Hello everyone to this new chapter! Now I apologize for taking so long with this chapter, but life just loves to kick people in the nuts when you are not looking. But now let's get this with some reviews and then we will get on with the story.

Guest #1: While the idea of giving Metal Elementor two mores arms is a nice idea. I won't do that for him on a permeant basis. But the idea does have some merit and I plan to use your idea in away later on in the story.

Guest #2: I had a plan on that as well. You will see that in this chapter. I hope you continue to like this story.

Naruto, Max Steel and Senran Kagura all belong to their respective owners. I own none of them! The only thing of these I own are some video games that I legally bought. Please don't sue me.


Naruto-verse- Hinata, Ino, Satsuki, Shion, Temari, Ryuzetsu, an OC (Tsunade's daughter) and Sasame

Senran Kagura verse- Yumi, Ikaruga, Asuka, Hibari, Yagyu, Hikage, Miyabi and Ryoki


"Flashbacks, thoughts and telepathy"
"Yelling, Biju, Jutsu's and demon talking"

(Locations and Music)

Chapter 4: Finding Tsunade and Metals strength

(The next morning)

After last night's excitement, the group is now getting ready to start the day and help find Tsunade. Well, most are.

"Where is Jiraiya?" asked Kurenai.

"I think he said that he was going to go look into something. But most likely his is going to go peep on some women." Said Naruto.

The girls growl at that. The mission was taking longer than expected and it is because of Jiraiya and his peeping.

"This is getting us nowhere! I like women as much as the next guy, but I don't spend every waking hour trying to intrude on their privacy." Said Kiba with Akamaru barking an agreement.

"I agree. We need to move on and find Tsunade. The longer we wait the more likely we will lose her." Said Shino.

"I agree with you on that Shino and that just makes this much more suspicious." Said Naruto.

"What do you mean Naruto-kun?" asked Hinata.

"The entire time we have been with Jiraiya he has been leading us on the longest paths to each place. He takes extra-long times peeping on women and even longer in trying to pick up on women. It is like he is trying to stall for time for some reason." Explained Naruto.

The group goes silent at that. It does seem like Jiraiya is stalling for time for some reason. But before they could think of some way to stop that, a voice cuts thru the air.

"DOBE!" yelled the voice.

The group turns and sees Sasuke standing down the street with a very angry look on his face.

"Sasuke? What the hell are you doing here?" asked Naruto.

"Shut up! I am asking the questions here dobe!" yelled Sasuke

"Excuse me? You seem to forget that I am now a Jonin and you are still a Genin. With that in mind you should watch what you say to me." Said Naruto with a bit of anger in his voice.

"I don't care if you're the damn Hokage! Where is Itachi?!" yelled Sasuke.

"That is why you are here? Itachi left last night after we pushed him and his partner back." Said Naruto.

"Where did he go?!" yelled Sasuke.

"Does it look like I know? Even if I did. I would not tell you." Said Naruto.

Sasuke goes over and grabs the front of Naruto's vest and glares at him. "You will tell me now so I can avenge my clan dobe!"

Naruto smacks Sasuke's hand off his vest. "Okay first, do not grab my vest. I just got it and I don't want to ruin it just yet. And second, even if told you it would not matter. Itachi would mop the floor with you in a second. And why do you need to avenge your clan? You have your mother and the other survives of that night. Your clan has over a hundred members. They don't need to be avenged." Said Naruto.

"Shut Up! You don't know anything! My father was murdered along with the elders and the strongest amongst our clan! And Itachi needs to be punished for his betrayal!" yelled Sasuke.

"Then what can you do? You just said that Itachi killed almost all of the strongest members of your clan. What can you do against him?" said Naruto.

Sasuke is boiling in anger. The dobe still refuses to tell him were his brother is. But a stray thought enters his mind. "What do you mean by almost all? He did kill all of the strongest members." Said Sasuke.

"No, he did not. I mean Mikoto-san is still alive after all." Said Naruto.

"She is not strong! She is weak since she is a woman. All that women are good for are breeding and that's it!" yelled Sasuke.

The women of the group narrow their eyes at Sasuke for that comment. Kiba and Akamaru growl at the Uchiha because he cares about his mother and sister. Shino stares at Sasuke like normal but there is a lot more buzzing from his bugs from that comment. But it was Naruto who reacted to what was said.

"Never say that in front of me." Said Naruto in a low voice. "Women are stronger than men. And it is because of Mikoto that you and your sister are in this world. Don't ever forget that."

"So what?! It was her job to bring me into this world and that's it! That is what my father told me, and he was always right." Said Sasuke with the typical Uchiha mindset.

Naruto growled at that. But he then said something that would set the arrogant Uchiha off. "If your father was so great then why was he cut down so easily?" asked Naruto.

It was at this point Sasuke snapped. He roared at Naruto and threw a punch to his head. But Naruto grabbed Sasuke's arm and threw the spoiled prick away.

"Damn you dobe! I will make you regret ever saying that about my father! Chidori!" yelled Sasuke.

Sasuke then attacked Naruto with the Chidori. But Naruto does not move. The group was about to intervene but Sasuke moves too quickly to be stopped. The Chidori hits Naruto right in the center of his chest but for some strange reason the move doesn't break Naruto's skin. The group and Sasuke were shocked at that but then something moved underneath Naruto's clothes. From underneath Naruto's clothes came out multiple bone spikes. The spikes piece Sasuke's shoulder, left hip and his right foot.

"Did you really think that I was going to let you hurt me?" asked Naruto. "Fool. This just proves my point that you wouldn't last a minute against Itachi."

Sasuke was now on the ground. He looked up at Naruto with hate in his eyes. "Damn you dobe! Give me your power! It belongs to the Uchiha clan!"

"Genin Sasuke, stand down now!" yelled Kurenai. "You are in violation of being here and just attacked a high ranked shinobi. Don't make this any worse for yourself."

"Fuck you! You don't order me you damn bitch! I am the superior ninja here!" raved Sasuke.

Kurenai was now seeing red at that. But before she moves to throttle him, someone else gets to him first.

"You damn baka!" yelled a voice. Then the sound of birds was heard. The same sound as a Chidori in use. The group turns to see Satsuki running down the road with a Chidori active in her right hand and an anger scowl on her face. She then runs over and hits her brother in the side with the Chidori. The move was at low power, so it only knocked Sasuke out not dead.

"You stupid bastard! I cannot believe that you would do this." Said Satsuki.

"Hey Satsuki. Here to pick up the idiot?" asked Naruto.

"Yeah the Hokage and Kaa-san were not happy that this idiot ran off. We were sent out to find this moron and bring him home for punishment." Said Satsuki.

Naruto nods to her at what she says. Naruto then gains a questioning look on his face. "What do you mean by 'We?'" asked Naruto.

Before Satsuki could answer, Jiraiya finally showed up.

"Hey gang what's up?" asked Jiraiya.

But before the group could ask where the hell Jiraiya had been a voice rang out for the whole village to hear.

"Dynamic Entry!" yelled out the voice. Jiraiya was then kicked into a series of buildings, trees, a group of old people and went thru a cabbage cart until he finally came to a stop in a women's bathhouse. He was then thrown out of the bathhouse and landed on the outskirts of the village.

The group looks on for a minute before the women laugh at what just happened to the super pervert. While Naruto, Kiba and Akamaru were rolling on the ground at the site of Jiraiya. Shino looked on with his usual look but was lightly chuckling at what happened to Jiraiya.

"Never fear! The beautiful green beast of Konoha is here!" said the man that kicked Jiraiya.

"Nice entrance Gai-sensei. But you hit Jiraiya by mistake." Said Naruto.

Everyone in the group, except Gai, laughed again. After they were done laughing, Satsuki and Gai wrapped up Sasuke and returned to Konoha. Naruto and co found Jiraiya in a large crater on the outskirts of the village. They tied Jiraiya up with chakra rope and placed seals on it to make sure he can't get out. They then begin to drag Jiraiya to their next destination.

(Iwa/Tsuchikage Tower)

"I see. So, the blasted Yondaime had a son. Then the sins of the father will be paid by the son. I want two teams of shinobi to go out and bring his head back to me." Said the Tsuchikage, Onoki.

"Yes, Tsuchikage-sama!" said a Rock ANBU. The ANBU left the room just as the door was swung wide open by a young woman.

"JIJI!" yelled the woman.

"Yes, what is it Kurotsuchi?" asked Onoki.

"I heard that the Yondaime Hokage had a son. Is that true?" asked Kurotsuchi.

"Yes, it's true. Minato Namikaze has a son. He is currently on a mission to find Tsunade Senju and bring her back to Konoha for some reason." Answered Onoki.

Kurotsuchi narrowed her pink eyes in anger. "Then I want in on the mission to kill him. I want to be the one to bring his head back to Iwa in glory and to ease the pain of those who died by Minato's hands."

Onoki is silent for a moment. He then speaks up. "Very well then. You may go with the two squads that are going to kill him." Kurotsuchi nods her head and begins to leave the room but is stopped by her grandfather. "But be careful. I don't want to lose you like I lost your mother or your brother. So, be on your guard."

"Of course, Jiji. I will be back with the cursed Namikaze's head in time. See you when I get back." Said Kurotsuchi.

Onoki watches as his granddaughter leaves the room and cannot help but feel that something will go wrong and that he won't see his granddaughter for a long time. He pushes this feeling down and believes that it's just his old fears that he gained after living thru so much death and watching many die. He believes Kurotsuchi will return home soon and with the mission a success.

(Kumo/civilian council member home)

"Is this report correct?" asked a man.

"Yes. Three unique shinobi's and four bloodlines out of Konoha. And one of them is the Hyuga we tried to gain years ago." Said another man.

"Yes. The Hyuga, Yuki and Uzumaki bloodlines in one place. And the Uzumaki has the Wood release. Four powerful and rare bloodlines in one place and ripe for the plucking." Said the first man.

"We need to send out some of our loyal shinobi to claim them all." Said the second man.

"I agree. But the Raikage must not find out what we are doing until the three are here in Kumo and that the women are pregnant with children." Said the first man.

"Of course. We failed with the boy's mother and with capturing the Hyuga girl the first time. And now with them and the last Yuki in the world, Kumo will become stronger in the future just as it should be." Said the second man.

"Yes. Send out three teams of shinobi to capture them and bring them here immediately." Said the first man.

(Tanzaku City one week later)

For the past week the group made good head way in finding Tsunade. Thanks to a few spies they found out that Tsunade and her group are in the city, and her gambling her money away once again. The only problem is that no one knows who the other two people of Tsunade's group is. One is a young man around the age of eleven and the other is a woman around the age of fourteen.

For now, the group made their way into the city to find Tsunade.

"Ok, we have finally arrived." Said Naruto.

"Finally! It took us so long to get here!" complained Kiba.

"I agree. But thankfully we are here." Said Shino.

"Hey! I get it that it took us longer than necessary, but I had to check in with my spies to find Tsunade." Complained Jiraiya.

"And all of your spies were in women's bathhouses?" asked a skeptical Kurenai.

The group give Jiraiya dirty looks as he looks away.

"No matter. We are here now. Let's go look for Tsunade. But first." Naruto then goes thru two different handsigns with each hand while also biting on each thumb before he does. "Spider Summon, Fox Summon Jutsu!" Naruto then slams the ground with his hands and two puffs of smoke appear in front of the group. From the smoke comes a house cat sized spider and a normal sized fox.

"Hello Naruto-sama. How may the spiders help you today?" asked the spider.

"Yo! How's it going Naruto?" asked the fox.

"Hello Gento, Hatima. It is good to see the two of you again. Listen I need eyes and ears within the city. We are looking for Tsunade Senju. Also be on the look out for anyone with ill intent. We were attacked a week ago and I don't think we are out of danger just yet." Said Naruto.

"Of course, Naruto-sama. The spiders will help you with your search." Said Gento.

"You got it Naruto! The foxes will be on the lookout for any suspicious people." Said Hatima.

The two summonses then left in a puff of smoke.

"Alright with the spiders and foxes it will be a lot easier to find Tsunade and to aware of any incoming threats." Said Naruto.

"Naruto-sama. Where did you get those summonses?" asked Yumi.

"During the month-long training for the chunin exams I found the scrolls in the forest of death. After a long conversation with both summon bosses, I became the summoner for both the spiders and the foxes." Answered Naruto.

"That is very cool Naruto-sama. But I thought that you could only have one summon at a time?" asked Yumi.

"Well that is normally true. But due to my insane levels of chakra, I am able to have multiple summons at once. From what the bosses of the spiders and foxes tell me, I can have up to four summonses at once." Said Naruto.

"Dude, that is so cool! Why didn't you use them during the chunin exams?" asked Kiba.

"While it's a good idea to show of what you can do Kiba. It is also a good idea to keep some secrets in reserve just in case." Said Naruto.

Shino nods his head. "That is logical. We are ninjas. The less our enemies know about us the easier we will have in a fight."

"Okay guys. While I am impressed with Naruto's summons as well, but we need to go and find Tsunade. So, let's go." lied Jiraiya. But as they walked Jiraiya fumed on the inside. "Damn It! He has two summonses already and he can have two more in the future! This is getting out of hand. I need to remove him from the board or get rid of the power he has now. I just hope that Iwa or Kumo gets here soon and deals with this annoyance already."

After a few hours of searching the group finally found Tsunade in a bar in the middle of the city.

"Ok, my spiders and Shino's bugs have found Tsunade and her group in this bar. So, Jiraiya, Kurenai and I will go in and talk with Tsunade first. The rest of you will stay out here and make sure that she nor any of her group leaves." Said Naruto.

The group nods their heads in agreement. Naruto, Jiraiya and Kurenai enter the bar. There they see Tsunade drinking high-priced sake'. Her assistant Shizune is near her with Tsunade's pet pig Tonton in her arms. Next to Shizune is a young woman that looks like Tsunade when she was younger with pale blue hair and green eyes. Next to the young woman is a boy around the age of eleven with blonde hair and brown eyes. The boy seemed to be bored out of his mind while the girl and Shizune looks like they are angry with Tsunade.

"Lady Tsunade you need to stop. We are almost out of money and we need it to get a room tonight." Said Shizune.

Tsunade spoke with a bit of a slur. "Its fine Shizune. We still have plenty of money left."

"Not really. You spent most of it in the casinos again." Complained the young woman.

"Oh, stop worrying Mito. I just know that my luck will change soon." Assured Tsunade.

Naruto was about to approach the group when Jiraiya yelled out.

"Hey! Tsunade-hime!"

"Idiot." Thought Naruto and Kurenai.

Tsunade and her group looks over to the voice and see Jiraiya and the group.

"Oh great, the super pervert. What the hell do you want Jiraiya?" asked Tsunade.

"Oh, I was just in the area and wanted to see you. And maybe even get that date I always wanted." Joked Jiraiya.

"Like hell I would ever date a pervert like you. I have standards you know." Answered Tsunade.

"A good decision." Said Naruto.

Tsunade's group look over at him. Shizune then sees her old friend Kurenai and goes over to say hello and catch up with her. The woman named Mito looks at Naruto with a calculating look. The boy however has stars in his eyes at seeing two Jonin from Konoha for the first time.

"Hey what have got against me?!" complained Jiraiya.

"How about the fact you tried to peep on the three women in our group and the fact that two of them are my fiancés does have a factor in play." Said Naruto as he glares at Jiraiya as he looks away.

"Still up to your old tricks huh Jiraiya. When are you going to get out of that?" asked Tsunade.

"Never! I will be a super pervert for the rest of my life." said Jiraiya proudly.

"Be careful Jiraiya. If you're not, you won't live for much longer." Said Naruto with a lot of anger in his voice as Jiraiya sweat a lot as it fell down his face.

"Why are you here Jiraiya? I don't have time to deal with your bullshit." Said Tsunade.

The Konoha group then sits down at the table to talk.

"Ok. The reason we are here is this. We need you in Konoha." Said Jiraiya.

"And what makes you think that I would ever set foot in Konoha ever again." Said Tsunade.

"Look we were attacked two weeks ago by Orochimaru." Said Jiraiya.

This gets Tsunade and Shizune to widen their eyes. Mito is curious as well while the boy is confused by what is going on.

"Sensei was attacked, and it was only by luck that he survived." Said Jiraiya.

"I see. Did Orochimaru escape?" asked Tsunade.

"No. He was killed." Said Naruto.

"Oh? Who killed him?" asked Tsunade.

"You're looking at him." Said Naruto.

Tsunade widens her eyes again at that. She then looks at Jiraiya and Kurenai for confirmation and they both nod their heads.

"Well I must say that is impressive for one so young." Said Tsunade.

"Thank you, Lady Tsunade. But we need to get to the reason as to why you are needed in the village." Said Naruto.

"And that reason is?" asked Tsunade.

"Well, we need you to be the next Hokage." Said Jiraiya.

Tsunade's eyes widen once again as well as Shizune and Mito's.

"Hell no! I won't take that fools job!" yelled Tsunade.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Naruto with a bit of anger in his voice.

"I mean as I said. It is a fool's job. The job of a Hokage is nothing but pain and suffering." Said Tsunade.

"Your grandfather and your granduncle would disagree." Said Naruto.

Tsunade looks at Naruto with anger in her eyes when he says that.

"Don't talk to me about them! They gave their lives for Konoha and all that they got was nothing but death as payment. As did the Yondaime." Said Tsunade.

"The Yondaime saved the village from the Kyubi. He saved the village that your grandfather and uncle built. You should have more respect for the dead." Said Naruto with his anger raising.

"Shut Up! What do you know! You have lived a cushy life while I had to watch as my family and loved ones die! And as for the Yondaime, he should have just let the village burn for all I care." Said Tsunade.

She then went to take a drink of her sake' but before she could she was punched out of the bar by Naruto. Naruto then ran out after her while Kurenai, Jiraiya and Tsunade's group ran out to stop the brawl that was going to happen.

"Damn, is that what it feels like when I punch someone?" asked Tsunade. She then turns around to see Naruto walking towards her. "And what the hell is your problem?"

"My problem right now is you. You who spit on the sacrifice of your family and mine. You think you know my life?! I did not have an easy life in Konoha! Most of the time I had to sleep with an eye open at night. But I will still lay down my life to protect it since it is my home. But I will not let you disrespect my father's sacrifice!" yelled Naruto.

Naruto then channeled the power of the Earth Elementor. Naruto's body gained a rock like appearance. His back gained a hump, his arms got bigger as did his feet. On his face is a pink orb that acted like an eye for him to see.

Tsunade and her group is stunned at what they are seeing. This young man just changed into a giant Earth monster with ease.

"What the hell are you?" asked Tsunade.

"The one who will knock some sense into you!" said Naruto.

"Like hell you are going to knock sense into me you damn runt!" yelled Tsunade.

The Sanin and Elementor glared at each other for a moment. They then ran at each other, Earth Elementor shook the ground as he stomped towards Tsunade. The two then threw a punch at each other that connected with each other. When the punch's met they created a powerful shock wave that shattered every window on the block. Earth Elementor then used his control over the earth to make earth shackles on Tsunade's feet. Earth Elementor then punch Tsunade in the gut and face.

Tsunade then spat out some blood from her mouth. She then used her titan strength to break free of the shackles. She then jumped up and punch Earth Elementor in the shoulder. However, it barely did anything to the beast. Earth Elementor swats Tsunade off his shoulder. He then threw Earth spikes at the Sanin. The female Sanin then dodged the spikes but grabbed the last one and then used it as a club to knock Earth Elementor off his feet. Tsunade then ran forward with the earth spike in hand she was about to slam it into Earth Elementors head, but he disappeared into the ground.

Earth Elementor then jumped out of the ground and slapped Tsunade into the ground. Tsunade at this point is seeing red in anger and frustration. She then puts even more chakra into her fist and runs toward Naruto. Earth then runs toward Tsunade as well. They both reel their fists back and punch each other. The punch kicks up a lot of dust and dirt. After the dirt was gone however, the two groups are shocked to see both combatants still standing. But Earth Elementor is now missing his right arm!

"NARUTO!" yelled Hinata and Yumi.

"Oh Kami." Said Mito and Shizune.

"Huff, puff. Well runt, ready to give up now that you are down an arm?" asked a tired Tsunade.

Earth Elementor then looks at his arm and then back at Tsunade. With what can only be described as a smirk since you can't really tell. Earth Elementor slams his right side into the ground, he then pulls his body up and his arm is now back on. He then turns to Tsunade and chuckles at her.

Tsunade widens her eyes at that. "Oh shit." She says.

"So, ready to admit that you are wrong old hag?" asked Naruto.

"Never! And why are you angry with me anyways?" asked Tsunade.

"I told you I will not let you spit on my fathers sacrifice." Said Naruto.

"And who is your father?" asked Tsunade.

"I will give you a hint. Who was the only Hokage with spiky blonde hair?" asked Naruto.

"Tsunade's eyes widen once again. "You lie! You can't be his son!"

"And why not?" asked Naruto.

"I was told that Minato's and Kushina's son died that night! I was told that the sealing failed and that he died due to the Kyubi's corrosive chakra!" yelled Tsunade.

"I am their son. And I can prove it." Said Naruto.

"Then prove it! Prove to me that you are their son." Said Tsunade.

"Very well." Said Naruto.

Naruto then changed back to normal. He then made the Rasengan in one hand and had the Uzumaki chains come out of his back. Tsunade and her group is in total shock at what they are seeing. Tsunade and Shizune know of the Rasengan and the Uzumaki chains. While Mito is shocked to see the chains. The young boy has stars in his eyes at what he is seeing. But for one more push Naruto even does the wood release in front of Tsunade which shocks her even more.

"Is that enough proof for you?" asked Naruto sarcastically.

Tsunade and her group is shocked by this development. Tsunade then walks over and looks into Naruto's eyes and sees both Kushina and Minato in his eyes. Tsunade then grabs Naruto and pulls him into a hug.

"It really is you. I thought I lost you on that night." Said Tsunade as tears came down her face.

Naruto is confused at this. "Why are you crying?" he asked.

Tsunade lets go of him and looks at Naruto. "Did no one tell you?" she asked.

"Tell me what?" asked Naruto. While this is going on Jiraiya is slowly moving away from the group. In a vain hope of escaping before the inevitable.

"I am your godmother. I was supposed to take care of you should anything happen to your parents." Said Tsunade.

Naruto widens his eyes at that. "Then why didn't you?" asked Naruto with a bit of anger in his voice.

"Naruto. When I came to Konoha years ago to help your mother with your birth I was two days too late. When I got to Konoha I was told that not only did Minato and Kushina die but that you were also dead as well. That the Kyubi's chakra killed you since you were to young for it." Said Tsunade.

Naruto is stunned by that but before he could ask her a question, Kurama spoke up.

"She speaks the truth. Not once did she lie to you Naruto."

"But why would someone stop Tsunade from raising me?" asked Naruto.

"Is it not obvious? Someone wanted you isolated and alone. That way you would be easier to control."

"If that is the case. Then they would still be trying to keep me on a leash. Then the first step is to find out who told Tsunade about my supposed death." Thought Naruto.

The Konoha group had been silent for awhile now. They were all shocked by Naruto and Tsunade's battle and now the reveal that Tsunade was to be his godmother.

"Damn I had no idea that Naruto was that strong." Said Kiba.

"I agree. That Earth monster form was very impressive." Said Shino.

"Yeah that was very cool. I am just glad that Naruto-kun is okay. But he is still going to be in trouble with me later." Said Hinata.

"I agree Hinata-sama. Maybe we should have him give us a massage for scaring us." Said Yumi.

Kurenai smirks at what the girls say. At least they try and keep Naruto on a short leash.

Naruto then looked at Tsunade. "You said that you were told that I died right?" he asked.

"Yes. When Shizune and I came to Konoha we were both told that you had died." Said Tsunade.

"Who told you this?" asked Naruto.

"It was…." Started Tsunade before her eyes widened. She then gained a murderous look in her eyes as she turned to the super pervert who at this point was trying to get away from the two groups. "JIRAIYA!" yelled out Tsunade in a dark voice.

Naruto snapped his head towards the super pervert and saw that Jiraiya was trying to leave. Naruto then used an earth jutsu to hold Jiraiya from moving.

Jiraiya tried to escape but was stopped by the earth shackles and then a hand to his throat in the form of a chokehold.

"Now Tsunade-hime. Listen to reason." Pleaded Jiraiya as his started to lose the ability to breath.

"Reason? You are asking me to see reason?! You lied to me! My godson is alive, and I just found this out! And that was after he kicked my ass!" roared Tsunade.

"I know that you are mad but there is a good reason why I had to lie to you." Said Jiraiya.

Tsunade lets go of Jiraiya's neck and then punches him in the stomach. "Oh, I know what your reason is Jiraiya. That damn prophecy that your obsessed about. Sensei told you to stop your obsession, but it seems you need to be taught a very painful lesson in listening to your betters." She then cracked her knuckles as she talked.

Jiraiya began to sweat at this. But it got even worse when Naruto spoke.

"Hey Tsunade. Can I get in on this? I mean he did stop me from having you raise me so I would like my pound of flesh if you don't mind?" asked Naruto.

"Sure Naruto." Said Tsunade.

Naruto grinned and turned back into the Earth Elementor and cracked his Earthly knuckles as he chuckled. It got even worse for Jiraiya when the rest of the groups wanted in on the beating. The only ones to not partake in the beating was Shino and the young boy from Tsunade's group. Jiraiya could only scream in terror as the beating begins.

(5-star Hotel two hours later)

We now see Jiraiya in a full body caste on a hotel bed. And I do mean full body caste, there was nothing of him that you could see not even his hair.

The rest of the groups had gone out to relax until they had to leave for Konoha. Hinata and Yumi had Naruto give them both a massage and were now resting. Kiba and Akamaru had gone out to get some food while Shino went to a park to locate a few bugs that he did not have. Kurenai and Shizune went out to buy some new clothes while Mito and the young boy now known as Nawaki are buying supplies or in Nawaki's case some toys to play with on the way to Konoha. And the best part? All of this spending is being done on Jiraiya's dime.

"Ahh. Now this is the life. A 5-star hotel room, great food and drink and being pampered like a queen. And not a single cent of it is mine that is being spent." Said Tsunade.

"I agree. Maybe we should steal the pervert's money on a regular basis." Said Naruto.

Tsunade chuckles at that. "Naruto, how long do you think I would have to be Hokage until you take the job?"

"About a year. The law states that I need at least one year of experience as a Jonin. So, you just need to deal with the paperwork for a year and then you're free." Said Naruto with a smirk.

Tsunade rolls her eyes at that but smiles at it all the same. "Jerk. Sigh, fine I will be the Hokage. But you better not die on me or will bring you back and kill you myself."

Naruto smirks at that. "I wouldn't have it any other way." The two then laugh at that. Naruto after he calms down askes Tsunade a question. "So, when did you have children?"

Tsunade is shocked by that question. But before she could deny it, Naruto speaks up.

"And before you can deny it. Mito was your grandmother and only the Uzumaki's use that name. And Nawaki looks like your little brother just with your looks." Said Naruto.

Tsunade can only smile a little at that. "Technically I didn't have children. Years ago, I found out that my lover Dan Kato had some of his sperm put on ice. But due to me being to old to give birth the normal way, I asked Shizune in being a surrogate mother and had Mito first and then three years later she and I had Nawaki. The reason why I was late to Konoha for your birth was due to Mito being born on the same day as you. After finding out that you and your parents died, I didn't want my children to be in the same village that took so much from me. I am sorry Naruto. If I had known that you were alive then I would have taken you out of the village years ago." Tsunade now had tears in her eyes as she spoke.

Naruto goes over and gives Tsunade a hug to calm her down. Tsunade returns the hug and is grateful that Naruto doesn't hate her for what happened to him. For the next few hours, the group had a blast and a half in the city. The group is now back in the hotel room having lunch when a puff of smoke appeared in the room.

From the smoke can a fox. "Naruto! We got trouble!" yelled Hatima.

The group, except for Jiraiya seen he is still in the full body caste, look towards the fox who spoke.

"What is it Hatima?" asked Naruto.

"Three squads of Kumo nin are on their way to the city and they are after Hinata, Yumi and You! Also, we got two squads of Iwa nin in the city right now and they are here to kill you and bring your hand back to Iwa!" yelled Hatima.

The group gasps at that. Hinata is now scared by the Kumo nin due to what happened years ago. While Yumi is having flashbacks to the day she saw her mother being murdered. Naruto helps both girls calm down from their panic attacks with Kurenai and Tsunade helping. After that Naruto turns to the fox.

"Thank you, Hatima. Tell your brothers and sisters to get out of the city. And tell all spiders to leave as well." Said Naruto. Hatima nods his head and leaves in a puff of smoke.

"What do we do now?" asked Kiba.

"We will need to fight both groups. But who will fight who?" asked Shino.

"I will deal with Iwa alone." Said Naruto.

The group looks at Naruto like he is crazy.

"Like hell you are! I am not going to lose you after I just met you!" yelled Tsunade. The rest of the group also voices their opinions on this, but Naruto stops them.

"Look I know that no one like this. But Iwa is here for me and me alone. If we try to fight both Iwa and Kumo at the same time, then we will most likely lose people. If all of you fight Kumo then you will successes in your fight. A while I take on Iwa I can make sure that the damage will be low. I can do this, believe in me." Said Naruto.

The group is still a little reluctant in letting Naruto go out to fight Iwa alone, but they know that when he puts him mind on something then nothing will stop him.

Tsunade then goes over to Naruto and hugs him. "Promise me that you will survive. Please, I don't want to lose another family member." Said Tsunade.

"Don't worry Baa-chan. I will see you all after this." Said Naruto.

Tsunade gains a tick mark on her head at the Baa-chan comment but lets it slide for now. She then takes out a necklace and puts it around Naruto's neck. "This necklace once belonged to my grandfather. I hope that it will protect you." Said Tsunade.

"Thank you, Tsunade." Said Naruto. Naruto then looks at his friends and speaks. "Don't worry about me guys. Work together and I will see you all after the fight."

Hinata and Yumi give Naruto a hug and kiss him on his cheeks. Naruto returns the hugs and kisses.

Naruto then begins to walk out of the room but as he does Mito seems to see something no one else does. Naruto for just a moment changes from a blonde man to a tall man with tanned skin with dark eyes and waist-length black hair. He wears a dark red armor worn over a simple black shinobi uniform. It only lasts for just moment before Naruto changes back to normal.

"What was that? Why did Naruto change into Hashirama-Jiji?" thought Mito.

Her thoughts were cut off when Tsunade spoke up. "Ok time to go. Mito, you and Nawaki will stay here and stay safe. And make sure that the pervert doesn't move." Said Tsunade.

"Hai. Tsunade-sama." Said Mito. The group then starts to move towards the door but Tsunade stops and turns to Mito.

"Also, you can call me Kaa-san from now on." Said Tsunade with a bright smile on her face.

Mito and Nawaki smile brightly as well. "Hai, Kaa-san." Said Mito.

The group is stunned at that except for Shizune. They then shake it off and continues to the battle grounds.

(Kumo fight)

The 36 Kumo nin were walking down the road to their destination. Their mission is to capture three ninjas from Konoha and bring them back for the purpose of breeding a new bred of ninjas for their home. But just as they were about to enter the city. They were attacked by large boulders being thrown at them and five of them were crushed by the boulders.

The rest of the Kumo group look to see Tsunade Senju standing in their way and cracking her knuckles.

"I hear that you guys are here for some Konoha shinobi. Well you found them." Tsunade snarled out.

The Kumo group takes out their swords and prepares to fight. They were then ambushed by a large group of bugs and Kiba and Akamaru. A few members were killed by the bugs and the Inuzuka with his partner. The group was then placed into a large genjutsu by Kurenai while a few were frozen in place by Yumi and a few others had their hearts stopped by some gentle fists to the organ.

The fighting went on for a few minutes until only two remained. Seeing that the fight was over, the two Kumo nin tried to flee but were then captured by Kurenai in a genjutsu.

"Nice work everyone." Said Tsunade. "Everyone is alive, and no one is badly hurt. And we have two Kumo nin as prisoners."

The group nods their heads at that. They then hear a massive roar in the air.


"Whoa! Was that Naruto?" asked Kiba.

"Yes. But I don't think that was his Ultimate form he used against Orochimaru." Said Shino.

"How do you know?" asked Kiba.

"Well the roar we just heard was deeper than the Ultimate form's roar we heard during the battle. Plus, he did tell me that his Ultimate form was too dangerous to use in a closed place like this." Said Shino.

The group who was in Konoha who saw the form nods their heads at that. Naruto's Ultimate form while powerful it was too dangerous for tight places like this city. The group then puts the Kumo nins into scrolls for travel later and begin to walk towards where Naruto was fighting.

(Iwa fight)

Kurotsuchi leads the 24 nin behind her. She made it clear that she is in charge of the mission on the first day. She maybe young but she was trained by her grandfather at a young age to be strong. As the group enters the city, they notice that there are no civilians are out on the streets right now.

Kurotsuchi raises her head as a means to tell her group to stop moving. She looks around to see why there are no civilians around. She then moves out of the way to dodge a blast of fire and wind. The blast hits eight of her allies as they die in pain. Kurotsuchi grits her teeth at this. She turns to see the one they are here to kill, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze.

"Damn you and your bloodline! Do all you Namikaze's love to kill those who come from Iwa?!" yelled Kurotsuchi.

"Hey! You and your group came here to kill me for what my father did in a war! It's not his nor my fault you and all of Iwa still hold a grudge for him winning the war!" yelled Naruto.

"Damn you! I will kill you and bring your damn head back for all to see!" yelled Kurotsuchi.

The group of Iwa nin then start firing off jutsu's at Naruto. Naruto dodges them and fires off his own jutsu's at the Iwa nin. Lava, earth and dust came from the Iwa nins. Wind, fire, lightning and combinations of the three were fired by Naruto and was able to kill around nine more Iwa nin. Kurotsuchi was now angry. Her opponent was killing her allies and she could do nothing to stop him. It's not like she cares about these people, but she needs them in order to kill this bastard. She then used a jutsu to stop Naruto from moving and then fired out a lava jutsu along with the rest of the Iwa nin fire a lava jutsu at him as well.

Kurotsuchi smiled at this. Her opponent has finally fallen. But before she could order the last of the Iwa nin to collect Naruto's head. Kurotsuchi hears laughter from where Naruto was. She watches as the smoke clears and then widens her eyes at what she sees.

In Naruto's place is a monster made of metal. It is massive around 50 feet tall with a hump-back with metal spikes on his back. Its skin is silver in color with yellow on different parts of its body and red soul crushing eyes. Its teeth are sharp enough to cut through steel.

"Hehehehehe. Did you really think that I was that easy to kill? I am a lot like my father, I don't die easy." Said Naruto in his Metal Elementor form.

Kurotsuchi was seething at what is now in front of her. She almost won, but just like his father, Naruto also brought out a trump card at the last second to win the damn fight. But she will not fall here. She will win and kill this bastard.

"I don't care what it will take, I will kill you!" screamed Kurotsuchi.

"Then show me what you can do!" yelled Naruto.

Kurotsuchi and the last of the Iwa nin run towards Naruto as he roars at them. The Iwa nin fire lava and dust jutsu's at Naruto but his metal body stopped all of these attacks with ease. Naruto grabbed one of the Iwa nin and ripped him in half. He then made his shuriken and threw it at two more and tore right threw them. Naruto then made his spiked-ball and launched at a few nin and killed them and then spun it around a slammed it into a few more Iwa nin killing them. Naruto even used his steel release to make metal spike form from the metal head bands the Iwa nin wore to kill them. After a few minutes only Naruto and Kurotsuchi are the only ones left alive. Naruto had no damage on his body while Kurotsuchi was on her knees panting with blood coming out of her mouth and her left eye closed with blood coming down from her head. She looks up and glares at the monster in front of her with all of the hate in her body.

"Damn you. Why? Why can't you just die?!" Kurotsuchi yelled out.

"Simple, I have people that are waiting for me. And I can't die just yet. Now, time to end this fight." Said Naruto.

Kurotsuchi closes her eyes so that her enemy doesn't have the pleasure to see fear in her eyes. As she waited for the end she thinks to her grandfather and to the few people in Iwa that are her true friends.

"Sorry everyone. Looks like I am not going home." Thought Kurotsuchi.

Kurotsuchi then felt a pain go thru her body as she falls to the ground.

Naruto turns back to normal and goes over to the downed Kunoichi. He checks for a pulse and finds one.

"Sigh, thank goodness Yumi taught me how to use senbons." Said Naruto. He then takes the senbons out of Kurotsuchi's neck and puts them away.

At this point the Konoha group walks up to Naruto just as he puts the senbon away.

"Nice job Naruto. Is she the only survivor?" asked Tsunade.

"Yes. Hokage-sama." Said Naruto with a smirk.

Tsunade and the Konoha group either smirk as well or smile at that. "I am not the Hokage. At least not yet. Now let's pack this girl up and get going to Konoha. I really do not want to be here when Iwa and Kumo finds out what we did to their shinobi."

"This job is not a safe profession. Any Kage would know that." Said Naruto.

Tsunade nods her head at that. "I agree. The job of a shinobi is not easy and there is a high chance of death in even the easiest of missions. But Kages are also human and since one of those Kages is an old man child who hates to lose, I still don't want to be here when shit hits the fan."

The Konoha group nods their heads at that. Naruto seals away Kurotsuchi for transport to Konoha. She will remain in the scroll until they get home.

"Now then. Let's go pick up Mito and Nawaki and our belongings and head home." Said Naruto.

With that the group heads back to the hotel and grabs all pf their stuff and the other three members of the group. Due to Jiraiya being in a full body caste, he was placed in a sealing scroll as well. The group then went to the roof and Naruto turned in his Ultimate form and carried them to Konoha.

To be Continued

Completed on July 23, 2020

Damn that took longer than I would like but you know how life is. I hope you all like this chapter. And I hope you continue with this story. Until next time, have a good day and stay safe out there.