Author's Note:

And thus, we hit the second reason that I decided to label this fic with a teen rating across all platforms. I spent a rather long time reviewing what I could on Fanfic, AO3 and Wattpad's rules. Placing this fic at a mature rating for this small scene at the end felt too harsh, while teen was straddling the line. Ultimately, I decided teen was the appropriate rating. I have read several fics across other fandoms that have done far more than this with the same rating. Thus, this rating. I hope that you all are enjoying the fic, and I hope you are ready for the upcoming chapters that inspired this very fic.

In the mist of the village, the last of the construction of the rebuilding was being finished. Lloyd finished tying the last knot down into the side of the home. Beside him, Karib did the same, and Sheka beside him. The three all stood up and took a step back once they'd all finished, looking at the home that had just been completed. Lloyd took a long look at it in particular, causing Karib to grin and lean over to give him a thump on the back.

"We hope this is to your liking, Lloyd!" Karib grinned, "It is some of our finest craft!"

"Indeed," Chief Persegi stood behind them, smiling warmly to them all, "We hope that this house is worthy of one such as yourself."

The house was like all of the others that the village was made of. It was roughly ftwenty feet long and perhaps eight wide. The frame was made of logs carved down to bend and tie together into an inverted U shape for the walls. The wall was stretched over the frame tightly and tied down at the base. The door was little more than two small flaps of cloth draped in front of the entrance with a small clasp to close them. It was simple, tribal, and now, Lloyd's home.

"It… it is perfect," Lloyd turned to the chief with a wide smile, "Thank you all so much!"

Akita walked around from the other side of the house, stretching out her back from helping with the knots on the other side. She walked over to stand beside Lloyd, taking hold of his hand. She leaned her head over to rub against his shoulder as the other Formlings present gathered around the chief.

"This is ours, Lloyd," Akita whispered to him, "You have a home now."

Seeing the structure in front of him filled Lloyd with a strange sensation. It was simple, and compared to the houses in Ninjago, somewhat crude. It was a home that this village had helped build for him. It was the last home in this village. After seven weeks, the village had finished rebuilding, and Lloyd's new house was the last piece of it.

"I-I have a house," Lloyd gulped, "I have… never had a house like this. I have never just had… a house," He couldn't stop himself from smiling like that.

Akita continued to remain on Lloyd's side. The two finally had a home together. It hadn't hit Lloyd yet just important it was that he had a house. The village was completely rebuilt. The way of life of the Formlings was about to go back to the way it was fully before, and something that belonged to him was the final piece of it.

"I have waited long for this day to arrive," Chief Persegi looked around, "Now that we have completed this… I have an announcement I must make!"

Confused, Lloyd and Akita turned away from the house, walking up to get a bit closer to hear what the chief had to say. The other Formlings did the same. The chief looked around to all of them, then he raised his voice so that all could hear what he had to say.

"Our time in this world has begun anew, and this is the first step in it," Chief Persegi began, "Each of you, from youngest child to traveled Elder, have all given your time, strength and dedication to return us to this place. I have no doubts that the Spirits here are pleased with us. We have grown stronger and larger, despite a tragedy that sought to take us down to our lowest point. Seeing all of this, has brought a clarity to my mind."

"Tomorrow, when the moon has risen, it will be time for us to begin anew in full," Chief Persegi raised his head, "I am abdicating my power as Chief, and open the position to all of you."

Akita's eyes widened. Several other Formlings began to rapidly chatter amongst themselves, trying to make sense of what happened. Lloyd looked around in confusion, realizing what was going on but finding it no easier to believe. The chief stood calmly amongst the barrage of words, and raised his hand into the air to cease the commotion.

"You have given me a fulfilling life to be your chief," Chief Persegi declared, "And to know that you all think of me so highly, is a gift I will remember in my time as an Elder. I feel that the Spirits wish for me to give my power and my role to others. It will be time for you all to make your own path. I am glad that I was allowed the opportunity to start you all on it. Tomorrow, you will select the new Chief, and with it, the path you wish to follow. I thank each of you once more. In honor of finishing our work, today is a day of rest. Tomorrow will be a day of change. And after that, well," Chief Persegi smiled, "It will be up to each of you."

The man slowly turned towards the village bonfire, moving to take a seat on a cut piece of log to warm up by the flames. Several other Formlings milled around, chatting amongst themselves to figure out what to make of such a development.

"Sister!" Kotaru quickly emerged from the crowd to walk around to find the two, "Did I hear what the others did? Chief Persgi, is abdicating?"

"How is it you must ask?" Akita crossed her arms.

"I was helping Kawauso!" Kotaru protested, "Though, it seems that work is cancelled for the day, so I need not return soon."

"There is going to be an election?" Lloyd asked the two, "I remember you mentioned it a long time ago, Akita, but I, uh, do not remember how it works."

"That is because I did not tell you," Akita explained, "The last election was before I was old enough to recall. From what my mother has told us, tomorrow each Formling will gather around the bonfire and put forward the name of one they wish to see lead. If the one with that name wishes to, they will step forward. When all names have been spoken, we will each choose which we support. Those with the most support is named the new chief."

"That… sounds straightforward," Lloyd turned to Kotaru, "Do you know anyone that might become the next chief?"

Kotaru just smirked. Akita smirked as well. Lloyd looked between the two siblings, confused as to what they were trying to say. The longer that he remained confused, the more the two seemed to enjoy it.

"Lloyd!" Karib walked up behind Lloyd and thumped his shoulder, "I wished to tell you that you will have my support come tomorrow!"

"As will you have mine!" Sheka spoke up quietly from behind Kotaru.

"You had my support before it was even asked," Yukiho walked up to place one hand around Kotaru and Akita's shoulders.

"He would make a fine chief!" Chikin added to the fray.

"Does that answer your question?" Akita sighed happily, "You have grown much, but it seems that in front of you will always remain out of reach."

"Y-You guys… you guys all want me to?" Lloyd blushed, feeling a sudden strange pressure on him, "I-I do not think I could! You have already been so welcoming and, after you have already made me on of you and, and made me these robes I…"

"If it is the will of the people," Kotaru interjected, "Then I see no issues. Do you, sister?"

"None," Akita grinned, "If you are to accept, then I will support you."

Lloyd looked around the village, attempting to figure out a good response. When none came, he swallowed to gather his thoughts, then he declared, "I, I will think about it, everyone! I do not want to say anything yet! But, once I figure it out… erm, I guess you will see tomorrow!"

Those around him seemed to accept that answer, for none said anything else while Lloyd left to think. Regardless of what was to happen, this was a day of rest, and it was a day for Lloyd to go to turn to their new home. He looked to Akita and extended his hand to her.

"Let us go see what our new house looks like!" Lloyd beamed, "I, know that we just helped build it, but, well…"

"I wish to see it too," Akita cut him off, "Let us spend our day of rest seeing our new space and sharing our time together."

Lloyd couldn't have agreed more. Hand in hand, the two descended into their new home, leaving the thoughts of the election for now behind. They had both worked hard to help rebuild the village. They had both worked to help the Formlings. As the two descended to lay together and rest, all Lloyd could think of was the peace that the place granted him, and the fulfillment in knowing that he'd helped everyone, just like he always wanted.

It turned out that a 'day of rest' had meant it rather literally, for both Lloyd and Akita had passed out after only a few hours of talking and slept well into the night. Both of them had woken up roughly at the same time, and given that it was already night, they had decided to make their trip upriver to return to the small cavern the two had discovered. Lloyd retrieved the staff that he'd taken from the hidden sanctuary and the two made their way across the forest back to the hidden entrance. Now that they knew where it was, they were able to plot out a more direct route, significantly shortening the time it took for them to arrive.

Now, as the moon hung high in the sky outside the rocks, the two walked around the large chamber, seeing if there were any secrets they had yet to explore. The books they had found were aged and some pages unrecognizable, but sadly none had been something like a journal. Instead, they looked to be more like maps, charting out areas in the Never Realm, even places beyond where Lloyd had already been. Some of them looked like early texts as well, but most were written in a clear prototype of Ninjago's language, one that Lloyd had given up trying to translate after a week of frustration.

Lloyd leaned up against the circular wall of the chamber, a luminous crystal casting light around him. Akita was stretching and rolling about in her wolf form on the small island, scratching away at some itches. Lloyd watched her with amusement while Akita seemed not to be focusing on him at all. Akita spent a bit more time in her wolf form than the other Formlings, but given how long she'd likely spent in it out in the wild, he could understand it. It was just cute to watch her doing it.

"You get everywhere?" Lloyd asked her as she ground her back into the grass. Akita let out a bark, then the Formling glow returned her back to her more human form. She sat down and looked up at the ceiling of the chamber as she did.

"You make fun of me," Akita replied, "But I do not see you attempting to help."

"Were you asking me to?" Lloyd asked, "I would help if you ask me!"

"I do not think that you would be the most help either way," Akita laughed, "But I am glad that my antics can amuse you, even if they are not intended to."

Lloyd smiled to Akita, who grinned back at him. For a long few minutes, the two just took time to rest. There was something about this space that brought the two comfort. For Lloyd, it was perhaps tied to the fact his ancestor had stayed here, and left it to him. For Akita, it was a place to be alone with the one she loved, removed from the village and the worries that had plagued her for so long. It was their own space, and one only they could find.

Suddenly, Lloyd felt a buzzing. He blinked and reached down into his pocket to pull out his comm. Akita looked at it in confusion, then up to Lloyd in expectation. Lloyd, slowly, reached up to put it in his ear. He hadn't left the comm behind with his gi, but he normally also left it stashed in his bed. He must have accidently slipped it in when the two had gotten up to come here.

"Lloyd!" Nya gasped out on the other side of the comm, "What gives?! Zane said he told you to pick up!"

"I… have been?" Lloyd answered, "I have left you all messages!"

"Uh, yeah! At like four in the morning!" Kai's voice came over the comm, "Seriously, why are you even up that late?"

"I have been helping the Hunters," Lloyd explained, "I wake up early to go and find firewood. The first hunting party departs at sunrise and it is nice to have a fire going for them so they can warm up before they leave."

"Hunters?" Cole asked, "Wait, but aren't the Formlings like, part animal?" Lloyd heard the sound of Krag grunting agreement in the background.

"They do not see it like that," Lloyd explained, "They see themselves as part of the natural cycle of things. Everything has its time, and it gives its life so they can have theirs. As long as you do not waste the kill, it does not matter if the animal has the same form you do."

"Uh," Jay came on, "Is it me, or is Lloyd talking kinda funny?"

"I am talking… oh!" Lloyd shook his head, forcing himself to change his speech, "Sorry, it's a Formling thing. They don't use contractions and, they have a little weird way of phrasing things. It's rubbing off on me. I slip into it if I'm not thinking about it."

"Well, you should probably make sure you don't keep talking like that," Nya jabbed playfully, "We have some great news to tell you! Sorla said she'll have the brew for the tea done by the end of the week!"

The world froze. Suddenly, Lloyd's entire body went cold. His vision hazed for a moment, and he was left almost completely speechless. His hand almost fell from the comm, and he stumbled about on his feet for a moment inside of the cavern. Akita looked up to him in worry as Lloyd's breath began to come slightly faster than normal.

"Y...You're sure about that?" Lloyd asked with a gulp, "You… you're sure?"

"Yeah!" Kai chimed in, "We can't take the Land Bounty, but the rest of us can go home! I can finally get back to TV!"

"And showers!" Jay groaned, "I hate river baths!"

"You should come back to the village soon, Lloyd," Nya informed him, "It sounds like you've helped them like you said you would! Now we can finally get out of this freezing place and back to the warm Monastery!"

Lloyd let his hand fully fall from the comm. Akita had moved over from the patch and gotten down on her knees beside him to see what he was listening to. Lloyd looked over to her, then he raised his hand and pressed it up to his comm.

"I… yeah…." Lloyd gulped, feeling his throat start to throb, "Going home. I'll… I'll, be there."

"Great!" Nya exclaimed, "We'll see you then, Lloyd!"

Lloyd pulled the comm form his ear and stashed it back into his robe. Any happiness on Akita's face had faded away. She turned to look to Lloyd, and as she did, all she could do was blankly stare at him as he did the same to her. Lloyd realized she was waiting to hear it from him.

"They are… they're finishing the brew," Lloyd spoke quietly, "They'll be ready to go home by the end of the week."

Akita remained stiff, "And… you are going?"

"...I…" Lloyd gulped, "I… I told them I would."

"You, are going to leave us?" Akita leaned back, "But… but, we accepted you into our tribe. We built you a home! You… the village expects you to be chief! Are, are you planning to just leave us?"

"I don't know!" Lloyd shook his head, "I… I never said that I was staying! But… but, I don't want to leave!"

Akita's expression turned hurt hearing those words, "...I, I had believed that, when you put on our robes that you had become one of us. You allowed for us to take you in. Was… was all of this a lie? Was all of the time that you have spent with us, just to appease us?"

"No! No, it, it wasn't!" Lloyd felt like the ground was crumbling under him, "I… I've loved it here! I love it here! You… you've made me happy, Akita! And, and I… I don't know!"

"...You were, lying to me," Akita's hurt expression began to sour, "Were you lying to me when you said you loved me, Lloyd?"

"No!" Lloyd stood up, "I wasn't lying to you! I do love you!"

"Then are you planning to leave me?!" Akita stood with him, "After you have reunited me with my people, and we have taken you in, were you planning to leave us?!"

"No! I… I…" Lloyd couldn't defend himself, "Akita I can't just leave! I'm the Green Ninja!"

"No!" Akita shouted, "You are our Green Savior! You have not been the Green Ninja here! Are you not happy with us?! Are you not at peace?!"

"I am! I'm really happy here!" Lloyd gripped his head, "But… but I can't stay here! I promised my friends, I… I just, I can't leave them behind!"

"So… Ninjago is more important to you, than me?" Akita stepped back, "The land that took your father, your childhood, your years and your peace from you, with friends that do not acknowledge your suffering, that is more important to you?"

"Akita…" Lloyd gripped his fists against his headdress, "Ninjago isn't like here! We defeated the Ice Emperor and brought peace back to this place! Ninjago will always have someone trying to take it over! Someone is always going to rise up! I… I can't just stay here and selfishly throw away my destiny! It doesn't matter… it doesn't matter how I feel! I can't abandon it!"

Something in Akita's eyes snapped hearing that. Her body went on guard, and Lloyd felt the air around her shifting. She lowered her arms and then looked away from him. Her body was filled with anger and hurt, something that right now, Lloyd couldn't dispense.

"So… our relationship is just that, then?" Akita whispered, "It is selfish? Selfish for you to be happy? For me to be happy?" She bit back snarl, "Fine, then."

Lloyd felt what little anger had risen up in him vanishing as Akita looked like that. His words were caught in his throat, knowing nothing he could say right now would make this better. Yet by saying nothing, he all but confirmed what Akita said. It was all Akita needed to collect her thoughts.

"We should return to the village," Akita growled, stalking towards the exit, "We have wasted far too much time here. Just as you have your time with us with your decision."

"Akita…" Lloyd attempted to speak. Akita turned on him with an angry, almost feral looking gaze.

"We are going home!" Akita growled, "Once you open the door, we will go back to the village. I only regret that we share a shelter together."

Lloyd didn't have any response to her. He took hold of his staff and nodded, letting Akita guide the two back to the entrance. With a flash of power, the stone opened, allowing them out. As soon as the night air hit them, Akita had transformed back into a wolf and taken off into the forest. She ran far and fast, the faintest bit of tears filling her eyes. Lloyd, his body feeling weighed down, slowly followed after her.

Akita had returned to the village far later into the night, almost sunrise. Lloyd, by then, had returned and fallen asleep in his new bedding. When he woke up, Akita had already left as well, and Lloyd knew it was likely to go to Kotaru's home. He had wanted to talk to her after they had cleared their heads, but it didn't look like he could.

All throughout the day, Lloyd couldn't find Akita. No matter where he thought she'd be, she wasn't there. Even while he was looking, however, he had no idea what he could say to her to begin with. This was an inevitability that he'd put out of his mind. For the last few weeks, he hadn't been thinking about Ninjago. He hadn't called Zane, or Nya, or anyone. Leaving late night messages when he knew they were asleep had just been his excuse to stop thinking about them. Now, he didn't have the luxury of doing that.

The pattern of missing Akita continued all into the evening. By then, Lloyd was worried. It was getting closer to the time for the selection, and Chief Persegi had decreed all Formlings needed to be there. After looking for a long time, he finally came to Kotaru, who was casually working on carving a new shovel.

"Kotaru!" Lloyd asked him, "Have you seen Akita?"

"She slept in my home last night, but I have not seen her since," Kotaru put down his project, "Why? Has she not returned to you?"

"No… we, got into a fight last night and I think she is still mad at me," Lloyd grimaced, "Do, you think you could help me look for her?"

Lloyd reconteed the events to Kotaru as to what had happened. He explained everything, down to the smallest of details. After hearing everything, all Kotaru did was nod to him. There was no judgement in his eyes, only understanding.

"I understand. I will go and look for her," Kotaru declared, "Whichever one of us finds her will bring her to the ceremony. If we do not find her by then, we will go regardless."

After bidding him thanks, Lloyd had split ways with Kotaru. Lloyd took to remaining in the village to look, while Kotaru began to search the Great Forest. With the nose in his bear form, it hadn't taken him too long to track down the general area where her scent was. When it became too difficult to pinpoint, he reverted to his normal form and began looking around for her on foot.

"Sister!" Kotaru called out," Sister! Akita! It is almost time for the selection! Where are you?!"

It didn't take too long for him to hear the noise of someone shifting in the snow. Kotaru came to find Akita laying against a massive tree with a large knot exposing a hollow core. Akita lay against the tree, hugging something to her chest. Kotaru at first wasn't sure what it was, but as he got closer, he realized that it was Lloyd's uniform. Where she'd gotten it, he didn't know. She didn't acknowledge him as he entered her line of sight. It wasn't until he got close enough to hear her that she even spoke.

"He is going to leave me," Akita sniffed out in a hollow voice, "He is going to return home!"

Kotaru, understanding quickly, nodded and walked over to her. She hadn't said anything when she came to sleep the previous night. Kotaru had just assumed it had been something she needed. He took a seat beside her, sighing as he did.

"I have spoken to Lloyd already," Kotaru admitted, "I know what he is thinking."

"Then you have heard…." Akita buried her face into the gi, "He thinks nothing of me."

"That is not true, sister," Kotaru looked up, "He is in turmoil. You have shown him what you wished to. He has reason to want to stay. Is that not what you wanted?"

"I wanted him to leave behind Ninjago!" Akita declared hoarsely, "I wanted him to forget about that place! He is one of us now, Kotaru! I had thought him being made one of us would have swayed his heart!"

Kotaru let Akita calm down for a few moments, then he asked, "Did you ask him if he was planning to stay?"

Akita deflated somewhat at his words, "No. I did not wish to make him think it was on my mind."

"And was it?" Kotaru asked.

"Yes!" Akita growled, "I have known the day for him to return has drawn near! I had… I had hoped he would have not spoken of it at all! That he would have quietly stayed, and chosen us!"

"But his heart is not yours to command," Kotaru leaned over to give Akita a small side hug, "We have both known that he was never guaranteed to stay. You asked me to help you show him this place. We have both done what we wished. We cannot make this choice for him."

Akita threw up her arm to break Kotaru's hold on her, "But it is not fair! It is not fair for him to have done so much with us! It is not fair for him to have spent so many weeks with us, learning our ways and becoming one of us! If he did not wish to stay, he should not have… should not have made me believe he wanted to!" Her eyes misted over, "He should have made me think I meant so much to him!"

Kotaru allowed Akita to bury her face in the gi once more and sob. He thought carefully on what to say next, but for now he just put a hand on her back and let her cry. She wailed for several minutes, letting her emotions continue to pour from her. He could feel she had done so for a long while, and if he did not do something, she would continue to.

"Lloyd did not stay with us because he wished to lead us on," Kotaru explained to her, "I believe that he truly does want to stay with us. He is driven in two directions, and right now, he has no idea which is the right one to take. His heart is in turmoil, as it sounds it always has been. He has allowed himself to see what a life with us could be like. Now, we must let him decide which life is the one he wishes to live more."

Akita raised her head gently. Kotaru gently leaned over to pull her upright and take the gi from her hands. He folded it delicately, then laid it back inside the tree where he guessed it belonged. Akita looked to him in confusion, but looked far too tired to protest.

"Dry your tears, sister," Kotaru wrapped his arms around her in another hug, "Look forward not with regret, but with hope. His decision is not set in stone. No matter what he decides, or what it is that happens, you will have the memory of him. It will hurt us all if he is to leave. Yet if that is what his heart wants, then we have no right to change that. We can only pray our time with him has helped show his heart something he may not have known he wanted, and pray that he sees that when the time comes."

Akita didn't respond to Kotaru. Knowing that was likely the best he could get from her now, Kotaru slowly helped to sit her up and then shifted himself to his feet. He reached his hand out to her, extending it to her.

"Tonight we cannot worry about that, only about our own future," Kotaru smiled, "It will hurt to do so, but we must put it from our minds and focus on our people. Come with me, Akita. Let us rejoin our people, and put worries of the future to then, and the worries of the present to now."

Akita gave Kotaru a small look, before a small smile managed to break her lips. She reached up to wipe her face, then brush some of her hair back against her head. One hand took hold of Kotaru's own and, with a small pull, Kotaru helped her to her feet.

"You do not need to do this for me, brother," Akita pointed out, "It is not your duty to tend to me."

"That is what a brother does, sister," Kotaru smirked, "Especially the older brother," He ignored her annoyed look and turned his own gaze back to the village, "The time has come for us to see what the future holds, even if this is just the smallest piece of it."

After finding his sister, Kotaru had returned to Lloyd and told him she would be coming. The two had spent a long while talking after that, with Lloyd explaining some of the details as to what had gone down with them. After that, Lloyd had asked Kotaru for a favor, and one that Kotaru had at first found surprising, but soon agreed to. There wasn't much time to discuss it further, for the two had to hurry to the gathering of the other Formlings for the event.

When the two arrived, Chief Persegi stood in front of the bonfire once more. The moon had just risen high enough to be seen clearly over the trees, a tiny sliver that cast little light for everyone to see by. Instead, it was the orange light that illuminated the cleared ground that the village was built upon. There were several bonfires now that the village used, one for each four houses. This was the largest, and the heat of its flames being built higher than the chief was tall was enough that none could get close to it without feeling their bodies burn.

The last time Lloyd had stood by the fire, it had been when he was welcomed into the tribe. It was a moment that had impressed on him the value of the people around him. It had given him a place and people that would accept him. He was still wearing the clothes that he had been given, and hadn't gone back to put on the green gi still inside of the tree. Standing here again, even if it wasn't that long ago, left him with a strange feeling of deja vu.

Everyone stood around the fire. Lloyd could see each and every Formling that he'd met in this village. His time hadn't been long with them, but it'd been powerful to him. He could see Uzura, smiling up towards the fire with the light dancing in her eyes. Karib stood beside Chikin and the other Hunters that Akita spent her days with. Kotaru was beside Kawauso and the other Makers, all of them looking tense with anticipation as to what was to happen next. Yukiho had her arms folded in front of her, looking at everyone around her with patience and care. Sheka was rubbing her hands together nervously and looking around, edging a bit closer to Kotaru as she did. Everyone was here.

Akita stood away from Lloyd, refusing to look at him. Her expression was as neutral as it had ever been, showing no signs of the last time they'd spoken. Lloyd felt his heart twist seeing her like that, but now wasn't the time for this. This wasn't about the two of them. It was about the village And so, even if it pained him to, he forced himself not to look at Akita.

"I do not wish to repeat what we have all known and heard me say before," Chief Persegi raised his voice to begin, "We have all known we survived a force that wished us gone. We have rebuilt, and it is time for us to wave in a new era for our people. I am proud of each and every one of you in this village. I am proud of you all for showing such resolve in the face of our circumstances. Let us hold our heads high, as we begin our march into a new time, together."

"This is the last night I will address you as your chief," Chief Persegi continued, "I hold no sadness at this. All of you are worthy of this honor. Those of you that are among our young, you will each grow to be worthy of this honor. If any of you were to step forward tonight, I would be happy to see you standing in my place. But that is up to each of you. It is now time for you to decide your future."

With that, Persegi stepped away from the blaze, drifting to stand away from the other Formlings so as not to impede on the process. With that declaration, the village no longer had a chief. Lloyd felt his breath starting to raise in his throat, knowing what was going to happen here. He knew what he had to do, but he knew that he couldn't be the one to say it. He had to wait, wait to see what would happen first.

The silence remained. Nobody wished to speak, All noise came from the crackling and popping of the fire. It was all that they could hear, all that the forest around them heard. It was a moment of reflection, to see if those who would step forward truly did wish for it to happen.

"I will be the first to put forward a name," Kotaru was the one that broke the silence, "I put my support behind Lloyd."

The village let out a small murmur of assent. Lloyd felt his breath rising in his throat. He slowly stepped forward to put himself back in front of the flames, between them and the villagers. He turned to face the village, his hands trembling somewhat. Kotaru looked to him with a surefire smile. All looked to Lloyd to see if he would accept.

"Before I accept," Lloyd looked to the villagers, "Does anyone else want to step forward?"

Normally, stepping forward would have meant Lloyd had already accepted, but that murmur of confusion was squashed as Lloyd's words gave context. The flames kept dancing, now illuminating Lloyd's silhouette. His dragon he wore atop his head cast a shadow in front of him that only added to the imposing nature of his stance. None in the village looked ready to challenge that.

"Then I am your only candidate?" Lloyd asked. Again, there was no sound from the village. Lloyd inhaled, then he exhaled slowly.

"Then… I do not accept," Lloyd looked up towards them, "I cannot be your chief."

This time, the chatter from the villagers was far more intense. Almost all he thought this was all this night would be. Lloyd knew it just from the way they all spoke loudly, sharing their thoughts without care for who heard. It was a betrayal, a small one but still feeling like one. And all the while, there was nothing the village could truly do as Lloyd stood there, watching them all. All of them spoke and chattered. All of them, but Kotaru, who smiled at Lloyd still.

"If I am the only one you all want, then I will say who I think should be your chief," Lloyd looked over the group, "I put my support behind Akita!"

Akita, who had stood idly by the entire process, perked up and looked to Lloyd in shock and confusion. The village was similarly shocked to silence. Akita turned to look to Kotaru, who just smiled back at his sister. Akita looked to Lloyd, then to Persegi, then to anyone she could find to see if this was some sort of joke. She took so long to reply, it gave Lloyd a chance to speak.

"You all call me your Green Savior, but I never could have saved you all if Akita had not guided me," Lloyd spoke out to the assembled crowd, "She is the strongest, the bravest, the most skilled woman I have ever met. I am just thankful that I got the chance to meet her. She has already shown herself a strong Hunter, and she would make a chief that could give you all the leadership you need."

"B...But I am a Hunter!" Akita protested, "I have no desire to give that up!"

"The role of the chief is determined by the one that holds the title," Persegi spoke up, "If it is your will to be chief and remain a Hunter, there is nothing that would stop you from that."

"You spent two decades away from your people and kept their memory alive," Lloyd stepped forward Akita, "You survived and never let go of your hopes of saving your people. You were willing to help guide me when you could have just left me alone. You saved your people, Akita. I was just the one that helped you do it. You know what it is like to want to help your people more than anyone here. I think you would make an amazing chief."

Akita wasn't sure what to say to Lloyd. She wasn't sure what to say at all. They could all see it on her face as she looked around, trying to gauge if this was something that someone else had planned. Clearly, Lloyd and Kotaru had planned this series of events. Nobody else in the village looked like they were in on this. They were as shocked and surprised as she was.

"You truly think that I would make a chief worthy of my people?" Akita asked, her voice this time a bit lighter. Lloyd just smiled at her and nodded his head.

"Do you all, think that I would make a worthy chief?" Akita turned around to look to her people. The Formlings all looked to her, but none raised protest. They were not supposed to say anything until she had accepted. Nobody else stepped forward to challenge her, though.

Akita stepped forward. The village all held their breath as she walked up to where Lloyd stood. She shared a tense glance with him. The hurt and anger of what had been said between them wasn't gone, and nothing had truly been resolved. But this was another matter. Kotaru had told her that she needed to put aside tomorrow's worries and focus on today. Once the two had locked gazes, Lloyd took a few steps back to let her take his place. He drifted back until he stood beside Kotaru, who nudged him slightly with a grin.

"...Do you support me as your chief?!" Akita raised her voice, filled with determination and strength, "Would you all see me as your Hunter and your leader?!"

There was only one second of silence. One second for them all to figure out what they wanted to say. Then there was a roar of support from the village. Their noise finally drowned out the crackling of the flames that had dominated for so long. Persegi smiled and bowed his head as he saw the sight in front of him. Akita stared at them all as they shouted. They shouted for her. They all shouted to show that they wanted her as their leader.

"Then… then I accept!" Akita shouted back, her voice wavering for a brief moment before the determination that Lloyd had heard so much filled it, "I will be your chief!"

The village roared once more. Akita found her nervous frown slowly dissipated into a smile. A wave of emotion flooded her. These people were cheering for her. They had accepted her. Lloyd had found his connection. Now, Akita had started to find her own.

"Let us all welcome our new chief," Kotaru shouted over them all, "Chief Akita!"

The village roared again. Starting then, for that night, for those hours that they celebrated, there was nothing that the sadness could touch. There was no feeling in Akita's heart that could sway her from the feeling of what had come to pass. There was nothing that could stop the village from rejoicing as the election had come to close, and the worthy candidate chosen.

It was far, far later into the night that Lloyd made his way back to their home. There had been a small feast prepared in advance for the new chief. Akita had been given a special emblem to hang from her robes to signify her new position, and everyone in the village had come forward to tell her that they supported her. It had gone exactly as Lloyd wanted. He'd finally given Akita the confirmation she needed that she was still apart of this village, and that all of her struggles had only made them and herself stronger.

Lloyd took in the sight of the home. It was very simple, with little that actually made it like one in Ninjago. There was a small wall made of lashed together planks that distinguished the small firepit inside (with a hole in the roof to prevent smoke building up) for cooking and the area where both his and Akita's bedding lay. It was crude and simplistic, without electricity, without anything that Ninjago used to make life comfortable. Yet it felt far more connected to Lloyd than even the first Bounty had been.

Soon… soon that wouldn't matter. The day after next, he'd be leaving to go to Sorla's village and leave it all behind. He'd be leaving behind everything he'd built here. He'd left his gi outside of the village to show himself he wasn't leaving. Yet the moment he'd heard Nya's voice, he hadn't had the strength to say he wanted to stay.

If he didn't have the strength to say it, did he have the right to stay?


Akita's voice came from behind the makeshift wall. Lloyd had started to lay down to sleep, having removed his robes so he was now only in the trousers. Akita must have somehow gotten back here before him. He couldn't see her in the low light, and so he raised his hand to illuminate his palm with power.

"Akita?" Lloyd looked around, "Where are you?"

"I'm here, Lloyd," Akita's voice trailed from behind the barrier, "...Lloyd, may I ask you a question?"

"Yeah," Lloyd blinked, "Of course."

"...Do you want me, Lloyd?"

Akita stepped out from behind the barrier. Lloyd shone his light forward. Almost instantly, Lloyd felt his entire body going numb. There stood Akita. An Akita that stood without her robes. An Akita that stood without anything on. His green light danced along her very naked, and very vulnerable body.

"D-Do I want you?" Lloyd gulped, "D...Do you mean…?"

"Mhm…" Akita's voice was nervous, quiet. Trembling, almost, "...I wish to mate with you."

Akita crawled over towards him. Lloyd's light faded. The numbness faded, and in its place was a burning sensation that filled his entire body. Lloyd couldn't form any words. He had never even thought about this before. Akita filled the silence as she was now on all fours on top of him, pressing him down slightly into the bedding.

"...I-I…" Lloyd blinked rapidly, "I…"

"I have given you every reason to stay, Lloyd…" Akita whispered, her voice still quivering, "I have shown you everything my home has to give. I have given you every reason in my heart as to why I wish for you to stay. The only thing I have left to give you… is, this," Akita closed her eyes, "Let me… let me show you, one last thing I have to give you. If I cannot convince you to stay after this, I will accept it. But… if you chose to leave, then I wish to have no regrets."

Akita lowered her head down by his ear, then gently whispered, "Stay with me, at least for this night, Lloyd. Stay with me… and please… let us discover this feeling, together."

There was nothing more Lloyd could say to stop. There was no feeling of remorse or hesitation in his body. His love for Akita was one that he couldn't deny. He slowly pushed aside the blanket dividing the two of them, and captured her lips in his own. For just one night, the cold chill of the Never Realm was unable to touch the two lovers as they shared their time together.