Recall: What is broken can be reforged.

The world is many things, and has been the center of many events. But if there is one thing to know about the world, it's always changing, always evolving. Technology is a prime example of this, far in to the future, technology has evolved to the point older inventions has become irrelevant. And soon enough, something was created which has been a part of people's fantasies for years, Sentient Robots. These robots are called Omnics, originally designed and built by humans, mostly notably the Omnica Corporation, to serve the economy. While everything was peaceful, things soon changed, as nothing ever lasts forever.

Over thirty years ago, without warning or explanation, a decommissioned set of automated megafactories re-activated themselves and launched a worldwide military campaign against all humanity dubbed the Omnic Crisis. Despite deploying new technologies including powered armour and super-soldier programs, no nation alone could stand against the growing omnic army.

It was the United Nations that turned the tide by bringing the best operatives from each nation together to form Overwatch. This strike team was both small and nimble and powerful enough to deal devastating blows to the omnics, leading the way for the rest of humanity to fight back. In the end, Overwatch succeeded in ending the catastrophic war and went down in history as heroes. Overwatch thrived for years, being highly loved and respected by most of the world, and they reached a glory that few could ever hope to reach.

But glory came at a cost. Controversial missions stoked public outrage, forcing some of the organization's most famous and celebrated agents to retire in disgrace. Two decades after it ended the Omnic Crisis, Overwatch was dealt a heavy blow by a series of allegations: negligence resulting in high-profile mission failures; corruption and mismanagement; weapons proliferation; human rights abuses. Worse still, the existence of a top secret covert operations division within Overwatch, was uncovered. This discovery caused Overwatch's approval ratings to drop at an alarming rate, and after some more tragedies, people demanded Overwatch to be shut down... and in the end, Overwatch was disbanded, and any form of Overwatch activity became illegal, and punishable by prosecution.

The shutdown of Overwatch forced it's members to go their sepirate ways. But the shut down also resulted in the world slowly falling in to chaos once again, and a second omnic crisis was all but certain now. And with no Overwatch to stop them, the future looked uncertain.

This brings us to Riven, a former Overwatch member who was forced to retire after all the drama. She exited her shower with nothing but a towel covering her body. She had been living alone and hasn't heard a word from her old teammates ever since the shutdown... well, part of it is because she didn't want to be found. She was still sore about all the time she spent fighting, only for the very people she protected to turn on her and her team. So much for gratitude.

Riven walked towards her closet until she hear a beeping sound. She looked at her old Overwatch communicator, which she had saved for a reason she didn't know herself. Seems like someone had sent her a message. She considered opening it, but she just sighed and picked it up before tossing it in to her trash can. Whatever was going on, it didn't concern her anymore.

She then noticed something sliding under her door, she picked it up and saw it was final notice to pay her bills. At this rate she would get evicted soon "I knew I should've just become a farmer".

She shook her head before heading over to her closet to get some clothes... but once she opened her closet she saw a box... and she was fully aware of what was in it. Memories of better days.

"Why do I even keep this junk? It's not going to do me any good now. And it's not going to help me pay the bills" Riven mused to herself before she finally dropped her towel and pulled on a pair of boxers and a tank top.

She then fell on top of her bed with a heavy sigh. She looked to her side and saw a picture frame, which was laying down. Riven lifted it up to see a picture... the picture taking shortly after she joined Overwatch. One of the happiest days of her life... now just a distant memory. She laid the picture frame back down, it hurt just looking at it. She closed her eyes, thinking of what to do next. But then her eyes shot open as she felt something was coming.

With no time to spare, Riven rolled of the bed as bullets flew through her windows. Her apartment was quickly destroyed by the barrage, and had she been even a second slower, she would've been full of bullet holes by now. Someone was trying to kill her, but who? No one even knew she lived here, she made sure of it. Soon enough her front door was broken down and several armed men ran inside, weapons ready to fire at anything that moves.

They searched everywhere until they reached the bedroom door. One got ready to kick it in... only for the door to open up, causing him to stumble forward and was soon met with a fist to the back of his head. The next soldier held up his rifle ready to fire, only for Riven to grab it out of his hands and knocked him out with it. Riven looked at two men, these were Talon soldiers, how did they find her? She didn't have much time to think about that as the other soldiers ran in and began firing at her. Riven managed to dodge the bullets before throwing the rifle she had stolen in to one of their faces, stunning him. She then closed the distance on another soldier before grabbing him around the neck and threw him head first in to a wall.

The other soldier recovered from the rifle throw, but he did not have time to aim again as Riven delivered a spinning kick to his head before grabbing him and threw him down to the floor hard enough to crack it. Riven took a moment to catch her breath, it's been a while since her last fight... it honestly felt a little refreshing. But then she heard someone else entering, and this one was different from the rest.

It was a large man wearing a mask and his muscles were unnaturally large. Riven had seen this before, he was using a chemical that acted like super steroids, a volatile substance created by the mad man Dr. Peter Singed. So he was working with Talon now, and for some reason, Riven wasn't the least bit surprised. Nearly all Overwatch enemies worked with Talon one way or the other.

"Something tells me you are not room service" Riven said, but the man only growled. Lena would've laughed at that one.

The man threw a punch, but Riven dodged it and retaliated with a punch to the large man's face, but all the punch did was make his head turn to the side before he looked back at her with a deadly glare. Before Riven could do anything else, she was thrown in to a wall, she groans before ducking away from another punch from the thug, causing his fist to go through the wall. Riven avoided his back hand and punched him several times in the chest and face, but he barely even felt her blows. Seems like Dr. Singed had improved his formula.

Riven ducked under the thug's attempt to crush her with a bear hug, and punched him right where the sun don't shine. He grunts but still tried to smash Riven, who rolled out of the way. He threw even more punches, each harder to dodge that the last, but Riven jumped and delivered a swift kick to the thug's face, which finally made him stagger a little. Riven climbed on to his back and began beating his head with her fists. He flailed around, trying to get her of him, like an human rodeo. But in the end, the large thug grabbed Riven and threw her away. Luckily she landed on the bed... not so lucky though, her bed broke from the impact.

Riven looked up and saw the thug storm towards her, and she quickly grabbed one of the broken bed legs and struck him across the face with it. The leg broke on impact, but the thug was not to bothered by the hit and grabbed Riven by the neck and lifted her in to the air. He tightened his grip, slowing chocking the life out of her. Riven punched his arm and kicked his face, trying to break his grip, but he wouldn't budge. Riven desperately reached around for something she could use, and she managed to grab a broken shard of glass. She then threw the shard in to the thug's eye, making him cry out in pain before he threw her away.

Riven was thrown through her closet door. She coughed and gasped as air finally filled her lungs, she then noticed she had fallen on the box she kept in there. She looked up and saw the thug pull the glass shard out of his eye, and he was more angry than before. He rushed at Riven, but she already had the time she needed to pull something out of the box... an energy powered blade. She blocked his punch with the energy part of her blade causing him to back of as pain shot through his arm. Her blade was designed to shut down rouge omnics, but it could still cause quite a bit of damage to humans too.

Riven let out a battle cry before striking the thug with her blade several time, making him weaker and weaker after each strike. Turning up the power of her blade, Riven delivered one more strike which sent the thug flying through a wall before falling to the streets below. Luckily, Riven's apartment building was a fair bit away from the rest of the city, so it would be a while before anyone noticed what was happening... it also helped that not many people even lived in this building since it wasn't the best place to live, but the only place Riven could afford.

Riven took a moment to catch her breath from the battle. This sure wasn't how she expected her night to go. She looked at her blade for several moments before going back to her closet. She looked inside her box and sure enough, there it was. Her old armor she used to wear back in her Overwatch days, created by Pulsefire technology. Riven promised herself she would never wear that armor again, and never use her blade again... but here she was, having just used her Pulsefire blade to fend of an enemy she couldn't defeat without it. But why now?

Riven looked to her side and saw her trashcan had been knocked over during the chaos, and the communicator was on the floor, still blinking. Riven sighed, what left did she have to lose? She picked it up and turned it on. A screen came up... revealing a face Riven hadn't seen for such a long time.

"Winston?" She wondered out loud.

A super-intelligent, genetically engineered gorilla, Winston is a brilliant scientist and a champion for humanity's potential. Since a young age, he has shown limitless curiosity for the world around him, but also has a fondness for stories, especially those passed down from generation to generation. By his own admission, he tends to overthink things, is a perfectionist, and tends to ramble. As an ape among humans, he gets regular remarks on this subject, including references to old video games. When Winston loses his temper, Winston becomes a raging ape. In his off-time, he enjoys peanut butter and bananas. He has joked that his love of the former is due to his genetic therapy. Due to the amount of time he spent on the moon, he has to take supplements to keep his bones in good condition. He was a good teammate, and a good friend. He was very easy to talk to, not matter what it was, he would listen.

Riven had nothing but good memories from all the times she spent with him. He listened to her when she was struggling with her rough past and offered comfort, along with cheap humor to help her feel better. He was like the uncle Riven never had, and even now she thinks it's ironic how a gorilla was easier to bond with than most normal people... then again, Overwatch was anything but a normal group. Everyone were different from most people, which is why Riven always felt more at home with them than anywhere else on the world.

Still, she was surprise that Winston was the one sending her a message. But why would he do that? He never did anything without a reason.

Only one way to find out, Riven turned on the message and Winston began to speak "Thirty years ago, the Omnics declared war. The nations of the world had no answer, until they called upon a small group of heroes. Overwatch was created to rescue humanity from the Omnic Crisis. We became the greatest champions of peace and progress mankind has ever seen! You were chosen because you had powers and abilities that made you— You joined because you... You already know this... Look, the people decided they were better off without us. They even called us criminals! They tore our family apart. But look around! Someone has to do something! We have to do something! We can make a difference again. The world needs us now, more than ever! Are you with me?".

Riven stared at the screen for several seconds, a tear ran down her face "Winston... after all this time you still believe all that? You always were one of the most optimistic among us... along with Lena of course, but she smiles at just about anything" Riven chuckled a little "Well, might as well give this a try".

She took a deep breath before pressing a few things, she let her thumb hover over the dial button, before pressing it, and for the first time in years, she tried to contact her old friend... moments later the familiar voice was heard "Riven?".

Riven smiled "Hello, Winston. Nice speech there".

"It is you! I was worried my message wouldn't reach you! But I am so happy it did" Winston said, clear happiness in his tone.

"You've always been hard to ignore, smart guy. But the things you said. Do you really believe in all that? What's stopping history from repeating itself?" Riven asked.

"I know how you, after everything that happened I would've been more surprised if you weren't doubtful. I can not promise that things will be easy, in fact we might be in for our hardest fight ever. But someone needs to stand up and do something about everything that's happening, and we both know we and the others are the only ones that can do it" Winston answered.

Riven was silent for a moment before she spoke again "Alright Winston, I'm in. But only because I will never be allowed in my apartment again".

She could tell Winston was smiling "Nice to hear you haven't changed to much. You know how to find us Riven. Lena will be thrilled to see her sister again".

Riven smiled at that, back in Overwatch, she and Lena formed a sister like bond with each other, she even heard Lena has a girlfriend now "Alright Winston, see you soon".

"Thank you, Riven. I always knew I could trust you" Winston said before they ended the call.

Later, Riven was wearing her Pulsefire armor again, her blade resting on her back. Her journey would take a while, but she would see her friends again. And it felt nice to fight for something again.


Here is my first chapter of my brand new story. I've been thinking of writing this one for a while now, but held of because I didn't know how to start it. But now I feel like I have enough ideas down to at least get this series going. Now there is some things you will need to know about this story before hand.

1: As you can tell, this will take place in the Overwatch world and all League of Legends characters will be born and grown up in that world, meaning they will be a little different from their original counter parts.

2: And since this is the Overwatch world, I will be using alternate skins for most if not all the League of Legends characters. The skins will be based on the ones I feel could fit in the Overwatch world. As I'm sure you know, Overwatch is a very technological world, meaning I will use the versions of the League characters that fit in a world like that, like Pulsefire Riven and as you might be able to tell from the cover picture, you will also see a lot of project skins too.

And no, I am not going to turn all the League characters with project skins in to robots, most of them will either be cyborgs or just wearing armor.

Having said that, some League of Legends characters will be based of other skins that could fit specific regions, like Junkertown in Australia which was effected a lot differently from the omnic crisis. So some skins will be picked to fit that specific place in the world. As for what characters will be in said regions? Well, you will see.


Well, now that you understand the most important parts, please tell me what you think of this story. Every review counts.