It had been a month since Oliver had Talia and a group of assassins come to Star City to take out Darkh's ghosts. He and Laurel were having a meeting in his office when Oliver got a call from his secretary telling him that he had a visitor.

"Send them in." Oliver said.

The door opened and Talia walked in. "How is it going with the mission that I gave you?" Oliver asked.

"Very well. We have taken out a quarter of Darkh's ghosts and within the next couple of weeks I would say that we will have killed nearly half of them." Talia said.

"You work quickly. I didn't expect you to be so far along already." Laurel said.

"Well we do try to be efficient. Is there anything else you need from me while I am here?" Talia asked.

"Yes. Is there any lead on Andy Diggle?" Oliver asked.

"We know where he is located but we haven't been there yet. We can do that tonight if you wish." Talia said.

"Yes. Get him tonight and bring him to the bunker. We have somewhere to keep him." Oliver said.

"Very well. I will deliver him to you tonight." Talia said.

"Ok, we will see you then." Oliver said and Talia left.

"If things keep going like this, Darkh won't have anyone to protect him within the next three months." Laurel said.

"That is the hope. Have you had enough training with countering dark magic, or do you need some more work?" Oliver asked.

"I think I have the hang of it, but you can never have enough practice." Laurel said.

"Ok, I will work with you some more tonight." Oliver said.

"Sounds good. Is there anything else Mr. Mayor? I have a case I need to prepare for." Laurel said with a smile.

"No, I think that is it for now. I will see you later." Oliver said and Laurel left the office.

Two hours later the secretary call Oliver again to say he had another visitor. "Send them in." Oliver said.

He was not surprised to see that it was Darkh coming to visit him. "What can I do for you Mr. Darkh?" Oliver asked.

"I am here to persuade you again to drop the bay project. The train is already operational so I can't stop that." Darkh said.

"I am sorry, but I can't do that. It is in the best interest to clean up the bay so that we can have fishermen and freighter come into port." Oliver said.

"You don't understand what I am saying. There is no need to bring all of that here. This city is dead. I wish you would just let it day instead of trying to make it better." Darkh said.

"Sorry, but I will never give up on this city. I will make it back into what it was when I was a kid. Everyone deserves that." Oliver said.

"Ok, so I am going to have to do this the hard way then. If you do not drop the bay project I will be forced to come after you and everyone that you love. Do not try to cross me Mr. Queen." Darkh said.

"So, you threaten me, and my family and you expect me to do as you will. Well I don't bow to people who threaten me. They make me fight harder." Oliver said.

"I am not threatening just you, Mr. Queen. I am threatening everyone you hold dear. Your wife, kids, parents, and sister. If you do not comply with my wishes within forty-eight hours, I will be forced to do something that I hope I won't have to do." Darkh said.

"I do not bow to terrorists." Oliver said.

"Very well. I will still give you forty-eight hours, just in case you change your mind." Darkh said as he turned and left the office.

Oliver picked up his phone and called Diggle. "I need you to relocate my parents and the kids as soon as possible. Darkh will be coming after them soon since I won't honor his wishes." Oliver said.

"I will get Lyla on that as soon as possible. Anything else you need right now?" Diggle asked.

"No, I want you to stay with the five of them wherever they get relocated to and take Shado and Emiko with you, just incase Darkh does find out where they are." Oliver said.

"I'm on it and I will take them with me for backup." Diggle said as he hung up so that he could make arrangements for the Queen family.

Later that night the team, plus Robert, Moira and the three kids were meeting in the bunker. "So, what is all of this about son?" Robert asked.

"I am putting you in protective custody until we have dealt with this threat. Darkh threatened all of you today. I am sending Diggle, Shado, and Emiko with you to keep watch." Oliver said.

"If that is what you think is best, we will do as you say." Moira said.

"Thank you. Now Mia, I am looking to you to take care of your brother and sister until you are able to come back home. I love so much. Be good for your grandparents, ok." Oliver said.

"I will daddy." Mia said.

"I love you too sweetie. I hope to see you soon." Laurel said.

"I love you both and I will see you soon." Mia said as the five Queens left with Diggle, Shado, and Emiko.

Not five minutes after they were gone the elevator door opened and Talia entered dragging a ghost with her. She removed the mask, and everyone could see that it was Andy Diggle.

"I will take care of him. You have done well." Oliver said dressed in his Green Arrow.

"Very well. Is there anything else?" Talia asked.

"Just keep doing what you are doing for now." Oliver said and Talia left the bunker.

Green Arrow took Andy to the cell in the bunker and shoved him inside. "You will give me all of the information that I need willingly or unwillingly. It is up to you." Green Arrow said.

"I won't tell you anything." Andy said.

"You will. You won't have a choice once I am done with you." Green Arrow said.

"So, you are going to torture me?" Andy asked.

"Not tonight. I am going to give you until morning to make up your mind." Oliver said as he left to go take to the rest of the team.