Neji Pov:

She ran. Tenten just ran. Gai, Lee, Ino, Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, Sai, and I stared at the spot she was just standing in. Kakashi and Gai left to go inform the Hokage.

"Byakugan!" It wasn't activating. Even if we had gotten Hinata here, her Byakugan doesn't extend nearly far enough.I must have been too stressed to think properly. Naruto whistled. "That's a first. Now how am I going to use you to spy in the women's bath for me?" I stared at him, raising an eyebrow. Sakura punched him to shut him up.

"Do you have any idea where she went?" Ino asked worriedly. I shook my head.

Sasuke, surprisingly, spoke up. "Since nobody's on any sort of mission, we should get the rest of us and the Sand Siblings, and then split up into smaller groups to go look for her." Sakura nodded eagerly at this, and the rest of us agreed.

Ino, the "gossip queen", knew where everyone was, and ran out of the training grounds. She came back with Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Akamaru, Shikamaru, Choji, Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara. I told them the plan.

Temari was shocked. "This is Tenten-chan we're talking about, right? If it's enough to make her crazy, shouldn't we be...cautious?" That was true. I've never seen Tenten scared of anything except for ladybugs. Whatever was causing her to lose her mind, it must have been dangerous. What if she gets hurt? I massaged my temples.

Ino took charge. "Naruto-kun, Hinata-chan, go check the Academy." I opened my mouth to protest, but she shot me down with a glare that meant full business. "Gaara-san, Kankuro-san, you guys check the Konoha archive library. Kiba-kun and Akamaru-kun, go look around the Hokage's residence, and check the Hokage rock too. Choji-kun and Shino-san will see the hot springs, only because I trust you two not to spy on the women's bath." She smirked slightly. "Temari-chan, Shikamaru-kun, check the Konoha Cemetery." Temari's face turned red, but she didn't complain. "Forehead-chan and Sasuke-kun, look for her in the Training Hall. Neji and Lee can go through the forest and search." She looked around to see who was left, and was pleased. "Sai, we'll go see Ninjutsu research center."

We split.

Naruto & Hinata:

The Academy was mostly empty, since it was a weekend. A few kids ran in and out, retrieving supplies that they had left in the classroom, and writing stupid things on the blackboard.

Hinata and Naruto walked through the hallways, looking in every nook and cranny, trying to find Tenten.

They walked into the first empty classroom they saw, and looked around. While Naruto was looking underneath a desk, he said, "Hey Hinata, why do you think Tenten left?" Hinata froze and poked her fingers together. "S-she told me not to tell, so I c-can't tell you w-what I think i-it is. I'm sorry, N-Naruto-kun."

Naruto grinned in understanding. "You're a good friend, Hinata-chan!" Hinata turned so red Sasuke would've thought she was a tomato. She managed to keep from fainting, though.

"Hey, Hinata-chan, your face is all red!" Naruto laughed. She blushed harder.

They continued looking through the hallways, but couldn't find Tenten. She wasn't in the academy.

Gaara & Kankuro:

"There are so many books here!" Kankuro said in wonder as he looked around. Gaara rolled his eyes. "It's a library. What else would be in here?" Kankuro pouted.

"Why would Tenten-san be here of all the places, anyways, it's so- A BOOK ON COOKIES!" Gaara exclaimed. Kankuro gave him a dull look. "Ya know, you could just ask Temari-oniichan to make you cookies, right?" Gaara looked at him and blinked. "I never thought of that. COOOOOOOOKIES!"

It was Kankuro's turn to roll his eyes. "Forget about the cookies, we're supposed to be looking for Tenten-san." Gaara composed himself into the serious, dignified shinobi everybody except Kankuro and Temari thought he was. "Alright. Let's begin looking."

They searched in and out of the library (Kankuro got distracted with a book about puppets…), but couldn't find her anywhere. Gaara did a dramatic somersault under a table and announced, "And now, she will appear!" while standing up and doing jazz hands

Needless to say, Tenten did not appear.

Ino & Sai:

"Okay, so I'll take the left side, and you take the left side." Ino said to Sai. "I don't think that Tenten-san will be here, since her specialty is fuinjutsu, and this idea is mostly stupid." Ino had a vein on her forehead. "Just come on, Sai-kun." She tried to be patient.

"Alright, 'Ino pig'" Ino was full out raging now. "IDIOT!" She hit Sai hard on the head. "What did I do?" Sai asked, thoroughly confused.

"Sakura-san calls you Ino pig."

Scientists worked, experimenting with ninjutsu, and creating jutsus to make doing things more efficient. Sai and Ino couldn't find Tenten. "Where did Tenten-chan gooooo?" Ino wailed.

Shino & Choji:

"How about we stop at that new dango shop?" Choji pleaded. Shino shook his head. "We cannot. Why? Because it would delay our search for Tenten-san." Choji sighed. There was no reasoning with this guy.

"After we find Tenten, can we eat?" Shino once again said no. "We don't actually know if we'll find Tenten or not."

They stood outside the women's bath. "Should we for her?" Choji asked uncertainly. They yelled Tenten's name from outside, but didn't receive an answer.

"M-maybe we should go in?" Shino gulped, his stuttering not unlike his teammate Hinata's. "Let's just hope there isn't anyone in there right now." That was a terrible decision.


"Nice excuse, we know you were peeping."



Kiba & Akamaru:

"Alright Akamaru-kun, do you smell her?" Akamaru's and Kiba's noses were alert as they walked through the Hokage building. Her scent of honey lingered slightly, since she had been to the Hokage building before, but there was no solid, strong scent that they could use to follow.

Jounins walked in and out, not paying attention to them, serving Tsunade and doing mission reports.

Kiba stopped one of them as he was walking through the hallway. "'Scuse me, did ya see a chunin girl, with 2 buns? Brown eyes? Lot's of weapons?" The Jounin looked at him, eyes full of pity. "The Sakai girl? I hope she is alright." and then started walking again.

Kiba blinked. Sakai? Whenever somebody had asked Tenten for her clan name, her face would harden and she would say she wasn't part of a clan. Everybody just thought of her as just "Tenten". Tenten nothing. Sometimes if Naruto wanted something from her, he would call her, "Tenten Hyuga", until she gave him what he wanted.

There must have been a clan for her.

They kept looking, but didn't find her anywhere, not even underneath the 2nd Hokage's nostril.

Shikamaru & Temari:

"Why would Tenten be here? It's so gloomy." Temari said, looking around. "It'll be troublesome if she's not here. Then we would have to keep looking, and that's such a drag." Temari hit his head. "Do you not care for Tenten-chan at all?"

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow. "I thought you and Tenten-san were enemies after the Chunin exams." Temari shook her head. "My specialty is wind. If it had been anything else, she might've won. I respect her determination, and she respects my skill. We aren't on bad terms." Shikamaru nodded.

They looked around the cemetery. There were so many graves, so many people Konoha had lost. A few, like the ones saying "Rin Nohara", "Hayate Gekko", and "Mei Sakai" had flowers on them.

Shikamaru looked at the graves. They sort of scared him. Like, one day, he was going to be there too. Temari tugged his arm, bringing him back to reality. They kept searching.

Tenten wasn't anywhere, but something told Shikamaru that she had been here before many times.

Sakura & Sasuke:

The training hall was mostly empty, except for the few children practicing with weapons. Something clicked in Sakura's head. "Change of plans. Instead of checking the training hall, let's check the Konoha Ninja Tool Research Facility, the detached one, since she has one of her favorite weapons, what was it called… the jidanda made there." Sasuke grunted.

They went to the facility. They could hear explosions and something about challenges inside. "Shoseki, go get my double sided kunai!" an old man said.

Warily, Sasuke and Sakura stepped inside. A short, old, bald man had a hammer raised to strike some metal, but put it down when he saw them. "And who might you be?"

Sakura did the talking. "We're shinobi from the Leaf Village, we came here to look for our friend, Tenten-chan." The old man's face broke into a smile. "Oh, Tenten-chan! She was very good with my weapons. Is she alright?"

Sakura shook her head. "Have you seen her?" The old man frowned. "Alas, I have not. I will tell you if I do. She is a capable kunoichi, though. I would not worry too much." But the man looked like he was worrying.

"Ok, thank you!" The two left, their search failed.