
Uraraka Ochako, a strong and independent female with a killer work ethic. She owns a small coffee shop within the confinements of a big city. She doesn't get as much business as she'd like and struggles with multiple payment deadlines, but nonetheless, she's living her city dream.

Bakugo Katsuki, wealthy CEO for multiple companies stationed around the city. He was undoubtedly envied by every man - money at his disposal, good looks and women fawning over his every move. His only flaw you wonder? Well... he was kind of a prick.

What will happen when these two personalities collide?

The girl's doe-shaped eyes crinkled upwards, her rich nut-brown orbs were gleaming with amusement. Long, luxurious lashes were hidden beneath her lazily unkempt bangs. She was dressed in a simple solid gray apron with black pants and a white shirt. A lustrous gold pendant hung loosely around her neck and on the left side of her apron she wore a name tag, it read "Ochako."

Ochako took a glance at her watch which was concealed in her shabby handbag, she had yet to mend the small holes that decorated the interior of the worn-out bag. It was 6:00 am, opening time for her quaint little coffee shop.

Her shop was located on the curb of a busy city street. Positioned beside the coffee shop were these huge buildings that towered over her own.

The bustling city noises would keep anyone up at night time, cars continuously honked at one another and emergency vehicles echoed in the distance. She silently noted that traffic was particularly busy that morning.

If one took a stroll down the empty sidewalks, they would surely notice there were very few trees or plant life for that matter. The only vibrant and lively presence in the cold city atmosphere was the summery marigolds and dahlias in baskets dangling from her shop.

As a short sigh escaped her lips, she gracefully made her way towards the coffee shop's entrance.

Upon entering she was instantly greeted by the all too familiar smell. The aroma of bitter coffee that lingered in the air had been etched in her brain for as long as she could remember.

Her everyday morning routine was filled with uneventful duties such as switching on the coffee machine, mopping the sleek black tiles, pushing in the cheap chairs and wiping the coffee-stained tables.

Satisfied with her handiwork she took a piece of chalk and started to write out the morning specials in her ever so elegant handwriting. The morning special consisted of coffee or tea with a Danish muffin or fruit bun.

Ochako hurriedly switched the "Sorry, we're closed" sign to "Come in, we're open." Minutes became hours and no one had entered the shop, let alone give it a second glance. The girl combed her fingers through her brown tresses and proceeded to make herself a steaming cup of coffee, it was essential at this point.

She propped an elbow on the counter and allowed her face to lean effortlessly into the palm of her hand. With a brief yawn and a weary expression, she closed her eyes while waiting for the coffee machine to grind the beans.

"A little shut-eye never hurt anyone," The girl muttered succumbing to the effects of her fatigue.

Rather abruptly the shop's door swung open, the entrance bell gave a deafening ring. Ochako swiftly jumped from her seat. In a bewildering attempt to regain her composure she exclaimed,

"Welcome to —!"

Ochako quickly snapped her mouth shut, standing at the entrance basking in all his glory was a man in a slick black suit holding a silvery briefcase.

At that moment Uraraka Ochako could safely assume, she had just been blessed by the presence of a god.

thank you for taking the time to read my fan-fiction, i wanna try and get 15 votes before the next chapter, is that reasonable? hehe

please feel free to provide me with feedback no matter how brutal it may seem as i am trying to better myself as a young writer!