Warning: This chapter contains strong language. (i mean it's bakugo what did you expect)

Bakugo Katsuki was not having the best day. He was having, in his own colourful words, "a fucking shitty day."

The start of his no-good miserable day had already been predetermined first thing in the morning when at precisely 8:00 am his alarm 'ever so kindly' began blaring obnoxiously nearly rupturing the man's eardrums.

With a loud groan of protest, Bakugo rolled over onto his side muttering incoherences to himself. Every single one of his muscles ached but nothing could compare to the headache he was having. His head repeatedly throbbed and sharp flashes of pain occurred after the slightest of movements. He felt as if his brain was going to gush out through his ears, it was simply nauseating. Last night's endeavours quickly crossed his mind.

From what he could recall, he had spent the night in a club that served and played crappy music but, the girls were wild. He was definitely going back there. Even so, Bakugo was honestly thankful he had not awoken to a stranger in his bed - unlike many other occasions. He could barely tend to himself that morning; he couldn't imagine another person being thrown into the mix.

While looking in the mirror brushing his teeth Bakugo noticed a few hickeys decorating his neck which were undoubtedly from last night. A sly smirk spread across his face obviously proud of himself. As he removed his shirt he saw more covering his chest which only further boosted his ego. Too bad he couldn't remember the lovely ladies offering him their services, as if he cared that much anyway.

While preparing a quick breakfast consisting of bacon and eggs he located the remote and turned on the news, a habit he made sure to do every morning knowing he's been periodically featured on the program, oftentimes for the wrong reason.

The news station stated there had been remnants of gang activity in the east thus slowing down traffic in every part of the city. This was a serious inconvenience for Katsuki due to his office being a little over a fifteen-minute drive. It was evident that he was going to be late this morning.

"In other news, Midoriya Izuku enterprise donates one million dollars in efforts to get those off the street and back onto their feet! Now, a word with the man himsel-"

"Shitty Deku." The crimson-eyed man mumbled with a hint of jealousy as he promptly shut off the television. Izuku was Bakugo's greatest rival in the industry. They were not on good terms.

Dismissing the thought of that "puke-haired nerd" Bakugo scarfed down his plate of bacon and eggs, a very unholy sight to behold. After gathering all his belongings and necessities for the day he stumbled out of his apartment still feeling the effects of the booze in his system. He had to get himself to work, somehow.

The blonde was lost in his own thoughts drumming his fingers to the beat of the music on the steering wheel when he felt his phone buzz through his pocket. Taking a glance at the screen he had received a text from "Shitty Hair," also known as his closest friend and coworker, Kirishima.

The text read,

"Hey bro, don't forget your moms in the office today."

"Fucking hell," he said letting out an exasperated sigh.

What was his mother going to say when he saw him, an hour late, barely functioning and the ever so obvious purple marks around his neck? Surely she'd have a fit. His mother was no stranger to his eccentric lifestyle and at times, lewd, behaviour. It wasn't until he arrived near downtown when he put forth his self-proclaimed, ingenious plan.

Parking his car on the corner of the street he entered the two shops he intended on purchasing the bait.

It was quite the spectacle, to be frank. The almighty Bakugo Katsuki holding a bouquet of lilies in one hand and an expensive box of premium *gateaus in the other.

He gazed at his haul from the nearby bakery and flower shop, this way at least he could come up with a legitimate reason for arriving behind schedule. Plus, these offerings would make his mother's response less hellish.

Unbeknownst to him, there were sinister forces lurking around the corner. As Bakugo rounded the corner he noticed a bunch of sluggish men crowding his car. He forced himself to not let out any profanities once he took note of how many of them were carrying dangerous weaponry they probably didn't even know how to use. His tires were slashed and the windshield was ruined after what looked like a bat had been used to tamper with it.

He came to the conclusion to abandon his vehicle, especially in its state after what those bums had done to it. Bakugo absolutely loathed backing out from a fight but he was aware that it would be foolish to scrabble with a dozen trigger-happy gangsters. The last thing he needed was showing up to work with any sort of bullet wound, then his mother would actually kill him.

Bakugo hurriedly waved down the nearest cab before the lowlives took notice. A blonde man with a black lightning bolt streak in his hair pulled over for him. If he wasn't in such a rush he'd be intrigued by the man's appearance.

"Oi Pikachu, take me far away from here and I'll pay your ass double." Bakugo practically yelled.

A look of dismay was plastered across the driver's face as he was taken back by the man's sudden outburst, and the odd nickname he was given. He silently processed the request from the passenger who was visibly distressed. The driver decided it was best to simply defuse the situation and said,

"You've got yourself a deal, by the way, the name's Denki."

Katsuki gave him a brief nod before giving a curt reply,

"Bakugo. Now step on it."

The unknown tensity that was looming in the air seemed to vanish instantaneously when the two began exchanging small talk. For the first time that day, Bakugo felt peace.

That peace did not last long.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," said Bakugo as he stared at the figures fastly approaching the vehicle from behind. The thundering sound of the motorcycles echoed off every building and there was visible exhaust in the air. These losers just don't quit.

Bakugo forced the cab into the nearest alleyway. Upon exiting the alley he spotted a small cafe. Strange. He thought. You don't see many of those in the midst of a city like this. Bakugo ushered the cab driver to pull over near the cafe. He dug through his pockets until finally pulling out a hundred dollar bill handing it to Denki.

"Keep the change Pikachu. You've done me a good service."

Denki gave the man a cheeky thumbs up followed by a simple farewell.

Knowing there wasn't a second to waste, Katsuki hurried into the coffee shop hoping it could provide him with some cover for the time being.

Before the ogling brunette in front of him could even utter a word the windows were shattered and the glass door that once stood tall was in complete shambles.

Bakugo was right. Definitely a fucking shitty day.

*gateaus - a rich cake, typically one containing layers of cream or fruit.

Tried a different type of writing style this chapter, I still have to edit it but I really wanted to publish it for you guys! There's gonna be some changes it's just super rushed at the end.

please feel free to provide me with feedback no matter how brutal it may seem as i am trying to better myself as a young writer!

! QUESTION FOR READERS ! - should I make the chapters longer? i feel as though they're too short and may leave some readers disinterested/bored. what is your opinion?

(personally i believe quality over quantity)