Just so you know, this is during Harry's 5th year.

Alma sighed in contentment. She had asked Miss Avocet to come and watch the children so she could have an afternoon to herself. She loved her children but she was exhausted and needed her time alone. And she had decided to spend it in a lovely expance of forest she had flown over earlier that day. She sighed and leaned against a green trunk of an oak.

A loud bark interrupted her deep thoughts. Starterled, she jumped and fell backwards. And as slammed into the ground, she hit her head and the world went black...

She woke up.

Her head was swimming horribly, making it hard to focas. She blinked several times, trying to make sense of her surroundings. She raised a hand to her temple and felt bandages beneath her fingers. Where in the peculiar world was she? She turned her head slightly and observed her surroundings. All she could see, though, was a wall of white curtains.

Confused, she raised herself on her elbows. Suddenly, she put two and two together: She was in a hospital!

Panicked, she sat up a little too quickly and groaned loudly as she lay back down. She hadn't had a headache like this since her brother, Jack, had pushed her down the stairs. Then she heard a the click clack of shoes coming right towards her bed.

She tensed, ready to fight, as the curtains were drawn back by a grey-hair woman wearing a red and white nurse's uniform.

"Ahh, you're awake", she said, "My name is Madam Pomfery. Now just calm down and I'll explain". 'Madam Pomfery' helped her up into a sitting position against her pillows.

"Where am I? What happened to me?" Alma said, trying to control her fright.

"Our groundskeeper, Hagrid, found you in the woods; you had fallen backwards and hit your head on some rocks. As for where you are, you are in the Hospital Wing of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"Where?" Alma asked, confused. Madam Pomfery looked suprised.

"Hogwarts. Haven't you heard of us?" Madam Pomfery question.

"No. But I do know of wizards."

Madam Pomfery sat in silence for a moment then said, "Would you like anything to eat? The headmaster asked me to fetch him once you wake up, and you could eat while I go and get him."

"Uhh...!", Alma was surprised,"...Yes, I would be most grateful."

Madam Pomfery stood up and walked away, but not before she reclosed the surrounding curtain. Sighing, Alma leaned back on the pillows and stared up at the high, white ceilling. How was she going to get back with a cracked skull? Her children are probably- Her CHILDREN!

"Oh my bird!" she wispered. What was she to do?

"Well...at least Miss Avocet is there", she muttered as Madam Pomfery returned with a tray of food.

"Eat up. You'll need your strength", Madam Pomfery said as she laid the the tray across Alma's legs.

"Madam Pomfery, when can I leave?" she asked.

"When you have rested properly", Madam Pomfery replied. And she without another word, she snapped the curtains shut and Alma heard the click clack of her shoes walking away. A moment she heard a door being pulled open and shut then, silence.

Whatever Madam Pomfery said, Alma was getting up. She placed the tray next to her and pulled back her blankets. She swung her legs off the bed and carefully stood up. She swayed slightly, then took a cautious step forward. Finding that she could walk she pushed aside the curtain. She peeked out and saw many hospital beds placed equally apart. All in all, it looked like a basic imfirary.

Quietly as she could, she crept towards large windows on the other side of the room. She looked out of them to see a beatiful expance of green lawn that streched towards what looked like a stadium. She heard the the double doors at the end of the room open and closed quietly and she weeled around to see a small boy in black robes creep quietly in.

The boy saw her said,"Uh, is Madam Pomfery here?"

"She left. What do you need?" she replied.

"I cut my hand", he said,"I was sent here so she could heal it."

"I'm sorry, I can't help you. But I think Madam Pomfery will back soon."

The boy looked her up and down. Then said," You're her aren't you?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"The lady that Professer Hagrid was carrying in from the forest."

"I suppose. How long ago was that, I just woke up?"

"'Bout three hours ago Miss..."


"Peregrine, as in the bird?"


"Neat! my name's Myron Harper", the boy said.

Alma gave him a sad smile.

"My younger brother's name was Myron", she said quietly.

Myron smiled then seemed to relise the past tense and the sad look on her face.

"Did something happen to him?" Myron asked cautiously.

"He died", Alma stated shortly and turned back to the window. Myron didn't press the subject and she was grateful.

Hi guys, so I just wanted to explain a few major points that you'll probably be wondering about later on.

1. The characters from MPHFPC are based off the movie

2. Instead of Alma aging forward, I thought of having her aging normally when she leaves the loop for too long