It was April 8, 2019, a few months since the new year began. Zeta had recently been appointed a Sorcer-enie, (part sorceress, part genie) and things were going
great for her in the real world. She had learned to drive a car, and successfully had just gotten her driver's license. She also became more smarter using her potions
in the genie world. Currently, at the lair, Zeta was getting ready to make a potion that would move clouds...
Zeta: Nazboo, I think it's time we bring some sunlight to this place. What do you think?
Nazboo: (jumping around in excitement) Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Zeta: (pouring different potions into the cauldron) 'Move those clouds in the sky, please have the wind blow them by!'
A bright light then flashed into the sky, above the sorcer-enie's lair. Zeta was pleased how her potions had worked out...
Zeta: (laughs) Well, it looks like I did a pretty good job.
Nazboo nods his head in response.
Zeta: Now, let's go see what our friends are up to.
The sorcerenie and her small dragon then walk outside the lair, and Nazboo's magic necklace shone, turning him into a bigger dragon. Zeta climbed on top of him, and
they flew off to Shimmer and Shine's palace. Meanwhile, at the palace, the two main genies, Kaz, and their human friends, Leah and Zac, were making a lot of pizzas for
lunch. Zac was taste testing the toppings for them...
Zac: I can't decide whether there should be more pepperoni or sausage on those pizzas!
Shine: I vote that we have both toppings! As much as the pizzas can fit!
Leah: (laughs) Well, I like mushrooms and green peppers on them as well.
Shimmer: (looks out one of the windows) Hold on guys, I see some friends of ours coming here.
Everyone ran outside the palace, to see that Zeta and Nazboo had just arrived and landed right near the path of the door.
Zac: We are making lots of pizzas, and then deciding what toppings we should put on them.
Shine: Would you and Nazboo like to stay and have lunch with us?
Zeta: (laughs) Well, we already showed up here, so I guess we'll be staying for lunch.
Nazboo: Yippee! (changes back into a smaller dragon)
The sorcerenie and dragon went inside the palace to have lunch with Shimmer, Shine, and their friends. Soon, everyone was talking while they were having lunch...
Leah: Zeta, how are you and Marlin doing this far?
Zeta: We've been doing great, Leah. I recently got a driver's license, because I had successfully learned how to drive a car, plus driving it's so much fun, and I learned more about the real world thanks to
these quiz shows called 'Jeopardy' and 'Millionaire.'
Zac: Yeah, my parents have been watching 'Jeopardy' more frequently because this contestant is sometimes winning 6-figure amounts in money in his appearances.
Shimmer: How does it feel being a new aunt to Mary?
Zeta: We've got along brilliantly. We went to many places in the city with Calady and William, her parents, supervising us. We got to visit the aquarium, where the fish tanks there
are just as big an Oceanea. We also went to the mall to do some shopping. We also got to go to the movies together, and went to various restaurants to eat in the city.
Shine: (excited) Wow, invite Me over the next time you and your family go to eat somewhere!
Zeta: Well, appartently, Gigi was right. It Is better to be nice to other people, and genies.
Everyone had a laugh together. Meanwhile, a familiar troublemaker had emerged out of the forest in Zahramay Falls... El Mago!
El Mago: (wicked laugh) Well, genies And sorceress, you may have beaten me once before, but once I get more help from my other 'friends', I guarantee you I'll be unstoppable! I'll be the
ruler of the entire universe! (he did another wicked laugh, and it echoes through the sky)