"So~ tired~," Ruby whined emotionlessly as her head rested against the lunch table that sat several tablets on.

Ahsoka sat on the table's opposite end, enjoying the sight as they did their little self-study session. With Ahsoka mostly helping Ruby understand the lessons. "I think we can call it quits for today."

"Finally," Ruby moaned from down positioned.

For two weeks straight, Anakin Skywalker had made her study everything involving ships while he was away on personal missions. From the Republic officer ledgers and combat maneuvers to essential ship maintenance and protocols. What made things worse was that everything was in Galactic Basic, a langue that didn't reach Remnant. It had made the Huntress devote two whole days of her time to help the technical droids make several translation programs so she can read what the Jedi gave her. It had been a bit difficult for her to recite all that she could remember from her writing classes back in elementary. Luckily the droids got enough data to complete the programs, which made her studies manageable by comparison.

While Ruby studied tactics, she also took language lessons on how to read Galactic Basic. Ruby was going to be required to write reports on a semi-regular basis for the Republic. But in the end, it would be worth it as she would have her very own starship to command.

Beacon of Hope

She thought about naming it with something related to her like Shinning Rose, or the Lunation Rose and Crimson Sunrise. But Ruby thought against it so people wouldn't think she had a big ego for naming stuff after herself. Honoring her time at Beacon with those who died defending Vale would motivate her to return home.

After a season with the Jedi Council on taking ownership of the old Republic Cruiser, the Council accepted under a few terms required for her to follow. Making reports was one of them. Another was that her ship would have a few Republic servicemen. Ruby agreed to both under the condition that she would like to approve or disapprove of those they choose to serve on her ship. They accepted this and would forward dossiers to her through Master Skywalker. There were several more rules, but they were minor and not worth mentioning.

If Ruby wasn't studying, she was doing some kind of training to improve herself. Like working out with the clones in their morning exercise and teaching Rex how to use his Aura properly. The clone Captain and the Jedi were undoubtedly surprised when his Aura protected him after Ruby batted him across the hanger. He was still improving as it were, and Ruby believed he will get better over time. Jaune did, with Phyrra's helping him for over a semester. Rex was already trained as a soldier, he just saw this as extra training.

Anakin also was putting her into a flight simulator, teaching her how to fly a starfighter. Easier said than done, considering she barely knew how to drive a car. She did great in the gunners' sim, then the flight sim that impressed some of the bomber pilots that were watching, so she wasn't a total loss if she was ever doing space combat.

Ruby stood up from her spot and stretched. She was wearing a new set of clothes as her old combat attire was burnt and ripped at a couple of palaces. The teen still had her signature cloak but had discarded her combat skirt for the black body under suit that clone troopers wore, and the plastoid made shoulder pads with arm guards. She sported a new utility belt with twin sets of leg holsters holding a pair of DC-17 hand blasters that were a gift from Captain Rex after beating him the first time. Lastly was her sweetheart Crescent Rose on her lower back. She also got a set of lightly armored boots. The best thing about her outfit was that it was rated for space, so all she needed was a clone trooper helmet with an oxygen tank, and she could do a spacewalk. "Oh! All this studying is making my brain hurt. I haven't studied this much since Weiss made us study for finals week."

Ahsoka laughed a little. "From all the stories you've told us about your school, it sounds like a fun place," she said before her tone turned somber. "I hope it's still standing for us to see it. It sounded pretty bad from what you described to us about the Grimm and the attack on the city."

Indeed, what Ruby described what had happened during the festival from her point of view sounded horrible. Especially about the part with the giant dragon and her sister losing her arm.

"Hey, cheer up Ruby, one way or another we'll find your home."

"I know...its just a matter of when. I just hope we're not too late. Also, I can't help but feel like something is up with me being here in general, and I think it connects to the people Master Yoda found years ago."

Ahsoka blinked in surprised at the sudden turn of conversation "You think there's a connection?" The Padawan asked.

The topic of Ruby's missing people was something that mind-boggled them. A whole group of people coming from a world that hadn't developed spaceflight suddenly appearing on another planet in a different part of the galaxy. Then years later, the same thing happening to Ruby here after a monster attack.

"I thought about what Master Yoda said to me, "eyes like yours," he said," Ruby quoted. "That is the second time someone referred to me about my eye color."

"What's so significant about your eyes, and who the other one who mention them?" Ahsoka asked.

"My eyes are silver, and to my knowledge, the only person who has the same color eyes as me was my mother. I've never met another person outside my family with the same eye color as me. The only other person to comment on it is when I first met Headmaster Ozpin."

"Your school's headmaster?" Ahsoka surprised by this new info to which Ruby nodded. "You think he knew something you don't?"

"Dad or Uncle Qrow didn't tell me much about my mother or her family's side, only that she was an Elite Huntress that got put on the same team as them when they were at Beacon."

"You never asked where your mother came from?"

Ruby shrugged her shoulders. "Whenever Yang or me asked them, they always gave us half-answers or promises to tell us more when we were older."

"That's rude." Ahsoka put a hand to her chin. "Why would they do that?"

Ruby sat back down and sighed. "I always thought that the memories hurt them, but considering how my Uncle knew the Headmaster and my mother was also an Elite Huntress." She looked at the tablet screen in front of her, specifically at the reflection where her eyes are. "I think they knew something and didn't want me to know about it."

She hoped that wasn't the case. Ruby loved her family. If her father or her Uncle were hiding something from her, they probably thought it was to protect her. The question next was from what?

"This all speculation at this point. If you want the truth, then we need to find your homeworld or the people displaced in the galaxy with the same silver eyes like yours," Ahsoka said.

"That's all we can do at the moment." Ruby got up again and started collecting her stuff. "By the way, have you heard anything about what we are doing next?"

They were in between Systems doing patrols, protecting the trade routes, and searching for enemy positions. The CIS had been pushing the Republic back, destroying patrol fleets, leaving behind mountains of floating wreckage and mass graves. The sites they've stumbled upon were not for the faint of heart.

Ahsoka packed her things and got ready to leave. "Don't know yet, I'm going to go to the Bridge and find out what I can, you coming?" Ruby shook her head.

"Na, I'm going to head back to the workshop."

"Still trying those slug thrower rounds?" The Padawan inquired.

After the fight with the slaver-thugs, Ruby found out that she was down to a few rounds for her weapon. Another thing was that whenever Dust left the atmosphere of a planet, her Dust goes inert and becomes useless in space.

"I found a recipe from a warrior culture called the Mandalorian clans. Apparently, a few groups used guns that shoot bullets a long time ago." Ruby finished backing away her things into a small shoulder bag. "I already tested them, and they work. I'm just modifying the rounds so I can have options in combat." With no substitute for Gravity Dust, she would need to be crafty with her fighting style.

"With what I know about the ancient Mandalorian from the Jedi historical records, they probably made them for fighting the Jedi," Ahsoka said. The rivalry between Jedi and Mado was legendary in some places of the galaxy. Even after centuries of their last war to each other. Even the clones were from a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter they hired years ago, from what Ruby was told. Seems like they left their mark everywhere, no matter how small.

"I won't keep you. See you later, Ahsoka," Ruby said before departing.

Ruby left the Jedi and made her way through the Venator-class Star Destroyer. After a week onboard, Ruby was still trying to find her way around the big ship. But knew enough where the Bridge, hanger, the workshop, and her room.

After a few minutes of walking, she entered the ship's workshop. She headed to one area that's sort of becoming her privet spot on the Resolute. On the way, she spotted one of the ship's clone techs that worked in the machine shop here.

"Hey, Zen!" Ruby greeted, getting the clone's attention.

"Hello, Ruby," the clone greeted back. "Working on more of those slug throwers?"

"Just making more ammo today," she told him as she dropped her pack by the workbench she's been using.

"But, you made hundreds of rounds the other day?" Zen said in bewilderment.

"And I'll more than likely be facing thousands on the battlefield," was her reply.

Zen shook his head. "Hopefully, not. Need some help putting them together?"

"I will need help with the material gathering. Can you get the smelter started for me, please? I'm going to be mixing the powders for the propellant."

"Sure thing, little vod ."

Ruby had sighed but kept a smile on her face at the little nickname. After the other clones found out about her wearing a clone helmet during the battle at the Republic outpost on Rishi, the word spread, and she never heard the end of it. Vod meant brother or sister in Mando'a, the Mandalorian warrior language. Through that, she learned about the warriors and eventually found their slug thrower recipe in the Jedi archive.

The two worked in silence for the next few hours. Only stopping for a water break or the bathroom. When they were done with the last bullet, Ruby now had over another few hundred rounds to use for Crescent Rose.

"That should last you for a few engagements I'd say," Zen said as he wiped the sweat off his brow.

"Thanks for the help, Zen," Ruby said as she took a rag to wipe her hands. "Wouldn't have been able to make this many without you helping me with these machines."

"Don't worry about it," the clone dismissed. "So, are you going to get dinner, or are you done for the day?"

Ruby stuck out her tongue in disgust. "When I'm Captain of my own ship, I'm going to spend half my funds on real food rather than those chock sticks."

She didn't like the military rations they had on board. They tasted terrible, regardless of the number of vitamins and supplements they back into them. She wished she could have a bottle of that hot Vacuo tobacco sauce that her dad and sister loved. Even though Ruby didn't like spicy food, it would be better then what they served on board.

Before the conversation could continue, Ruby's communicator goes off. "Ruby here."

"Ruby, can you make your way to the Bridge?" Anakin's voice said through the comm unit.

"I'm on my way." Ruby cut the connections before turning to the Clone tech. "Duty calls."

"Probably new orders from HQ," Zen replied. "I'll clean up here. You get to Bridge. Best not to keep the General waiting."

Ruby beamed a smile a the Clone. "Thanks, Zen. See you when I get back."



As Ruby entered the Bridge, she spotted Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex at the holo table with Master Kenobi on the line.

"You're heavily outnumbered, Anakin. I'd advise a retreat," Master Obie wan said to them.

"If we run, the Separatists will take hold of the sector. We can't let them do that," Anakin argued.

Ruby slipped in but not joining in on the conversation.

"And that is your problem."

Ahsoka then pitched in and sided with Obi-wan. "Master Kenobi is right. We should regroup, we don't stand a chance-"

"Ahsoka!" Her Master said sharply.

"Suicide is not the Jedi way, Master."

The Huntress felt the air felt a bit tense for a moment between the two. While this went, Obi-wan kept talking. "You should heed what your Padawan says, Anakin."

"As you listen to yours, my old Master," Anakin quipped. He glanced over at Ruby and smiled. "No. We're going to stay and fight, and I think I know how to beat Grievous at his own game."

He pressed a few buttons on the holo table, and an AT-TE walker appeared. Ruby looked confused at what he said before the memory clicked in.

"I want credit for this plan."

If someone from Beacon could see Ruby's face under the helmet she had on, they would probably mistake her for Nora. She didn't even care if her head and her stomach had switched places.

"Rex old boy, time to unleash Ruby's little surprise."

"With pleasure, Commander," Rex said before turning to Ruby. "Care to do the honors, Cadet?" Ruby's smile couldn't have gotten any bigger.

"All tanks advance and fire at will!" She ordered as she and Rex hang onto the AT-TE's mass driver.

The AT-TE's walked out of the asteroid's shadows and pointed their guns at the Separatist's warships' flanks. It turns out they didn't have their shields up, so the walker's shots burned into the ship's hull. Explosions riled up under the vessels with their engines going up in flames.

The walker drivers were whooping and cheering over the radio as the shifted fire from one ship to the next. Ruby just stayed silent as she held her Scroll out and recorded everything in front of her. From recording the Separatist ship braking apart to flashing the Camera at Rex using his hand to direct the clone gunner where to shoot. She had Zen replaced the Dust battery with one used similarly for the tablets. No one from Remnant was going to believe she went into space without proof, so video evidence like this was mandatory. She clipped the Scroll to her chest and turned to the clones.

"Hey, can I fire a few shots?" Ruby asked the clone gunner. The gunner turned to the Captain, and he nodded.

"Hop in Cadet," the gunner said to which Ruby did. "Travers controls are on the left, and elevation is on the right. Press both side buttons when ready to fire."

Raby angled the cannon to the nearest undamaged ship before opening up with the mass driver. The big gun rocked back from the recoil, making the Huntress laugh. The enemy ship breaking apart in front of her was just the icing on the cake.

"Rex! Ruby!" Ahsoka's panicked voice coming through the radio. "Anakin's ship is hit, and his emergency beacon lit up and is heading for the asteroid belt."

Rex and Ruby exchanged glance's "Send the coordinates, commander. We'll get him."



It didn't take long for them to find Anakin and bring back. He recovered quickly from the whole ordeal but was distraught when he learned his R2 robot wasn't recovered. Ruby would have recovered him if the Droid was even on the ship. When they recovered the Jedi's fighter, the little Droid wasn't onboard.

Now she was helping load supplies onto the Twilight for Anakin and Ahsoka for their trip back to the space battle they just got out of. Apparently, from what Ruby heard was that blue Astromech Droid Anakin liked so much had a bunch of data on it that he didn't erase beforehand. This, in turn, had gotten him in trouble. So now he was being sent to recover it.

Looking over her shoulder, she saw Ahsoka trying to impress Anakin with a new Droid. This one was gold and black. But from what she could hear, he wasn't too impressed or happy with it. After loading the last of the supplies, she got and bit the two fair well.

As the Twilight flew out of the hanger, Captain Rex walked up from behind. "You not going with them?"

Ruby shook her head. "No, this is their mission. I would get in the way. Besides, I've got some calls to make concerning my ship."

Rex shook his head. "Can't believe you want that old junker."

"Its got character, and I'm told it was a classic with ship designs," Ruby argued. The two turned to make their way out of the hanger.

"They should be done resorting it, shouldn't they? The Captain asked. "It's been a couple of weeks, and what about the families?"

"Not as fast as you think. From what Julie told me, they finished the hull but still working on reassembling the engine. They told me they had everything they need to maintain the ship as those thugs dug up a lot of spare parts. They've even gone so far as to trade old tools and engine parts for money to get better supplies and components for the ship," Ruby explained. The two Aura users entered the lift to the ship's communications room. "As for the families, out the dozens of slaves we rescued, only sixteen stayed with us to rebuild the Beacon of Hope, not including the forty tech volunteers that Anakin brought with him the next day. Out of that number, they're only three of them have families they are bringing. Two of them with kids younger then Ahsoka."

Rex hummed at that. "Having only fifty-six engineers to refurbish a ship that size would take a bit of time. Still, in my opinion, I don't think it was good to have those kids on board a warship. They would be a liability," he told her.

"And I won't break apart another's family," Ruby said firmly on this. "I know it is going to get dangerous at times. I told the families this, and they still agreed on coming with me."

"How many kids are there?"

"Four in total," Ruby answered. The Captain shook his head a the number.

The lift stopped, and they entered the communions room. Rex went over to the controls at the communications terminal and typed a few commands. Moments later, the face of the Beacon of Hope's chief engineer, Julie Renee. "Hey, Julie. How're things going for you?"

"Good to see your still alive, Captain. I had almost given up on hearing from you. Things are going smoothly over in this corner of the galaxy," the Twi'lek girl greeted.

"Sorry, I was late. We had just got out of a battle. We won by the way."

"I would hope so." the Twi'lek then turned to wave at the clone Captain next to her. "Hey, Rex."

"Miss Renee," the clone greeted back.

"So, you're looking for a report on the Beacon?" Julie said, turning back to the redhead.

"That would be great. Have you got the fourth engine installed yet, and how's everyone settling in?" Ruby asked.

"The ion engine was finished installing in place yesterday. The others are now running safety checks on all four ion engines before we light them up for a test fire tomorrow. As for us settling in our new digs, we've been managing. We've got the inside cleaned up, even put on a fresh coat of paint on the walls. A combo of white and red to light the place up."

"I approve."

Julia laughed. "Somehow, I knew you would. The families with kids have taken over a few rooms in the starboard barracks. They've been tearing down and resetting bulkheads to better accommodate their family's needs."

"Not to much space, I hope. We may be getting more people on board to fill in roles the ship needs, and I'm not planning on sacrificing cargo space for more crew space," Ruby said firmly.

The Twi'lek nodded once. "I'll make sure they are aware of that."

"Please do. How's the trading coming along?" Julia shrugged her shoulders.

"Great, actually. We pulled some files off some of the Thugs computers a few days ago and found a few caches of supplies they had hidden away." The smile on the Twi'lek's face grew more. "And you wouldn't believe what these thugs had in some of them."

The way she said it must have been something worth mentioning. "Really, what did you find?"

"A lot of the stuff we picked up from the caches turned out to be spare parts for ships and old handheld weapons of all kinds. One of the wives of the families, Kira Yoshikage, has taken to the Beacon of Hope's Requisitions Officer role. And boy, does she have talent when it comes to trading and haggling. With her leading this opportunity, we've either sold or traded them for something better. Two of the caches we found we scored big Captain. One was a warehouse filled with old swoop bikes and speeders. We've been thinking of selling most of them off, keeping a few and getting a pretty credit chit for them." Julia's face almost looked like they had stars in them.

"How many were in there?" Ruby asked.

"A lot. We're still counting them. All the ones we've touched work properly. I think this was the gang's main stash for all their rides and getaway vehicles; there were also a few transport shuttles hiding in the back. Those were looked over and sold instantly. Some of us are thinking about putting that money into a new shuttle or two that we can use."

Ruby's mind was doing backflips at what her chief engineer was trying to say. Luckily it was Rex that asked the next question. "Just how much money did you get off all this?" He asked to which Ruby just nodded.

"Thanks to Kira's haggling skills. The Count I got yesterday reached one point three million."

Ruby's jaw dropped in shock of the news while Rex looked at the Twi'lek in disbelief.

"No way..." The young reaper said. Not believing what she was hearing.

Julia smiled at the two's reactions. "I had the same look but was shown the numbers. Half of it came from selling those transport shuttles, Corellian made and sot after for their reliance. From there, the numbers are only going to get bigger when we sell off these bikes."

Rex shook his head at this before turning to Ruby. "You won't even need Republic logistics help at this rate, Rose. You can buy everything yourself."

"Tell me something I don't know, Rex. I'm richer than my families ever been in the last three generations." Ruby said before turning back to Julia. "Next time I'm on Coruscant, we are going shopping. Is that understood, Chief Renee?"

Julia snapped off a salute. "Gladly, Captain."

"Alright then, so what was in the other cache? You said there were two," Ruby said.

Julia looked around her before pressing a few keys on her end, and a holo image of a cart with metal tubes resting on top appeared. "This stuff might get us in trouble with someone down the line if we're not careful with it."

"It's not drugs, is it?" Ruby asked, really wishing it wasn't. "I'm not going to tolerate in selling them." She said with a firmness in her voice.

"That would be too easy to deal with," Julia shook her head. "No, what we have is refined Coaxium."

"You can not be serious?!" Rex nearly shouted.

Ruby was confused by this at first, but then remembered her lessons of starships and how they operate. Coaxium is the hyper fuel that allows starships to make the jump to hyperspace. A highly valuable substance sought after by everyone, which made mining it a very dangerous business. A material worth killing over.

"How much..?" Ruby was almost afraid to ask.

"We're keeping it at the down-low for now, but Kira said she can sell it all off for seventy million easy."

A moment later, a thump echoed the communications room, followed by the sound of laughter.



When the Twilight returned to the ship, Anakin and Ahsoka were greeted by Rex. When the Captain saw them without the Generals blue R2 unit. He knew the mission was a failure.

"Couldn't find the droid you're looking for, sir?"

Anakin shook his head. "Found my ship, but R2 was already gone."

"And with it all the data he carried," Rex said. "Better lost then in the hands of the Separatists."

The Knight nodded his head dejectedly. Ahsoka looked around and noticed someone missing. "Where's Ruby? Figured she come to greet us when we got back?"

The clone looked away uncertain. The Jedi looked at the Captain, wondering what could make him so hesitant. "She's currently recovering in the med-bay."

The news shocked the Jedi. "What happened to her? Was there an accident while we were gone?" Anakin said.

"Is Ruby hurt?" Ahsoka asked. Concerned for her friend.

"She just fainted. Received some interesting reports back from Coruscant."

Now the Jedi looked curious, wanting to know what news could bring the scythe wilding girl to go down. "What was it?" Anakin asked.



Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location within the galaxy, Count Dooku currently resided in his personal meditation chamber. He sat in the center of the room, his legs crossed with his hands and arms resting upon his knees while allowing the flow of the dark side courses through his being.

Dooku's eyes snapped open suddenly and changed his position to that of resting on one knee. Upon doing so, a holo-transmission of his Sith Master, Darth Sidious, appeared before him.

"Master." Dooku inclined his body forward with respect.

"Rise, my apprentice," Sidious spoke in his usual sinister tone. "We must talk."

"Of what, my Master?"

"Something is disrupting the dark shroud that I've placed over the Jedi," Sidious says to his apprentice.

Count Dooku was surprised by this new news. "The Jedi have been aware of the dark shroud that surrounds them, but have they found a way through it?"

Sidious shook his head under his hood. "No, the Jedi have not. My spies have come up with one who may be responsible."

An image appeared before Sidious. The image of a teen with the darkest red hair Dooku had ever seen, pale peach shin and brilliant silver eyes full of determination. She wore a black dress with a red-cloaked hood over her shoulders.

"This girl is responsible for aiding the Republic forces stationed on the Rishi Moonbase and notifying the Republic of the intended invasion of Kamino. She also has demonstrated abilities similar to that of a Jedi."

"Who is she, Master?" Dooku spoke slowly. "I don't believe her a member of the Jedi order. For a child with silver eyes would spark a distinguish face with me."

"This girl is named Ruby Rose, a Huntress as she calls herself, so I'm told. She is not of the Jedi, nor is she any affinity to the Sith. However, her presence alone in the Force brings cause for concern. For the light is stronger in her, then any Jedi I've seen before her." Dooku looked at his Master with his brow raised. He looked back at the young girl and examine her image more to determine what made her a threat.

"I assume you have met with her?"

"I have not, Lord Tyrannus," Sidious's said. "The child has been mobile and independent. But has agreed to join in the Clone war for the Republic. It will be only a matter of time before we meet."

Dooku rose a brow and voiced his concern. "Forgive my rudeness Master, but you said her presence in the Force is a cause for concern, yet how can you say this when you have not met her?"

The Sith Apprentice soon felt a tightness around his throat, making him realize how serious his Master was.

"I do not tell you this to get your opinion, my Apprentice," Sidious said in a deadly tone. "I tell you this for what you must do next."

Feeling the pain being released from him, Dooku coughed and massaged his throat. "I understand, my Master. I will do as you demand of me."

"Good. My spies tell me the girl is currently with Skywalker in the mid-rim. Grievous is near him. Contact him and notified him that I would like this girl captured and if he can not, then end her," the dark lord instructed.

"It shall be done, my Master," Dooku bowed before the image of Sidious disappeared.

The Count rubbed his throat to away the soreness' away as his mind wandered to the girl his Master was weary of. Sidious said she had a strong affinity for the light that it disrupted the dark shroud that blinded the Jedi. This may either hinder their strategies for the future engagements against the Republic...or hasten the plan.

Dooku went back down into his meditation position. He would commune with the Force and seek out this girl that his Master had warned him of. Then plan accordingly with his General.



"There is no way all this can happen to one person in the amount of allotted time Ruby has been in the galaxy," Ahsoka said in disbelief.

Anakin shook his head. "Apparently, Ruby can. I'm just worried about the Coaxium."

The Jedi were briefed on Ruby's crew's status and how they were taking the slaving gangs spoils. Really, the Jedi weren't heartbroken over the freed engineers seizing the gang's assets. They would put it into better use to make lives better. While also deny criminals essential resources needed to conduct criminal activities for the lower communities of the galactic center.

The refined Coaxium was another matter.

"Maybe we can negotiate a deal with Ruby's crew to trade it or buy it off them. The Republic would benefit from all that Coaxium." The Jedi Padawan suggested.

The Knight was still wrapping his head around this recent news. "We will have to deal with Ruby and her crew on this. What I'm more worried about is how a bunch of low lives got their hands on this much hyper fuel."

"I'm just glad it's no longer in their hands," the clone commented. "That much fuel would be devastating to have in the hands of criminals, especially ones looking into the slave trade."

The amount of Coaxium Ruby's chief engineer Julia reported was nothing to sneeze about. It would be more than enough to outfit a fleet of jump capable ships that could prove a challenge to any galactic power. In the hands of a slaver organization? The mental images set the three were not good.

"Anyway, I need to contact Obi-wan on what we're doing next. We will be scouting the out regions of this sector for any enemy presents lingering in the area. When Ruby stops being a drama queen and wakes up, we will talk to her and her people on what they want to do with the Coaxium."

Anakin and Ahsoka left and headed for the Bridge. The clone Captain made his way back to medical to see if a certain redhead was up.

When Rex walked into the Med-bay, he didn't need to worry about the teen as she was already sitting up in her bed, hands holding her head.

"You alright, Cadet?" His voice breaking whatever silence hung over Ruby.

Ruby blinked owlishly at the Captain before smiling. "I will be, Rex. Just need a little time to believe that I'm rich. Not something I've ever thought about before."

"I understand," Rex nodded. The clone didn't know but said it to comfort the teen. "I came to see if you were awake. General Skywalker and Commander Tano have returned and been briefed about what has gone your crew found. He wants to discuss a possible trade deal for the fuel your people have."

"I'll have to talk with my crew, I'd like to get their opinions on what to do with it," Ruby replied. "But I think I want to head to my room and relax a bit. I've got a lot to think about."

The Captain agreed. "I'll relay what you said to the General. We can talk more later, Rose."

"See you later, Captain," Ruby said as she got up from her bed.

"Till later, little vod," the clone officer teased and chuckled as he heard Ruby groaned.

The Huntress of Remnant left the Med-bay to head for her room. When entering her room, she walked over and flopped back first on her bed.

Ruby stared silently at the gray bulkhead ceiling. She had a lot of money and no idea how to spend it. Sure there were dreams of being rich but was all they were. Lots of people liked to think about what would happen if they were wealthy...except for Weiss.

"...Weiss...what would I do for you advise right now?" Ruby said before falling asleep. Home and friends filled her dreams.

Oh boy does things just fall onto Ruby. That's right Ruby is rich and doesn't know what to do about it. Events happen, battles taking place and now R2 is missing.

What is going to happen with the Remnant native out in the Galaxy and what her role will play is anyone's bet.

Ruby's people are still out there and hidden from galactic view.

Dark powers are now aware of a possible silver eye threat to their plans, how will they go about this?

AN: sorry for any grammar problems you find that I may have missed.

As for ship naming it goes to "Beacon of Hope"

I put it down as this because this name was mentioned more then once in the comments by you readers. I would have gone for the color naming rule that Remnant is known for, but the people of the Republic don't. They would see Ruby inflating her ego and possibly think negatively on her. Though any new future ships Ruby may get will depend on how the story progress. For those of you who comment on name suggestions, thank you very much and those will be remembered in the future if Ruby adds owns more ships.

For those who haven't seen Han Soo movie. Basic description: Coaxium is the fuel in starships that allows ships to go into hyper space. Very valuable stuff.

Mando translation. Made a mistake on this earlier went back to change it.

Ad'ika: means kid, lad, boy, sweetie, darling, son, daughter, child

vod - brother, sister, comrade