Character Profile #8

Captain Noah Holden

Birthday : August 19th, 1994

Age : 50

Gender : Male

Eye Color : Gray

Best Friend : Brenden Kenway

Love Interest : Mary Kenneth

Quartermaster : Harmony Vain

Name Meaning : Rest from the Hallow in the Valley

Elemental Power : None

Weapon : Sword

Darkest Time : July 10th, 2043 - August 9th, 2044

Stealth : 8/10

Intelligence : 9/10

Agility : 7/10

Strength : 10/10

Speed : 7/10

Stamina : 8/10

Social Skills : 6/10

Humor : 8/10

Empathy : 8/10

Attitude : 6/10

Patience : 7/10


Noah Holden is a middle-aged man in his very early 50's, and a Captain in the Resistance, born in the Realm of the Rivers biggest defense, known as Fort Ranger, growing up, Noah lived at the Fort, and his parents did anything they could to protect with how constantly it was attacked, as it was the biggest one in the entire realm, Sadly, the protection wasn't enough, shortly after Noah turned 15, when the Fort was taken by Pirates, and Noah's Parents were killed since they were the Fort Commanders, he decided to sneak aboard their Ship, and actually thanks the Captain for ridding the realm of his parents, and asked him to teach him the ways, and rules of Piracy, while shocked, the Captain was also impressed, and agreed to teach him.

This went well for Noah, as he had learned how to handle a sword and pistol from his father, fighting wasn't a problem, and the Captain taught him about sailing and raiding Merchants and other Pirate on the Rivers. . .

In 2012, when Noah was promoted to Quartermaster of the Ship, and was pleased, and did whatever he could possible to impress the Captain, and protect him at the same time, and over the next 6 years, He did just that, and stood by his Captain and fought alongside him, and protected him, for and from any Pirate they came across.

In 2018, The Captain sent Noah and his first mate to a new Frigate in the fleet, which he wanted him to become part of, but since the First Mate killed Noah's parents, and he revealed his true intentions, and all he did over his course of Piracy, was a ruse to seek Vengeance . . .

He then took the ship as his own, and only a small amount of people in the Crew were mad of his betrayal, and they stayed by his side, and he sailed to Peaceful Peak, and lived and operated out of there for quite some time.

In 2024, he became the Realm's Most Wanted Pirate, Captain Noah Holden, Captain of The Black Ranger, and one of the most ambitious and infamous Pirates in The Realm of the Rivers.

In 2025, Captain Holden attracted the attention of Fort Commander Paul Travers, who wanted him killed for his Piracy, but as he was about to send a few ships to take him down, without warning He arrived at his fort and turned himself in, asking for an opportunity to join his Resistance, and Paul was pleased with his change of ways, and he inducted him into the Resistance.

Over the course of the Next 10 years, Paul had sent Noah Holden maps and contracts containing information on some of the worst criminals, and every time, he returned to the fort, and proved his work was always completed, and in 2035, just as all Criminals were brought down, he gave a small speech, for the man who did the best work in their time of need, Resistance Captain Noah Holden, Captain of The Black Ranger, and fighter for all good and freedom in not just the Realm of the Rivers, but in all of the 14 Realms.

In 2037, Brenden Kenway arrived, and met Noah Holden at a Tavern, claiming he heard of him and his actions from other realms, Noah was surprised that his stories have reached far and wide, and he asked Brenden to sail aboard his ship, which he did for a few months before he decided to send Brenden to another ship in his fleet, The Shining King, captained by Averill Travers, the man was just as impress as Noah was with his elemental powers, and he had him come aboard his ship, and they both kept in contact after that.

This went on for another 3 years, until a The Battle of the Red Lake, where a legend stated that the lake was a memorial, filled with the remaining blood of the deceased Resistance Warriors, and the Pirates who fought beside their cause, and the tall stones, each with the names of every Pirate and Warrior.

Shortly after the Battle, his work led to him meeting who he thought was the Prettiest girl in the Resistance, Mary Kenneth, who was born in 1997, The two of them were working together aboard The Black Ranger, after Noah saw her in action on the battlefield, he asked her to be his Quartermaster, which she accepted, and it brought them close to one another, and they became yin and yang in 2042.

The Plague and The Pirates

Quite Some time after, on May 29th, 2044, Noah proposed to Mary, which she accepted, just as Brenden Kenway said word that his final plan was in action, to recover the Realm Shards and return to The Never-Realm and Ninjago, Captain Holden helped him in doing so, but when Paul escaped to Ninjago, much like his brother, he left Noah and Mary behind.

They stayed there living aboard The Black Ranger, and Noah resorted back to Piracy, since Paul left with the last branch of the Resistance, and on August 9th, Brenden got word to Noah saying he needed his help in Ninjago, and he and Paul opened a Portal, and alongside Averill, Cortes, Trigno, Mary, and Romolus, Captain Holden was a Resistance Captain once again.

He then met Charlie Smith and taught him the ways of Piracy, and he was impressed with his skills, and alongside Romolus, Kai, and Lloyd, they gave him the Wu Cru's Flag, telling him he was a man who signaled he was nothing but a man who fought for his realm's freedom, Charlie thanked him, and he went into Ninjago to begin searching for Nadakhan.

Noah was happy, that even though Mary was missing, he knew he had The Young Ninjas and The Formlings, and the Ninja themselves, not as Allies, but as Friends.


Noah Holden wears a Black Coat and a white shirt, and has a white and gold belt with a golden skull on it, and wears black pants, and black boots with golden accents, and even wears a feathered Captain's hat with a gold outline and white feather, and had smooth sideways Combed hair, which was grown out at the front.

Fighting Style

Captain Noah Holden, usually focuses on using a Sword or Flail, or even Spinjitzu when necessary, since Brenden taught him how, he also uses a huge blunderbuss, and because of it's range and power, his crew calls it a Portable Cannon, and he can quickly reload it and become the biggest punch in battle.


People who talk poorly of him, or Mary, and fighting against the Police, since they do the right thing for the realm, but the Young Ninjas can't afford to get arrested, and he respects that.


Sailing with Charlie, since he's impressed him the most when at Sea, as well as fighting against the Pirates and Ronin's men, and being with Brenden and Mary, since he considers them to be his best friends, even though Mary is his fiance, also discovering or exploring secrets from small keys or artifacts they find in Ninjago, like the key Charlie took from the Commodore.