A.N: Hi guys, no chapter this time. This is actualy an apology note from me, I just want to say sorry and please just read the whole thing through before you decide to comment. Anyway Iam incredibly sorry but I am stopping this story, I do plan in the future to hopefully make a better version with the same idea but I am just no longer feeling this story. Part of the reason might be the fact that with Wanda and Emma I feel like I have pretty much just removed all challenge from the story, I think if I do this again in the future then I might have it be just Emma.

Anyway I originally wrote this story because at the time it seemed like such a good idea but like I said I am no longer feeling it. I cannot help but apologise but I have just lost motivation for it, I am ending this now because I have a rule where if the story passes then ten chapter mark then I will force myself to finish it and I want to end this early now. I'll leave the story up but there will be no more chapters for it. Like I said previously I might in the future write a better version but for now this story is done. I cannot apologise enough, I want thank everyone for reading, it really meant a lot. Thank you.