Chapter 12


They wrapped the case and the day with the FBI team, and they agreed that Hailey would finish her assignment here in New York City with this case. She was officially cleared, and she had been here for several weeks, much longer than she had originally anticipated. She longed to go back home, see her friends again, go back to her regular job. Sure, Jay was here, but she also missed the rest of the team – Vanessa, Kim, Adam, Kevin, Trudy – and Voight.

Hailey sat down at her temporary desk, wanted to finish up all her paperwork, as she didn't want to leave any unfinished business. Jay decided to not disturb her with this, so he went for a coffee with OA.

"Hey, would it be possible to keep the suite for a few more days?" Jay asked. "We have to be back in Chicago on Monday, and we would love do a bit of sightseeing."

A big grin appeared on OA's face. "Just the suite?"

Jay just stared at him with a completely neutral expression.

"So just partners?" OA continued.

Jay rolled his eyes dramatically. "The hotel prices here."

"I see, the hotel prices," OA couldn't stop grinning. "Whatever you say, buddy. Yes, it will be possible, I guess. Upton has an open reservation, so you should settle it with the hotel directly. Anything else?"

"Well, since you've been partners with Hailey, how about a good-bye dinner on Friday?" Jay asked. "I mean, if you're available. I'm sure she would appreciate it."

"Sure, if you don't mind me bringing my girlfriend. Have to check with her first, though, if she's ready for a double date."

Jay again rolled his eyes at OA's smirk. "Okay, sounds good to me."

OA gave Jay a few ideas of what they could do in the city, and they agreed that they would be back in the office tomorrow morning for an official good-bye, before the short vacation would start.

Jay left the office to let Hailey finish her work without any disruptions from his side, he wanted to check with the hotel, and he wanted to prepare a nice, romantic evening for the two of them – their first real date, after all. He wanted it to be special.

He hadn't checked with Hailey if she was okay with him to move into her suite, but he didn't see any issues. Not after last night.

When he had settled everything with the hotel reception, he quickly gathered his stuff and moved everything into Hailey's suite – their suite. Then he went through the recommendations for restaurants and made a reservation for tonight. While he was scrolling through some ideas of what to do the next two days, Hailey returned to the hotel.

"Work done?" Jay greeted her.

She nodded, sat down next to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Yeah, all done. They want me to come back tomorrow morning, but I'm sure you know that already."

Jay grinned. "Yeah, OA said so."

Hailey looked at the door connecting the suite to Jay's old room, noticed that it was closed, then saw his bag on the floor. "You moved in?"

"I didn't think you minded." Please don't mind , he thought briefly, waiting for her reaction, with this puppy dog look in his eyes that Hailey loved. She couldn't hide a soft smile when she shook her head, leaned on his shoulder. "I would have suggested it."

"Phew, good," Jay answered. "Hey, may I invite you out to dinner tonight?"


"Well, we've got to eat, don't we?"

"Our first official date?" Hailey smiled at him warmly. "What did you choose?"

"Later," Jay just said. He smiled back at Hailey. "We've got a lot of time, you know? And I have some ideas of what we could do in the meantime."

"Oh, do you?" Hailey tilted her head, and didn't resist when Jay leaned in closer to kiss her. "I like your ideas, Jay Halstead," she laughed against his soft lips.

After a long shower together, very much like what they had wanted it in the morning, they went out to dinner. Jay had chosen a cozy restaurant, nothing too fancy, but not shabby either. Just the right level of intimacy, and food and drinks were good too. It was perfect for their first date.

Jay put his hands on Hailey's. "Are you okay now?" he asked. "Okay to go back to Chicago?"

"Yes," Hailey answered slowly, thinking about her answer. She wanted to be honest with Jay, so a simple yes wasn't enough. "I still don't know how to face Voight," she admitted. "And I don't know what the guys will think of me, now that they know..."

"Are you sure they know?" Jay asked. "I mean, they know some gangster holds you responsible for his brother's death. But they don't know the whole story."

"But you know, Jay."

"So? I didn't talk to anybody about that night. I was worried about you, Hailey, but I would never tell on you."

"I know, Jay."

"The guys will be fine, Hailey. And so will be Voight. He sent you here, and you passed the test, so there's no reason he should be anything but happy to have you back in the unit. Like all of us."

Hailey nodded, held tight to Jay's hands. "I don't know how I'd have done this without you, Jay."

"You would have done perfectly well," Jay answered.

"Still, I can't thank you enough for coming."

"Hailey, I'd travel to the moon and back for you, you know that."

She smiled at him, and he smiled back. "All right, enough of the sappiness. It's over, and I want to have fun with my boyfriend now."

"Oh, that sounds like a plan," Jay grinned. "I have quite a few ideas for a fun time."

They hurried back to the hotel, couldn't get there fast enough. When the door was closed behind them, they were already kissing hard.

This time they took it slow, unlike the night before, savoring every second. Playfully, slowly they took of each other's clothes, fingers tracing down the skin and lips following the trace of the fingers. For a long time, this was all they did, they wanted to touch every single part of the other's body, feel every muscle, every bit of smooth skin, make the other shiver with exitement.

They fell into an exhausted and satisfied sleep and didn't wake up until morning. But since Hailey didn't have to be in the office early in the morning, they spent more time in bed, just being together. They wouldn't have this luxury often once they were back in Chicago, so they wanted to enjoy it for the time being.

Hailey wasn't supposed to work anymore today anyway, and she knew that the team would probably have new cases, so they didn't want to distract them for too long. In fact everyone was busy when they arrived. Jay waited for her while she went from desk to desk, briefly talking to everybody, when OA joined him.

"Will there be a good-bye speech?" Jay asked.

"Oh yes."

"She hates that."

"I know, Jay," OA grinned back at Jay. "But she won't be able to avoid it."

In fact, shortly after this, Jubal stood in the middle of the room, thanking Hailey for her contribution to their team, their work, saying that he would like another collaboration between the two times in the future. Jay could see from a distance how much Hailey disliked being center of the attention, but at least it was a short speech. Barely an hour after their arrival, Jay and Hailey left the FBI building.

Outside Hailey held Jay back. Without asking he stopped, waited for her.

Hailey looked back at the big building, conflicting feelings in her heart. Yes, it had been quite an experience to work with the Feds, something she wouldn't want to miss. But the last few days had been difficult, tough for her. Being framed, without her team, at first without much hope. Still – Jay had come, as he always did. Jay had come to help her. Because they were best when they were together.

She squeezed his hand, smiled at him, and Jay smiled right back at her.

They spent the remaining few days doing all the touristy things one could do in New York City: A carriage ride in Central Park, a trip to Liberty Island, and a kiss on top of the Empire State Building – a long kiss. And they spent a lot of time in their hotel room.

Days in which they didn't think about the next crime to solve, about gang wars, drug deals, murders, or being framed.

The last night they met with OA and Mona, his girlfriend, for a good-bye dinner, and on Saturday morning they were back on the road, back to Chicago. Back home. A lot had changed, and it wouldn't be easy – Hailey was worried about how Voight would treat her now, after this case, what her position in Intelligence would be. If she and Voight would talk, what would the result be? And it would be a challenge to be back home as a couple, especially for Jay. He had been down this road before, and it didn't end well. But this time it would be different. They would have to figure out how to remain professional while not losing what they had. This amazing relationship. And Hailey knew they would succeed. She would do anything for their relationship, for Jay. Because she didn't want to imagine a life without Jay by her side.

Jay could sense that Hailey was worried, and even though he wasn't sure how Voight would react to this new development, he was determined to make it work. He would be the perfect boyfriend in their private time, and the best, most reliable partner on the job, the best detective he could be. He wouldn't give Voight any reason to split their partnership up again.

This time he wouldn't blow it. For them. For Hailey.

It was good to go home.

It was about time.

That's the end of this story, Hailey is going back to Chicago, where she belongs. I decided not to answer every single question, especially about Voight's behavior - decide for yourself, why he would act like he did.

Thank you all for your amazing support.