I've been having a couple of ideas on this concept, mostly because I've been reading a couple of dark stuff lately. I find it interesting to say the least. Anyways, this will only be a one-shot or a two-shot since I can't do much with this without making it a cringey love story where the main character falls in love with the person that helps him and whatnot. On with the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own, nor claim to own the characters in this story besides the therapist. All rights go to SEGA and its creators.

Warning: This story contains dark themes, like depression, cutting, severe mental issues, and others. If you are sensitive to these kinds of themes, then I suggest you don't read this story. I do not approve of or support any of the actions taken in the story. If you are dealing with issues similar to this, then I suggest you ask for help immediately.

MAYBE HE WAS BEING PARANOID. It wasn't the first time that he felt as if he was being watched. Sonic pulled the hoodie over his head and walked a little faster towards the entrance of the large building. He hoped that no one would recognize him; it wouldn't do good for anyone if the press found out that he was taking therapy sessions in secret.

He even had to change his shoes for this.

From first glance, he looked like a normal Mobian that had a severe case of emo. He wore a thick black hoodie that covered his quills and face. He had to change his shoes because he would surely be recognized. His footwear was one of a kind anyways. Tails had made them as a back up in case his original pair got destroyed. They were black with two straps on the top, the bottom having red stripes with a white circle on the outer back.

Say what you want about Tails' machines, but he knew how to make shoes.

He looked at his hands, or gloves per se. They were still his usual white gloves since it was the norm for everyone on Mobius.

He pushed open the glass doors and walked up to the front counter. The secretary didn't even have to look at him to know who it was. "She's ready for you," the said, waving him off as she slid the card into the door.

Sonic walked in quickly, nearly throwing himself down the hall as he forced himself to go towards the dreaded room. The blue hedgehog didn't enjoy going to therapy. He preferred staying at home in bed or running so he wouldn't have to think about anything.

Sighing, the hero opened the door and walked inside, closing it after he was all the way in.

"Hello, Sonic," the beforementioned hedgehog turned around and sat in the chair, staring at the ground with an empty expression.

"So, have you been taking your prescriptions?" empty emeralds met pale limes, and he nodded slowly. The wolf stood up and sauntered over to a file cabinet on the other side of the room. She dug through it and took out a pen, clicking it and walking over to him.

"Do you mind taking off your jacket?" she asked, pulling out a notepad as she waited for him expectantly. The blue blur did so, unzipping the clothing from the front and setting it on the chair.

The Dr. took off the bandages wrapped around his arms and took off the gloves on his hand, writing down things as Sonic stood there waiting. Okay, you may put everything back on now. In doing so, the cerulean took the time to examine his therapist.

She wore her hair down, which fell a little longer than her shoulders. Her large and poofy curls bounced with every movement, none of them going out of place. She must use a lot of hair-spray to keep it like that.

Her white coat seemed a little too small for her since the top buttons were unbuttoned, seeming as they popped out of place. The wolf was busty, to say the least. She reminded the blue blur of Rouge, because of their seductive nature.

Her heels were black, the bottoms satisfyingly tapping against the floor. She crossed her legs and tapped the pen to her lips, or the mask she wore anyways. In all the time he had been with her, he had never seen her face without the mask.

"Alright, I'm going to bring in someone else to help me with you." blue ears perked up, mixed emotions swirling around in his chest. Why was someone else going to be here? Wasn't he promised that this would be a secret?

"Now before you start freaking out, this is still a secret. I don't understand how the physics of your body works, but I do know that it has something to do with Chaos Energy. I can sense only some, but to be able to figure it out I need to be able to examine all of it." Sonic looked at her with curiosity. How were they going to figure out how to help him? Not that he wanted help anyways.

Pulling the hoodie over his head once more, Sonic looked out the window. It was raining, and cloudy outside, mostly the reason that no one had spotted him. It was strange since it hadn't been raining for a while.

A knock on the door caught his attention, but he didn't look away from the window.

"Hello, Shadow," Sonic nearly fell over at the name, his anxiety starting to grow. What was Shadow doing here? There is no way that he was going to let him know what was going on, if he didn't already know.

"Hey Sonic," the hedgehog froze and turned around. He guessed it was too late for him to try and hide, even though he could still run out of the room whenever he wanted.

Emeralds met rubies, Sonic about to start hyperventilating. "H-hello, Shadow…" he didn't mean for his voice to come out like that. Shadow was seemed surprised that Sonic had even answered him in the first place.

SHADOW HADN'T BEEN expecting Sonic to reply to him. He was even more surprised when Sonic wasn't wearing his usual smile or his usual outfit.

"Please, take a seat," he looked at what seemed to be a therapist, and back at the empty seat next to Sonic. Why was the faker here? He never thought that he would see Sonic in a therapist's office, wearing black clothing of all things.

"Shadow, since you are close to Sonic," said hedgehog inwardly scoffed, his eyes becoming half-lidded as he hugged himself. "You will be supervising him, and his Chaos Energy until I say you are free to go."

"What!?" the hedgehog nearly yelled, glaring daggers at the woman. "There is no way that I'm-"

"Shadow the Hedgehog." the doctor interrupted, glaring with a more intense gaze right back at him. She took a deep breath and looked at him with a smile. "This is a requirement. You have been sent here by my request from G.U.N. headquarters since you are the only one that can sense Sonic's Chaos Energy."

The biohog went quiet, looking over at Sonic who was staring at the ground.


"Thank you," the doctor smiled at him and handed him a file. "Here is the information that you will need to execute these treatments correctly, and it also contains information from all of Sonic's visits."

"You didn't even ask if I was okay with it," Sonic said to himself, laying his head on the back of his chair as he continued to stare out the window.

"This will be your final visit for a few weeks Sonic, so I hope you will be fine with Shadow for the time being."

BOTH HEDGEHOGS SAT IN the biohog's apartment in silence, neither looking at each other as Shadow went through the files.

Why hadn't anyone asked him about this? He meant, it wasn't fair that they decided to do something without him, even if it was private. He understood why it was Shadow of all people that had to take care of him, but still. It wasn't fair.

"Sonic," the only acknowledgment that Shadow received that the blue hedgehog had heard him was the shift in his position and the slight movement to look at him. "These… files, say that you shouldn't be allowed around sharp objects."

Sonic turned to look at him completely, not saying anything but raising an eyebrow slightly. "Mind telling me why that is?" the hybrid didn't have any hint of pity in his eyes, just curiosity.

"I…" his voice came out shaky and dull, and his ears flattened. He didn't want to answer Shadow, but he was going to find out sooner or later. The blue hedgehog walked over to his rival and held out his wrists to him. He could trust Shadow, right?

Slowly, a hand reached out to pull back the sleeves of the sweater, a small gasp escaping the Ultimate Lifeform.

Nevermind. I'm making another mini-story. I don't know why I keep doing this crap-