Heroes of Class 1-S, Crossover Class!

Season 1

Chapter 1: The beginning of something great!

Hi! Yeah, I know I'm not Izuku Midoriya. I mean, it would be cool if I was, but I'm not. I am someone cooler though!

So, this world may be a little different than the one you're used to. I mean don't get me wrong! The wonderful phenomenon known as Quirks still exists. But here in this universe we have a new phenomenon that began to pop up about maybe twenty years or so ago that turn newborns into Humanoids.

Let me explain to the best of my ability. Humanoids are basically anthropomorphic animals that have human characteristics. Except, the Humanoids are humans on the inside. Take me for example. I'm a hedgehog. I can curl up into a spikey ball and roll like a real hedgehog. But I can walk and talk like any regular human. In the world, about fifteen percent of the population is Humanoid. Not that it affects the eighty percent of those with quirks or the twenty percent that are quirkless. We're just an extra factor that just… exists, I guess. There isn't really any downside to being a Humanoid other than the fact that we look like animals. We still get quirks too! My quirk is really awesome, but we'll get to that later.

Unfortunately, there are people who are kinda against us. You would think that in this wonderful world, people wouldn't bat an eye at us. But no, there are some people who just don't understand that we're still human. So much so that about five percent of the Humanoid "kind" are abandoned by their biological parents. Myself included. I was one of the luckier ones though. I got a really nice Pro Hero caretaker that took me in under her wing and I've been living with her ever since. But I think that's enough about me and my "kind."

This is a story about my class back at UA. And while I may be the main character of this story that doesn't mean I'll steal their limelight. They're just as good as I am, I swear!

My name is Sonic, and this is our story! Enjoy!

The sound of a dreaded alarm filled his room. Most people would groan and roll over, trying to drown out the noise. But not this one.

The blue hedgehog that occupied the bed next to the alarm quickly slapped it off before taking a moment to adjust to the light. It took all of three seconds to do so before he was out of bed and changing into his school clothes. A dark blue jacket was thrown over his light blue shirt as well as a pair of navy-blue pants. He grumbled a little as he put them on but other than that there were no problems. Grabbing his newly washed red bandana off the set of shelves near his door, he quickly tied it around his neck as he made his way down the stairs into the kitchen. He noticed the lack of his guardian anywhere in the house and assumed that she'd been called out for something. His suspicions were confirmed when he found the note of the fridge.


Got called away for a meeting about a future raid. I'll probably be back late so don't worry about waiting for me when you have dinner. Don't forget your lunch!

Love you lots!

Sonic chuckled as he tugged the note off the fridge and chucked it into the bin below the sink.

"As if I would. Only I can make the best Chilli Dogs. Why would I forget?"

After a quick breakfast and getting himself organised, Sonic grabbed his bag off the bench and stuffed his necessities into it. Glancing toward the calendar as he headed to the front door, he couldn't help but grin.

"One more day. One more day till the entrance exam." He passed through the door and once closed, locked it. On the calendar, the very next day had three words scribbled on in red and circled.

UA Entrance Exam!

Sonic left his residence and jogged down the street, heading for the nearby train station. As much as he disliked it, Sonic had no choice in the matter of transportation because he didn't have a hero licence. If he did, he would just run to school. But now that I think about it, that would kinda defeat the purpose of the story.

In a matter of minutes, Sonic was on the platform waiting for his train, earbuds stuck into his ears to listen to his music. He couldn't help but tap his foot to the rhythm, ignoring the glares that two people were giving him. He was used to this. The distaste that some people held for Humanoids. It had bothered him at first before he realised that their opinion of him didn't matter. The only ones that did were those who saw him in as a human. Glancing up, he spotted his train arriving and waited until the doors opened. Moving quickly, he managed to sit in a seat before others got on. As of the next station, it got really busy and Sonic liked the fact that he was the stop before the rush.

Placing his bag between his feet, Sonic gave out a content sigh. He gave a glance to the boy sitting next to him. He had messy green hair and some freckles on his face. He was too absorbed in scribbling into his notebook to even notice that someone was looking at him. Sonic knew it was rude to do, but he had a peek at what he was writing. He felt a grin cross his face when he saw the name at the top of the page.

"Fan of heroes?" He asked, pulling out an earbud from his ear. The boy stiffened slightly before looking to the blue hedgehog. Sonic offered him a lopsided smile. "I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't."

"I-I am." Judging by the face that was drawn onto the front of his notebook, Sonic already had an idea as to what the answer to his next question was going to be.

"Who's your favourite hero?" The boy's nervous dementor seemingly vanished as a bright smile crossed his face.

"All Might! I mean, he is the number one hero after all. I love the fact that he has a smile on his face no matter what. I want to be a hero like that someday." Sonic knew the feeling all too well.

"I think you could. I mean, I don't know you, like, at all. But just from the energy you have radiating off you just now, I feel as if you have what it takes." Whatever Sonic was expecting the boy's reaction to be, it certainly wasn't for him to begin crying. Sonic really didn't want people to get the wrong idea, so he quickly tried to defuse the situation. "Whoa hey! What's wrong?" The boy gave him a big smile through his now identified tears of joy.

"S-sorry. T-that just means a l-lot to me. N-nobody has e-ever said that t-to me." Sonic was patient as he gently rubbed his back as the boy calmed down. Once he'd finally relaxed, Sonic continued.

"It's kinda funny. Normally I'd say that to anyone, but I think you've had the best reaction to that." The boy sniffled before putting his hand out to the hedgehog.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya. And I want to become as good as All Might." Sonic enthusiastically accepted the invitation for the handshake.

"Sonic. I want to help people. Not because of the money and fame, but because sometimes, there are people in need of rescuing and serious villains that need to be stopped." Izuku smiled at that.

"That's an amazing goal. I hope you succeed it one day."

"Right back at you Midoriya." Sonic's ear twitched as he heard the familiar announcement that told him he needed to get off. "Well it was nice talking to you, but I gotta bounce. Need to get to school to get an education, ya know?" Izuku let out a chuckle.

"You're very relaxed you know?"

"Comes in my job description." As he stood up to go, Izuku grabbed his arm.

"Thank you for what you said. It really means a lot to me." Sonic offered the boy a thumbs up and his trademark smirk.

"Not a problem. Maybe I'll see you at the UA Entrance Exam then." He chuckled at the boy's shocked reaction before taking his arm back. "Plus Ultra!"

Grabbing his bag, Sonic weaved through the group of people and stood by the door. Once the doors opened, Sonic was off the crowded train and into the slightly less busier Tokyo Train Station. The hedgehog made his way down to the ticket machine and passed through it with no issues. Walking down one of the halls of the train station was always interesting. Sometimes, he would see someone with a unique mutant quirk or even a teenage Humanoid roaming the station. But there was one other reason that Sonic enjoyed coming here. One redheaded reason. Speaking of which…

Sonic spotted her from a mile away. It wasn't difficult to spot someone with the brightest red hair he'd ever seen. Sneaking up behind the older girl, he tapped her on her elbow for he was too short to reach her shoulder. Stepping to her right side, he avoided her line of sight as she turned. He then tapped her right elbow before moving to the left. This went on for a moment before the girl swivelled around, catching him off guard.

"Not this time Spikes. You've got to come up with something else to fool me."

"I guess I should have known you'd get smarter Aoi."

The girl, Aoi Sakurai, was one of Sonic's best friends. She was slightly older than him, being seventeen while he was fourteen, but it wasn't like it really mattered. Aoi wore her red hair into a large cowlick like bun on the back of her head and the station's uniform over her curvaceous figure. Not that that was the reason Sonic was friends with her. Aoi was one of the station's security staff, one of the few that protected the customers from villain attacks that may happen there. She did have a quirk, but it wasn't as flashy as some of the others in her team. Basic Regeneration, she called it. A slow healing factor that helped her out big time when it came to injuries from weapons and other quirks.

Sonic and Aoi first met when a villain with a shapeshifting quirk had attacked one of the stores withing the station. The villain changed into Sonic's shape and Aoi mistook him for the villain, capturing him and putting him in one of the temp cells they had. It was only after the real villain was caught that Aoi realised her mistake and wouldn't stop apologising to him for the rest of his stay there. The next time they met, Sonic let her know that he had already forgiven her because it was an "honest mistake" when it came to dealing with shapeshifters. After that, they kept bumping into each other and eventually became actual friends.

Back to the present, Sonic placed his hands behind his head.

"How've you been?" Aoi chuckled slightly.

"You saw me yesterday. Why would anything be different?"

"You never know. You could have won the lotto overnight, something bad might have happened or maybe you got promoted."

"Point taken. No. It's just a regular morning for me." Sonic was glad he was friends with Aoi. He'd found out rather quickly that she had a certain distaste for men, often saying that she wanted to shoot any molester or something along those lines on the spot. And he knew she was serious. He'd seen her gun. But of course, there were laws for a reason, thus, she was reduced to capturing and detaining those kinds of people.

The two talked for a little before Sonic checked the time and gave her a sheepish grin.

"Sorry to cut our talk short, but I've got to get to school. Text you later?" Aoi gave him a nice grin.

"Do you even need to ask?"

"S'pose not. Talk soon Aoi!" With that, he headed off. Exiting the station, he had to use his quirk ever so slightly to get to the school on time. It didn't take long and soon, he found himself on the grounds of an unnamed school because the author knows Japan about as much as he knows actual train knowledge. And all I know about that is Thomas' actual class. Don't ask.

Sonic was quick to put his bag in his locker and got to class. As he sat his butt down onto his seat in his first class, the bell rang. Sonic let out a small sigh of relief.

With a good chunk of the day out of the way already, Sonic moved with his classmates into the school's cafeteria. He already knew where he was going and made his way over to the microwaves that were available for the students to use. He placed his bag on the bench and pulled the contents out of his special lunch bag. Placing three hot dogs on a supplied plate, he added the chilli on top before placing them into the microwave. With the timer set. Sonic stretched his arms up. Now all he needed to do was locate where his other best friend was sitting so he could join up with her when his lunch was done. He spun on his heels to see if he could find her.

Only to come face to face with said person standing a right behind him.

"Are Chilli Dogs all you eat?" Sonic gave his best friend a shrug.

"Maybe. How would you know?"

"I've seen you eat veggies back at your place. Multiple times."

"Yeah, but you know how she gets when I don't. I really don't need her breathing down my neck about healthy eating again."

"So pack a piece of fruit then! Don't just eat those fatty hot dogs. Where does the fat even go?"

"I dunno. You tell me Ames." His fellow Humanoid gave him an annoyed huff.

"Don't make me shove a piece of celery down your throat Sonic." The way Amy said his name made him acutely aware that that was a good sign to shut up before she actually did.

Amy was a Humanoid like himself. So much alike him because they were both hedgehogs. Only she was pink and her quills were pointed down instead of straight out of the back of her head like his were. She wore a neatly ironed school uniform as well as a blue headband in her "hair." Sonic had met Amy about a year ago in this very cafeteria. He could remember it like yesterday.

It was right after he'd finished in gym class. He and his classmates had just arrived for lunch and like today, Sonic had gone straight to the microwaves. While waiting for his food to cook, he spotted someone in the sea of heads that stood out like a light in the night. She had pink hair and a headband with a pretty flower on the side. Sonic knew he'd have to say hello now. As soon as his meal was done, he walked towards her. As he got closer, he could see other characteristics that began to stand out. She had a peach muzzle like he did. She had small tail like he did. And she had a small black nose unlike him. But it was very similar to his. And he finally came to the blatantly obvious conclusion that she was indeed like him.

"You're a hedgehog." The girl looked up to him. Yep. Definitely a hedgehog with those cyclops like eyes. He'd always wondered why that was.


"You're a hedgehog." He repeated dumbly. The girl looked away.

"So? Why does that matter?" Quickly realising he may have unintentionally offended her, he backpedalled quickly.

"I don't mean that in a bad way. I mean, what are the chances that there are two hedgehog Humanoids going to the same school?" The girl stared at him for a moment before chuckling.

"I guess so. Now that I look at you more closely, I can see where you're coming from." Sonic had a mental sigh of relief.

"Sorry if I offended you. I know what it's like when it comes to Anti-Anthro's."

Anti-Anthro's are what Humanoids call the people against the existence of Humanoids.

The female hedgehog shook her head.

"None taken. I shouldn't have jumped the gun." She placed a hand on her chest. "I'm Amy Rose. It's a pleasure to meet a fellow hedgehog." Sonic gave her a toothy grin.

"Sonic. Pleasure to meet you too." Amy tilted her head to the side."

"Just Sonic? Don't you have a family name I can call you by?" Sonic looked away briefly. Unfortunately, that was enough to tip Amy off. "Oh no. Were you…?" She trailed off.

"Yeah." Sonic shrugged before his smile returned. "But I'm not bothered by it. I didn't know them well enough anyway. Luckily, I ended up with a super cool guardian to look after me. She is the best!" Sonic could see the relief in her eyes as she too, gave him a smile.

"Oh good. I was worried there for a second. It's horrible what some people do to other Humanoids." They were quiet for a moment before Sonic changed the subject of their conversation.

"So what do you have for lunch?" Amy's smile lit up the room again.

"A Bento Box! My dad made it for me. He is really good at making those. What about you?"

"Chilli Dogs!" He presented his plate to her and he saw the twitch in her eye.

"Do you know how much fat is in those things?"

Yeah, Amy had been on his case about it for most of the year.

As it turns out, Amy had actually transferred to the unnamed school that day, which was why Sonic hadn't seen her around before. That didn't stop the two of them becoming best friends though.

"Hello? Earth to Sonic. This is ground control. SONIC!" Said hog' jumped at her sudden outburst.

"Huh, what? Sorry. I was daydreaming."

"I can see that. Your Chilli Dogs are done." Sonic chuckled sheepishly before he grabbed his food from the microwave and followed Amy towards their hangout spot.

Said hangout spot was on the caged rooftop of the school. Sonic plonked his plate down on their makeshift table before sitting on one of the milk crates that they'd brought up. Amy had even brought a pair of cushions from her place to sit on as the crates weren't exactly the comfiest things. Amy sat down on her crate before looking up to the cloud dotted sky.

"It's a scary thought." She murmured to herself. Sonic looked up to her as he stuffed one end of his Chilli Dog into his mouth.

"What is?"

"We're almost at high school level. It means we're going up in the world." The face Sonic made definitely was of confusion.

"So? That just means we're that much closer to becoming heroes. And you and I both know how much you want to be a hero." Amy chuckled as she looked back to him.

"I know, I know. But it means that we'll be risking our lives for other people on a regular basis. Doesn't that scare you?"

"Of course it does. But I'd rather risk it all to make a better world for everyone than letting bad stuff happen. That's what a true hero should be. Not one for the fame and fortune." Amy's smile returned as she let out a small sigh.

"Still hung up about that, huh? You'll make an awesome hero one day." Sonic's grin grew wider as he used his Chilli Dog to point at her.

"But none of that can begin to happen until tomorrow. You pumped?" Amy returned the grin even brighter than before.

"You bet I am! We're both going to get into UA and we're going to blow everybody out of the water!"

"Hopefully not everyone. I don't want to steal everyone's spotlight."

"Oh? Did you meet someone?"

"On the train. I knew nothing about him, yet I could feel the heroics pouring out of him. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw him at the Entrance Exam tomorrow." Amy grabbed her can of raspberry soda off the ground next to her and held it up high.

"Only time will tell, eh? Here's to tomorrow!" Sonic couldn't help what he said next.

"You do know how much sugar is in that drink right? Don't want to get cavities before you get into UA do you?" Amy blushed angerly.

"Shut up! You don't get to lecture me on sugars and fats! And I don't drink this as often as you do!" Sonic's laughter filled the roof as he grabbed his drink.

"You know what they say. Payback's a jerk." He bumped cans with Amy's. "To tomorrow. Where the next step…"

"…Of our future begins!"

"Plus Ultra!" They said in unison. Then they burst out into a fit of giggles.

Not long after their toast, the bell had rung and they both had to get to their classes. There was only five minutes left and Sonic sat in his homeroom listening to his teacher talk about their futures. Not surprisingly, most of his class wanted to get a spot in heroics. Sonic wasn't going to say anything, but he really doubted that any of his nameless classmates would make the cut. Maybe at a different hero school, but not UA. Speaking of which, the teacher turned to Sonic.

"…And it says here that you're also applied for UA. I wouldn't be surprised if you made it in, Mr Hedgehog." Sonic waved a hand sheepishly.

"Aw. You flatter me. But I don't want to let anyone else feel as if they can't have a shot at it."

"Why would they let a Humanoid into the prestige UA?" Sonic felt his quills bristle slightly at that comment. Of course there was always the Negative Nancy in the group. "There's never been a Humanoid hero before, so why should they start now?"

"Now, now Ichika. That's no way to speak to-"

"Think about it! Why should he have the chance to steal the spotlight when we all know that he's going to fail. No Anthro should have the chance-" Sonic let out a chuckle, catching the faceless student off guard.

"And why not? I am just as capable of having a quirk like you. Sure there hasn't been any Humanoid heroes yet, but that's only because we haven't been around for as long as plain humans." He jabbed a thumb towards himself with a confident smile. "Amy and I are going to become the first Humanoid Heroes in the world. And ain't nobody going to stop us!" That earned a small round of applause in his favour. He gave a small bow before turning back to the teacher.

"He's right you know. Both him and Miss Rose are applied to partake in the exam so that would mean that UA is accepting Humanoids as future heroes." The boy growled before sulking in his seat. The teacher turned back to Sonic. "I wish you and Miss Rose the best of luck Mr Hedgehog." Sonic nodded approvingly.

"Thanks!" With that statement, the bell rung out and the school day ended.

Sonic stood by the gate, bag on his shoulder, waiting for Amy to appear. He wanted to give her a few last words of encouragement before they left. Spotting her in the crowd, he waved for her come over. As soon as she was standing in front of him, he felt his smile grow wider.

"Good luck tomorrow. I know we'll make it." Amy raised an eyebrow playfully.

"You ever doubted me?"

"No way! I never would have!"

"I know. Just messing with you." She gave him a light punch on the arm. "You to Hedgie!" She took her leave with a wave. "See you tomorrow!" With that, she disappeared around the corner.

He'd just made it to Tokyo Station when there was a loud crash and a slight tremor. Sonic didn't even need to turn around to realise what was happening. The screaming people were enough of a clue. Quickening his pace, he stood behind a pillar before he looked back to the plaza. He wasn't going to miss the security team deal with the villain that had appeared. Said villain was a large rhino like person with a safe on her back. She let out a loud huff of annoyance.

"Brilliant. This stupid device the old man gave me is a dud! Why would I want to go to the station? To ride a train as my getaway vehicle? God fucking damnit." Sonic caught a flash of red out of the corner of his eye before he spotted Aoi amongst a few more members of the security team that had made their way out. The leader of Aoi's team created a megaphone over his hand before speaking through it.

"Villain! Please stand down and wait for the proper authorities to arrive." The rhino lady smiled.

"Oh sure. Just let me put my loot down and come quietly…" She did the exact opposite of her words and ripped a lamppost out of the ground. "Like hell I'd do that! Come at me you fucking chumps!"

She tossed her weapon towards them. Thankfully, one of the security team members formed a shield, and the lamppost bounced harmlessly off it. The megaphone guy began to shout orders to his team and Sonic watched as they moved out. His eyes skilfully watched Aoi as she took a position to the Villain's right side. When it was her time to strike, she moved in quickly and kneed the rhino lady in the shin. Sonic sweat-dropped when she took the chance to pull out her gun and shot her in the knee right afterwards. Unsurprisingly, it did virtually nothing except anger the rhino lady even more. Turning on Aoi, she began to charge.

From her position, there was nothing she could do. Nowhere to go and no way to get out of the way at such close distance. None of her teammates could get to her either. Of course, Sonic's heroic instincts took over and had shot off before he had a chance to register what he was doing. He swept Aoi off her feet and skidded to a stop as the rhino lady crashed into the tree that had stood behind her. Aoi blinked before she looked up to Sonic's sheepish face.

"You looked like you could've used a hand." She gave him a blank stare.

"I have Basic Regeneration remember? I would've shaken it off."

"Yeah, but being impaled by that horn of hers would've hurt like hell right? And besides. There's no way I'd ever want to see one of my best friends with a gaping hole in her stomach. For ANY length of time." Aoi grinned with a thankful smile.

"Yeah. Now that I think about it, that'd really suck, wouldn't it?"

Before Sonic could respond, the rhino lady finally dislodged her horn from the tree an stared the two down.

"Who the fuck do you think you are hedgehog? I had her!" Sonic glared right back at her.

"I'm Sonic. The hedgehog if you will. And I really don't appreciate the fact that you tried to impale my friend!"

"Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about it?" Placing Aoi on the ground, Sonic was suddenly in the rhino lady's face. With a swift, but hard kick to the chin, he sent her flying into the air, the safe falling off her back and landing on the ground. She shortly followed after it, landing back down to the ground with a thud. Sonic's grin was wide.

"I think you'd find that I can be quick when I want to be!"

Sonic the Hedgehog!

Quirk- Supersonic!

Sonic's quirk allows him to move at supersonic speeds just by running. He can also push himself for short periods of time in order to "Boost," curl up into a ball and spin on the spot before shooting off at fast speeds and even move his limbs fast enough to blast pressurised air at his opponents. Overall, he is one speedy hedgehog that is hard to catch.

Unsurprisingly, the rhino lady got to her feet and snarled, a line of blood trickling down from her mouth.

"You're going pay for that you little bastard!" With a stomp, she readied herself for another attack.

"Good luck! You'll never catch me!" He too got ready to move. However, before either of them could move, a loud voice was heard from above.

"Missouri Smash!"

Sonic had to jump back as a literal meteor crashed down atop of the villain. He wasn't counting on Aoi being right behind him though and the two of them tumbled to the ground. When they came to a stop, Sonic found his face in a place that it shouldn't be.

Between Aoi's breasts.

With a yelp, he was out of there and sitting next to her, a blush on his face.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" Aoi pulled herself up into a sitting position and giggled at the hedgehog's red face.

"No harm, no foul. If it was someone else, they'd be dead on the spot."

"I know." Glancing back to the battlefield, Sonic couldn't help but gasp at the towering figure restraining the rhino lady. As if his day could get any better than this, he got to see freaking All Might up close! All Might had his big smile on his face.

"For someone so large, you are awfully hard to catch, you know."

"Fuck you"

"Haha! Classic post-capture line. I get that a lot."

The police finally arrived to take the rhino lady away. Sonic, however, was scolded for using his quirk against a villain without a licence. The blow was softened slightly thanks to Aoi taking his side. Once that was done, Sonic nearly fainted when the hulking man came up to him and actually began to speak to him.

"You are very brave, young hedgehog. Was it stupid to attack a villain without a licence? Yes. But you did it to save a life. That is some true heroics right there." Sonic couldn't help but blush at the praise.

"T-thanks. I couldn't just let her try to kill my friend."

"Again, I can just regener-" Sonic elbowed Aoi in her side. "Ow! Hey!"

"If I may." All Might continued. "I would like to offer you a recommendation into UA. We could use heroes like you in the future."

Sonic's brain froze. All Might. The number one hero in Japan, possible the world, was offering to get him a free pass into the very school he and Amy were going to try out for tomorrow. He felt very proud.

"W-wow. Really? That's… That's incredible! You'd really d-do that?"

"But of course. I wouldn't want such talent to go to waste." Sonic glanced to Aoi, who gave him a thumbs up. It was then that he realised his cheeks were hurting from smiling too much.

"I would be honoured!" All Might let out a loud laugh.

"Excellent. I will let Nezu know that-"

"But I'll have to pass on it." Both All Might and Aoi stared at him in shock. Well, more Aoi that All Might. Aoi grabbed Sonic's shoulders.

"What!? But you've been going on nonstop about wanting to go to UA! Why would you give up this chance?"

"Because it wouldn't sit right with me. If I take this, Amy'll have to do the entrance exam on her own. We've been talking about this for months!" He gave the muscular man a solid stare. "If I'm going to get into UA, it's going to be by my own strength. Thank you for the offer, but I can't accept it."

All Might was silent for a moment before he burst out laughing.

"That is very admirable young hedgehog! I admire your spunk. I wish I was more like you when I was younger. Very well. I will keep an eye on you tomorrow during the exam." All Might stepped away from the two before he gave them a salute. "But for now, I must be off. Thank you for your help today!" With that, he shot off into the air and disappeared from sight. Aoi let out a small huff before she pulled Sonic into a one-armed hug.

"I'm proud of you too. You did well. I can't wait to team up with Mr Big Shot Hero one day." Sonic gave her a cheeky grin.

"Gotta get your full licence first Aoi. Can't have one of my partners running around with a security pass, now can I?" That earned him a jab in his side.

"Don't push it. I'll get it way before you do!" Sonic chuckled sincerely.

"I have no doubt you will!"

A yawn escaped Sonic's mouth as he wandered back inside his guardian's house. True to her words, she wasn't home yet, but that didn't bother him in the slightest. After putting away his things and prepping his dinner, he dumped his school clothes into the wash bin. Placing his phone on the bench, he went to fetch its charger. When he returned, he noticed the flashing blue light on it, indicating that he'd gotten a text. Two in fact when he unlocked it. One from Amy and one from Aoi. Opening Amy's first, he chuckled when he saw what it contained.

Amy: Can't wait for tomorrow! Make sure to get a good night's rest so you're in tiptop shape when we do the exam!

There was a picture too. Amy was sitting on her bed with the plushie of him that he had given her for her birthday this year. She had called him egotistical which made him laugh. She had her game face on and a victory sign on her free hand. Sonic chuckled as he pulled his dinner out of the microwave before replying.

Sonic: You too. Wouldn't want to leave you behind when the time comes!

Next, he opened Aoi's text and felt a warm feeling sprout within him.

Aoi: I can't believe I forgot to say this earlier. Thank you for saving me, even if I wasn't in any real danger. Good luck with your entrance exam tomorrow Spikes!

Sonic: It was the least I could do. If I had the chance to do it again, I would. See you tomorrow!

Amy's reply came through shortly after, but it was just her mocking him again.

Once he'd finished eating, he got ready for bed. A quick shower and a not so quick brushing of his teeth. He entered his blue room and flopped down onto is bed. He lay there for a moment, wondering if his guardian had already been told of his heroics. She probably had been but he would still tell her when he got up tomorrow anyway. As he closed his eyes, he couldn't help but grin again.

'Tomorrow. The real fun begins!'

Hello one and all and welcome to my new feature-length story! This has been rattling around in my head for weeks now, and I figured that enough was enough. Basically, in this universe, characters from other games and media exist amongst the MHA cast. Class 1-S will hold twelve students of my choosing (Because I knew there was no way I could keep track of a full class and give them all their own time to shine. How do people do it?) and they will be put through their own tasks and challenges. The teacher has been picked too, but you'll find out who she (Your only hint!) is soon enough.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! A bit longer than I wanted it to be but oh well. I'll keep typing while the ball is moving. I look forward to next time! Talk to you soon!

And no, as you clearly saw in this chapter, this Amy isn't the clingy type like in normal Sonic Fanfictions.

Next time:

Do your best hedgehogs! UA Entrance Exam!