Chapter 4: Class Rep and Relaxation

Izuku pulled his back up slightly as he walked with a bit of a limp, it had been a couple of days since the robbery and his leg had still been a little messed up. Izuku slapped his cheeks to keep himself awake as he made his way to the classroom. 1-C was a… diverse class to say the least, it's split up into sects like any high school class. With the cool athletes to the delinquents that each settled into a corner of the classroom, unluckily for Izuku he ended up near the delinquent corner.

Izuku placed his stuff down and slowly began taking out his supplies as a hand swiped across his desk flingling all of his stuff onto the floor. Izuku smiled sheepishly as he met the face of a dreaded boy who grinned at the green haired boy.

"G-good morning um… Chihiro?" Izuku said as a hand slammed onto his desk. "Shut up. So I heard from a little bird that you were quirkless." The boy said as Izuku scratched the back of his head. "Y-yes that's correct. I don't really understand how that's relevant-" Izuku started but was cut off by two large fingernails on each side of his neck.

"Good, I also heard that you were one of the honors students of Aldera Middle school… Basically, me and my friends are having a bit of trouble in the class and hoping you would… assist us." the boy said as one of the nails grazed his neck, cutting it slightly.

"O-oh yeah, I'm not the best at tutoring but I think I can manage-" Izuku started as he was cut off again. "I was thinking more like do it for us… right?" the boy said as Izuku began to sweat. "Look could we take a second to think about this? I could definitely help you guys but you have to put in the effort-" Izuku started as the nails closed in on him a little more.

"Shut it normie! You goin' to do it or not?" the boy asked as Izuku went to say something as a girl laughed loudly and obnoxiously, gaining the attention of two boys as she pushed up her glasses and began to strut toward them.

"Mortals, humans, what a disappointing folly." the girl said as the boy growled at her, "What did you say?" the boy asked as the girl pointed at Izuku who was taking in her features as she looked down at the two boys.

She had rich purple hair tied up into a short spiky ponytail with black framed glasses that had Japanese flowers imprinted onto the legs that sat on her ears. Her bust was modest while her thighs were shapely… wait a minute…

'Dammnit Izuku stop ogling girls you meet!' Izuku thought to himself as the girl pushed away one of the nails.

"Do you know who this is?" the girl asked as the boy looked at Izuku who was looking at the girl with shock.

'Huh!? How did she find out? Was she there?!' Izuku thought as the girl smirked. "This is the hero..." the girl trailed off as Izuku began to sweat profusely. 'This is bad!' Izuku thought as he was about to say something as the girl spoke once more.

"Who cleaned Dagobah Beach!"

The girl finished as Izuku looked at her blankly as the other boy gaped at him. "You're serious?" He said as the girl nodded cheerfully.

"Yup! This is him and you should be grateful. It's because of him your precious little sister who loves that beach so much gets to swim again." The girl said teasingly as the boy clenched his fist.

"How did you?.. Never mind, whatever. Don't think for a second this saves you Midoriya!" The boy said as he trudged off to his seat.

Izuku watched as the girl huffed and pushed her glasses back with a grin as she spoke. "Hey, after class we need to chat… ok?" the girl said sweetly as Izuku looked on at her as she walked to her desk with a little too much sway in her hip as Izuku snapped his head away from her.

'Are all high school girls this scary?'

Izuku sent a quick text to Mei as he sheathed his cellular device into his pocket. He took a deep breath as he rounded the corner, there she stood the mysterious girl with a wide smile on her face. "Hey there." She said as Izuku smiled shyly.

"Hey…" Izuku said as the girl took a step closer, "Hmm… Well toned. Shorter than I thought." the girl said as Izuku began to blush. "H-hey. W-what was it you called me here for again?" Izuku asked as the girl snapped her fingers, "Right! First off my name is Rika Kagiri. I'm a first year here at U.A of course as for what I want…" Rika said as she grabbed his collar and pulled the green haired boy closer to herself as he began to panic.

She looked into his eyes with her own honey colored ones that were more akin to a light brown with flecks of darker brown as her smile faded away into a serious look. His heart began to beat faster, to the point where it began to hurt, "Izuku Midoriya, I know we just met today but I need you for something." Rika said as Izuku tried to slow down his breathing as he looked at the girl who had gotten closer.

"I need you to become the class rep!" the girl said excitedly as she let go of Izuku's collar, his breath came back to him as he looked at the girl again who was twirling in her spot as his eyes widened, "Huh?! W-wait, you want me as the class rep?!" Izuku asked as the girl nodded again.

"Yup, you are the one person that I think could be able to do it." Rika said again as Izuku gave her a look, "I don't know… A job like that should be more fit for somebody else with more… Charisma." Izuku said as the girl placed a hand on his face.

"Midoriya, do you know what class 1-C is made up of?" Rika asked quietly as Izuku looked at her with a blank expression as she spoke again. "Rejects... Everyone in that classroom had wanted to become heroes at one point." Rika said as Izuku's eyes widened as he looked toward the girl who let go of him and began slowly walking around him.

"They had either failed the unfair test or quit all together, leaving nothing but a bunch of hopeless souls filled with regret." Rika said as Izuku gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. "They weren't given a fair chance, so I wanted to give them hope… something to inspire them. What better than a proper class rep?" Rika said as Izuku looked at her with a worried glance.

"If that's the case then… Why me? You seem like a much better option, you're smart and a bit mischievous but with good intention… I hope. You should be able to do it better than I could." Izuku said as the girl chuckled.

"You see. When I first laid eyes on you, you were just a scrawny kid in a sweat suit. I had seen over the course of months you would return to the beach and continue it's clean up, you were determined. Probably trying to become a hero." Rika said as Izuku looked away.

"Then I heard that you were quirkless… I thought that after knowing that, eventually you would stop knowing that whatever you were trying to prove would be hopeless. Yet there you were again without a beat back at it, you even walked into class with a hopeful smile." Rika said as Izuku scratched the back of his head.

"I-it's seriously not that big a deal." Izuku said as Rika shook her head, "Midoriya, you were the only student that I've seen walk through those doors with a smile on your face. That's why it has to be you… besides I work better from behind the scenes." Rika said, pushing her glasses up, giving them the dramatic glare as Izuku sweatdropped.

"Basically you want someone to manipulate into getting your goals achieved." Izuku said as the girl began waving her hands in front of him. "No no no no, help. Help me… manipulate is such a strong word." Rika said as Izuku chuckled before clearing his throat.

"This is for the sake of our classmates… right?" Izuku said with a serious tone as the girl saluted, "Yes sir! This way we can brighten up their days and give them a school experience worth having, if you'll help of course." Rika said, extending a hand out to Izuku who took a breath.

"...I'll do it. I'll become the class rep." Izuku said as he took the girls hand as she cupped his hand in both of hers before jumping while giggling. "Thank you so much!" the girl said as Izuku looked away with a red face.

'High school girls really are that scary!'

Izuku thought to himself as he chuckled weakly, "S-so how are we going to pull this off?" Izuku said as the girl stopped jumping to look at him. "Leave that to me, just make sure to meet me early tomorrow behind the school alright?" Rika said as she winked at him. She let go as Izuku blushed and nodded slowly at the girl.

She waved at him as she left the school, Izuku rubbed the back of his head as he sighed. "I seriously hope she doesn't do anything too crazy." Izuku said as he walked out of the school gates to Mei who was waving.

"Heya." Mei said as Izuku waved back, "Hey Mei." He said as the pink haired girl tilted her head to look at him, "You look stressed." Mei said as Izuku shook his head, "A classmate of mine wants me to become the class rep and I'm not sure that I'm going to be able to do it." Izuku said as Mei placed a finger to her chin.

"I think you'll do fine, you have plenty of likeable traits." Mei said as Izuku chuckled before looking off to the side, "I mean… I don't know. I just don't think I'm cool or smart enough. Not to mention the whole… suit thing…" Izuku trailed off quietly as Mei gave him a blank look.

"I think the whole vigilante thing will be fine!" Mei exclaimed as Izuku threw his hands over her mouth, "M-mei! You can't just say that! There could be people listening!" Izuku said as Mei pried Izuku's hands off of her face.

"Izuku, you've gone out once. I doubt anyone really knows." Mei said as they began walking together, Izuku gave her a blank look before placing a hand on his chest, "Oh… ow. I think I did a pretty good job." Izuku said as Mei placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh no you did awesome. However nobody cares at the moment." Mei said as Izuku sweat dropped.

Izuku looked around as he reached the back of the school building, "This should be the place." Izuku said as the girl turned around upon his arrival with a wicked grin on her face, Izuku flinched as Rika began to chuckle as she held up a bag.

"Are you ready to steal the chapter?" Rika said as Izuku began to sweat, "What chapter? W-wait what's in the bag?!" Izuku asked as Rika merely sucked her teeth and wagged toward herself at him. "Stuff for a makeover of course! You aren't going to become a dreamboat as is." Rika said as Izuku took a step back.

"I think I'm alright as is… No need for crazy makeovers and stuff. Why do I even need to be a dreamboat anyway?" Izuku asked slightly panicked as the girl took another step toward him. "For the ladies votes for you, now get over here!" Rika said as Izuku tried to run off only to get tackled by the girl.

The class continued with it's usual clamouring as the door slid open, in stepped a black dress shoe.

Following that were dark green slacks held up by a light brown almost orange belt with a beige and grey sweater vest the collar of the shirt unbuttoned with a loosely made tie around it. The class suddenly became quiet as the figure whipped his head causing a piece of his spiked up hair to no longer obscure his features revealing his face.

"Midoriya?!" Chihiro screamed as the girls began to swoon at the boy walking into the classroom his face now adorned with glasses as he pushed them up. The green haired boy cleared his throat before trying a sly smile, "G-good morning." Izuku said as the class went quiet before the girls erupted with cheers as the guys groaned other than the purple haired boy.

"M-Mr. Midoriya, you are causing a ruckus in the classroom, please take your seat." Their sensei for advanced arithmetic Ms. Hazono said with a light dusting on her face as Izuku bowed, "S-sorry, please excuse me." Izuku said as the boys glared in his direction.

"Even Ms. Hazono?!"

They all exclaimed as Ms. Hazono slammed a meter stick against the chalkboard, "That's enough from all of you!" she said as the class went silent. She cleared her throat as Izuku began writing in his new notebook, "Good now to continue with the class." Ms. Hazono said as Izuku could feel the stares and glares of the class in his direction as he sank in his seat.

'I feel like I just got a target painted on my back, is this really going to help me?' Izuku thought to himself as he looked over at Rika fanning herself, "Oh that Midoriya." She said as he could feel the glares intensify.

'Don't encourage them!'

Izuku screamed in his thoughts as Rika chuckled at his expense.

Just when the green haired boy thought the day couldn't get any worse, it did. When Physical Ed came around it was supposed to be a breeze, however from the moment he spotted the widening grin of Rika from the shady spot in the grass he knew his peaceful days were numbered.

Izuku wiped the sweat from his forehead as he took a sip from the water fountain, he sighed as he stretched his arm before looking around cautiously. 'It's been rather quiet actually, has she given up on her antics?' Izuku thought to himself as he spotted two girls walking back toward the field as he spotted a shine coming from the top of the shade.

Izuku's eyes widened as he turned his head spotting Rika with another wicked grin as she kicked a small piece of wood out of place unslacking a small rope causing the shining object being a bucket to begin to tip over.

"Seriously?!" Izuku said as he ran as fast as he could over to the girls nearly tackling one as he blocked her from the contents of the bucket that splashed on him, "H-hey are you alright?" Izuku asked as the girl under him merely gaped at him with the other running off gaining the attention of the other students.

"Huh?" Izuku thought as he felt a slight breeze, he looked over at his shoulder that was now bare as his shirt had been completely dissolved as he jumped up freaking out. "I-i'm sorry! I don't know how this happened! I'm not a perv I swear!" Izuku freaked out as a girl squealed as the female student began calmouring about Midoriya's toned body.

Izuku snapped his head up toward Rika who had a large smile on her face as Izuku closed his eyes and walked toward the purple haired girl as the rest of the guys began working more aggressively as the gym teacher walked over.

"Kagiri… we need to talk." Izuku said as Rika smiled at him, "Okay!" She said with a wink as Izuku flushed red for a second before walking away toward the rest of the class as Rika followed the smile on her face, never fading.

The bell rang for class to be over as Izuku drummed his fingers on the desk waiting for Rika who was saying goodbye to a couple of female students who waved at Izuku before leaving causing him to fluster slightly as Rika walked over to him.

"Man you are a hit Midoriya. We've got the entire female portion of the class fawning all over you." Rika said as Izuku sighed. "About that… I don't think this is how we should go about me becoming the class rep." Izuku said as Rika tilted her head at the green haired boy.

"Why not?"

Rika asked as Izuku leaned toward her slightly, "It just seems dishonest. It's not fair to anyone else trying to run if I'm stealing all of the attention." Izuku said as Rika chuckled. "Exactly... All is fair in love and war. If you have any advantage then you take it without hesitation, it's classic politics Izuku." Rikas said as Izuku blushed again and took a step back.

"I-Izu… Why my first name?!" Izuku asked as Rika took a step forward placing her hand on top of his as Izuku felt his heartbeat increase, 'The same feeling from before.' Izuku noted as Rika leaned toward Izuku.

"There is no one else that can pull this off, to make the class a place where they can have hope. There is only you… fair or unfair you have to win… right?" Rika said with a low sultry voice as Izuku began to sweat with his mind racing and his heartbeat skyrocketing.

"Ri-" Izuku trails off as he spots Chihiro from before with one of his crew at the purple haired boys desk as they said things to him, "Villain's quirk." "Hopeless." Izuku heard while in a daze before Chihiro furrowed his eyes at the one sitting down.

"...You'll never be a hero."

Izuku came to his senses as he swiped his hand away from Rika with his hair covering over his eyes, "Excuse me." Izuku said roughly as he walked toward the bullies with Rika giving him a curious look as the pair spotted him, the purple haired student still looking down.

"The hell do you want Midoriya?" Chihiro asked as Izuku looked toward him with a cold expression glasses no longer on his face revealing the glare that made his green eyes darker causing Chihiro to step back slightly.

"Enough. Just leave."

The lackey looked between Chihiro and Izuku as Chihiro recovered from his brief stupor to step toward Izuku. "Are you going to make me you quirkless nobody?!" Chihiro said, grabbing Izuku by the collar as the green haired boy didn't even flinch. Rika looked on at the boy as she smiled slowly watching as Izuku slowly brought a hand up.

'It looks like I've been underestimating you the whole time. All the while you just seemed like the bright hopeful boy that had a decent resolve… but now I realize…' Rika's thoughts trailed off as Izuku's hand slammed on the desk, roughly causing the desk to shiver and Chihiro to let go of his collar. The lackey ran out of the classroom as Izuku looked down at Chihiro.


Izuku said as Chihiro got up and quickly exited the classroom as Izuku clenched his injured hand and looked back toward the student with a smile on his face. "You alright?" Izuku asked as the student nodded. "Y-yeah… thanks." he said as Rika's wicked grin returned.

'That you're a wolf in sheep's clothing.'

"Fucking loser." Chihiro said as his lackey patted him on the back, "Don't worry about him there we'll get him next time around." the lackey said as Chihiro looked down. "How did some powerless become one of the top dogs in class in a matter of a day?" Chihiro said as the sound of clapping hands stopped them in their tracks.

The two boys turned as they spotted Rika with a smile on her face as she opened up a makeup mirror and started applying lipstick. "You're that stalker bitch that's been helping Midoriya." Chihiro said as the lackey clenched his fist as the girl finished.

"That Midoriya sure is scary huh?" the purple haired girl said as the boys growled at her, "Nobody cares that you are on his jock, now piss off." Chihiro said as Rika smiled gently at him, "But you should care, with a guy like him with a history of being bullied and a bit of a violent streak. Who knows when eventually he'll snap. With me around you have insurance that you will be safe from his wrath."

Rika said as the boys glared at her. "What do you want?" Chihiro asked as Rika smirked at them, "Your vote. I want you guys to vote for Midoriya as the class rep." Rika said as the boys gave her a look, she approached them as she extended a hand toward them.

"With Midoriya as class rep I'll be able to keep him in line as Vice rep… So what do ya say?" Rika asked as the boys looked in between each other as they took her hand.

She smiled as she had guaranteed the class rep spot for Izuku as the boy walked toward his home ready to be done with the day.

Katsuki doesn't like people, he doesn't hate them surprisingly but he for sure doesn't like them. So finding himself standing at the door at some shabby apartment with a bunch of paperwork in his hands for exactly that.

A person.

He groaned slightly before looking around as he tried his best not to properly inspect the surrounding shabby area as he finally sucked in a breath and knocked on the door. He sat there in silence for a moment before throwing his hands up slightly turning away from the door before a thud was heard behind it.

The door cracked open slightly before a bit of brown hair and a face peeked slightly through the small hole, "Good afternoon, I apologize but the delivery is for the next door." the brown haired girl said slowly as Katsuki growled.

"You asking me to feed you these damn papers Round Face?!" Katsuki exclaimed as Ochako fell over and slammed the door on his foot as he roared and started knocking on the door heavily. "I'll kill you Cheeks!" Katsuki yelled as a door upstairs opened.

"Hey! Shut up you damn kid!" a voice called from upstairs as Katsuki walked over to the railing and looked up at the man with a scowl on his face.

"Oi! Fuck you!" Katsuki roared up as a pair of hands grabbed his wrist and dragged him into the small apartment as he continued spurting swear words until the small door shut behind the pair. Ochako heaved as Katsuki was about to yell as Ochako put a finger to his lips.

"Bakugo please! The neighbors!" Ochako said as Katsuki swiped her hand away. "Fuck your neighbors." Katsuki said as he took a look around the apartment.

It was tiny, it looked like it was the room and the bathroom, her belongings were all on a little nightstand along with a futon that had clothes hanging off of it. There was also a small door on the wall that looked to be a small elevator shaft.

"Is this seriously it?" Katsuki said as Ochako came out of the kitchen/dining room on the other side of the room that had a stovetop oven and a basic fridge. She turned her nose up as she huffed at him, "This is more than enough, who needs all of that fancy stuff anyway… Water?" Ochako offered as Katsuki held a hand out refusing it as he set the papers on the nightstand.

"Why the fuck did you miss out on class today anyway?" Katsuki asked as Ochako rubbed the back of her head and looked to the side, "Well, I was feeling a little sick today so I thought I'd take a day." Ochako said as Katsuki huffed.

"Wuss." He said as Ochako pouted at him, "I'm not a wuss, I'm human. I'm sure you get sick too." Ochako said as Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Nope, never in my life." Katsuki said as Ochako crossed her arms. Katsuki shook his head as he began walking toward her door.

"Leaving so soon?" Ochako asked innocently as Katsuki looked over his shoulder, "The fuck else am I supposed to do, stare at a wall?" Katsuki asked as Ochako shook her head. "I have things that I do other than stare at walls." Ochako said walking toward the dining room as Katsuki gave her a look.

"Fucking hell Cheeks, masturbate by yourself!"

Katsuki said as a ball was thrown at him rapidly, almost catching him off guard, catching it regardless as a red-faced Ochako pouted at him. "I don't do that stuff!" Ochako said as Katsuki huffed, "You tryin to die?!" he said as he looked at the ball.

It was a basketball, it was a little worn out but it looked as if it worked fine, Ochako cleared her throat as she pointed at Katsuki, "Let's shoot some hoops!" she said gleefully as Katsuki gave her a look. "Never say that again." he said as Ochako pouted.

"Sourpuss." Ochako said as Katsuki took a step closer with a growl, "The fuck you just call me, Cheeks?" Katsuki asked as Ochako turned her head up. "You're just afraid that you'll lose." Ochako said as Katsuki narrowed his eyes at the smaller girl.

"I never lose."

Katsuki growled out lowly as Ochako smiled at him. The type of smile that made Katsuki want to murder her, this girl was going to eat those words.

Katsuki had his hands shoved in his pockets as he grumbled to himself as Ochako was humming happily with a bounce in her step.

He had lost. By a single point. There was nothing that could piss him off anymore than that in this moment, not even the gloating the girl seemed to be enjoying as Katsuki rolled his eyes at her. "Would you cut it out?! All that joy leaking off of you is making me nauseous." Katsuki said as Ochako stopped, "Right, my bad I thought I was you for a minute." she said with a smirk on her face as Katsuki gave her a viscous glare.

"Prepare to die Chee-" Katsuki started but was interrupted by a stomach growl, his eye twitched as Ochako looked off to the side. "O-oh look at that it's super late I should get going." Ochako said as Katsuki quickly grabbed her wrist.

"When was the last time you ate?" Katsuki growled but there seemed to be a bit of concern in his voice though that might have been her imagination. "Um… this morning?" Ochako said as Katsuki glared at the girl.

If looks could kill, no one would be able to identify her body.

"Cheeks it's fucking night and you haven't eaten all day?! You goddamn dumbass!" Katsuki said as he began dragging her.

"No one asked you about my eating habits! If you are going to be a jerk about it then let… go?" Ochako trailed off as they turned the corner to the dango stand Ochako passed by whenever she walked back from U.A.

"This is…" Ochako started as Katsuki shot her a look. "Speak a word of this to a single soul and I'll make sure you are first in line for the pearly gates." Katsuki said sharply as Ochako silently nodded as Katsuki purchased the dango for the two of them to eat as they sat in silence.

Ochako was shocked, first of all she wasn't dead. She had already had her mental will signed and ready to go when she decided to gloat, next she was eating with Bakugo, the explosive antisocial sociopath with food that he bought.

Ochako looked at Katsuki quietly eating his food, it was nice seeing the normally aggressive boy so quiet, "Where are your parents?" Katsuki asked randomly as Ochako fumbled with her dango stick as she caught it before taking a breath.

"They are working back at home, so in order to attend U.A I live on my own." Ochako said as Katsuki kept eating quietly, "That explains the shitty apartment." Katsuki said as Ochako nudged him. "It's not the fanciest but it's home! When I become a hero I'm gonna get my parents a mansion with all of the fancy stuff!" Ochako exclaimed as Katsuki scoffed.

"That's it? You want to be a hero for money?" Katsuki asked as Ochako pouted at him, "Helping people too! You are the last person to get on me about petty reasoning for becoming a hero." Ochako said as Katsuki rolled his eyes and stood up.

"I've got to be the best, top dog, Number one. Any other spot doesn't matter." Katsuki said as Ochako stood up as well, "Why do you want to be the best? Isn't just being a hero enough?" Ochako asked as Katsuki threw the skewer away in the trash before glancing at her from over his shoulder. His eyes seemed to glow a soft red as she looked back at him.

"Cause I've got to."

He said as he began walking off as Ochako finished quickly running to catch up to him. The two walked in silence this time it being a bit more pleasant than originally as they finally made it to her small abode.

"Don't skip class next time Round Face." Katsuki said as Ochako walked into her apartment as she turned to see Katsuki walking away, "Thank you!" Ochako said as Katsuki looked back at the girl, "I can't beat your ass if you are starving Round Face. Don't fucking thank me just get stronger, I need an actually fucking challenge." Katsuki said as the girl giggled.

"Not just for the food… but for saving me during the battle trial." Ochako said as Katsuki stopped looking completely at the girl. "I know it was fake and stuff but the way you jumped and blasted to my rescue was really cool. Honestly something I didn't expect from you, you are a jerk and a bit mean but I think you'll be a pretty awesome hero!" Ochako yelled out as she closed her door.

Katsuki stood there with a look of shock on his face as he scoffed and looked off to the side as he shook his head, "I didn't need you to tell me that." He said to himself as a hint of a smile appeared on his face as he began walking home.