"Anko-sensei why was I put on a two-man squad?" I ask her.

We are sitting on the Academy's roof. I'm wearing my headband over my forehead. I'm also wearing a crimson red jacket with a mesh shirt underneath, black pants, and black shoes.

"Well, the higher up think you being on a normal genin squad would make things unbalanced. I don't why though you're just a gaki straight out of the academy neither Kakashi or Itachi got that deal so I don't know what makes you so special."

"I have an idea why. I guess I will just have to show you when you give me your test."

"You know about the true genin test?"

"Too many teams are used again from last year's class, so unless multiple teams become Chunin in one year there has to be another test."

"So you're a smart one. Well then let's see if you can think fast." She says right before throwing a kunai at me.

I grab the kunai using the air and place it right next to where her kneck will be when she gets out of shunshin. This catches her off guard.

"I would prefer if you were to wait until the test to stab me Anko-sensei."

"You can think fast as well maybe you are special." She says while pressing her breast against the back of my head.

"If you trying to make me flustered it won't work." I say while giving her a deadpan look.

"Ohhh, and why won't I be able too?"

"I have trained myself to stay focused against a kunoichi's attempts at seduction and I can sense you going for another kunai." I say while repeating in my mind that she is trying to stab me.

"Tsk, you're no fun. You're a kid why would you train for that anyway?" She says while getting off of me and sitting down in front of me again.

"We are shinobi and enemies will do anything to take us down. I don't want to get me or a teammate killed just because I couldn't keep it in my pants. I just want to be prepared for any scenario they throw at me. But if it helps your ego I can pretend to be the clueless Genin whenever you try to make me flustered Anko-sensei." I say with a smirk at the end.

"Hn, cheeky gaki. Well before I give you your test let's get to know each other. I'll start first my name is Mitarashi Anko. I like dango and my T&I work. I hate people who try to take my dango and traitors. My goal is to kill a certain snake. Now it's your turn."

"My name is Emiya Asahi. I like training, protecting/preparing the people I care about, and I might like fighting. I dislike doing things unprepared and people who are willing to use the people I care about against me. My goal is to become the strongest shinobi there ever was so that I can protect the people I care about from anything."

"I think I sense a theme from you. That's a very ambitious goal you have. Do you actually think you can do it?"

"With enough training yes I think I can."

"Well, we will see where you are at in power tomorrow. Meet me in front of the Forty-Fourth Training Ground at 0700 be prepared." She says and immediately shunshins away.


I'm standing in front of the Forty-Fourth Training Ground a.k.a the forest of death waiting for Anko. It's 0730 right now. She better not Kakashi me because I will make this test a bit painful for her if she does. Luckily for her, she appears shortly after me thinking that.

"Man the line at the dango shop today was ridiculous!" She says while having one in her mouth.

"Are you ready to give out the test Anko-sensei?"

"Yeah you want to do it now, but let's see if you are still willing once I tell you what the test is." She pauses for dramatic effect to see my reaction which I have none.

"Fine play it cool all you want. It doesn't change what's in store for you. Your test will be to find me in this forest and take this scroll from me. Don't worry I will have it on me visibly so you can have a chance. Once you have the scroll you must get to the middle tower. Come at me with the intent to kill or you won't have a chance. You have three days to do this."

She shunshins into the forest.

"Well let's make this quick."

I fly into the air and go to the tower in the middle. I use En to find where she is.

"There you are. Now let's see if I can have some fun with this."

I fly over to where she is and hover way above her.

"You made this seem a lot hard than it actually was." I say as she swaps at the location of my voice.

I'm using air vibrations to cast my voice from a place I'm not at physically.

"Ok, I'll admit. It's very impressive that you found me in just a few minutes. So how did you do it? Place something on me?"

"A shinobi doesn't tell all of their secrets. I think I will be getting that scroll now."

"You may be an impressive Genin, but I'm still a tokubetsu Jonin. It wouldn't be wise to underestimate me." She says while smirking.

"Carriage of Thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six! Bakudo number 61: Rikujokoro!"

Six planes of compressed air shoot into her and bind her movement.

"What the hell! I can't move!"

I move behind her and hit the back of her neck with a little bit of my aura knocking her out.


I bring us to the middle tower. It takes about a minute for her to wake up.

"What the hell hit me." She says after groaning.

"That would be me sensei. I still pass right? I know I didn't come at you with the intent to kill all but I did everything else." I say with a smug smile.

"How the hell did you do all of that?"

"I don't know you're not my official sensei yet so I don't know if I should tell you."

"Tsk, smartass. Yes, you pass now spill it."

"It's one of my clan techniques."

"I have never heard of the Emiya clan before."

"I would be surprised if you did. I'm the first member of my clan. I'm the son an Uzumaki and a clanless shinobi. My kekkei genkai allows me to do things others can't and my abilities were so different from the Uzumaki that I had to be apart of a new clan."

"Yeah, I think I understand now why you weren't put with other Genin. What was with the chant before?"

"It replaces hand seals for me. I have multiple jutsu that use chants that I made on my own."

"Was that your strongest one?"

"No." I say causing her to scowl.

"You didn't even use your strongest why not?"

"You would be dead if I did."

"Is that a fact?"

"Well, I guess I just have to show you." I say as raise my palm.

"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hado number 31: Shakkaho!"

A small ball of plasma the size of my hand is formed next to my palm and is shot out. It moves faster than lightning and disintegrates everything in its path.

"The numbers determine the power and they go up to 99. When I say I would have killed you I'm not boasting."

"Yeah, I can see that."

"My techniques are still flawed. I still have no experience in actual combat and if people knew my techniques they would be countered."

"I can at least help you in that area. We start missions tomorrow. Meet me in front of the mission office. Now let's get out of here."

"I can give you a lift if you want."

"Gaki I can at least run on my own."

I start to levitate.

"No, I meant I can give you a lift as in fly."

"Your kekkei genkai is bullshit. You can fly too?"

"This actually isn't my kekkei genkai. It's just wind release used with master control. I focusing on one element like how the second Hokage did for water."

"You better hope that you don't fight a shinobi that is good with fire release."

"Don't worry I got something to stop them."

"If you say so. Wait! If you are focusing on wind, what was that blast before!?"

"Air compressed into a small area and heated up with friction to make gas turn into plasma."

"Isn't plasma the stuff in our blood?"

"The other plasma. The thing scientists are testing right now."

"Whatever, so still doing the flying thing right?"

"Yeah just hold on tight."


I'm about to take my first mission. Since it's just Anko and me it probably won't be a D-rank so I'm looking forward to never doing those. I'm also excited to do my first one. There is also another feeling but I don't know what it is.

"Ok team 20 what mission rank will you be taking today?" Hiruzen asked us.

"A C-rank Hokage-sama."

"Hmm, let's see we have some guard duty and some bandit elimination. Which one do you want to take?"

"Bandit elimination Hokage-sama." She tells him.

"It is 16000 km to the west near the border. It should take a few days to reach it." He pasts her the scroll.

We leave the office after bowing.

"So you ready to do your first elimination gaki?"


"No cheeky comment?" She asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"This is my first mission so I'm just taking it seriously."

"Alright meet me in front of the gate in two hours."


I'm packing up at home. I make sure to have a change of clothes, food pills, and a kunai just in case. Before I go I decide to give Kushina some of my energy.

"Oba-san I'm going to be out of the village for a mission. I want to give you some of my chakra just in case something happens."

"Asahi-kun you don't have to worry so much. I'm inside the village and I have Naruto. You don't have to worry."

"It would put my mind at rest if you had it."

"Fine, you need to stop worrying so much. You can't stop everything."

For now.

"It's just who I am."

It only takes me 10 minutes to give her a good amount.

"Alright, I'm off Oba-san."

"Ok be safe and if you want to talk about the mission I'll be here to listen."

"Thanks, Oba-san."

I leave the house for the front gate.


I don't have to wait for Anko for long this time.

"Why is your bag so light?"

"Storage scrolls."

"You understand how to use a storage scroll?"

"I hope I would. I made them after all."

"You understand fuinjutsu?"

"I'm a master."


"I have been able to walk, talk, and read since I was three months old. I had a lot of time to learn."


"My kekkei genkai made me mature faster."

"Your kekkei genkai is bullshit. Alright, let's set out."

"Hold on I can get us there in a couple of seconds."

"Gaki it's 16000 km, not 16000 meters. It will take us at least a day of running you can't get there in a couple of seconds."

"If you don't believe me I can take us half the way there and you can check to see if I can keep going."

"Fine just try to not kill yourself to try and prove that you can do it."

"I won't."

I grab us and fly up into the air. I move us 8000 km in a second.

"Alright check."

"...how?" She says with shock evident on her face.

"I train at speeds faster than this every day. Can I go the rest of the way?"


I bring us above the camp.

"So we just have to eliminate the bandits right?"

"Yes. Let's go down outside of the camp and wait. We can take them out at night."

"I can just kill them all from up here."

"Gaki there are over 80 of them. There are too many to take out without some of them running away."

"I have a move that would solve that problem. This is a perfect situation to show where I'm at in power and skill."

"Ok gaki if some getaway you're chasing them."

"Deal, ...Seeping crest of turbidity, arrogant vessel of lunacy. Boil forth and deny, grow numb and flicker, disrupting sleep. Crawling queen of iron, eternally self-destructing doll of mud. Unite, repulse. Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness. Hado number 90: Kurohitsugi."

It only takes a second for the entire camp and everyone in it to be crushed into a small dark box. The ground looks like an empty brown smooth plane for about a radius of 50 meters of the box. Damn that still takes a third of my aura.

"So is the mission complete?" I ask her only to see her starring at me.

"Anko-sensei is there something wrong?"

"Asahi what are you feeling right now?" She tells me with a no-nonsense tone.

"I feel calm and a bit tired."

"Nothing else?"

"Other than a little anxiety due to this being my first mission then no. Should I not be?"

"You just killed over 80 people in a second. You don't feel anything else?"

"No, it was a job that didn't go against my morals. So I feel nothing about completing it."

"Ok let's go collect the box to show as evidence for the job."

We move in silence for the rest of the mission.


I think the Hokage was surprised we completed the mission so fast. He thought we reconsidered going only to get hit with the fact that we finished in recorded time. At first, he looked shocked but after Anko explained what happened he surprisingly looked concerned. I don't know why he would be. I was just doing my job. Everyone else does it and no one bats an eye. I do it and you start to worry about my mental state. They let Kakashi do it and he was five. So I should be fine.

"Gaki you will be on a week break."

"Anko-sensei I'm actually ready for more missions. I'm willing to do more."

"You will be on a week break or you will be seeing a Yamanaka."

"Fine, I will take a break."

"Good, we will meet here next week. Get some rest Asahi."


I arrived back home after giving my report.

"I'm home."

"Asahi-kun you're back? I thought you said you were leaving for a mission."

"I did, but I just flew Anko-sensei over to the mission and got there a lot faster."

"So how did the mission go?"

"Everything went fine. We eliminated the bandit, showed evidence, then came back home." I say as she looks at me with concern as well.

"Asahi are you alright?"

"Yeah, it was just a job. Why wouldn't I be fine?" I say with a raised eyebrow.

"This was your first elimination mission it's normal to feel some negative emotion about it."

"I have been preparing for this since I decided to be a shinobi. I never had any delusions about this job. I'm a hired killer so that others don't have to kill and I will be used as a war deterrent. This way the people I care about can be safe and happy."

This only makes her more concerned.

"Asahi that isn't everything a shinobi is. They're also protectors and have their own life goals and hobbies outside of the job. The people that you care about they care about you too. They want you to be happy as well."

"But I am happy? As long as I can keep them safe and happy I don't need anything else."

She puts her hands on my shoulders.

"Asahi promise me that you will find a hobby that you enjoy."

"Oba-san I told you I'm-"

"Promise me."

"...fine. I promise you I will find a hobby."

"That shouldn't be too hard so I expect you to have one soon. So when is your next mission?"

"Anko-sensei told me to take a break for a week. Don't know why though it was just a C-rank."

"Listen to your sensei. I think that was a wise decision as well we're not at war right now so you don't have to be so emotionless about doing your work. I think a week to rest would do you some good."

"Ok but I'm still going to train."

"That's fine but just make sure you don't train all-day like you usually do."

"If something comes up I'll do it."

"I'll be holding you to it"

"Ok, I'm off to go train for the rest of the day. I'll be back by dinner."


Two days into my break the main thing I have been training to do is gather natural energy. It's been a slow process because I don't know if I will immediately turn into stone or not so I'm taking it in at small amounts each day and writing down the results. Since I'm not being taught by a summon clans I don't know if I will start turning into an animal before I turn into stone. I was going to continue today before I was interrupted.

"Asahi-kun Hinata is here to see you!"

I wonder what this about. I head to the living room from the backyard to see Kushina talking to Hinata in hush tones. I could listen in but I feel like that would be rude.

"Hey Hinata-chan what brings you here? Need help with your training?"

"No. I heard that you were on a break for a week so I was wondering if you wanted to go grab something to eat." Hinata tells me.

I was planning on training today so I think of a way to tell her I'm busy. I start to scratch the back of my head.

"Yeah, I-" I say only to cut myself off when I see Kushina giving me a death glare.

"-I would like that yes let's go do that." I say to make her stop glaring at me.

"Great you have fun you two!" Kushina tells us acting like she wasn't just glaring at me just a second ago.


"So Hinata-chan where do you want to go?"

"I want some cinnamon rolls so I want to go to a place that serves them if that's ok with you."

"That's fine with me."

We go to one of the Akimachi owned restaurants. I order a plain sandwich and she orders a bowl of rice with chicken, eggs, and onions that's called Oyakodon with cinnamon rolls on the side.

"Asahi-kun aren't you going to order more? Won't you still be hungry?"

"Oh, this is just to hold me over. I'm saving my money up for a fuinjutsu project. I will just go hunt for some food later."

Yeah, the Konoha crush should be happening in a year or two. I need to make a lot of seals to knockout the sand-nin and to figure out how to seal away the Edo Tensei Orochimaru will be using.

"Oh, I can help you cook it if you want."

"It's fine Hinata-chan you don't have to. I eat a lot so I don't want to trouble you."

"Ok, but I'm still willing to do it."

"Thank you I'm grateful, but I can do it myself."

"So what's it like being a Genin?"

"I'm probably not a good person to answer this because my experience will be very different from others. For one I'm by myself with my sensei, I wasn't put with other Genin because of my skills, and I haven't done a single D-rank, unlike other Genin. Right after my first mission, I was forced into a week break and have been tasked with finding a hobby."

"You don't have a hobby?"

"Nope, If I'm not talking to/training you, talking to Naruto, or talking to Oba-san I'm training. I used to talk to Hanabi as well, but since I started training you our friendship has been strained. I'm happy so there's no need to worry."

There was an awkward silence for a couple of seconds.

"I'll help you find one." She tells me determination in her expression.


"A hobby. I help you find one."

"Hinata-chan you don't have to do that I'm happy already."

"Your right I don't have to I want to. You have done a lot for me. I don't know what I would have done for my confidence problems if you didn't help."

"You didn't need me to solve your confidence problems."

"It doesn't change the fact that you did. So I will help you now like how you helped me."

"Look Hinata I'm good I'll find it on my own."

"You had 12 years to find one, you had your chance now it's about time you get help."

"Fine fine, I'll accept your help. Just don't spend too much time on a guy like me. I don't deserve it."

"That's not up to you to decide."

"You're really too kind sometimes Hinata."


So the week break is up. I wasn't able to train as much as I wanted to because of a combination of Hinata and Naruto trying to find me a hobby. The only thing stopping me from dodging them to train is that I would feel like an asshole if I did that. It doesn't help that I feel like Kushina would find a way to hurt me if I did. Well, that doesn't matter right now because I get to do missions again. Which means more combat experience to improve myself.

"Alright, gaki this will be a guarding mission. It's a B-rank so we will probably be facing some enemy-nin." Anko tells me.

"Ok Anko-sensei. So where are we meeting the client?"

"At the front gate in an hour. Go get ready."


I don't know what we're guarding, but it must be important because there's also non-shinobi guards here as well. It's going to take us two days to reach the drop-off point. To keep myself busy I have been reading from the book of names while hovering slightly of the ground. I may look like I'm not being vigilant right now but due to AIr Senses, I know the general actions that are happening around me. I don't think Anko believes me because she will occasionally swipe at me and I have to dodge it.

"Thank you for testing my awareness Anko-sensei, but I would like to keep reading my book."

"Pay attention gaki we guarding right now so you got to focus on your surrounding."

"I am. I'm sensing everything in a 100-meter radius from me at all times. So I'm focusing."

"Fine just make sure you stay vigilant. We will be stopping to rest in the next town."



I'm taking the first watch for the night. This will be the first time that I'll have the chance to fight enemy-nin. I don't know why but I'm really excited. I know I shouldn't want this to happen, but I kind of want someone to attack us.

It seems like my wish was answered because I sense five people with Chunin level chakra circle around the hotel. I talk to Anko through the air.

"Anko-sensei five people with Chunin level chakra has surrounded the hotel."

"Ok Asahi protect the client and cargo I'll handle them."


She jumps out of one of the windows and comes up next to me on the roof.

"Ok, where are they?"

"Three of them are in the building in front of us on the second floor and two of them are in the back in the woods."

"If the ones in the woods start to attack before I'm finished engage them, but only if they start to attack."


She goes after the three. I set up a barrier over the hotel and fly above to watch the ones in the back. They appear to be Iwa-nin so any confrontation will be hostile. One of them starts to do hand seal and is about to touch a wall when he is blocked by my barrier.

"What is your business here Iwa-nin?"

"Tsk, tree-hugging genin. Garou take care of him."

Well, this would count as an attack so they're free game now. The one known as Garou runs towards me. He goes for a punch towards my head. I duck then swipe his legs. Right before I was going to slam my foot down on him he sinks into the ground. I don't have long to dwell on that because the one that sent him after me is sending a punch my way. I catch it and give him a punch to the gut using Ko to improve it sending my hand through his body. It turns out to be an earth clone.

"Rock formation 2" The one that appears to be the leader says.

He throws some shuriken at me. I knock it way using wind. The other one seems to think that this will catch me off guard and attacks me from behind. I jump over the attack. I create a small barrier so that I can launch myself at him while in the air. I knee him in the back of the head causing him to fall to the ground. He turns out to be an earth clone. Someone grabs my feet from underground and tries to pull me underground. I cut off his hands using wind but the leaves me open. Three pop out of the ground.

"Eath style Stone Pistol Jutsu!" The three of them say before shooting boulders that are half my size at me.

I don't have time to dodge so I go into Ken. I expect to feel some pain, but when the rocks hit me they break and I barely feel it. Then I started to feel…

-Break Change Pov-

That Genin was a lot more trouble than I thought he would be. He even cut off Daichi's hands! At least he's dead now. A Genin like that would have grown to be dangerous.

"Fuck my hands! The little shit cut off my hands!" Daichi says while screaming his lungs out.

"Don't worry Daichi! If we're fast enough we can save your hands!" I say to calm him down.

It was then I felt an invisible pressure hit my body. Shortly after that Daichi's head flew off.

"You know you guys are the first enemy-nin I had to fight. I was worried at first because I didn't want to get cocky and die." The Genin says.

"You bastard!" Garou yells while throwing a punch to the back of his head.

The Genin moves his head out of the way of the punch and then grabs his hand. He effortlessly throws him to the ground causing it to crack and steps on his chest.

"But even when I thought I had sensed you all. You had two people underground. That was some good strategy by the way." He says then immediately stomps on Garou's shoulder with enough force to rip off his arm causing him to scream.

I try to move but something is stopping me. I think it's a genjutsu but I can't break out of it. Kenchi starts to do hand seals and seems to be preparing a Stone Pistol Jutsu.

"When you guys caught me in that three-way Stone Pistol Jutsu I thought I was going to feel some pain but to my surprise-" He was cut off by Kenchi shooting Stone Pistol Jutsu at him.

He raises his palm towards the attack and it hits. It hits his hand but it does nothing. He moves behind Kenchi faster than I can see with Garou's arm.

"IT!" he breaks Kenchi's right arm with Garou's arm somehow.

"DID!" He then breaks Kenchi's left arm.

"NOTHING!" He then sends Garou's arm through Kenchi's chest.

"You guys had me worried over nothing!" He says while walking over to me and steps on Garou's neck. Snapping it on the way.

"But I got to thank you because you relieved my anxiety!" He no the monster says while putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Well it's been fun but I got to end it here." It smiles at me before shoving its hand through my heart.

Then everything went black…

-Break default pov-

That was fucking cathartic! They couldn't do anything! All the training has paid off! And!



I got way too kill-happy just now. I will have to rein that in so that doesn't happen again. But do I want to? I did have to get a hobby. I don't think Kushina would like it if I said the killing was my hobby. Well it's not necessarily the killing that I like it's more about the fight. Well I better clean up because there is a lot of blood.

I cut off their heads and disintegrate their bodies. It's around the time I seal the heads is when Anko shows up.

"The hell happened here!"

"Oh there was these Iwa-nin that tried to attack the hotel. I stopped them and they decided to try to kill me. I killed them and sealed their heads in this scroll. I don't have a bingo book so I'm going to check and see if they have any. And that's about it."

"Why is there so much blood!?"

"Oh don't worry none of it was my blood."

"...ok where are their bodies?"

"I disintegrated them."


"It's not like I was going to bury them and I couldn't just leave them here so I disintegrated them."

"We're talking about this when the mission is over. Go clean yourself up you look like you bathed in blood."



We finish the mission and head back to Konoha. Once we hand in our report Anko begins to drag me.

"Anko-sensei where are you taking me?"

"To see my friend Yamanaka Inoichi. You are going to talk to him about the mission that's an order."


We are waiting outside of his office. It doesn't take long for him to arrive.

"Thank you for waiting what can I do for you Anko?"

"I need you to have a session with this gaki here about his last mission."

"Ok, Emiya-san if you would please follow me."

I follow him inside of his office. I sit on the couch while he sat in front of me in a chair.

"So Emiya-san can I call you Asahi?"


"Ok Asahi-san what happened on your last mission?"

"Anko-sensei and I were tasked with guarding a client and his cargo. It took us two days to get to the destination. On the first night, seven Iwa-nin planned on attacking the client. Sensei took out three that were in the front of the hotel while I took out the four in the back. I originally sensed two but there was two other ground so I missed them. They tried to break through the hotel wall but I set up a barrier to stop them. I asked them why they were there and they decided to kill me. I then killed them. There were no other attacks after that so we finished the mission pretty easily. After finishing the mission we came back to the village, handed in our report, and now I'm here."

"How did you kill the Iwa-nin?"

"I snapped the kneck of one of them, cut off one of their heads, impaled one of them through the chest, and destroyed the heart of the last one."

"What did you feel afterward?"


"Can you explain why?"

"Before I made an ability that would wake me up if I'm about to be attacked. I used to sleep with thoughts that someone could kill me in my sleep. When I walked around outside before I made a sensing ability I would constantly think that someone could stab. I was fine with having these thoughts because I've learned to live with them. This was my first mission against enemy-nin and I'm just relieved because I have trained almost every day since I was one year old so that I don't get me or my teammates killed and this showed me that it was worth it. I was paranoid that I could get surprised attacked on a mission and just die or my teammate will just die, but now I know I have a chance. There are still things out there that can do that to me, but when that Stone Pistol Jutsu hit me and did nothing it made me feel safer inside."

He writes something down.

"Was that your first time killing?"

"No, my first killing was my first mission."

"What was your first kill?"

"I wouldn't be able to tell you because I used a technique that crushed the bandit camp that I was tasked with eliminating into a small box including everyone in it."

"How many people were there?"

"Over 80."

"What did you feel after that?"

"Calm. It was just a bandit camp to me so I wasn't worried."

"Do you think you have problems with paranoia?"

"A bit but training helps me."

He writes something else down.

"Is there anything that you want to ask me?"

"Yes is there any torture resistance training I can take?"

"W-we really only do that for Jonin."

"But can I take it?"

"I don't think that would be wise to do at a young age."

"So you don't think I should do it?"

"It's not necessary for you to do it right now."

"Ok that's all I wanted to ask."

"Ok that should be it for today. Have a nice day Asahi-san."

"You too Yamanaka-sama."

I walk out of the office towards Anko.

"How did it go gaki?"

"It went good. Sensei you do T&I work right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Would you be willing to torture me so that I can-"


"But you didn't let me fin-"

"No, and that final. Why do you even need torture resistance training anyway? You're a Genin there is no need for you to do that."

"I like to be prepared and I can do it now." I tell her which causes her to palm her face.

"Two weeks."


"You will take a break for two weeks."

"Am I doing something wrong?"

"No gaki you just need to slow down and relax a bit ok?"


That's fine. If I can't find someone to teach me properly I will just do the torture training myself. Seals can do anything after all.


It took me a day but I figured out how to make seals that target my nerves directly sends a signal of pain to the that travels to my brain. I have my room lock and have silencing seals on. I have three stopwatches. One is for how long I can stand while feeling the pain. The second one is to see how long I can stop myself from screaming. The third one is to see how long I can take it. I'm not allowed to count passing out.

I turn the seals on and immediately feel my body being burned. It only takes 10 seconds for me to fall. Another 30 seconds I started to scream my lungs out. I'm only able to last for another minute before I turn the seals off. A minute and 40 seconds is my limit right now. Well, I got some work to do.


It has been a year since I have become a Genin. I have done 33 C-ranks and 11 B-ranks. Increased my torture time limit to 10 minutes. Increased my speed a bit. I didn't want to tell Kushina about my fighting hobby so I decided to use cooking for my hobby. I have to make my own food a lot anyway so I might as well be good at it. But what I'm most happy about is having acquired sage mode.

For some reason, my hair turns white and eyes go silver, but who cares! When in sage mode I feel like I have a constant Ken and En on, all of my moves get a boost, and I have a lot more energy. I also got rid of the disadvantage of having to stand because I can gather in my Zetsu state and still move around. It only takes me two minutes to gather it now.

I can't keep thinking about that right now because Naruto will be graduating soon and we are going to tell him about Kurama. This is also the night where the scroll of seals will be stolen. I should probably stop that from happening. It's Mizuki so he shouldn't be a problem.

Hinata is coming over to celebrate as well. Guess there's family tension still.

So we're having dinner together right now. I helped Kushina cook we made ramen, Senzai, and cinnamon rolls. I like to say I'm a good cook. In my old life, I would cook a lot to save money so I got some experience from before.

"Congrats you two! So how does it feel to finally be shinobi!?" Kushina asks them.

"It feels great! Now we get to go on cool missions, travel the nations, and make a name for ourselves! One more step to being Hokage dattebayo!" Naruto says while fist-bumping.

"I'm just happy that I will get to prove myself. Hanabi-nee thought that I shouldn't be a shinobi and didn't have faith in me. But Asahi-kun did and I want to show that he wasn't wrong to do that." Hinata says while giving a beaming smile.

"You don't have to worry about that Hinata-chan you already have." I say while patting her head.

"But you know I just wish my little brother would just let me help become stronger, but no he has to have his pride and not take it."

"And I will keep gaining skill and power from something I earned. If I wasn't your little brother would you even teach your clan techniques to someone like me?"

"Fine, yeah I most likely wouldn't teach it to someone like you, but the offer still stands."

"I'll take it when I earn it Asahi-nii."

"Ok. Well speaking of training I have a gift for the two of you for graduating."

I place a glass full of water with a leaf on top in front of Hinata and unseal box full of balloons and rubber balls to Naruto. I look at Kushina.

"It's ok to give this to him right?"

Kushina nods.

"Ok Hinata use Gyo around your hands next to this glass of water and Naruto this box right here holds the steps to an A-rank ninjutsu. The first step will be to burst a water balloon the size of your hand using just your chakra."

"Asahi-nii I-"

"And before you say you didn't earn it you actually have, but it's a secret as to why. I won't even give you any tips unless you ask me."

"Fine, but you will tell me why later."

"The color of the water changed. Was that supposed to happen?" Hinata asked me.

"It's one of the things that could happen to it. That is the next hint towards how to develop your Hatsu."

"What does it mean?" Hinata asked me.

"You will have to figure that out yourself"

So Hinata is an Emitter. It's going to be difficult for her to come to that conclusion, but I won't tell her what it means.

I sense a large amount of shinobi move out from the Hokage tower. I got a lock-on Mizuki.

"Something has come up I will be right back." I say leaving before they can ask what I'm talking about.


So I'm tailing Mizuki right now. I follow him to the forest where he meets with Kiba. Wait why Kiba? He shouldn't be the dead last at least so why would he still the scroll?

"Hey, Mizuki-sensei I got the scroll without getting caught so I'll be ranked the top of the class now right!?" Kiba asked him.

Oh he's an idiot and doesn't know it's a crime to take it. He really shouldn't have skipped those classes on village rules.

"Yep good job, but you'll never be able to experience it." Mizuki says then immediately throws kunai at him.

I grab the kunai with the air.

"Woah Woah, hold up Mizuki-teme no need to stab the kid." I say from on top of a branch.

"Dammit! How!? I made sure no one was following me!" Mizuki shoats outraged.

"You're just a Chunin Mizuki you weren't going to be able to get away with this for long."

"What's going on!?" Kiba says with a panicked expression.

"Mizuki tricked you kid. Taking that scroll is a criminal offense. I don't know what he told you but unless you're trying to leave the village taking that scroll will just cause you problems."

"You damn brat you think you can talk down to me!? I'm a follower of Orochimaru-sama! You think you can handle me!?" He says then immediately takes out a vial.

Wait, noooo…

"This is one of Orochimaru-sama's inventions that will put me-" I cut him off by swiping the vial and knocking him.

The fucking filler exists here and there not even following the same timeline. Well, this changes things. I put a paralysis seal on him and pick him up.

"Alright Kiba, come with me."

"I'm going to be trouble aren't I?" He says while looking down and Akamaru whimpers.

"I'm gonna be honest with you, yes. Stealing the scroll of seals is a criminal offense that would land you in prison." I tell making him start to shake.

"But since Mizuki tricked you that most likely won't happen. You will still be punished because you did break the law, but not as severely as it would be normally."

"I just wanted to be someone that my clan can be proud of. I'm only really good at taijutsu and some of my clan techniques, but now I've gon and made it worse for my clan."

"Then work hard to bring it back."


"Work hard to bring your clan's honor from this event. Use this as a learning experience to not rush into things. You won't always have someone to bail you out especially as a shinobi."

"Do you really think I can fix this?"

"Well I don't know you personally Kiba but I know that with enough hard work people can do anything. So work hard Kiba until you reach your goal. Don't be like Mizuki here and try to cheat your way to your goals."

"Ok thanks man. Hey I didn't catch your name."

"It's Emiya Asahi. You can just call me Asahi."

"Alright thanks Asahi-san."

"No problem now hold on to me. I will take you to the Hokage so we can explain the situation."

"Ok." He says that and puts his hand on my shoulder.

I start to fly them upwards.

"What the hell!? You can fly!?"




After explaining to the Hokage what happened we were able to lessen Kiba's punishment to a reduction of his pay for a couple of months. I go back home once Mizuki and the scroll were returned. I was only gone for an hour so I gonna have to explain what I was doing.

"I'm back!"

"Where did you have to go?" Kushina asked me.

"Oh someone tried to steal the scroll of seals. Turns out it was Mizuki. He said that he saw a Genin steal. I thought that was suspicious so I followed him. Sensed that he was running into the forest towards a Genin level chakra signature and it turns out he tricked a Genin to steal it saying it was a secret test. I knocked him out, brought him in, lowered the kid's punishment, then I came back that's about it."

"Wait Mizuki-sensei was a traitor!?" Naruto asked.


"You don't sound surprised." Kushina says with a raised eyebrow.

"He just rubs me the wrong way so it didn't surprise me." I say with a shrug.

"How are you able to do all of this stuff without any problems Asahi-nii."

"A lot of training and my clan techniques. Well, it's getting late I'll walk you home Hinata-chan"

"Ok. Goodnight Kushina-san, Naruto-kun."

"Goodnight Hinata-chan be safe." Says Kushina

"See you in a week Hinata-chan!" Says Naruto.

Hinata and I leave the house and start walking to the Hyuga compound.

"So Asahi-kun what should I expect to experience my first month being a Genin?"

"D-ranks, lots of D-ranks. I've never done them because I'm the only Genin on my team. They are to help build teamwork. After your teamwork is good you will start C-ranks."

"Ok. How did you handle your first C-rank."

"Hinata you shouldn't follow my example on how to handle things."


"I try to be calm most of the time but I have a large amount of paranoia. I don't want you to be anything like me it's not healthy."

"Shouldn't get help for that then?"

"Probably, but it makes me strong and allows me to stand training every day. So I think there's enough benefit for me to have it. Sorry, probably shouldn't have said. Don't worry I'm fine everyone has their problems this is just mine."

We walk in silence for a couple of seconds.

"Are you sure that you're fine?"

"Yeah I'm fine you don't have to worry about me."

"But you said that you didn't want me to be anything like you because you said it wasn't healthy."

"It's unhealthy like eating a lot of sweets it's not that big of a deal. You don't have to worry." I say causing her to frown.

We reach the front gate.

"You promise you'll be fine?"

"I can't promise that because I can't see the future, but I will try my best."

"Ok. If you ever want to talk about it I'm here to listen."

"Thanks, Hinata-chan I appreciate it." I say with a slight smile.

She goes through the gate and I walk back home. I said a little too much there. Now she's going to worry about that. Got to make sure to not bring that up again. Well next up telling naruto about the fox in his gut.


"I'm back."

"Welcome back so how the walk?" Kushina says with a smirk.

"We talked for a bit on the way and she made it home."

"That's it?" She asks looking disappointed.


"Ok, well it's time to tell him about his tenant. Naruto, Asahi is back, come downstairs."

Naruto enters the living room.

"So are we going to have that important discussion now?" Naruto asks.

"Yes, Naruto what do you know about the Nine-Tails attack?" Kushina asked him.

"Uh let's see the Nine-tails attacked 12 years ago on October 10th. The fourth Hokage was able to kill it at the cost of his life."

"Well that's the story that the public knows. The truth is the Nine-Tails didn't die that night it was sealed into a child." Kushina says.

"What!? But the books say that he killed it. Why wouldn't he just kill it?"

"Bijuu can't be killed for long. They are living forms of chakra. If they are killed they will just reform over time and come back. That is why he had to seal into someone. Only a newborn would be able to handle the strain of having the Nine-Tails sealed inside them using the way he did it because their chakra coils are still developing. The only people who can handle having the Nine-Tails sealed inside of them are the Uzumaki clan. That is why he sealed it inside of you." I tell him with a serious tone.

"A-are you telling the truth you're not playing with me are you?"

"He's telling the truth Naruto."

"Why me?"

"Because he could only trust its power to his son." Kushina says.

"You can't mean…"

"The Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato is your father. This is only known by me, Oba-san, Kakakashi-san, and the Hokage "

"That's...that's a lot to take in."

"Sadly that's not all. The Kyuubi attack wasn't random. It was released and controlled by someone who wanted the Kyuubi. A masked man released the Kyuubi from the last jinchuriki that night and attacked the village. This is a secret known by me, Oba-san, and the Hokage. Minato defeated the masked man and released his control on the Kyuubi, but the masked man will come back for it even if it means killing you for it." I tell him to show how serious this is.

"I-is this why you tried so hard to get me to take your training? Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Yes that's why I wanted to train you. We didn't tell you before because you most likely would have told someone before by accident."

"I would have been able to keep that secret."

Kushina and I give him deadpan looks.

"Alright maybe I wouldn't have. So what do we do now?"

"You will start taking my training. We don't have a lot of time to get prepared, but we will get through this. I won't let some masked bastard kill you."

"Alright. Who was the last jinchuriki? If they are Uzumaki those that mean we have more family?"

"I was the last jinchuriki. The seal becomes weaker during childbirth. That's why he attacked on your birth. Also jinchuriki die when their Bijuu is extracted." Kushina tells him.

"Then how are you alive? Wait, are you dying!?"

"No no, Oba-san is fine. When the Kyuubi was extracted her chakra production was nonexistent and she was leaking chakra. I supplied her with chakra and taught her one of my clan's techniques to stop the release of chakra. She's not dying. However, since she's fully Uzumaki she was able to live for a bit after the extraction. If that were to happen to you not only would you never be a shinobi there's also a chance that you will immediately die from it due to only being half Uzumaki."

"Ok, that's good. I was worried."

"Ok now get some rest your training starts tomorrow."

"Alright, I will get through this no problem dattebayo!"


It has been a week since I started Naruto's training. He's not the dead last this time, but that doesn't change the fact that his chakra control is shit. To get past that I told him about the shadow clone memory aspect early. I used Hatsu to forcibly make him release chakra from all his tenketsu. It took him an hour to get Ten even with clones. We are now going over Zetsu, Ren, and Hatsu. And surprise surprise Naruto is an Enhancer. Now I'm just waiting for him to get back from team placements.

"I'm back!" He says from the door.

"Good, what took you so long?

"Hey don't blame me blame Kakashi-sensei! The jerk made us wait for three hours!"

"Ah so Kakashi-san is your sensei. Who are your teammates?"

"Sasuke-teme and Hinata-chan."

Well that's different. I didn't really care for Sakura anyway so I'm fine with this. If things go according to plan Hiruzan shouldn't die this time so Tsunade might not get out of her drunken stupor for a while.

"So when's your Genin test?"

"Wait you knew!? Why didn't you tell me!?"

"I thought you like earning information and it's fun to see the shock on your face."

"You can be a real jerk sometimes." He says with the fox squinty eyes.

"Oh if you think I'm bad right now you're going to hate what I'm gonna have you do for training later." I say while smiling at him.

"W-well you can't train me today I have to get ready for my test tomorrow. I have to get to training ground seven by 0600 and I can't eat breakfast." He tells me causing me to laugh.

"Hey, what's so funny dattebayo!?"

"Oh no, don't mind me you go do that little bro!" I say then continue laughing.

"Fine, don't tell me! I'm going to go eat a bit more tonight so don't be surprised if I eat your share." He stomps into the kitchen.


I'm helping Kushina cooking dinner right now. We are waiting for Naruto and Hinata to finish their test.

"So you think they will be fine?" Kushina asked me.

"Oh they will be fine."

"You sound confident about that."

"Let's just say my clan techniques are really unfair to fight against when you don't know what they are."

"Don't be too confident. Kakashi is a Jonin and a good one at that."

"Oh I know it's still unfair."

"We're home!" I hear Naruto say.

"Welcome home guys." I tell them.

I see Kakashi, Naruto, and Hinata coming in. Guess Sasuke isn't willing to be a full team player yet.

"Long time no see Kakashi-san. How was it like fighting your Genin? Any surprises?" I say with a smug smile.

"Well I was expecting to fight some normal Genin only to find out that one them has a move that can take a person out with one well-placed attack." Kakashi says with an eye twitch.

"Wait you were taken out by a group of Genin Kakashi!" Kushina asked, seemingly shocked.

"Ah cut him some slack he expected to fight normal Genin. Not ones with abilities no one has heard of. So how did you go down?"

"I think I'll let them." He says then takes out his Ichi-Ichi book.

"Kakashi unless you want me to burn that trash I suggest you put it away while you're in this house" Kushina says with a sickly sweet smile.

He immediately puts away the book.

"We were awesome dattebayo! Well, not in the beginning. Kakashi-sensei tried to trick us with the bell test. He said that the one who didn't get the bell would go back to the academy. At first, I thought I would be able to take him on if I tried hard enough but he dodged all of my attacks without even trying. He even got behind me once and-"

"Hey uh we don't have to talk about that. Talk about what happened afterward." Kakashi says in a panic.

"Huh? Ok so yeah I couldn't do anything. I was about to attack him again before Hinata-chan dragged me away. It turns out she was convincing Sasuke-teme to help take down Kakashi-sensei. I didn't understand why at first, but then she explained it to me. Tell them what you told us Hinata."

"Well I realized a lot of things that were off about the test. He told us to come early, but came three hours late. He told us not to eat breakfast, but that would only make us less effective. He says that someone would go back to the academy, but every single team is a four-man cell. The only one that isn't is Asahi's but that's due to special circumstances. He's also a Jonin so we shouldn't be able to take him down straight out of the academy. Forcing us to go against each other wouldn't be the right thing to do to help teamwork. It's one of the reasons why we do D-ranks in the beginning. All of this was pointing me towards thinking that Kakashi wanted to test our teamwork. So we made a plan to take sensei out together."

"The plan was for me and Sasuke to distract sensei so that Hinata can strike him. She said she had a move that if she is able to land a hit on him that he will go down. Sasuke was attacking him with ranged attacks while I was using my clone. He tried to replace himself with one of my clones, but I was able to see his cha- I-I-I'm mean-"

"It's fine Naruto I trust Kakashi to know a bit about the techniques." I say to wave off his concern.

"Ok sorry," Naruto says while scratching the back of his head. "I was able to see his chakra and it's different from how mine acts so he wasn't able to hide using my clones. We finally landed an attack on him, but it turned out to be a shadow clone. He then came out of the forest clapping and said 'You guys are the first team to pop my clone. Well done, now I think I'll take this more seriously. Now for a lesson on Ninjutsu.'. Sasuke launched a fireball at him and it seemed like he got him, but when the fire went away he was gone. We looked to see where he was and it turned out that he was underground. He grabbed Sasuke and pulled him under. Right, when sensei got out of the ground Hinata came in really fast and attacked him. He brought up an arm to block the attack and hit her away immediately afterward, but that was all we needed. I'll let you explain why Hinata."

"I knew that sensei was looking for because my taijutsu would be very dangerous. So I hid my chakra and activated my Byakugan so that I could keep track of him. I was waiting for an opening so that I could land a hit on him. Once I saw him go underground I knew this was my chance. Once he came out of the ground I rushed in and attacked. I knew he would hit me away once I landed it, but the plan would work as long as it landed. I developed a technique that allows me to send my chakra into someone's chakra pathways and close their tenketsu as it goes along. It only took 2 seconds for all of sensei tenketsu that were used for ninjutsu and taijutsu to be closed."

"A-amazing the gentle fist was dangerous before, but this is a whole other level." Kushina says with shock.

"Yeah Hinata was awesome dattebayo! So once sensei could barely move we took the bells and dug Sasuke out. He tried to trick us by saying we had to choose who got the bells, but once we explained why the bells were only there to divide us he said we passed. We ended the day with him saying 'In the ninja world those who break the rules are scum. But those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.'. After that Kakashi had to tell the Hokage we passed and we came back here. We invited Sasuke-teme to dinner, but he said he would rather go home."

"Well good job you guys I had no doubt that you would pass. Now it's going to boring for guys for a bit" I say to them while smiling.

"What do you mean it's going to be boring for us?" Naruto says.

"Maa maa don't ruin the surprise Asahi-san." Kakashi tells me.

"What surprise?" Naruto says with a bit of agitation.

"You're right I shouldn't." I say with a smirk.

"Hey what surprise!?" Naruto says a bit louder this time causing everyone to laugh.

"You too Hinata-chan!? This is so unfair dattebayo!"


It has been three months since team 7 has passed. When they have free time I train Naruto and Hinata. Other times I'm either training or on a mission with Anko. Team 7 just went on the wave mission a couple of days. I'm waiting to see if they will call for backup. Small differences have been happening in this timeline so I just want to be safe. The seals that I placed on Hinata and Naruto that will tell me if more than 3 jonin level chakra signature, a kage level chakra signature is around them, they are dying, or experiencing a large amount of pain hasn't gone off yet so they should be fine.

"This isn't like you gaki. You're usually itching to go on a mission, what's going on?" Anko says while narrowing her eyes at me.

"I'm just waiting until a mission I like comes in."

"Don't you like elimination missions?"

"I due I'm just not feeling it right now."

"Ah-huh and this totally doesn't have to do with your brother going on his first C-rank?"


"Come on Asahi it just a C-rank have a little-"

An ANBU member comes down in front of us.

"The Hokage has ordered your presence." The bird masked ANBU said.

"Alright let's go gaki."

It only takes us a few seconds to get to his office.

"Thank you for coming quickly. Team 7 has called in backup for their mission. It was labeled as a C-rank, but they were attacked by multiple shinobi. It has been bumped up to B-rank and might actually be A-rank. There are no other teams that can be sent out for this, so we will be sending you to assist them."

"Hai, Hokage-sama." Anko and I say together.

He hands us the scroll and we leave the office. Anko then looks at me.

"Just because their team called for backup doesn't mean that it was right to constantly worry about them on a mission. They're shinobi now, their life will be put in many life or death situations. You are going to have to let them experience danger." Anko tells me in a stern voice.

"I know I know, I just can't help it ok."

"Fine, you'll learn eventually that you can't do everything."

I know I can't, but that doesn't mean I'll stop trying. So the wave mission has changed as well. Well then let the wave arc commence. I already feel excited about it.