Chapter 1 -

"Albus!" Deputy headmistress Minerva McGonagall barged into the headmasters office, shock and panic on her face.

"Minerva?" Headmaster Albus Dumbledore blinked at the way his deputy and close friend barged into his office. "what, may I ask, is the matter?" Dumbledore asked as he put a lemon drop in his mouth.

"Harry potter!" McGonagall said, disbelief and panic on her face.

"Mr Potter?!" Dumbledore jumped to his feet and unintentionally spat the lemon drop on to his desk, Harry Potter was the boy-who-lived, the boy responsible for stopping Voldemort and Dumbledore knew he was the boy of the prophecy. He had last seen Harry when he had placed him with his relatives, the Dursleys. Dumbledore had great hopes for Harry, if all went well then Harry would follow on the path of the light before he would sacrifice himself for the greater good, though the last part was such a shame as Harry was such an adorable baby. "What has happened to him?"

"He has sent his Hogwarts letter back, saying he does not wish to attend!" McGonagall replied "Albus, imagine that! Harry Potter, son of Lily and James, not wishing to attend Hogwarts!"

"Worry not Minerva, I shall deal with this." Dumbledore promised her, all the while he was wondering what would cause Harry to refuse. He knew that the boy would likely not have a brilliant life at the Dursleys and expected him to jump at the opportunity to attend a school of magic, even if the Dursley's did treat him kindly he should still want to attend, after all what child wouldn't want to learn magic?

"And another thing," McGonagall continued, not the least bit calmed down by the headmasters words. "you had left Mr Potter at the Dursleys?" She asked, her thin lips getting thinner as she remembered trying to stop Dumbledore from doing so.

"Yes?" Dumbledore nodded

"You are absolutely sure that the boy had stayed at the Dursley's all of his life?"

"Yes, why do you ask?" Dumbledore frowned, wondering where she was going with this.

"Then why is the address registered to an address in America?!" McGonagall slammed the letter on the desk, showing the shocked wizard that it had indeed been registered to an address in America.

"How?" Dumbledore whispered to himself as he read the address.

Harry James Potter.

Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters.

1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center.

Westchester County, New York.

"Oh Merlin, not him." Dumbledore said under his breath before he looked up to see Professor McGonagall looking at him with a look that said she was expecting a good answer. "Worry not Minerva, I shall deal with this." Dumbledore said. "I am sure that this all just a misunderstanding, I will sort it all out."

"See that you do." McGonagall said before she turned and walked out.

As soon as she was gone Dumbledore slumped into his chair, he was unable to believe it. Why was Harry not at the Dursley's? How on Earth did he get to America and why on Earth was he staying at the Xavier's institute? As far as Dumbledore was aware the place was a home for mutants, was Harry a mutant? Dumbledore knew that his mother was even though she hid her powers from him, did Harry get it from his mother?

Dumbledore was not a fan of mutants, muggleborns he could tolerate, they were simply wizards with different upbringings so they were not a threat to him. Mutants on the other hand, they were unpredictable. Each with a different ability, he had no idea what they were capable of.

Albus Dumbledore arrived just outside the mansion, he looked at the sign which read 'Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters'. As he looked at the large mansion he would admit to himself that it was very impressive, he did not think it was as impressive as Hogwarts but it was still impressive. Dumbledore was about to wave his wand and open the gate when it opened before he could do anything, Dumbledore looked around to see if somebody had opened it. After checking with spells to see if someone had Dumbledore realised that the gate was probably opened by muggle means.

Dumbledore began walking in, he walked while wearing a grey muggle suit, in his opinion it was a step down from his usual bright robes but for some reason or the other the muggles thought robes were weird. He would never understand that. Though he still got a few weird looks from the children due to his long hair and long beard. Dumbledore was walking for about a minute when he was finally greeted by someone. Dumbledore saw two people in front of him.

The first was a bald man in a wheel chair, he wore a nice looking blue suit and his wheel chair was operated by a small remote in the right armrest of his wheel chair. The man that had stopped next to him was about six foot tall, he wore brown shoes, blue jeans, a black belt with an 'X' belt buckle and a grey shirt. He had a muscular build, his hair was slicked back on the sides with volume through the crown, and two tufts stand straight up on either side. He also sideburns on his face while having a clean shaven chin.

"Ah, hello Dumbledore." The man in the wheelchair said. "I did not expect to see you again."

"I did not expect to see you either, at least not until recently." Dumbledore said, he knew who this man was.

Professor Charles Xavier, an expert on mutants and owner of the mansion. The last time Dumbledore had met with Charles Xavier was when they both tried to recruit Lily Evans, Charles Xavier had offered her the opportunity to join his school for mutants during her third year when her powers had apparently manifested. At the time the war with Voldemort was till going on and Dumbledore did not want to lose Lily Evans as she was a bright student and had to potential to be a powerful witch, especially after he already spent the last couple of years moulding her into another loyal follower.

Dumbledore had pointed out that Miss Evans could not leave Hogwarts as she was required by magical law to compete her education, that managed to get Xavier to back off and after school Lily had begun helping out the order so did not think about the man's offer. Dumbledore never did get her to tell him hat her mutant power was, she always changed the subject or refused to speak of it.

"You know this guy?" The muscular man asked Professor Xavier as he gestured to Dumbledore.

"Yes," Professor Xavier nodded. "Logan meet Albus Dumbledore, wizard and headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"Wizard huh?" The man said as he looked at Dumbledore.

"Mr Dumbledore, meet Logan, also known as 'The Wolverine'." Professor Xavier said, introducing Logan.

"The Wolverine?" Dumbledore blinked in confusion, wondering how a man could earn such a name.

"Hopefully nothing you will have to worry about," Professor Xavier said with a small smile. "now, how can I help you Mr Dumbledore?"

"Well," Dumbledore started, he was about to tell Xavier to call him Professor Dumbledore but decided against it. "there is someone here who I have business with."

"Oh, and who would that be?" Professor Xavier asked.

"Harry Potter." Dumbledore answered, Professor Xavier's face was blank but Dumbledore did not fail to notice Logan stiffen slightly and glare at him.

"What do you want with him?" Logan asked with narrowed eyes.

"I am here to offer young Harry a place in Hogwarts." Dumbledore answered.

"Offer?" Professor Xavier repeated. "I seem to remember our last meeting, you explained how it was required by law for magical students to attend school."

"Where is young Harry?" Dumbledore asked, ignoring Professor Xavier's questioning tone.

"Right now?" Xavier paused and looked at his watch. "Probably in bed or eating breakfast."

"I would like to come and talk to him." Dumbledore said as he began walking forward. Logan growled and took a step forward which caused Dumbledore to stop, Dumbledore was about to remove his wand when Logan was stopped by Professor Xavier placing a hand on his arm.

"Very well," Professor Xavier said to Dumbledore. "follow me." Xavier turned his wheelchair around and set off, Logan gave Dumbledore one last look before he followed. Dumbledore followed after the two, he found it hard not to comment on the way they have treated him so far but he managed to control himself, barely.

"Now what have you learned?" Harry asked.

"Don't try and steal your breakfast." Kurt Wagner, also known as Nightcrawler, replied with his German accent

"Because if you do..."

"I may lose my head?"

"Exactly now.."

'Harry,' Harry heard Professor Xavier speak in his mind. 'come to my office please'.

"Professor's calling," Harry said to Kurt. "I will try and kill you later." He said before walking off.

"I look forward to it." Kurt said in a dry voice.

Logan, Dumbledore and Professor Xavier eventually arrived in Professor Xavier's office.

"Please, take a seat." Professor Xavier said, to Dumbledore and gestured to a seat opposite the desk.

Dumbledore could not help but feel a bit weird, usually it was him who would be the one sitting behind the headmaster's desk as others came to talk to him, despite this he sat down in the chair which was nice enough that he didn't have to change it into a better one. Xavier moved himself so he was behind the desk while Logan stood next to him.

"Now, where is Harry?" Dumbledore asked.

"He will be arriving shortly." Professor Xavier said.

" yours," Logan spoke. "what exactly would the kid be learning there?"

"Basic magic such as transfigurations, charms and potions along with other available subjects in his third year. I will explain it all when Harry get's here." Dumbledore said just as a knock was heard on the door.

"Come in." Professor Xavier called.

Dumbledore turned and watched as the door opened, Dumbledore's eyes widened when he saw who had come in. The boy wore black trainers along with blue jeans, and a white T-shirt under a black hoodie. He had black spiky hair that was short on the sides, the boy was thin but not to the point of looking sick. He had emerald green eyes but the feature that really made him stand out was the lightning bolt scar on his forehead.

"Harry," Professor Xavier said as Harry closed the door, confirming to Dumbledore (not that he needed confirmation) that this was none other than Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived. "how are you this morning?"

"Fine Professor." Harry shrugged as he stopped in front of the Professor's desk. "And you?"

"I am well," Professor Xavier said before giving Harry a knowing look. "you are sure that there was no trouble today?"

"I may...may...possibly have tried to remove Kurt's head." Harry admitted. "But in my defence...he was being Kurt."

"That sounds like a good reason to me." Logan said, playing along.

"We will discuss that later," Professor Xavier said with a small smile. "now Harry, the man sitting with us today is Mr Dumbledore."

"Professor Dumbledore." Dumbledore amended.

"Professor Dumbledore," Professor Xavier said, "he is the headmaster of Hogwarts."

"Hogwarts?" Harry raised an eyebrow at Dumbledore.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is the best wizarding school in Europe," Dumbledore began explaining. "it is a school that..."

"I know what Hogwarts is," Harry cut him off. "but I figured that since I was not living in Britain anymore that I would not be asked to attend."

"I am delighted to say that that is not the case," Dumbledore smiled while also filing away the fact that Harry knew about Hogwarts. "your name has been put down ever since you were born. It is the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry, the teachers are all the best at their subjects and you will have the opportunity to meet many new friends."

"No!" A voice cried just as the doors opened, Dumbledore watched as a young girl around Harry's age with brown shoulder length hair and blue eyes stormed into the room with an angry look on her face. She wore black shoes that stopped just above her knee, a black skirt and shirt and a red jacket. "He is not leaving!" She said emphatically as she wrapped her arms around Harry's right arm.

"Wanda," Professor Xavier sighed. "I understand how you are feeling but..."

"He is not leaving me here!" Wanda hissed, her hair rising up slightly as a few of the lighter objects on Professor Xavier's desk began rising. "He is not leaving me!"

"Wanda," Harry said, placing a hand on hers, causing her to stop and looking at him. "calm down yeah? I am not leaving you here." Harry said, Wanda looked at him for several moments before she calmed down, the objects floated back down to Professor Xavier's desk and her hair no longer looked like a powerful wind was running through it.

"As I was about to say," Professor Xavier continued. "I understand how you are feeling but you do not have to feel this way as you will not be leaving Harry."

"Now hold on," Dumbledore said. "I am sorry to interrupt but Harry must go back to Hogwarts for his magical education, he is required to do so by law as that is the school that his parents wished for him to attend."

"And I have no intention of stopping him." Professor Xavier said. "It is just that I was going to ask Wanda if she will be wanting to go as well." Professor Xavier added, causing a small smile to appear on Wanda's face.

"I don't understand why you would think that," Dumbledore frowned. "Hogwarts is a magical school and only a witch or wizard may attend."

"And Wanda is a witch," Xavier said. "I dare say she would be quite a powerful one too. I will not argue that Harry must go but if he does then I would like Wanda to attend as well, that is if Wanda wants to go?" Xavier looked at Wanda with a questioning look. Wanda, glanced at Harry before she turned back to the professor.

"If Harry is going then I am going as well." Wanda said.

"I don't want to go without her anyway." Harry added.

"Very well," Dumbledore sighed, "I will allow Miss..." Dumbledore trailed off and looked at Wanda.

"Wanda Maximoff." Wanda said.

"Miss Maximoff to attend." Dumbledore said, in truth he was not really too against it, not yet at least. The girl seemed loyal to Harry and getting mutants on his side could be beneficial, this would be good as long as she stayed on the right path. "If you all do not mind me asking, I was under the impression that this was a school for mutants."

"Yes." Professor Xavier said.

"So for young Harry to be here he must be a mutant, correct?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes." Professor Xavier nodded. "Harry is a promising young mutant."

"What..." Dumbledore paused as he tried to think up the right word. "...abilities does Mr Potter possess?"

"He possesses more than one," Professor Xavier said, "including the abilities he gained from his grandfather."

"Grandfather?" Dumbledore asked.

"He means me." Logan said, surprising Dumbledore as the man did not look old enough to be a grandfather. "And he means this." Logan closed his right fist and three sharp metal claws came out of his hand, Dumbledore's eyes widened before he looked at Harry. Harry smirked before raising his left hand and closing it, three sharp metal claws came out of his much like his grandfather.

"Pretty aren't they?" Harry asked before he retracted his claws.

"I...suppose that is one word for them," Dumbledore said, his mind clouded by several thoughts right now. "I think it might be time for me to go," He said as he stood up, he handed Harry a letter. "this is your acceptance letter, it contains a list of your supplies, you and Miss Maximoff can get the same applies with the obvious exception of clothes. You will need to go to Diagon Alley in Britain, I can arrange for someone to taken you there."

"That is quite alright," Professor Xavier said. "we already have someone capable of taking us there."

"Do you?" Dumbledore raised an eyebrow.

"That is what he just said." Logan replied.

"Very well." Dumbledore said, "I will go now."

"Of course," Professor Xavier replied. "Logan, please escort our guest out."

"Fine." Logan sniffed before he began walking. "Keep up old man." Logan said with Dumbledore following after him.

"So you are Harry Potter's grandfather, on his mother's side?" Dumbledore asked, trying to learn more. Logan grunted but did not say anything until they reached the gates.

"This is your stop," Logan said, Dumbledore nodded and began walking away. "hey," Logan called once Dumbledore was out the gates, Dumbledore looked back at Logan. "I don't know what the deal with this wizard school is but if those kids don't come back unharmed then it's me you will be dealing with." Logan said right before turning his back to Dumbledore and walking away as the gates began closing.

Dumbledore glared at Logan, not that Logan could see, he could not believe that the man dared to speak to him like that. Dumbledore turned and left, his mind stuck on the fact that the boy-who-lived was a mutant.

A.N: Hi guys, you know when you get an idea in your head and no matter what it doesn't go away? Yeah, this was the same for me and this. It just would not go out of my head so I had to start writing. I just want to say a couple of things:

1) In this Wolverine is Harry's grandfather, I've seen a few fics go for the 'he is Harry's father' route and I don't like that because I don't think Lily would cheat. Plus Logan is really old so it is possible, also I know in the X-men 2 movie they say that the male is the one that transfers the X-gene but in this reality it could be either man or woman.

2) Yes Harry has metal claws, and before anyone asks there is a reason why his claws are metal like Logan's. Harry is a mutant, he has Wolverine's powers plus the powers he inherited from his mother. I'd like to see you guess what you think his powers are.

3) As for Wanda, this is not like the MCU where she gets powers from the mind stone, she is a mutant in this. There is a reason for her attachment to Harry which I will reveal later on, and yes for this story she is a witch, basically a muggleborn.

4) I am not going off any specific x-men comic, show or book, etc. My experiences on x-men are the cartoons and films, a few stuff I have read online and a few other things. So don't expect it to be following the plot of X-men evolution or anything like that.

5) Also this will be focusing on Harry and Hogwarts, so don't expect it to start having large parts of the story based on stopping Magneto or anything.

6) Other Marvel characters will be used, I haven't decided which ones yet.

Also if someone wants to suggest a code name for Harry, something badass please, then that would be appreciated, so far all I have are:

* Curse.

* Spellfire

*Black Wizard.

* Berserker

(Let me tell you guys a secret, I am not good with names)

Thanks for reading guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, my next upload will be a chapter for this, followed by a chapter for Apex then Version 2. Feel free to leave a review.