A/N: Some of my ideas in this story were inspired by Lauriverfanboy1. Thanks for letting me use them.

The last thing Kara remembered was Looking up at Oliver and the Anti-Monitor fight the new earth was forming above them, then the explosion as Barry and Sara raced up to where Oliver was dying. The next thing she knew, she was in the Monitor's Realm.

"Where am I?" Kara asked.

You have been brought to my realm because when Oliver Queen beat the Anti-Monitor, my powers were returned and now I am going to send you to this new earth in the year of 2012. The reason I am sending you that year is because that is the year the Mr. Queen started his crusade and it will be good to have all of you heroes there at the same time in case the world needs you to team up again." Said the Monitor.

"So, Oliver is alive on this new earth? Is he the same Oliver from the old universe?" Kara asked.

"Yes, he is the same Oliver that you know. Barry Allen has also been sent to this earth. It is good that you will all be on the same earth this time around." said the Monitor.

"Anything else I should know before I go?" asked Kara.

"Yes, everyone that was gone because of your universe being destroyed has been returned to the living although there will be some differences on this new earth that you will become aware of once your memories are joined with your doppelganger's." the Monitor said.

"So, my mother is alive?" asked Kara.

"She is very much alive. So, are you ready to go?" Novu asked.

"Yes, you can send me now." Kara said.

"Good luck Kara Zor-El." said Novu.

When Kara woke up, she found that she was in an apartment bedroom but it didn't look the same as before. She decided to get up and walk around. When she was out to the main living room/kitchen area she saw that there was someone cooking breakfast and her first thought was "Aunt Astra."

When the woman turned around to look at her, she realized that there was not a strand of white hair in the woman's hair. She couldn't believe it. It was her mother.

"Mom?" Kara asked.

"Kara are you ok? You look like you have seen a ghost." Alura said.

"Yeah, I am fine. Just had a weird dream. Give me a minute and I will be alright." Kara said.

Kara sat down for a second and gave her memories a chance to catch up with her. She ended up finding out that her mother came to earth from Argo a couple of year ago and they had bought an apartment together. She also figured out the after spending a year as Kat Grant's assistant, she had been promoted to reporter. She was also being groomed to take over the company in case Kat decided that she wanted to leave like she did in the las universe. Kat said she was doing this because Kara already knew most of what it took to run the business because of being her assistant.

Wow! Kara thought. That is a lot of changes from her old earth. As she wrapped her head around all of this information she walked towards her mother and gave her a hug and asked "So what are you cooking for breakfast mom?"

"I am cooking your favorite. Pancakes and bacon with scrambled eggs." Alura said.

"Thanks mom. It smells great and I am sure that it will taste just as good. So, what do you have planned for today?" Kara asked.

"Well I am going to the DEO, where I am sure that I will be seeing you at some point, where I am working on the transmat portal so that people from Argo are able to come here if they want." Alura said.

"I hope you can get it to work. It will be good to see some of my old friends that survived the destruction of Krypton. I never thought that I would see any of you again after I left." Kara said while looking at her mom Happily.

There was a knock at the door so Kara went to answer it while her mother finished cooking the breakfast. It was J'onn J'onzz.

"Good morning J'onn. What are you doing here?" Kara asked.

"I have come to ask you who you want me to return memories to of the old earth. I have been doing the same to all of Oliver and Barry's teams as well." J'onn said

"Ok, I would like you to give memories to Alex, Winn, Mom, Kelly, James, Mrs., Grant, Clark, Lois, and when he gets here Mon-El." Kara said.

"I will get to work on that. While I am here, I will start with your mother." J'onn said.

"Thanks J'onn." Said Kara.