Hey everyone, it's Tobias again. I'm back with something a little different than usual, recently I've been really invested in My Hero and I decided to throw my own little mix on the story. This is a re write of the series but I have no intent to claim any rights to the series all rights belong to Kohei Horikoshi. Credit goes out to the amazing artist for the cover of the story. Thank you guys for swing by and checking it out, leave a review if you liked it or have some constructive criticism.

I hope you all enjoy.

Chapter 1: In an Unequal World

If there's one thing in this world that I've learned, It's that people are not born equal.

"Kacchan you made him cry! I won't… I won't let you make him cry anymore!" a young boy with green curly untamed hair exclaimed as his knee's shook where he stood in front of another crying boy. Kacchan, a young boy with deep red eyes and ash-blond hair gave a mocking smile as he closed his eyes.

"Deku, useless Deku. Tryin' to be a hero? You don't even have a quirk!" Kacchan exclaimed as he slammed a fist into his open hand causing an explosion to occur from within it. The other two kids beside him unleashed their quirks, one unfurling dragon's wings and the other extending long thin fingers as they approached the green-haired boy.

The green haired boy held his ground infuriating the blond haired boy as he as well as the other two boys began to beat on him. The green haired boy tried to push them away and protect the other boy with all of his might, to no avail as he was overwhelmed.

Even at 4 years old. I knew that. What society was like. That had been my handicap.

From then up until now.

"That's a huge villain!" a citizen yelled as a man with an enlarged figure with dreads roared as he stood on a trolly bridge. A crowd had gathered watching as another figure flew through the air toward him, meanwhile on the ground below. A similar green haired boy, that stood taller clad in a black middle school uniform pushed through the crowd to get a better look at the action.

"I haven't missed anything, have I?" the boy asked with vigor as an older gentleman laughed. "Nope, in fact I think you made it in the nick of time." the man said as the boy's eyes seemed to sparkle as he lifted his head toward the action above him.

It all began in a town in China called Qing Qing, the news of a mysterious luminescent baby shook the world as this phenomenon became more common. The reason why this event happened was never determined, but as time progressed.

The extraordinary became ordinary.

Dreams became a reality, a certain profession that people only used to daydream about has stepped into the light of day!

And in this world whirling in chaos of the planet's population around 80% have developed unique abilities, or 'Individualities' called Quirks we have entered a new age- a society of superhumans!

"PISS OFF!" the large villain yelled as he swiped toward a costumed figure who flipped through the air avoiding the attack. "Woah a monster form! What a Quirk!", "What's going on?", "They drove him into a wall so he went berserk!", multiple citizens clamoured as more cheered.

"It looks like I'm going to be late for work… The hell do you mean why!? 30 somethin' foot tall and pissed off is standing on my trolley there! … i'm sorry sir." An office worker on the phone said as another person cheered beside him. "Get him Kamui!" they cheered loudly as the green haired boy looked up with a large smile.

"Who's fighting?" The boy, fourteen years of age known as Izuku Midoriya local fanboy and part time comic store clerk asked as the older gentlemen looked toward him.

"You are charged with unlawful use of a quirk during commuting hours, as well as battery and robbery. Stand down you big lump of evil." Kamui said as the large villain growled at him.

"It's Kamui Woods! The kid rising star of the hero community!" Izuku exclaimed excitedly as the older gentleman chuckled. "You sure love providing exposition huh Hero Otaku?" he said as Izuku scratched the back of his head.

"Oh...uh..hehe." Izuku fumbled as Kamui began his strike, "Here's… your punishment!" Kamui said as his arm unraveled into multiple branches. "Show us your best move tree guy!" the older man called out as Izuku pointed excitedly.

"Here it comes! His ultimate preemptive strike!" Izuku exclaimed as Kamui Woods himself yelled. "Lacquer Prison!"he called out as the branches began flying out toward the villain who held his hand in front of him to defend himself from the attack.

"Canyon Cannon!"

A giantess out of nowhere drop kicked the villain sending him flying through the air before hitting the ground with a hard thud. Everyone gave surprised reactions in the crowd as the giantess landed on top of the villain pinning him.

"This was definitely the villain for my debut!" the giantess called out with a laugh as multiple cameramen popped out of the crowd randomly snapping photos rapidly. "Huh?" Izuku said as he looked back at the giant woman.

"Hey Hey, The name's Mount Lady. A pleasure to make your 'Assquaintance' " She said as the crowd cheered loudly as she did a bend and snap motion. "Now that's my kind of hero!" the older man called out as Izuku blushed slightly.

"It is kinda nice… I mean, don't lewd heroes!" Izuku called out red-faced as the older man laughed at him.

Heroes, the great phenomenon that came with Quirks. These individuals were those who put their wellbeing on the line in order to protect the world and defend the people. Slowly through the swell of public opinion.

Heroism had gained rights as an official occupation.

And due to their various acts of meritorious service. They obtained… Income from the state and popularity from the people.

Izuku thought he saw Mount Lady's face concort into a greedier one as he shook his head and began writing in his notebook. "Gigantification huh? It's quite the flashy quirk allowing plenty of attention as well as strength and size to reach higher places and overwhelm enemies with sheer force." Izuku mumbled as he wrote down the details.

"You even take notes? Aiming to be a hero I see, nice! Good luck kid!" the older man said as Izuku smiled brightly at him.

"Yes sir, I'll do my best!" Izuku said as he put his stuff away and began jogging off.

"Come on everyone, You are all seniors of this middle school. You've reached that tender age where you need to start thinking about your futures!" a teacher calls out from the front of the classroom as the class gave him blank looks.

"I'll be handing out the forms and from there you'll all write down what you want to be. Though it may be pointless, since you all want to be heroes, right?" the teacher said tiredly as the class erupted activating their quirks as Izuku looked up slightly from his notebook.

"Yes yes, your quirks are all wonderful. However it's against the rules to use them during school hours!" the teacher said as a slam and a chuckle quited the class down.

"Oi Sensei, Don't you dare for a minute lump me in with the cirque de losers in here!" a familiar aggressive blond yelled as the teacher looked at him.

"With their weakass quirks, we aren't even on comparable levels!" Kacchan or better known as Katsuki Bakugou exclaimed as the class shot glares at him. "You got a big mouth Katsuki!", "Oh yeah Bakugou is shooting for U.A huh?", "You mean that high level national academy. With the super difficult entrance exam!" the class clamoured as Katsuki jumped on to his desk.

"Quiet, ya goddamn extras!" he yelled as he pointed a finger across the classroom. "I'm going to be the best so fuck each and every single one of you…" Katsuki trailed off as he landed his point at the front corner seat.

"Except for you, I don't even know who the fuck you are." Katsuki said as the grey haired bored looking classmate groaned, "It's Nakamura." the boy said as Katsuki growled.

"Oi, did anyone hear me fucking ask Nakanobody?" Katsuki said as the boy raised his finger before putting it down.

"Exactly, now look ladies and peons. I got an A on the mock test. That means I'm going to blow through everyone and surpass even All Might. The absoulte fucking best!" Katsuki said as he laughed.

"Now that he mentions it, didn't Midoriya also want to go to U.A.?" Nakamura said as Katsuki seemed to freeze in place. Izuku tried to shoot a glare at Nakamura only for it to come out as a wimpy look. The class slowly turned to stare at Midoriya as they began to laugh loudly at him.

"Midoriya! No way!" the class laughed as Izuku looked around.

"There's no rules against it! I-I mean the chances are slim but-" Izuku started as Katsuki set an explosion off on his desk. "Eat shit Deku!" he yelled out as Izuku yelped, hitting the ground.

"Forget about a weak ass quirk, you don't even have one you damned nerd." Katsuki said as he gripped Izuku's collar. "Where the fuck do you get off on being on my level?!" Katsuki said with a growl as Izuku gave him a look before looking toward the teacher who only meekly turns away. Izuku frowns as he looks at his childhood friend.

"Ho-Hold on it's not like I'm competing against you or anything. It's just… I've been wanting to become a hero ever since I was a kid and… you never know until you try." Izuku said as he was roughly dropped.

"You'll never know until you try?! The exam is hopeless for you!" Katsuki said as he stared down at the green haired boy.

"What can a nobody like you ever accomplish?"

Katsuki said in a quieter tone as Izuku's own eyes softened. "You should be honest more often, Kacchan." Izuku said unconsciously as Katsuki's eyes widened as he stomped away from the boy. Izuku sat on the ground in silence as he looked at his old friend.

Meanwhile a sludge villain ran through the street causing a minor ruckus as he flew through the streets with money flying out of his form. "He must be taking advantage of the slow afternoon to go on a spree." one bystander said as his friend shrugged. "I wish people could do more with their quirks." he said as a sound came from behind them.

"And there is, why, you ask?" the voice said as the two guys as well as the sludge villain looked back.

"For I'm here!"

The voice exclaimed as he dashed toward the villain with incredible speed.

"Hey, let's go to karaoke tonight." one student said as another student shook their head, "Sorry, I still have the report." they said as Izuku happily scrolled through the news on his phone eventually getting to a picture of Mount Lady while she was bent over with a wink in her eye as Izuku nearly dropped his phone.

His face flushed with red as he closed the app, sometimes puberty really sucked.

Izuku shook his head and stuck his phone back in his pocket, he then reached for his notebook. 'I better get home and get my notes together then head to work." Izuku said as Katsuki snatched his notebook from his hand.

"What's that Katsuki?" one of his lackeys said as Katsuki waved it a bit, "The nerd's notebook… For the Future? For real!? Goddamn Deku!" Katsuki said as Izuku reached for the notebook. "Give that back, it's mine!" Izuku said as Katsuki blew it up.

"Y-you!" Izuku said as Katsuki threw it out of the window. "When pros talk about their school, they usually say that they came from an average school and came out on top. I'm a perfectionist by nature you see. That means anything even slightly off track from my plans… will piss me off." Katsuki said as he put a smoking hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"So what I'm saying is… Forget about U.A. you little nerd." Katsuki said as Izuku gave a shuddering breath. Katsuki had a mocking smile on his face as he let go and turned around. "He's such a sad sack, he can't even face reality." one lackey said as the other laughed "He can't even talk back!" the other said as Katsuki glanced over his shoulder.

"If you want to be a hero there may actually be a way… you can walk right over to that window and take a nosedive." Katsuki said as Izuku shook with anger. "Maybe you'll get it in the next life!" Katsuki exclaimed as Izuku gave a rare look.

One that shook even Katsuki for a moment, the glare he couldn't muster early had returned with full fruition. Katsuki fixed his feature quickly as he caused sparks to come out of his hand. "Got something to say?" Katsuki said as Izuku's glare wavered.

Later on Izuku found himself fishing for his notebook as a fish was trying to eat it, "That asshole, if I actually jumped it would be instigated suicide. Think before you speak!" Izuku said as he grabbed his notebook. "Dumb fish, this isn't food it's my notebook. You idiot, total moron." he said realizing he wasn't even talking about the fish anymore.

He pulled his uniform shirt out of his bag as he entered the small store, "Midoriya, you're here early." an elderly man said as Izuku sighed. "I thought I'd come in and work for a bit before heading home." Izuku said as he went to a shelf and started organizing issues.

"It's that Bakugo kid again isn't it?" the old man said as Izuku shook his head. "Don't worry about it Mr. Ryusaki. I've got it handled, I'm fine." Izuku said as Mr Ryusaki gave him a look. "I won't pry, just please don't let it stop you from being happy." the older man said as Izuku nodded.

He had started working at the comic shop in his spare time since nowadays his mother came home late and she began to be concerned with the amount of time Izuku spent by himself with the whole bullying thing going on. Mr. Ryusaki had the old place and it seemed like fun to work at.

It's been 5 months and Izuku has made plenty of acquaintances, as well as regulars. This place had slowly become his escape from the world where he could be even a little bit of help. "Yo Midoriya!" a patron said as he walked in.

"Jugo, how are you today?" Izuku asked as Jugo smiled, "Chillin' hoping you got that new issue of Zipper Guy." Jugo said as Izuku nodded. "Yeah, it's going to be on that back wall right beside V-Force." Izuku said as Jugo smiled again. "Thanks bro!" he said before heading to the wall. Izuku smiled as he went back to his post.

He set his burnt notebook down beside the register as he began counting the drawer, the bell jingled again as another patron walked in. "Good afternoon, welcome to-" Izuku started before his thoughts came to a complete stop. It was a girl, now to anyone else this wouldn't be that big of a deal. However to Izuku who's only had conversations with his mom has always had difficulty talking to the fairer sex.

He swallowed audibly as he cleared his throat, "W-Welcome to M-Might's Comic." Izuku stuttered out as the girl turned toward him.

The first thing he noticed were the sunglasses she was wearing on her face. She had pink hair that was in two quickly done twin braids and looked slightly shorter than himself, she was also wearing a doctor's mask. She kinda looked suspicious, though it was kinda cute.

Izuku flushed red as he shook his head, "D-did you need any-" Izuku started but by the time he looked back up the girl had already disappeared into an aisle. He looked around before slightly puffing up his chest and walking toward the aisle he thought he saw her go down. 'I'm not being a creep, I'm just being helpful. Yeah, helpful.' he told himself as he confidently turned the corner spotting her reaching for a book that was on a high shelf.

She looked as if she was straining to reach it, 'This is my chance to be helpful!' Izuku thought as he walked close. "Uh… Did you need some… help?" Izuku asked as the girl stopped reaching for a moment to look at him. She took a step closer to inspect his feature without making a noise, Izuku began to sweat slightly as the girl got too close for comfort. 'She smells really good...wait. Stop, she's a customer, no lewd thoughts!' Izuku said, shaking the red out of his face as the girl gave a small nod.

Izuku smiled and got onto his tiptoes to reach the book, he brought down to her slowly before catching a glance of it.

"Advanced Mechanics?" Izuku asked as the girl gave him a look, judging from the way the mask moved it looked like she may have frowned as she turned away from him going toward the cash register. "Ho-hold on!" Izuku said as he got behind the counter, "I hate to pry but Advanced Mechanics is a book I didn't think we had here." Izuku tried to make small conversation as the girl said nothing. "I actually think it's really cool, that you can actually read such complex stuff." Izuku said as he scanned the book peaking the girl's interest.

"Hey, do you think it's possible to make some kind of super suit out of support items?" Izuku asked as he heard a muffled giggle from the girl. "I have never heard anyone ask that before. A super suit, that sounds kinda dumb." the girl said with a giggle as Izuku scratched the back of his head. "You might be right." Izuku said as there was a brief moment of silence. The girl caught a glance of the burnt notebook as she handed him a 5,000 yen bill.

"Did you want to be a hero?" the girl asked as Izuku flushed. "W-well, y-yeah, it's just I'm actually quirkless." he said with slight sadness as the girl looked down to the side. "Being quirkless actually doesn't sound too bad." The girl said as Izuku gave her a look.

"You must have a pretty fantastic quirk… if you have it all hidden like that. I wonder what it could be?" Izuku said curiously as he inspected the girl this time around. "Maybe it's a fang quirk, you've got cool sharp teeth that could bite through anything, or maybe laser eyes that could vaporize someone if you look at them so you wear glasses. Oh oh maybe even a mutation quirk, maybe a clam shell or dragon face, they both of those sound really cool-" Izuku rambled as the girl laughed, breaking him from his stupor.

"Uh sorry, I'm a bit of a nerd about quirks and thought… I'm just going to stop talking now." Izuku said, flushing as the girl grabbed the book. "You ramble, like me. Maybe a bit more of a mutter but, it's cute nonetheless." the girl said as she quickly grabbed the book as Izuku began deep frying.

"Next time we can check this book out together?" the girl said as Izuku, still insanely red just gaped at her as she exited. Mr. Ryusaki found the boy as he stared at the spot where, "Ah Youth." the old man said as he closed the boy's mouth by pushing his bottom jaw up.

'This went from the worst day of my life to the best one! I talked to a girl today...and she said I was cute! This is it, I have to keep looking forward. I promised myself that and I can probably talk to that girl more." Izuku said as he pumped his fist. The sound of a sloshing liquid came from behind Izuku as he slowly turned around.

"Well what do we have here… a disguise… in M-size…" the sludge monster said as he quickly engulfed Izuku, 'A Villain?!' he thought to himself as he began choking on the fluid being forced into his mouth.

"It's okaay kid! I'm just going to use your body for a bit, so cool it. You'll only hurt for 45 seconds… soon it'll all be over." the sludge villain said as Izuku struggled.

"Honestly kid you are a lifesaver! I wasn't expecting that guy to be in town." the sludge villain said as Izuku tried to get a grip on him. "You can't grab me kid, I'm amorphous!" he said as Izuku continued to struggle gurgling as he started losing strength.

' Can't breath… Body… growing weak. I'm gonna die! Am I dying?! Somebody please! Please!' Izuku thought to himself as he began to black out.

'Why Me?'

"Have no fear boy!" a voice boomed as a loud thud was heard as a large blond man landed, "For I Am Here!" he wound up for a big punch. "TEXAS-" he started as he swung at the sludge creature.


The man exclaimed as he punched the monster clear out of Izuku who passed out.

Izuku stirred as he felt light slapping on his face, he opened his eyes spotting the large man standing above him. "Thank goodness you are okay!" the man said as Izuku hopped up. "Wha..huh?!" Izuku exclaimed as the man laughed.

"And lively to boot! I must apologize I got wrapped up in villain clean up! I'm not always this way I promise. Must've been off my game! This unfamiliar land must have excited me perhaps!" The large man said as Izuku gaped at the man. "ALL MIGHT?!" he called as the man held the bottle containing the sludge villain.

"I must thank you however, with your help. I've shut him into this here bottle!" All Might called out as he laughed. 'Holy crap it's All Might in the flesh!' Izuku thought as he scrambled through his bag. "Well I'm off to take in this perpetrator." All Might said as Izuku pulled out a notebook. "W-Wait I need your autograph… Huh?! It's already in there!" Izuku said as All Might laughed once more, "Next time we meet will be through a T.V. screen!" All Might said as Izuku gave him a look. "Huh you can't stay?" Izuku asked as All Might was about to jump away.

"Pro's must fight against villains and time itself." All Might said as he began to leap away. 'Wait I have something to ask.' Izuku thought to himself as he moved forward. "Now then be sure to keep… Cheering me on!" All Might yelled as he jumped away.

All Might flew through the air as he felt a bit of weight on his leg, he turned slightly spotting Izuku Midoriya hanging on for dear life as his feature practically flapped in the wind. "Eh? What the? Kid let go, there is such a thing as too enthusiastic!" All Might said as Izuku panicked "If I let go now, I'll die!" Izuku called out as All Might slammed his hand into his fist.

"By Jove, you're right!" All Might said as he coughed slightly, blood coming out of his mouth 'Shit!' he thought to himself as they landed on a rooftop. Izuku panted as he caught his breath, "I have something I need to ask you." Izuku said as All Might who began to steam looked toward him.

The sludge villain opened his eyes slowly as he scanned the surrounding area, 'Where am I? Where is All Might?' the sludge villain asked as he spotted Katsuki walking with some of his lackeys. "You really went overboard today Bakugou." "Yeah, isn't he like your childhood friend?" the lackeys ask as Katsuki huffs.

"It's his fault for getting in the way, that damn dreamy expression he's got. Just seeing it pisses me off." Katsuki said as he set an explosion off in his palm. The two lackeys stop and look at something in front of Katsuki as he turns around.

"Also didn't I tell you to quit smoking you fuckstick?! If we get caught together my recommendation goes up in smoke!" Katsuki said as the lackeys looked behind him in fear. "Lo… Look!" they exclaimed as Katsuki slowly turned around.

"Nice body you got there. Mind if I take it ?" the sludge villain said as he lunged at Katsuki.

"That was scary." Izuku said as All Might began to prepare for another jump. "I say, couldn't I have just unloaded you downstairs. I have no time and I never lie!" All Might said as Izuku turned toward him quickly. "Wait! I still have to ask you-" Izuku said as All Might steamed a little more. "No, I can't!" he said as Izuku stood up straight and faced All Might with his eyes closed. "Can someone's who's quirkless… Become a hero?!" Izuku asked as All Might turned slightly.

"Can even a quirkless nobody… Be like you someday?"

Izuku asked as All Might continued looking toward him, "You're Quirkle-" he started as the steam became violent cutting him off. 'It's no good… Holy shit… Goddamnit' All Might thought to himself as he began to change.

"I have no quirk, so I'm constantly made fun of by everyone. Maybe because I'm a little cowardly and don't stand up for myself. I don't really know why but. I think saving people is the coolest, most awesomest thing ever. I want to learn how to save people with a smile and be a legendary hero like you...Owhaaa?!" Izuku exclaimed as All Might was reduced to a thin sickly man.

"You shriveled up! You mean all of this time… Eh? Are you some kind of imposter?! You're a stick!" Izuku exclaimed as All Might coughed up blood. "I'm still All Might." the sickly man said as Izuku nearly fell over.

"It can't be!" Izuku exclaimed as All Might shook his head. "You know how guys suck in their guts to flex their abs?" All Might said as Izuku gave him a shocked look. "It's like that? No way!" Izuku said as All Might sat down. "Since you've seen my true form already I might as well show you… don't show this to anyone on the internet or whatever." All Might said as he lifted up his shirt. "No way..." Izuku said as he spotted the wound on his side.

"This is a wound a villain gave me 5 years ago." All Might said as Izuku looked at him with horror. "My respiratory system is in shambles, my stomach is practically in ribbons. I've wasted away from constant surgeries and their complications. I've been reduced to a maximum of three hour of heroics every day." All Might said as Izuku clenched his fist.

"5 years ago… was it your fight with Venom Chainsaw?" Izuku asked as All Might flexed a skinny arm. "I won't let some thug like him take me down!" All Might said as he sighed. "I haven't told the public about my condition, so please respect my wishes and keep this to yourself. The Symbol of Peace, who always saves innocents with a smile. Must never succumb to the forces of evil." All Might said as he looked again at Izuku as the color fades from his face.

"The reason why I laugh… is to distract myself from the pressure and terror that dwells within me. A pro is always laying their life on the line, so I just can't bring myself to tell you, you can do it without a quirk." All Might said as Izuku's face grew more defeated. "...But.." Izuku said as All Might got up and began walking toward the rooftop exit.

"If you aspire to help people, the police force is a really noble job. There is less praise but that job too is important to people. I won't denigrate dreaming." All Might said as he reached the door.

"That being said… you need to see reality for what it is, kid."

All Might said as he walked through the doors actively avoiding the eyes of the defeated boy. "Now to take this villain to the…" All Might said as he reached into his pocket finding nothing, he looked frantically as he finally caught the slight orange glow from the window spotting the sight of destruction. "No…"

Izuku held his head down as he rode in the backseat of the taxi, All Might's words echoing in his head. 'I guess that's just it isn't it?' Izuku thought to himself as he looked at the burnt notebook. 'It's actually impossible to be a hero, it's just reality huh? Just stupid dreams. I can't cry, it has to sink in.' Izuku thought to himself. 'Just block it out, just block it out.' Izuku chanted to himself as the taxi stopped. Izuku looked up as he looked around.

"What's.." he started as he caught sight of the flames and the crowd blocking the alleyway. 'I came by habit… to see the heroes. I should just quit, it's a hollow dream.' Izuku thought to himself as he spotted the sludge villain.

'Huh? It's him did he escape All Might? He's swallowed someone else! Can they even bear that excruciating pain?' Izuku thought to himself as he threw his hands on his mouth. "This is my fault. All Might can't move because of me, I must have also knocked the sludge villain off of All Might when I grabbed him…' Izuku said as he began to cry.

'I'm so sorry, just please hang on. A hero is coming to save you.' Izuku said as he caught sight of the person struggling in the villan. His eyes widened as he met the gaze of his childhood friend, Izuku felt a heat rush through his body as he saw Kacchan's face.

He needed help.

Izuku found himself rushing through the crowd, running toward the villain. The crowd erupted as Izuku dashed toward the malicious sludge, "You idiot! Stop!" a bystander yelled as Izuku kept running. All Might's eyes widened watching the boy rush through the heat and destruction that even nearby heroes wouldn't think of entering.

All for his friend.

"Deku!?" Katsuki yelled as the villain noticed him, "That meat suit kid!" he exclaimed as Izuku dropped his burnt notebook and began stripping off his backpack. 'Why? Why isn't anyone else coming to save you!?' Izuku thought to himself as the sludge villain wound up a swing. "I'll blow you to bits kid!" he said as Izuku threw his backpack at him.

The books and other assorted materials caused the villain to bring an arm up to protect its eyes as Izuku used this to grab an exposed part of Katsuki as he pulled. "Deku what the fu-" Katsuki yelled as Izuku pulled again.

"Shut up Kacchan! I'm getting you out!" Izuku said as Katsuki fumed at the digging boy, "Why? You'll get your dumbass killed!" the blond exclaimed as Izuku looked at him with watery eyes. 'I could use a quip or quote All Might at this moment. In this heroic moment… My heroic moment!' Izuku chanted in his head as he spoke.

"It's because your eyes… were pleading for help!" Izuku said as Katsuki's eyes widened. "You little bastard, I'll turn you in a bloodstain!" the sludge villain said with another swing as the bystanders and other heroes who hadn't entered the fray looked on in shock.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed? You dumb kid!?" the crowd yelled as Izuku gave a shaky smile toward Katsuki who looked terrified. "Hey Kacchan…" Izuku started as the hand descended upon him. "It's okay now… Do you know why?" Izuku said as the world seemed to move in slow motion as the hand neared Izuku powered with Katsuki's quirk. Katsuki looked at the boy with horror as his own quirk would be used to execute him.


All Might yelled as he destroyed the hand about to hit Izuku as he grabbed the arm of Izuku holding on to Katsuki's. "I nearly chewed you out for something I nearly didn't put into practice… A pro always puts his life on the line!" All Might said as he wound up a fist.


All Might yelled as he punched the villain clear away causing a shockwave that caused a mini tornado that blew the fire and debris away. All Might looked back at the two boys as the crowd erupted as the other heroes began picking up bits of the villain as another hero lectured Izuku while Katsuki was being bothered by reporters while he just groaned.

'I should probably apologize to All Might… Maybe i'll send a message on his homepage.' Izuku said as he walked toward his house. "Oi Fuckwit!" Katsuki roared as he stomped toward Izuku who sighed before turning around. Izuku braced himself for an explosion or a punch as it never came. He only spotted Katsuki with a defeated look.

"Why didn't you just run away? A quirkless loser like you shoulda hightailed it and waited for a hero, and yet you ran in as if you were really going to save me." Katsuki said looking down as Izuku had a surprised expression on his face.

"I got mad… All of those heroes that we looked up to only watched as you were suffering. I just kinda moved." Izuku said as Katsuki growled, shooting his head up to meet Izuku's level before grabbing his collar. The explosive boy held an open palm to the green-haired boy's face as he got mad.

"Cut the shit Deku! Why did you try to save me?!" Katsuki yelled as Izuku gave him a look. He could almost hear the desperation in his voice as Izuku swallowed.

"Kacchan, you've bullied me, beat me, humiliated me, and made me feel like garbage. The one thing that you always were was honest, I have always thought you were amazing in all aspects. You were my first friend and seeing you like that hurt and you have dreams you need to achieve." Izuku said as the other boy merely gave him a look of slight surprise.

"I want you to be the best hero that you can be Kacchan, even if I can't try along with you. I'll support you from the sidelines." Izuku said as Katsuki eyes softened as he tightened his grip before throwing him to the ground. "Fuck off, you don't need to tell me shit about heroism. I've got it covered you damn nerd, I'm never going to be saved by you again… Got it?!" Katsuki said as he turned around and started walking away.

'He's taking the long way home. I guess he's more bothered than he looked." Izuku said as he walked toward his home only for the sound of footsteps to cause him to look behind himself. "Wait! For I am here!" All Might said as Izuku freaked out. "A-A-All Might?!" Izuku exclaimed as the towering man quickly spat out blood and became skinny again with a puff of smoke.

"I'm fine… I came here to thank you. I also wanted to apologize." All Might said as Izuku shook his head, "It was my fault that the villain escaped, also why you couldn't transform when you got there." Izuku said as he scratched the back of his head.

All Might looked down at the ground as he spoke, "I'm sorry. Under other circumstances you would be an amazing hero. I didn't take your dream into consideration before I-" All Might started as Izuku cleared his throat.

"A-All Might, it was honestly an honor meeting you! I totally understand what you meant by being a pro and risking your life in order to save others." Izuku started as the man looked up spotting the smile on his face.

"I may be a quirkless nobody… but I promise to prove you wrong! That I can accomplish my dreams to be a hero as great as you. I don't know how or when but…" Izuku started as tears began to run down his face.

"I Can Be A Hero!"

Izuku exclaimed as All Might looked at him taken aback as Izuku quickly bowed and began jogging toward his home, All Might clenched his fist as he looked at the boy getting further and further away from his sight.

'I shouldn't curse a boy like that with the burden of my quirk, especially when he has such a bright future ahead of him.' All Might thought to himself as the thoughts of what if pondered his brain.

Izuku looked at the setting sun as he stood prouder than he ever has before grimacing, "That was probably super cringeworthy! To All Might of all people! Maybe I will still send an apology. Then right after I have to study, there has to be some way to become a hero without a quirk." Izuku said as he entered the apartment with the sound of his mother welcoming him.

'Oh and I almost forgot to tell you. This is the story of how I became the greatest hero of all time.'