Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.
Author's Note: I am Handicapped with Aspergers, Dyslexia, OCD, ADHD and a whole lot more so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker. I also have a slight mental disability so please excuse any mistakes. I do the best I can with writing these stories and trying to post chapters. Also I am a very sick person so their will be periods where I don't update. But ALL my stories will be updated eventually.
Also when I come up with a story idea I can't stop myself from writing it down and posting it. I literally can't sleep to I have written it down. So that is why there are so many stories.
Happy Mothers Day!
This Chapter is for all the Mum's out there. Especially my Mum her has helped me so lot in my life.
Artemis has a secret son. A son nobody but her and her son know. But now her son is entering his fifth year at Hogwarts and demigods have been asked to protect the Castle. Will anyone find out the truth? And will her son be able to handle everything including dating already 14 girls & 5 boys? What will happen when his instincts pick up 18 more? Bisexual, Bashing...Harem
Chapter 1
Artemis had a secret. That she had kept from everyone. Her brother even didn't know.
It was about 17 years ago she had been in London. When a man took her by surprise. She was surprised when two figures stepped him and saved her. They introduced themselves as James Potter and Lily Evans. The two were engaged and looked to marry soon.
Artemis learned about the couple and was impressed by there willing to sacrifice. She learned James was a legacy of Zeus, Hades, Hermes, Nemesis and Bellona. And Lily was a High Elf legacy of Hecate, Apollo, Athena, Aphrodite, and Poseidon. Lily could only die in Battle as High Elves we're immortal.
Within months Artemis had fallen in love with the two of them. She admitted to them. Being embarrassed maiden God who had sworn off men. She admitted to loving them.
She thought they were going to laugh at her and turn away. But quickly she had been pulled onto a three-way hug. And they shared their first kisses.
Artemis was surprised when James and Lily's wedding coming up. That James asked to marry her as well and he promised not to force himself on her or make her have sex with them.
So the loves off her life married with her. She they had settled into a new life. But all three wanted children. But Lily couldn't have one because off a spell that hit her. So Artemis offered to make them a child. One that had all three of them as parents.
That was how their son Harry James Arthur Godric Ignotus Charlus Apollo Artemis Archer Potter. Named after family and his forbears. He had black hair with auburn mixed in. His eyes were bright green with silver flecks.
Artemis had gone back to her hunt for a few weeks when she got word that James and Lily had been killed and Harry had been sent off to Lily's adopted sister. Artemis couldn't do nothing about it. As nobody knew about him and it would raise too many questions.
But throughout the years she kept an eye on him. She was angry that he got abused. His leg got do damaged that he had to wear a magical brace to help support it. And he died and came back to life giving him Black, Silver and Brown wings. Artemis taught him how to hide them though.
She visited her son a lot when she could get away with it. Giving him her love and support. She also trained him as he was her First Child and made out a pure love that made him as powerful as a child of the Big Three. So she trained him with a bow, hunting knives, daggers and a Swordstaff. He was gifted when using them getting the hang off them quick easier. Especially with a bow which was to be expected as he IS her son.
Artemis watched angrily his years at Hogwarts and could tell Dumbledore was meddling. Artemis had told Harry just before Third Year that his High Elves instincts would start to search for mates. And warned him what to look out for.
Now she was heading to her son to comfort him after his classmate, comrade and one off his mates died. And she planned to tell him what else that will happen this year. As she won't keep things from her Son. She had promised. She said that if something that she couldn't tell him came up she just needed to tell him and he would let it go. She was so lucky to Harry her Harry as a son.
Now she was going to see him and make sure he was ok after the past month…
Harry swung on the swing. He couldn't believe he allowed his mate too die. If only he had drawn his weapons. His Swordstaff would have been useful.
He had never had a good life. The only happiness he had was his Mother Artemis visiting him. She had explained to him at a young age why she couldn't take him away. Harry remembered his Mothers tortured and sad eyes as she told him that. That told Harry she wanted more then anything to take him away. But she couldn't she was already breaking the law to come and visit him.
When he was ten he started going out and hunting monsters. He had heard people in the demigod world call him Silver Archer and Silver Marksman. He liked those names. Better then having 21 Magical Lordships too his name.
He didn't know what to think of Hogwarts when he went. But anything would be better then the Dursley's. But he fought Trolls, Cerberus, Voldemort, Dementors, Acromantula, Basilisks, Voldemort, Werewolves, Dragons, the Dark Merfolk, Sphinx and so much more.
So much for the safest place in the Wizarding World.
But he made it through mainly because off his Mates. And not really Ron and Hermione. As Ron was jealous off him all the time and Hermione kept going on an on abour following rules. And neither of them had sent any letters to him this Summer. Even his mates Viktor Krum and Codie Myers from Durmstrang, Fleur Delacour, Storm DeLuca, Deziree and Destiny De'Stacy from Beauxbatons had taken time to see with he was alright.
Now he only got through this Summer because off his mates. Who were the only people to send him letters or talk to him by communication mirrors. They were always there to support him. But he still hadn't told them about his mother Artemis. He told them he was a High Elf but not his divine heritage.
He also got help from his familiars as he got Zoolingulism from his Mother the ability to talk to all animals. Including Hedwig he had: One Owl, Three different Serpents, Two Wolves, Two Thunderbirds, Two Hippogriffs, One Pegasus, Two Griffins, Two Wyverns, Two Dragonettes, Two Shadow Panthers and Two Moon Panthers. They were all in a secret compartment in his trunk. But he kept Selene the Warrior Moon Serpent who was silver and white with him at all times. As she could turn invisible.
As he thinks he felt someone come up beside him. He looks up to see his Mother standing before him.
"Hello baby", Artemis says softly
"Mum!" Harry exclaims and gets up to hug her tightly.
She laughs, "I take it you missed me"
"I missed you a lot Mum", Harry replies pulling away.
They sit down on a park bench. And Artemis turns to her son.
"How are you?" Artemis asks gently
"I'm good", Harry lies
"Don't lie to your Mother. I am your Mother and I can spot a lie from miles away", Artemis tells him
"Ok It is just I keep seeing Cedric dying. And that he blames me as I was his mate and should have protected him", Harry tells her
"Oh Baby it wasn't your fault. It is Voldemort's you didn't know what was going to happen", Artemis tells him softly pulling him into a hug.
"I still feel it was my fault. My mates told me it wasn't. But I can't get it out off my mind", Harry tells her
"It will get easier. Just remember he is Elysium now. And he would be so proud off you", Artemis says comforting
They sit there in silence foe a few minutes as Harry allowed his Mother to comfort him. She really was a great Mother even through he was her only child. And probably always will be. He knew and been told his Mother loved James and Lily Potter. And still grieved for them every day.
"They told me to tell you they love you and they miss you. When I saw them in the Graveyard", Harry tells her
Artemis has tears in her eyes as she hears that. She did still miss her two loves. Even after nearly 14 years off them being dead. She still blamed herself for not being there to save them.
"So Mum why else did you come here?" Harry asks stroking Selene who had come out off hiding, Artemis strokes her too.
"I need to tell you what will happen this year", Artemis say to him.
"What will happen?" Harry asks
"Dumbledore is fearing for your safety. So he has asked the Gods to provide a couple of dozen demigods to be spread throughout the years to protect you and too keep an eye out for trouble. Apollo will be with them as he is serving his punishment by our Father", Artemis tells him
"How will he explain that? So many students never transferred here. None at all have transferred here", Harry asks puzzled.
"He is going to say a sister school to Hogwarts had to close. And they are taking their students", Artemis replies
"That won't really be believable but Wizard's here in Britain are not very bright", Harry replies smirking
Artemis laughs, "Yes that is right. But they need to change if their going to win this war"
"I agree", Harry agrees with her.
"Now baby there is something else I need to tell you", Artemis says gravely
"What is that Mum? You say it like it is bad", Harry replies
"It could be bad or good. Depending how you take it. There is a prophecy about you my son", Artemis tells him
"A prophecy? From your brother?" Harry asks
"Now from his descendant Sybil Trelawny", Artemis tells him
"But she never predicts anything useful only the one Peter would escape", Harry argues.
"The prophecy is not as accurate as Dumbledore or the Magical World believes. Only Apollo and his Oracles can give a more concrete prophecy", Artemis explains to him
"What is the prophecy?" Harry asks
"It is: The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...", Artemis recites
"So one of us have to kill the other in the end", Harry replies asks thinking on it
"Yes. But somethings will mean different things", Artemis reminds him, "Dumbledore won't tell you this Prophecy and he has guards on it in the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry"
"He should just tell me", Harry says angrily
"I agree. But you are smarter then him. You can show him that", Artemis tells him.
"Can I show my intelligence this year? And myself distance myself from Ron, Hermione and the stalker Ginny?" Harry asks
"You can. And is Ginevra still after you?" Artemis asks
"Yes. And it is disturbing as I haven't showed her anything that says I want her", Harry replies in disgust, "I won't treat a woman badly Mum. But she is getting bolder and more in your face"
"If she doesn't stop I give you permission to publicly tell her to back off. As you are my son and don't deserve to be harassed", Artemis says to him
"Thanks Mum", Harry says to her
"You are also being watched by Dumbledore's group. But they won't see me or anything else divine as I have shadowed us in the mist", Artemis tells him
"How could they do that? They are basically keeping me prisoner at the Dursley's! And now I'm being followed?" Harry growls angrily.
"It is wrong. But you can show more off your true self now", Artemis says giving him permission to change his attitude.
"For always being there for me", Harry says with a smile
"Always Baby", Artemis says kissing his forehead and hugging him.
"I love you Mum", Harry tells her
"I love you too. Always. Now I have to go before my Hunt gets suspicious", Artemis says letting her son go.
"I will see you soon?" Harry asks
"Hopefully. But you know I never truly leave you", Artemis replies
Harry smiles his Mother always gave him advise and talked to him through their minds.
"See you soon my Son", Artemis says smiling at him
"See you soon Mum", Harry replies as his Mother disappears in a flash off light.
Harry sighs. His Mother had helped him. He just wished she could stay longer. But he knew he was lucky as Demigods normally didn't get to spend time with their parents.
"Ready to go back to the Dursley's?" Harry asks Selene
~Yes Master~ she hisses, ~Can I bite them yet?~
"Not yet. But it is tempting. Lets go. I think I should talk with my Girlfriend and Boyfriends"
Author's Note: What do you think? Please Review:)