The campus had been quiet for a few days, so I took the opportunity to spend some time with Roza. After the incident in the caves Rose had barely left my side for more than a few minutes and both of us are restless with lack of stimulation. Well, not a complete lack of physical stimulation. Dr. Olendzki had stressed to me that I needed to take it easy for a few days until I was back to full strength and Rose had made it her job to make sure I did so. I never would have thought Rose would be so persistent with me, but I guess this is what it felt like when I hovered over her anytime she got hurt.
I looked down at her sleeping on my chest, her dark curls covered the part of her back that wasn't covered by the quilt. The way she slept so heavily it became clear to me that that was probably the first time she had sleep peacefully in a long time. I gently brushed her hair off her face and caressed her with the back of my hand. The nasty gash that once presided diagonally across her left eye had finally healed up but left a sliver of a scar there - a dark reminder of what she risked for me.
But if our roles were reversed, I would have done the same thing. Protocols be damned.
I don't know what hurt more; the fear I felt when I was pulled down or the sound of Rose screaming my name as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. I don't remember much of what happened, my memory had been clouded from the haze of the bite, but I do remember seeing her eyes boring down at me and her lips moving soundlessly as she tugged on my arms for me to get up. I vaguely remember stumbling back to the academy with Rose a few steps in front of me and Alto two steps behind, but the moment I crossed the ward line my adrenaline crash and I blacked out.
Dr. Olendzki told me that Rose was like a Pitbull when they tried to remove her from my hospital room, she kicked up a fuss and even swung at one of the Guardians that tried to remove her. Albert had to step in and have her sedated because they couldn't calm her down but left her to sleep on a cot across from me. When I regained consciousness, it was Alberta's eyes that I met, and she looked from me to the sleeping form of Rose before raising an eyebrow. It was clear then that Alberta knew the extent of our relationship but she confided in me that she had had her suspicions long ago, and convinced the other Guardians that it was a mixture of adrenaline, fear, and Rose's overall attitude that made her react the way she did.
"Stop watching me sleep, it is weird."
I smirked as Rose cracked her eye open and looked up at me wearily. I ran my hand over her hair as the other hand rested over the small of her back. The air in the cabin was cold, but the feeling of her hot, naked flesh pressed against mine under the quilt fought away most of the chill. "It's hard not to watch you, it's like watching an angel," I joked, and she rolled her eyes at me. She shuffled around under the blanket and moved to lay directly on top of me, her smooth legs intertwining with mine and her face found purchase in the crook of my neck.
I wrapped my arms around her tightly and pressed my face into her hair. I breathed in her scent deeply. "I can't begin to tell you how thankful I am for what you did, but it was incredibly stupid," I murmured into her silk locks and she pinched my right pectoral.
I hissed and jumped at the gesture and she pressed her lips against my neck. "I saved your life. I was not going to watch you die; you would have done the same thing for me," she grumbled as she tucked her leg up higher around me, her knee resting against my hip. Her squirming against my skin was not doing anything to prevent my blood flowing below the waist and I groaned as she rocked against me with a giggle.
I moved my hand down to her hip and held her in place, trying to keep her from arousing me further. "I know, and I would have. But it would have killed me if you had died or worse," I whispered in her ear, and I kissed the shell afterwards. Rose lifted her head to look me in the eyes, reaching up and brushing a strand of my hair away from my face and leaned in to press her lips against mine tenderly.
I moved my hand to cup her face and moved my lips against her gently, conveying my love for her through this kiss. My other hand moved from her hip to hold her knee in place as I deepened the kiss, running my tongue along the seam of her lips and slipping it inside when given entrance.
"I love you," I whispered as I moved my lips from the corner of her mouth to her cheek, running my lips over her jaw. Rose giggles as my lips tickle the skin behind her ear before a moan slipped through her lips when I pressed an open mouth kissed there. She moved her hands up and cupped my face as she pulled the two of us to the side, shifting and moulding herself to my body. "I love you too," she promised, stroking my cheekbone tenderly.
"How long do we have until we have to go back?" she asked, pressing kisses to my neck as I rocked my hips against hers. "We have a few hours," I said sliding my hand up to cup her butt over the quilt. I moved my lips down her neck and left open-mouthed kisses along the tops of her breasts, smirking as a sigh escaped her mouth and she tilted her head back.
"Breaking your own rules for the second time today, Comrade," Rose chuckled and gripped my hair tightly as I nipped at the skin above her nipple.
I smirked against her skin and moved down to take the plump nipple in my mouth. "Do you want me to stop?" I ask when I release it from my lips, feeling my cock twitch at the sound of her breathy whimper. Rose shook her head and moaned incoherently before pulling my lips back to hers.
I don't think I will ever put my feelings for her to the back of my mind. After everything that had happened in the last week, it has become clear just how quickly we could lose the other. I am not about to let Rose think for one minute that she is not important to me or that I can live without her.
I ran my hands over the smooth skin of her back as I pulled her closer to me, nipping at her bottom lip and sucking on it to soothe the sting. Rose slipped her hand between us under the blanket and gripped my shaft firmly, pumping a few times before moving her hips to line up with me. I moved my hips towards her, sliding into her hot heat and groaned as she gripped me tightly.
Capturing her lips in mine I slowly thrusted into her, gripping her ass and shoulder tightly. Rose tore her lips from mine and rested her head against my neck, her breath tickling my skin as she panted heavily as she rocked her hips against me.
Rose pushed against my chest and I rolled onto my back and sighed as she sat up straight in my lap, the quilt falling around her hips. She adjusted her position and tucked her knees beside my hips and placed her hands on my chest, rolling her hips and letting breathy moans break the almost silent room. I moved my hands to her hips, guiding her in the cradle of my hips and watched her move at a leisure-like pace.
God, she is beautiful. It is like the Greek Gods scalped her by hand and set her on Earth for me to find. It's not just when she is here, naked in my hands, but when she smiles when she sees the people she loved, or when she catches a moment in the sun, or the wicked gleam she gets in her eye during practise when she is about to throw in a different move to throw me off. She can make sweatpants and her hair up in a messy bun the most beautiful thing in the world.
Her eyes are black with lust as her eyes bored down into mine, and I moved my hand to cup her cheek, running my thumb over her bottom lip. She smirked and kissed the pad of my thumb before pulling it into her mouth with her teeth, biting down and sucking on it with a loaded look.
"Roza," I moaned when she released my finger from her lips and she sped up her pace on my hips, tilting her head back as she dragged her nails down my chest. She smirked predatorily as she looked back down at me, her movements have become frantic and erratic and I squeezed her hip and I bucked my hip up with her, groaning as I can feel my climax coming closer.
I reached down with my other hand and rubbed her bundle of nerves, moaning when she tightened around me, screaming my name as she hit her climax. Just as she hit her climax, her hands cupped her heavy breasts, tugging at her nipples and kneading them as she continued to bounce in my lap.
I followed closely behind her, pressing my head back into the pillow and gasping her name and pushing my hips upwards again. Rose slumped forward onto me and I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her tightly to my chest and I peppered her neck with firm kisses.
Rose ran her nose over my neck and nipped the skin below my ear. "You can break those rules as often as you like," she purred, and I chuckled. If I could break those rules as often as I liked I would, but we still need to be careful. I pulled her hair to the side and placed one more kiss on her neck before I let my head fall back to the pillow.
"I know, but we need to be careful. Alberta already knows, and others are still questioning your reaction after the caves. I love you, but we have to keep things on 'the down-low' as you like to put it," I said, stroking her cheek. Rose bit her lip and nodded, pulling herself up off me and curled into my side, her hand running over my chest. "I know, Comrade. If I only get a few stolen kisses in the back of the equipment room, I'm fine with that," she chuckled, and I shook my head.
If this were any other person, I would be worried about that statement - but this is Roza. She knew what was at stake and was trying to make light of the situation. "I will give you as many kisses in private as I can," I whispered and leaned down, pressing my lips to hers quickly. We laid in each other's arms for a few more moments before my phone buzzed loudly against the nightstand, and I rolled over Rose gently to grab it, laughing when her nimble fingers ran over my ribs and her lips pressed against my chest.
I clicked the home button and read the message on the home screen and groaned, dropping the phone back onto the table and rested my forehead against Rose's. "Your mother is looking for me," I said kissing her nose. She scrunched up her nose and ran her hands over my sides.
"Ok, we should probably get dressed."
I nodded and leaned down to capture her lips in mine again before getting out of bed and grabbed my jeans. I looked over my shoulder to see Rose propped up on her side, the blanket resting around her waist, her chest exposed and flushed. "You are not helping," I joked, flicking my eyes to linger at her breasts and back to her eyes.
Rose smiled wickedly and pulled the blanket off, and stood up to plant a kiss on my back. I stood up straight and watched with a smirk as she puttered around the room to pull on her clothes, and I groaned quietly to see the blossoming love bite on the side of her neck when her hair shifted.
After she pulled her leggings on and her shirt over her head, she gathered her hair in her hands to tie it up, but I stopped her, taking her hands from hair. "Keep your hair down, I was a little overzealous here," I whispered in her ear, running my finger on the bruised skin. A faint blush came to life on her cheeks and I kissed on softly before turning to pull the quit up on the bed to give the illusion that it had been untouched. As we walked out the door of the cabin Rose braided her hair over her shoulder to hide the love bite and bumped her shoulder against mine.
"What do you think my mom wants?" she asked, and I shrugged. There were many things she could want and I'm hoping that she didn't pick up the conversation she started about Rose when I left the hospital.
I pulled Rose's arm and gestured for her to walk slower beside me, dragging out the time we have left before we fall back into our roles. I smiled indulgently at her, taking the time to memorize the content smile on her face and feel joy spread through me to know that smile is there because of me.
We come to a stop outside her dorm building, and I shoved my hands into my duster pockets to keep myself from tucking the rebellious curl that hung down in her face. "I will see you in the morning for training," I said softly, and flash her a small smile. She nodded and bit her bottom lip before whispering a love you and goodbye and turned to walk into the building. I watched the door close behind her and look down at the ground, shaking my head with a chuckle and turn around.
I did not expect to see Rose's mother to be a few feet from me, her hands placed firmly on her hips and eyes narrowed at. "Belikov, I figured I would find you near Rose. We need to finish our chat."
I swallowed and nodded my head, gesturing for her to follow me back to the main building to find somewhere to talk privately. It was a good thing I had spent the last few hours with Rose, I would need that good mood to get me through the impending conversation.
A/N: Let me know what you think!
Disclaimer: I own nothing