn and improve. This is for you guys, as much as for me!

Not too much different in this chapter, however I fixed the whole 'demon crying' thing. That bugged me so much now. Let me know please, what you think.

'Update' Expectations - Expect an update once or twice a month. Though most of this story is written, I do want to pace myself so I can update my previous writing and get a lot of these plot holes fixed and the plot lined up. However, if a chapter reached 15 reviews, I will do my best to update the next weekend, as a reward for your lovely words!