Percy hurried out of number five Privet drive, just wanting at least a few moments away from his disgusting oaf of a stepfather. As he was walking away he saw a boy in the front garden of the house across the street from his own. He knew the boy, he was Harry Potter. Harry had some similarities to Percy. He had messy black hair, and he also seemed to be quite thin. some of the differences between them were that Harry's clothes seemed to be several sizes too big. Percy also knew why that was the case, Harry's clothes were hand me downs, from his cousin Dudley. Because Percy already knew Harry, he also knew that Harry also had green eyes, but they were a different shade of green than Percy's own eyes. "Hello Harry," Percy said. smiling at his friend.

Harry was supposed to be tending to his aunt Petunia's garden so he glanced nervously back at the house behind him. He didn't want his aunt and uncle to think that he was skiving off his chores by talking to Percy. He wanted to talk to his friend though, so he replied to Percy. The two boys talked, as they talked Harry glanced back at the house a couple more times, nervous that his aunt and uncle would find him, and he was sure if they did see that he was no longer doing his chores, he would probably be locked in his cupboard for at least a few days, and probably not get much food.

As the weeks before Percy would have to leave for Hogwarts passed, he tried to find opportunities to speak to Harry again. He liked him, and they had been friends for a while. Several years ago when the Dursleys had been looking for someone to watch Harry when they had to go somewhere and didn't want to take him with them, Percy's mom, Sally, had offered to do it, and now she did it almost every time they didn't want to take Harry somewhere. There were times when Sally couldn't do it, but during that time Harry and Percy had become friends. Unfortunately during the rest of the summer they couldn't get many more chances to see each other. That was mainly due to Harry's aunt and Uncle, and Percy's stepfather.

Finally the day that Percy had to leave for Hogwarts eventually came. When Sally took Percy to the train station, they noticed a family of redheads walking toward the barrier that led to platform nine and three quarters. Sally guessed they were probably the Weasleys. She had heard about them plenty of times, but most of the time the slur blood traitor was also included in the statement. Of course Sally didn't agree with the prejudices her parents had. she was sure that the Weasleys were nice people, and that they were definitely nicer than most of her own family had been.

She wasn't sure how many children the Weasleys had, but it seemed that this year they were sending three sons off to Hogwarts.

Minerva Mcgonagall had given Sally Percy's ticket for the Hogwarts express, and explained how to get onto the platform. Now Percy and Sally were seeing the three Weasley boys run through the barrier while pushing the trolleys that held their trunks.

When he thought about doing the same Percy had visions of running at it and smacking his face against the hard brick wall. Percy's common sense told him that if those redheads had made it through fine, he and his mom probably could too, but the nervousness still lingered in his mind.

"It will be alright Percy," Sally reassured when she noticed his obvious nervousness. Nodding Percy started to push his trolley forward, and gradually moved faster, hoping he wouldn't crash. Sally followed behind him. Percy was relieved when he went through the barrier without crashing, and his mum was right behind him.

For a few moments Percy stared at the bright red train that would take him to Hogwarts. Percy was both nervous and excited about his new school, he was excited to learn magic now that he knew it was real, and he was hoping that he wouldn't end up getting expelled, because he always seemed to get into trouble and hadn't stayed in a school for more than one year yet in his life.

Percy could see many other families on the platform, talking and saying their goodbyes. He noticed the family of redheads who had gone through the barrier before them.

"Good Luck Percy, please try not to get into trouble," Sally said, before hugging her son. Percy hugged her back and said I'll try mom,"

They continued to talk for a few minutes before Sally told him he should go get on the train.

"Goodbye mom," Percy said as he started to walk toward the train.

"Goodbye Percy," Sally replied, knowing it wouldn't be long before she would be missing him. She didn't like having to send him to boarding schools every year, but she had to do it to keep him safe. She wasn't sure if the spells that protect Hogwarts would also deter monsters but either way she just hoped he would stay safe.

Percy walked through the train looking for an available compartment. He walked past a compartment full of older students who might have been fifth or sixth years, and Percy saw one of the redheaded boys among them.

Percy continued walking through the train as he walked by a compartment full of girls, one of which had bright pink hair. Percy finally found an empty compartment so he decided that it would do. He went in, closing the door behind him. He wasn't there alone for long because a brown haired boy came to the compartment door and asked, while pointing at the seat across from Percy, "Do you mind if I sit there?" Percy said he could. At first glance Percy thought the boy was a first year like him, but after he entered the compartment and sat down across from him, Percy started to have doubts about his initial assumption.

What caused him to doubt it was that the boy, who had said his name was Grover Underwood, had the beginnings of a wispy beard on his chin.

"Is this your first year?" Percy asked awkwardly, still uncertain about this guess.

"Yes," Grover Confirmed.

The two boys were talking when they heard someone else approach the compartment door. Percy recognized the boy he had met at the robe shop, if he remembered correctly his name was Cedric Diggory.

Cedric also joined them, and after introducing himself to Grover, he asked, "What house do you think you will be in?"

Percy replied, "I'm not sure, maybe Hufflepuff or Gryffindor,"

Cedric and Grover admitted that they weren't sure what house they would get sorted into either. The three boys continued talking as the train made its way to Hogwarts. when they were almost to Hogwarts Percy and Cedric had to change into their robes. Grover was already wearing his robes, Percy guessed that he had probably worn them to the station.

When the train pulled into Hogsmeade station the three boys hurried off the train. They weren't sure where to go until they heard a man calling, "First Years!"

They turned in the direction of the voice, and Cedric explained, "That's the groundskeeper, I'm pretty sure his name is Hagrid,"

Percy and Grover nodded in acknowledgement before turning and going with the other first years toward the tall hairy man.

Grover and Percy ended up in a boat together while Cedric ended up in a different one. All three of them were in awe of the huge castle that towered over them as they were in their boats on the lake. The castle seemed to grow larger as they got closer and closer to it.

After they got out of the boats they were led toward it. Once they were inside, about to be sorted, they were all a little nervous mainly because they didn't know how they would be sorted. When Professor Mcgonagal returned and led them to the great hall. Once the sorting started Percy stood nervously, he knew it wouldn't be long before it was his turn since he was sure she would be calling him by his real last name, Black.

Several students were called before he heard, "Black, Perseus,"

His name seemed to catch the attention of many of the students and even some of the teachers were watching with interest. As he walked toward the stool to be sorted, he caught some of the student's chatter. one in particular said, "That one's a Slytherin no doubt,"

Percy knew that most of his relatives had been Slytherins, his mother had told him that, but he was sure he wouldn't end up in that house. but then a wave of nervousness hit him, what if he did end up in Slytherin? what would his mom think? Everyone else would assume he was just like his relatives when in reality he was the opposite.

From what Percy understood, At least the majority of the slytherins believed in the pure blood prejudices that had caused his mother to have such a terrible childhood. His mom had taught him that everyone deserved to be treated equally regardless of blood status or race or any other reason for that matter. He didn't like that people were assuming what he was like just because of relatives he didn't even know.

He nervously sat on the stool, and put the old sorting hat on his head. He only saw darkness as it fell over his eyes. Moments afterward he was startled as he heard a voice in his head.

The voice said, "Interesting, a demigod,"

"What!" Percy responded in both surprise and confusion.

"Oh nothing dear boy. Hmm, you are brave even if you don't know it yet, but you are also very loyal. Where should I put you? Well, certainly not Ravenclaw, Unlike many in your family you are definitely no Slytherin,"

Percy let out a sigh of relief. He didn't want to deal with everyone thinking he was evil.

The hat continued, "Hmm… Gryffindor or Hufflepuff,"

The hat was silent for a few moments before shouting, "Hufflepuff!"

Percy removed the hat and walked toward the Hufflepuff table, content with the hat's decision. The pink haired girl he'd noticed on the train beckoned him over and made room so he could sit beside her. She introduced herself as Nymphadora Tonks, Apparently she was in her sixth year. They were also technically related. Percy talked to her and some of his other new housemates as he watched the rest of the first years get sorted. Cedric was also put in Hufflepuff and he sat down beside Percy.

When it was his turn Grover Underwood nervously approached the stool, he knew what he needed to do, he was sent to Protect Percy after Chiron had been informed that there would be a demigod going to Hogwarts this year. Grover hadn't even known about the magical school Until Chiron had told him that he would be going there. Hecate had reluctantly agreed to help by giving Grover the ability to use the same kind of magic the wizards use. After he made it to London he had done what he was supposed to, he'd bought supplies for Hogwarts using some wizard money that Chiron had given him. He'd sat with Percy on the train, and now he knew he would have to try and get in the same house as him too. Once his name was called he walked over and sat on the stool and the hat observed his mind with interest. "I'm guessing you want to be placed in the same house as the Black boy," The hat spoke to him.

"Yes," Grover confirmed.

The hat replied, "Much like him you could also do well in Gryffindor, but if that's what you want, Hufflepuff!"

Grover quickly removed the hat and went to the Hufflepuff table and sat between Cedric and Percy. they watched and listened attentively as Dumbledore gave his speech, after that the feast started, on the table in front of him was so much food Percy almost couldn't believe it. After the feast Percy and the others followed their Prefect to the Common room. They watched as he Tapped Helga Hufflepuff on one of the barrels near the kitchen, before the entrance to the common room appeared. He showed them where their dorm was before leaving them to their own devices. Many of the first year Hufflepuff boys went to bed early that night, but as he was trying to fall asleep Percy was thinking about Something the sorting hat had said. It had called him something, a demigod, but what even was a demigod, it didn't make any sense. Still confused, Percy fell asleep.