Chapter 4: The (Basic) Strength of Class 1-S!
Sonic was trying not to freak out in front of his classmates. Longclaw, his own guardian, was his teacher for the next year. Not that it bothered him in the slightest, but at the fact she hadn't dropped any hints regarding it when he said that he was applying for the UA Entrance Exam that one day in his past. Glancing around, he was slightly thankful no one had seen his eyes bulge upon her entrance. Nonetheless, Longclaw continued her introduction.
"You all have your own unique quirks and abilities, I understand that. I reviewed each and every one of your performances in the Entrance Exam and I must say, you all are amazing in each of your fantastic ways." She pulled out a small disk device and placed it on the podium in front of her. "I will now share the Class 1-S leader board with you all. You may have noticed that your scores weren't shown, but that was for a reason. Class 1-S is a new elite class for those who scored one hundred or more points in the exam." With the press of a button, the hologram for Class 1-S's score appeared. "We didn't want the other students to feel as if they were missing out on your training." Sonic's eyes scanned the board for is name. when he found it, a slight annoyance filled his chest.
Kazuto Kirigaya: 150 Points
Sonic: 140 Points
Hana Song: 146 Points
Suguha Kirigaya: 145 Points
Adrien Agreste: 142 Points
Atlas Hugo: 141 Points
Marinette Dupain-Cheng: 137 Points
Bea Saitou: 133 Points
Ren Amamiya: 124 Points
Amy Rose: 100 Points
Hibari Haruka: Recommendation
The smirk Kazuto was giving him made him realise he'd have to find some spare change somewhere. How could he be beaten by ten points? Amy on the other hand was having an existential crisis in her seat.
'I just made it!? Holy shit!'
"As you can see, you all did well during the exam. But don't let this list make you think you're better than your classmates!" She gave the class a glare. "That is something I won't tolerate. That, and anyone against having two Humanoids in the class." Everyone nodded, not wanting to get on a Pro Hero's bad side day one. Longclaw gestured to the door. "Orientation will begin shortly, so we should make our way over to the auditorium now."
"Excuse me Ms Candice."
The hand of the tall girl was up for Longclaw to see.
"Yes Haruka?"
"Who is the third person on the leader board? Their name is blackened out." Longclaw let out a sigh.
"Apparently, she came to the exam behind her parent's back. Principal Nezu is looking into it but as of now, we are a class of eleven." The girl called Haruka nodded with understanding.
"Thanks. I was just curious."
"No problem. Shall we?" With that, she ushered her class out and into the hall, before walking walked in the direction of the auditorium, her class following close behind. Amy brought Sonic to the back of the pack before whispering to him.
"You didn't tell me Longclaw was a teacher at UA!" Well, hissed more than anything.
"Because I had no idea! She didn't say anything to me. Like, ever." Amy stared at him, as if trying to find out if he was lying or not. After a moment, she sighed.
"I suppose it doesn't really matter. This should be fun!"
"Oh no doubt! Longclaw will make an awesome teacher!"
The class of eleven reached the auditorium with no issues and made their way inside. The place was already packed to the brim with new students from all departments. Sonic and his class took their seats near the back and the blue hedgehog ended up with the brown-haired girl sitting on his left and the girl with the bluebell eyes on his right. Once they were seated, the lights dimmed down, and a spotlight shone down onto someone on the stage.
"Am I a bear? A Dog? A mouse?" That someone turned out to be a tiny creature in a suit. "It doesn't matter. What does matter though is that I'm the principal of UA! Nezu is my name and I welcome all of you to the new year of teaching!" He waited for the clapping to die down before he continued.
"Congratulations on passing the different exams that you had to go through. Whether it be for the general studies, support course or the ever-popular hero course." He looked around the room before leaning in to one of the teachers closest to him. There was some hushed talking before he returned to the microphone. "Let us begin the orientation of UA shall we? If you would turn your attention to the screen…"
It was a very detailed talk, but Nezu knew how to prattle on about anything and everything…
"My ears felt like they were going to peel off."
It had been about an hour and a half that orientation had gone on for and the brown-haired girl voiced her opinion on the matter.
"I thought it was informative. I know where most things are now." The blond-haired model looking boy (Sonic was going to have to learn everyone's names sooner or later because this was getting ridiculous!) counteracted her.
"Yeah, I'm sure. You look like you're the type to be a stickler for the rules." He raised his eyebrow at her.
"What's wrong with that?" The girl let out a sigh.
"Nothing. Sorry. That was uncalled for. I'm just really tired. I was too excited to sleep last night." To prove her point, she put her head onto her desk with a thud. "Thank god it's only a half-day today." Sonic could relate. He'd almost fallen asleep back there, had someone not sneezed in the row behind him.
Class 1-S were back in their room, waiting for Longclaw to come back after being called out of the room for something. Kazuto had pulled out his phone and was quietly listening to his music while Leafa had gone to Amy's desk to talk. Sonic was leaning back in his chair, staring at the ceiling. Don't ask why, he just was. The door rattled back open and Longclaw stepped back into the room. She held a clipboard in her wings.
"Ok so here's the deal." Leafa quickly went back to her seat before she continued. "Because we're a smaller class than the others here, we're going to do your quirk assessment now. Aizawa has already put his students through it when they were supposed to be at orientation, so Nezu felt as if we should too. Any questions?" This gave Sonic the chills. He was going to find out his classmate's quirks. This was exciting! "Good. Go and change into your PE uniforms and meet me out on the field out there." She pointed out the window to the large dusty field that had chalk lines everywhere.
Wasting no time, Sonic made his way to the changerooms, closely followed by the other guys. He grabbed his clothes from his bag and changed into his PE clothes in a flash. But before he could go out onto the field, a hand grabbed his shoulder. Looking up, he found the boy with glasses looking down at him.
"What are your thoughts on the girls in the class?"
"Sorry?" The boy let go of him and bowed.
"Ren Amamiya. Connoisseur of females. A Casanova if you will." Sonic found it hard to believe but let him continue. "I just wanted to know your thoughts on the beauties of the class that's all."
"Are you some sort of pervert?" Ren jumped back in shock.
"What!? No… I'm just curious, that's all." Sonic eyed him suspiciously.
"And why should I tell you what I think? My thoughts belong to me and me alone."
"Understandable. Well if you ask me, I think the blond-haired girl is quite the looker-" A hand clamped down on Ren's shoulder.
"Stay away from my sister." Ren gulped at the pure malice coming from the black-haired boy.
"Good. Let's get going. We don't want to keep Ms Candice waiting do we?" Kazuto walked past the two and headed out. Not wanting to stick around any longer, Sonic chased his new otaku friend down, leaving Ren behind.
"He's a bit of a creep." Kazuto chuckled.
"You think?"
"I do. But he must be a skilled fighter if he got one hundred and twenty-four points in the exam." A smile formed across Kazuto's face.
"Speaking of scores…" Sonic simply sighed.
"A bet's a bet. Just say the word when you want me to get your meal."
"I already have an idea on where, but I'll leave it until later."
"Works for me!" Sonic and Kazuto were the first out onto the field where Longclaw was standing. She smiled as the two approached.
"Good to see you two are quick." She commented. Sonic couldn't help himself.
"Quick is my middle name!" Longclaw shook her head.
"No it's not." A few minutes later, the rest of the class had assembled on the field. Longclaw held up her clip board.
"Alright. We will be doing seven different tests in which you can use your quirks to help you get a better score than you would have in middle school. We'll start with the 50-meter dash."
'Oh you did that on purpose didn't you?' Sonic thought to himself.
"First up, we'll have Atlas Hugo and Hana Song." The teen with the mohawk stepped out of the group and up to the starting line with the brown-haired that made Sonic's heart go boom following close behind.
"You ready to go down mohawk?" Hana questioned. Atlas raised an eyebrow.
"This isn't a competition is it?"
"Why not?" Everyone was taken aback when a large pink mech-suit fell out of the sky and landed right in front of Hana. She hopped into it with a tired smirk. "Things are more fun when you're competing, no?"
Hana Song ( )!
Quirk: Meka!
Hana can summon a drivable mech that she can use to do whatever destructive mechs do. For example, shoot bullets, rockets, and explosives. She can also create energy shields and fly using the mechs thrusters. If it is destroyed, it will explode, and Hana must wait a full minute before she can summon it again. She also has full creative freedom to make whatever upgrades she wants.
Atlas blinked rapidly before shrugging.
"I guess not. But I highly doubt I can beat that thing. With or without my quirk."
"Never say never!" Longclaw cleared her throat.
"Ready?" She earned two nods. "Set… Go!"
The thrusters on Hana's mech blasted out in full throttle, leaving her spot like a pocket-rocket. Atlas stumbled slightly before throwing his hands down to the ground. Lightning sparked from his hands and feet as he sorta-flied after her. Obviously, Hana crossed first with Atlas following not too far behind.
"Song, 3.647 seconds. Hugo, 4.246 seconds." Everyone was in awe at the display of quirks. Sonic especially.
"What was that!?"
"Hugo, you shot lightning out of you!"
"That was cool. Is that your quirk Song?" Questions galore were thrown before Longclaw recaptured their attention.
"Come on. You can go home when we're finished here, let's keep going." Sonic glanced to Atlas briefly, eager to learn.
Atlas Hugo (Drift)!
Quirk: Lightning!
Drift is capable of creating electricity from his body. Whether it be from his fingers, his feet or even his ears, he can shoot it off his body wherever he likes. However, Drift needs to eat a lot of food to keep his hunger to a minimum, as using his quirk uses whatever he has in his stomach as fuel. The more Drift eats, the longer he can throw lightning at his enemies.
"Next up, Ren Amamiya and Sonic." Ren grinned to the hedgehog as he grabbed his glasses and threw them towards the ground. No one expected them to fissile up into flames and definitely weren't expecting a weird looking demon to take shape from the flames.
'What do you want this time?' It mumbled. Ren patted his chest confidently, ignoring his rebellious persona's words.
"Let's see how you fair against me."
"Is that a challenge?"
'What have you done Amamiya?' Both Amy and Longclaw thought simultaneously. Both boys lined up at the starting line.
"Ready?" Another pair of nods. "Set… Go!"
Sonic had dashed off the second he was given the all clear. Ren wasn't nearly as fast yet used the wings of the demon to fly after him. When he reached the end, Sonic stood there tapping his foot to the ground.
"Took ya long enough."
"…I may have bitten off more than I could chew." He coughed.
'You think?' Again, Amy and Longclaw were in sync with their thoughts.
"Sonic, 0.501 seconds. Amamiya, 3.463 seconds."
"What is this thing?" Sonic asked as he zipped around the demon, ignoring the disbelief stares of his classmates.
'Why does someone else show an interest in me and you never do?' The demon asked.
"This is Arsene, the Persona of my rebellious soul. As you can see, he's a bit rebellious himself…"
Ren Amamiya!
Quirk- Arsene!
Ren's quirk allows him to summon a spirit-like being called Arsene, the persona of his rebellious soul. To summon Arsene, Ren must take his mask (Or glasses when he's not in his hero costume.) off his face which in turn, becomes his Persona. Arsene gives Ren the power to fire off blasts of an unknown element to attack his opponents or enhance Ren's normal abilities. Arsene also gives Ren the ability to fly.
"That's so cool!"
The others had their goes, but no one came close to Sonic's time. Unsurprising.
The next test was the Grip Strength Test. The one who shone there was the quiet girl who no one saw coming. Bea topped out at 106kg. The closest that came to that was Kazuto with only 89kg. Bea blatantly ignored everyone's questions, only giving them a small explanation of what her quirk was.
Bea Saitou!
Quirk: Quick Feet!
Bea's quirk is rather plain compared to her classmates, allowing her to move quicker than a regular quirkless human. On the bright side, she is more agile and flexible than most of her classmates. To make up the lack of power behind her quirk, Bea was trained in material arts at a young age by her parents. Present day, Bea is a force to be reckoned with, being the highest rank in most material arts known to mankind. Don't get on her bad side!
The long jump came next. Everyone did their best, as they should've, but the one who left everyone in the dust was Leafa, who simply flew across the sandpit. Ren and Hana could have done the same, but we already know what their quirks are, so they stumbled out. Amy came in a close second, using her hammer as a springboard while Marinette literally made a red and black springboard to bounce off.
Suguha Kirigaya!
Quirk: Fairy Flight!
Sugu's quirk allows her to use wind and stealth magic whenever she pleases. She has a multitude of spells and tricks up her sleeves and isn't afraid to use them to their fullest. She can also fly with a pair of fluorescent green wings that she can materialise on her upper back.
And we'll do Marinette too, while we're at it.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng!
Quirk- Lucky Charm!
Marinette can call upon a random ladybug coloured item that will help her in whatever situation she may find herself in. whether it be a calculator, a tac or even a top hat, Marinette's got you covered. However, she cannot summon more than one Lucky Charm at a time. When it disappears, she has to eat macarons to regain her Lucky Charm fuel. It is uncertain why it is macarons specifically, but she shares the same weakness as Adrien.
The tests continued with everyone's quirks amazing Sonic to no end. They were finally on the final test, the ball throw. Hana was in the ring, placing the ball into the gun of her mech. Sonic watched with curiosity and perhaps, just a sprinkle of admiration.
"What'cha thinking?"
"Gah! Amy, don't do that!" Amy blinked.
"Do what?"
"Appear out of nowhere and scare me like that!" She looked back out to Hana, who shot the ball high into the sky. A few seconds later, the device in Longclaw's wing beeped.
"Six hundred and eighty-nine metres."
"Is that all? Looks like I need to adjust the gun on this thing." Amy saw the sparkles in Sonic's eyes before chuckling. Sonic looked back to her.
"Oh nothing."
"It is not. Tell me!" Amy gave him a pat on the cheek.
"You have something for our little mech driving friend don't you?" Sonic's eyes widened, a slight blush dusting his cheeks.
"What!? Amy! No way! I don't even know her!"
"But you think she's pretty, right? Your heart skips a beat? Heart goes boom?" Sonic looked away. That was all she needed. "I knew it."
"I don't get it. Aoi is pretty. So is Jirou. What makes her any different?"
"Love is a fickle thing. Give it some time, there's no rush after all. And just know that whatever happens, I'll always have your back. Ok?" Sonic grumbled to himself.
"You make it sound like a big deal."
"It is!" Amy joked. "The smooth talking Hedgie, who could woo any girl he wants, ends up being wooed by a mystery girl! Trust me. Things will get better down the line."
"Sonic. Your up." Glaring at the tongue Amy stuck out at him, Sonic stood in the chalk ring. He was the last to go, so he wanted to make this count. Longclaw tossed him the ball. "Don't hold back."
"Ha! No chance of that!" Moving into a more comfortable position, Sonic began to move his arm in a circular motion. He increased the speed slowly at first before going faster and faster. His arm was a blur, but he kept pushing himself until finally…
Sonic's rotating arm shattered the sound barrier. That meant he should probably let go. With one final push, Sonic lobbed the ball high into the sky. The ball shot through the sky, bursting a hole in the clouds, and disappeared from sight. He wobbled on his feet a little but remained upright. The seconds ticked by, everyone waiting for the beep. It was almost deafening when it did. Longclaw eyed it for a moment before writing the score down on her clipboard.
"One thousand and one metres."
"ONE THOUSAND AND ONE!?" Everyone practically shouted. Sonic dropped down to the ground with a tired flop.
"Yep. I think I broke it."
"T-that's got to be the highest score in the entire school!" Hugo exclaimed. Longclaw shook her head.
"Actually, someone in Aizawa's class got infinity."
Inside the building overlooking the field, a girl with long blue hair stood watching with sparkles in her eyes.
"Wow. That's the elite class? They're so amazing!"
Sonic waited outside the girl's locker waiting for Amy to appear. The half-day had come to an end and the others had headed out. Sonic only stuck around because he had to wait for Amy. He kinda wished he would've bumped into Izuku or something today but that didn't happen. He knew that Longclaw wouldn't be home until later, so he knew he'd have the house to himself when he got back. He felt his phone buzz in it's hiding spot on him, so he opted to check that out instead of focusing on the awkward stares he was getting from people walking past. When he unlocked it, he was met with a text from Kyouka. He opened it immediately.
Jirou: Hi. So I didn't see you today, but that's ok. How'd your day go? My teacher almost gave me a heart attack earlier.
Sonic's fingers danced around on his phone as he typed his reply.
Sonic: Really? What happened? My day was fine btw.
Jirou: We skipped orientation for a start. Made us do our quirk assessment first thing. But as a motivator to get us to do well, he joked about expelling the student who placed last! How messed up is that?
Sonic: Yikes. Whoever was last must've been relived when they found out it was a ruse.
Jirou: It was Midoriya. And yeah, he's ok. Amy was right, his quirk is pretty cool.
Sonic: Is your teacher someone called Aizawa? My teacher mentioned that name a few times.
Jirou: Yep. Little gruff around the edges but I think the other students in my class can soften him up a bit.
Sonic: Not you?
Jirou: Hell no! That's not my forte.
Sonic: Well Amy and I have Longclaw as our teacher. She's really cool!
Jirou: The owl hero? Lucky.
Sonic: I know. What are your classmate's quir
Sonic nearly dropped his phone when he was addressed in the real world. Looking up, Sonic's green eyes met Hana's brown ones. His heart jumped again.
"H-hi. What's up?" Hana gave him a cute grin.
"Just wanted to say that your ball throwing technique was really cool. You had so much power behind it." For the first time in forever, Sonic found himself unable to form a full sentence without stuttering.
"I-I… uh… T-thanks. That m-means a lot c-coming from you. I mean, w-what I meant to s-say is…"
"Dude. Take a chill pill. I don't bite." That wasn't the problem, but Sonic couldn't say that. "Welp. I'll see you tomorrow then." She turned and gave him a wave over her shoulder. Sonic needed to say one more thing before she left, or he would go crazy.
"M-make sure to g-get enough sleep tonight. C-can't have you n-not at one hundred p-percent for whatever we d-do tomorrow can we?" Hana chuckled kind-heartedly.
"Sure. Thanks for that Spikes. See you tomorrow!" With that, she headed down the hall. Sonic let out a groan.
"Why is the first nickname people give me always "Spikes?"
"Gee. Maybe it's because you have spikes on the back of your head?" Sonic didn't jump as much as he had earlier, but it was still visible.
"This is too good. We'll work on the stuttering later but for now, just try and be yourself around her kay?" Without waiting for him, she skipped down the hall towards the exit. With another grumble, Sonic finished his text to Jirou before catching up to his best friend.
It was very dark by the time Sonic heard the doorknob twist. He stood at the bottom of the stairs in the darkness, waiting for his guardian to come in and turn the lights on. Then he'd ask his question. He vaguely saw Longclaw come through the door before closing it. He waited for the lights to come on, but they never did, which confused him. Why wasn't she…
"Why are you standing there in the dark?"
God damn night vision!
"Waiting for you." Longclaw chuckled as she flipped the lights on.
"I assume you have questions?"
"Why didn't you say anything?" Longclaw's beak curved with a smile.
"Because I wanted it to be a surprise. Don't give me that look! It wasn't set in stone until the other day." Sonic pouted.
"Still would've been nice to know beforehand."
"I'll tell you what happened. Just stop pouting."
"Good. So, when you were about three or so…"
Longclaw brought herself done for a landing in an urban park. After landing with a clawed thud, she walked over to the nearby vending machine. While she was waiting for her drink to fall, her phone rang. Finding a seat below an overhang, she answered the call.
"Hello Laura speaking."
"Longclaw, hello! It's been far too long."
"Nezu? Is that you?"
"It is I, yes. How have you been? Doing well I presume?"
"Oh yes. A hero's work is never done." She paused. "Recently, I… Became a mother."
"A mother? That's incredible! Forgive me though, but who would the father be?"
"No. Not a biological mother. I recently took a Humanoid in under my wing."
"Figuratively or literally?"
"I'm an owl, so both. That joke doesn't apply to me."
"I suppose it doesn't, does it?" She heard Nezu sigh on his end. "It's such a shame really. I just don't understand why it's so hard for some people to accept Humanoids. People accept you and I, yet we look like animals."
"Neither do I Nezu. Neither do I."
"But onto a brighter topic now." She heard Nezu perk right back up to his usual self. "I have a proposition for you. Would you like to hear it?"
"I would like you to become a teacher at UA. I believe that with your field experience and calm demeanour, you would make a fine teacher."
"First of all, wow. Second, I have absolutely no knowledge in teaching. I don't even have a teaching degree."
"No problem at all. I can take care of that if you want to take the job. Of course, you will still have to do an interview with me, but I have a strong feeling you will get the job." Longclaw rolled her eyes.
"Fine. I'll do it."
"But I want to pick which class of students I have."
"Hmmm. Bring it up in the interview and we'll think about it." Longclaw let out a laugh.
"You're such an oddball Nezu."
"Indeed I am."
"When Nezu asked me to handle the elite class known as 1-S, I agreed. Which brings us to now." Sonic's face was unreadable for a moment before he let out sigh.
"Still would've been nice to know." Longclaw pulled her little blue hedgehog into a hug.
"I'm sorry. I didn't realise that you did. If something like this happens again, I'll let you know beforehand. Deal?" Sonic chuckled, returning to his old self.
"Thanks. This year's going to be great with you as a teacher!"
"Don't go thinking that I'm going to go easy on you just because you're in my care Sonic!"
"I wouldn't dream of it."
They stayed in the hug for a little while longer before Sonic had to go to bed. He left Longclaw to make her own dinner in favour of flopping onto his bed and falling asleep. Today was fun.
And they were only going to get better.
I will admit. Not the best chapter I've ever written, but I feel as if it got the message across.
So! Let's get something out of the way here. Humanoids are human. Or at least, their bodies were for a brief moment in their lives. So it isn't considered as bestiality in this world, ok? Relationships between a human and a Humanoid isn't uncommon. Like I said in the last chapter, characters may seem a little out of character, so I don't want to hear complaints in the reviews. If there are reviews of course.
Also, with the new Pokémon SWSH DLC coming out soon, don't expect the next chapter for a little while. As of right now, I'm still working on it but as soon as the DLC comes out, I'm most likely going to be glued to it. Thank you for your patience nonetheless.
But enough said from me. See you all in the next chapter!
Next time: Foundational Hero Studies! Supersonic vs Solaris!
Reviews to the reviews for the previous chapter:
Althea Sirius: I had to think there for a second about who the French duo was before I realised what an idiot I was. Yes, the French Hero Duo is here too! I didn't actually mention it yet, but a three of the students in 1-S come from different states. Drift is from America and the French duo is (Surprise, surprise!) from France. I know is Korean, but I felt as if she'd fit better as Japanese. And does Shota Todoroki really bother you? Is it uncommon for people to have the same names? Tell you what, if you can come up with a better name for her, I'll change it. If not, I'll just change her gender again. It's not like we were going to see much of 1-A or 1-B anyway, as this story is mostly going to focus on 1-S. Talk to you next chapter! Thanks for the continued support!
Guest: Thank you very much! It's nice to hear that people enjoy my work! As for other Sonic x MHA crossovers, I have no idea either. It's such an interesting combination. Maybe a little too unique… perhaps that's why there aren't that many… Thanks for your review!
Mideku Brandio: Aw stop it! You're making me blush! Thank you for enjoying this! It means a lot to me to have people liking it! I hope this chapter was a good enough answer as to who Class 1-S is made up of. I did have to make up two names for two of them due to their lack of normal names. One being the Drift skin from Fortnite and the other being Hibari Haruka, who, if you haven't worked out who she is yet, will be properly named in the next chapter. I'm glad that my writing style is appreciated by people. Not many people mention it, only if their telling me I'm doing something wrong, so this is a nice change. Thank you for going out of your way to reach out. Your review is much appreciated!