Chapter 10: Attack averted! Love blooms!
Aster slowly awakened from her slumber, and sat upright. Looking over her body, she found that the wound on her left shoulder had closed, and was only left with some superficial damage. Her broken leg had been set properly, but still felt slightly weaker than the other.
She looked around, and realised their location. They were clearly in one of the Sitri's medical facilities, likely the one near Sona's home.
[You are awake.]
[Yes. Result?]
[... It was a draw. Regulus too had crawled his way to Sona, defeating her at the same time we defeated Sairaorg.]
She exhaled in resignation. [... Pity.]
Sliding off the bed, Aster staggered to the door, and headed for Sona's and Reya's room. The two had overdrawn their lifeforce, and were placed in the same room to be treated together. Regardless, no treatment would be as effective as a Senjutsu user nourishing them with lifeforce.
[We've been asleep for 12 hours. There's still another 10 hours before the Astaroth and Gremory's match. We have time to heal everybody up, even if we won't recover fully.]
As she entered the room, Aster eyed the duo lying in the Life Tree beds she made beforehand, and placed her palms on both of them. Closing her eyes, she began pushing lifeforce into them, using it as a medium to regulate and transform it into one best suited for Devils. When she finished the first infusion, she exhaled in relief.
Climbing into the bed with Sona, she breathed in her scent and relaxed, closing her eyes as she fell back to sleep. The entire time, neither Aster nor Ikari had noticed the small turtle floating beside the door snoring.
"A draw… I see…" Sona exhaled.
Sona turned to her Peerage and gave them a brilliant smile. "It's fine. Our evaluations are extremely high. It's virtually guaranteed that nobody else would earn a better one than ours. While we didn't win, it wasn't a loss either. From what I heard, we clearly impressed the higher echelons."
Smiles and grins were spread among the Peerage, and Sona turned to Reya who were sitting beside her.
"Reya, you were named the MVP of the Peerage. It was said that Odin himself titled you so. There's even a good chance of you having the title of MVP for the entire first round of matches! Be proud!"
Reya turned as red as an apple and ducked her head. "It wasn't much, Kaichou. I just carried out the plan as you told me to."
At her statement, the rest of the Peerage came forward and congratulated her.
"Don't be so humble!"
"Reya-chan! Good job!"
Saji then scratched his head and pointed towards the doorway. "Anyway… Kaichou, why is there a turtle floating beside the door? How is it doing that anyway? Is it a demon turtle?!"
[How… We didn't notice it either with our aura sense!] Ikari muttered in shock.
[Senjutsu master. Definitely.]
Sona gestured towards the turtle. "Ah. You are half right. That's my Onee-chan's Rook, a great sea turtle called Aspidochelone. He's even several times older then my Onee-chan. Anyway, he's here to guard us today because we expect trouble during the Gremory vs Astaroth game, especially as weakened as we are."
"He's a Senjutsu master, and can conceal himself very well. In his current form, we can pass him off as one of our familiars which is the main reason Onee-chan assigned him to us. Even so, he won't move unless we are in life-threatening danger, so don't expect him to protect us preemptively."
Tsubasa raised a finger to her lips as she looked at the turtle up close. "I think it's more like he can't be bothered to move…? He seems to love his sleep very much."
Sona sighed. "Yes he does. Onee-chan told me before that he would sleep for decades before waking up. There was even one time he slept for three centuries straight."
"Back to the topic. I have given Rias a teleportation formation. If our information is correct, there will likely be an attack by the Khaos Brigade today, with three goals. Only two pertains to us however. They intend to sow chaos and grievously harm the higher echelons, while removing the heirs of the current Satans. Which, as you would realise, include both me and Rias."
"Security around the heirs have been discreetly increased, including Sairaorg and Seekvaira. The main problem lies with Rias, as the attack is expected to come during her Rating Game. Hence, I have seen fit to give her a high end teleportation formation, where she can summon us even through the Rating Games barrier. That is where Aspidochelone comes in. He will also act as Rias' guard."
Momo raised her hand. "Kaichou, you didn't mention the Astaroth heir?"
Sona grimaced. "We had suspicions regarding him, and the information we found were damning. He is in league with the Khaos Brigade."
"... What?!"
"That traitor!"
"Why would it ever be a good thing to ally with the Khaos Brigade?!"
Aster raised her hand and spoke. "Idiot. Only thinks, with little Diodora."
For a moment, the Peerage didn't catch on to her meaning. And then the realisation hit.
"Somebody… corrupted Aster-chan…!"
"Ikari! Die!"
[It wasn't me!]
Sona clapped a hand to her forehead and sighed. "I informed all of you so that we could be prepared for the teleportation. Anyway, until the Astaroth and Gremory match, there isn't much for us to do. Rest well, but stay together. We have no guarantee that they would not attack at any other times."
"Hai Kaichou!"
Sona and Reya soon fell back asleep, resting from their usage of lifeforce. So too, did Aster, after she infused lifeforce into the beds yet again. The rest of the Peerage milled around, rewatched the Rating Game from the spectator perspective, and generally made themselves comfortable.
It wasn't long before it was finally time for the Gremory vs Astaroth Rating Game. The Sitri Peerage settled themselves down in the spectator room, waiting for the livestream of the match to begin. As the clock struck 7pm, and continued to tick by without any change on the screen, Sona took in a deep breath and exhaled.
"The organisers aren't the type to be late. The attack has started. Everybody, prepare yourselves."
The warning came not a moment too late, as a magic formation shone beneath their feet. The crimson light quickly covered them and they disappeared.
Striding out of the light, they came face to face with the hundreds of Devils surrounding Rias' Peerage. They were already turtling up to defend themselves against the siege. Aster noted with relief that Asia was still defended securely within the group, even as Diodora flew in the sky screaming profanities at them. Clearly, the advanced warning had done them well, allowing them to move quickly to defend Asia and to set up a defensive formation.
"Sona, I truly did not wish to call on you, given the severe injuries all of you received the day before. However, as you can see, we are in a bind. Furthermore, that stupid bird in the sky keeps trying to steal Asia away from us while we fend the rest off!"
"It's fine. We were prepared for the possibility. My servants, merge into their formation as we planned and we'll hold them off!"
The moment they reappeared, Aster blended into the surroundings, essentially hiding herself in plain sight. Leaping onto a pillar, she waited patiently and observed the situation. She looked in curiosity at a bulbous and monstrous form impaled on blades.
[Seems like Freed is already dead, pierced on one of the spikes of Durandal Birth.] Ikari muttered.
The situation wasn't terrible. As it was, the Gremory Peerage had successfuly managed to hold off the enemy Devils. Xenovia and Kiba had held one side with their holy swords and their combination technique Durandal Birth, anathema to the enemy Devils. Issei in his Balance Breaker was defending another side together with Koneko, while Rias and Akeno rained death and destruction on the final side. Gasper and Asia stayed in the centre, using their Sacred Gears to support when needed.
It wasn't something they could do for long, the amount of firepower they were sending out was simply not sustainable for them. This was where the Sitri Peerage came in. Tsubasa and Ruruko quickly joined the two Knights, acting as their shields to decrease the pressure on them. Hence, they were no longer required to utilise the taxing technique Durandal Birth, and could maintain their stamina and killing speed.
Tomoe and Tsubaki joined Koneko and Issei. While the duo acted as their shield, Tomoe and Tsubaki with their speed played around the both of them easily, killing off the Devils with speed and efficiency.
Sona joined Rias and Akeno in raining spells after spells on the final side. While she was unable to utilise powerful spells like she did before due to her current injury, she easily corralled the enemies with her Water Magic, allowing Rias and Akeno to kill more with their Power of Destruction and Holy Lightning.
Finally, Reya, Saji and Momo joined Gasper and Asia in the centre. Using Reya's detection and communication magic, Momo was guided to effectively block any critical strikes to the members, or to act as the final line of defence for the artillery trio with her razor sharp barriers. Saji on the other hand sent out as many lines as he could, siphoning power from the enemies and refilling those on their side. He worked in concert with Momo to protect their members. Unable to use two types of magic at the same time due to her injury, Reya merely focused on guiding and directing the battle, taking up the role as a communication and directing hub effortlessly.
"The Sitri Peerage! But it doesn't matter! Struggle all you want, but Asia is mine while all of you will die here! Claiming the head of yet another heiress is just another bonus for us!"
Diodora laughed maniacally, raising a vial to his mouth. His demonic power burst out in a violent aura, and he dived down at an impressive and unexpected speed. Easily bypassing Momo's barriers thanks to his explosive increase in speed, he pounced on Asia, planning to grab her and escape.
Aster leapt off the pillar silently, flashing behind the unsuspecting Diodora.
"Wha…?! ARRRRGGHHHH" Diodora howled in pain, falling to the ground in a heap.
Aster landed beside him, holding the pair of wings in her hands. At his scream of pain, Sona turned towards him, with a grim smile on her face. "You didn't think we left the sky undefended did you? It's your defeat, Diodora."
"You damned girl! I won't lose here! How can I lose here?! I am the heir of the Astaroth! I was going to defeat the failed heir of the Bael, and even you! The pathetic Sitri heiress! And take Hell by storm, together with my newest slave, Asia!"
Sona shook her head in disgust. "Aster-chan, shut him up. My ears are defiled everytime I hear him speak."
Placing a palm to his chest, Aster invoked her power of death, and caused the magical pathways in his body to all decay. Diodora was left only with the ones necessary for survival.
A piercing squeal similar to that of a gutted pig rang out, before fading away almost instantly. Diodora slumped to the ground, unconscious due to the excruciating pain. Even with Ophis' snake, Diodora was essentially crippled. Only a master of Senjutsu could possibly heal him after decades of treatment. Healing was after all, far more difficult than destruction.
Under the feet of both Peerages, a magic circle shone.
Sona glanced down, and an expression of panic grew on her face "A teleportation formation?! It's leading to… the Dimensional Gap?!"
Light began to engulf every member, with the exception of Hyoudou Issei. An expression of terror and fear was evident on his face, even as he continuously swung his fists at the magic formation before them.
"No! I won't let you take them! Not Buchou and my friends!"
Despite his continuously increasing strength and power, the magic formation remained unaffected and glowed even brighter.
The snoring turtle floating inconspicuously by Sona's side finally cracked open an eyelid at the occurrence.
The magical formation was broken in an instant.
Clap. Clap. Clap
"It seems you were all prepared for our attack. I am curious. How did the information leak out? Our initial plan to use Reversal on the nun's Sacred Gear, followed by sacrificing her life force to kill the fake Satans was seen through. Our secondary plan to drive the Sekiryuutei to insanity, transport him into the VIP room and unleash his Juggernaut Drive to kill or wound them failed as well. Did one of you hold a teleportation sealing or destroying formation?"
Without waiting for an answer, Shalba Beezlebub shook his head. "It doesn't matter. Even if the teleportation had failed, we can still finish the secondary plan, if I kill everybody except the Sekiryuutei here! And I'll start with your most precious person, the heiress to the Gremory family!
Faster than the eye could track, he flashed forward. Only with her aura sense could Aster track him, barely moving in time to forcefully block the fist aimed at Rias. She was blown away in an instant, bouncing off the ground and slamming into a pillar.
[Kuh! He's near the peak of the Ultimate Class, far stronger then Sairaorg in his Balance Breaker! Not even the Third Gate, True Fusion and Queen Promotion could hold him off!]
"Buchou! Nooooo!"
As Shalba brought his other fist down on Rias' head, a spike flew out, piercing into his hand and pinning it into the ground. More spikes shot out, turning him into a pincushion and nailing him to the ground
Shalba gurgled blood at the injuries, even as he turned to the source of the spikes. "Who… Who are you?! You are… far stronger than me… Yet I don't recognise you!"
A deep baritone voice rang out. "Of course not. the Leviathan kid doesn't have the habit of parading her Peerage around. Of course nobody recognises us."
Shalba's eyes widened in shock, before closing them in resignation. "The Leviathan kid… Even if she is a fake Satan… She is still one of the most powerful Devils... And you would call her a child? A monstrous beast like you… Why would you join her Peerage?"
He shrugged. "I merely wish to sleep without being disturbed. And in Hell, nobody would bother me, unlike the Human Realm where they tie huge boats to me, making my back itch when I am in my original form."
"In my smaller form, it didn't get any less annoying, It's vexing to keep waking up and finding myself in an aquarium, or to somebody trying to crack open my shell. You have no idea how many times I ended up in front of humans using tools from knives, to drills, to even diamond cutters to try and open my shell or skin."
"Regardless, with this, I'll have fulfilled my quota of requests for the next century. I can go back to sleep right after this. Therefore…"
His eyes gleamed red. "Die for me."
Shalba shrieked, as the thorns in his body violently rotated and drilled their way through. His body quickly turned into mush, laying on the ground.
He turned to the remaining Devils, who were backing away from the battle.
He said dispassionately. "The rest of you can die too."
Spikes flew off from his back, raining down on the enemy Devils. Even when they summoned barriers to block the spikes or attempted to destroy them with their powers, they easily pierced through and stabbed into their body. A glow of green appeared on each spike, and all of them crumbled into dust.
Aspidochelone turned towards the Sitri and Gremory Peerage, and spoke gruffly. "Let's go. We are done here, and I can finally go and hibernate for another century."
All of them gulped their saliva, and responded. "Understood."
"Wow… Last time we didn't have time to try the hot springs in Hell. But this time, we are here! This is fantastic!" Tomoe whooped, splashing about in the water.
"That's right! Kaichou really does arrange some of the best rewards." Ruruko cried out, paddling after the hyperactive Knight.
"Well, all of us did really well. I'm really happy Kaichou decided to ease up on us, letting us have a week of a true vacation. After all, we forced a tie with the Bael Peerage, and entered another massive battle the day after. All of us had reached our limits then." Tsubasa spoke.
"It's such a pity Gen-chan isn't with us, or we can tease him all day long! Governor Azazel dragged him off a day after the attack, stating he wanted to train him personally. I wonder what's with that?" Momo wondered.
There were only a few days left until the end of Summer Break. After the attack, most of the Old Satans Faction had been defeated, leaving them practically as a headless chicken. The Satans, Azazel, and Odin had come face to face with Ophis, managing to clarify their doubts and confirm some of the information Sona had transmitted to them.
"Hey, hey. What do you guys think about Kaichou and Aster-chan? While they are still changing and aren't here yet!" Tomoe paddled over and started whispering in excitement.
Tsubaki sighed. "I think they are the cutest, yet the most oblivious couple I have ever met. It's ridiculous. Everybody can tell that they are in a relationship! Except the two of them, apparently."
"That's right, that's right. I thought I was overthinking things for some time, you know!" Tomoe nodded her head firmly.
Reya raised a finger to her chin thoughtfully. "I mean, it's really obvious. Kaichou always calls us by the first name without honorifics, but whenever it's Aster-chan's turn, she calls her with a chan attached. And Aster-chan calls her Sona-chan, and Kaichou doesn't object either. She also goes home and sleeps with Kaichou everyday, and I meant that in the pure manner. We've been with Kaichou for so many years, yet none of us had ever done that!"
Tsubasa tilted her head as she sank into the hot spring in bliss. "It started on the very first day, you know? I wouldn't be surprised if Kaichou had fallen in love at first sight, but just didn't recognise it."
Tsubaki raised a hand to her forehead, palming herself in the face in resignation. "That's probably the case. Even though Kaichou is so intelligent… She just isn't the type to think too deeply about her emotions, and probably doesn't even know her own orientation. I'm beginning to think that she cancelled her engagement because she mistook her preference for women for a dislike of stupid men, even if there isn't too much of a difference between the two."
Momo frowned and spoke worryingly. "How is it going to work out though? I support both of them in their relationship, but…"
Tsubaki waved her hand at her. "Don't worry too much, since Devils are well-versed in lust. Something like being lesbian won't affect their reputation. Furthermore, Aster-chan has the power of life, you know? I wouldn't be surprised if there's a Senjutsu technique precisely for that purpose."
At her words, both Momo and Reya turned beetroot red, sinking down into the hot spring to hide their faces.
"Shhhh! The two of them are here!" Tomoe quickly raised a finger to her lips and hushed them.
The Peerage quieted down as their figures approached. The door opened and both Sona and Aster appeared, settling down on the edge of the hot spring and sliding their legs into the water.
Sona looked up at them and spoke. "Good work everybody. We performed exceedingly well, even having better evaluations then the Agares Peerage despite their stellar performance against the Glasya-Labolas Peerage. Reya was even named the MVP of the first round."
Looking them in the eyes one after the other, she continued. "Our next match will be against the Glasya-Labolas Peerage, while Rias and her Peerage will face Agares. Now that the Astaroth Peerage has been eliminated, the Bael Peerage will not be involved in the second round, as they are the undisputed Rank 1 in strength despite their dismal performance in the first match. Still, from their performance and attitude, I don't believe Zephyrdor and his Peerage will be too difficult an opponent. We will have time to rest and train, preparing ourselves for the third round where we will face either the Gremory or Agares Peerage, both of which are fairly powerful ones."
She gave them a bright smile. "Now rest up, and enjoy yourselves! Aside from our basic training in the morning, you can go on and spend the afternoons and evenings however you like for the rest of Summer Break, before we return to school."
"Hai Kaichou!"
"Hai Sona-chan!"
"So this is the issue… Certainly an interesting proposition." Ajuka mused as he looked over Aster and the two plants in her hands.
Azazel guffawed at his statement. "Isn't that right? Hahahahahaha! It's such a crazy idea!"
Looking at Aster in worry, Serafall spoke. "Are you sure, Aster-chan? It's really dangerous, and has never been done before! You are already at the Ultimate Class, a few more decades and you would be among the strongest of that rank! Why would you want to undergo such a dangerous operation?"
Aster shook her head and stared back steadily. "Too slow. Limits of potential, too low. Must change foundation."
"So you decided that you want to use the Life Tree and Hell Thorn as your base, elevating and combining them to form a mini World Tree before transferring your spirit and Evil Pieces into it. Essentially, you are redesigning yourself from the ground up. I can see why you came to me, because the process is fairly similar to that of creating an artificial Sacred Gear." Azazel grinned at her.
Ajuka continued to scrutinise the plants. "It seems you have already begun the process, connecting your consciousness to the two plants instead of allowing them to form their own sentience, thereby increasing your spiritual affinity to them. What is left is to elevate and combine the both of them, which will require a multitude of rare materials, some of which can only be obtained from the World Tree itself. Hmm, the operation will be a delicate one indeed. I'll have to spend quite a bit of time to formulate it."
Leaning back, he spoke. "I'll spend some time ruminating on this. Meanwhile, Serafall and Azazel can start collecting the materials for the operation. Though you should take note, we have no clue when we can proceed with the operation since it depends on how soon the materials can be found. As for the specifics of the operation itself... A few months should be enough for me to formulate it. If we succeed in securing the Sephiroth Graal user, the process can go even smoother.
Azazel held out his palms, where a leaf and a droplet of black, yet clear water floated. "I already have some of them. Here Aster-chan! A fruit from the Tree of Life on the Third Heaven, and a drop of water from the Underworld Spring! Place them in your familiars. Over time, they will slowly absorb them and grow even closer to that of a World Tree."
A small smile grew on her face, and Aster nodded her head. "Hai!"
She then withdrew the Life Tree and Hell Thorn. Stepping out of the room, she moved towards the anxious Sona, giving her a reassuring smile and a thumbs up.
Saji stood beside her in a contemplative manner. While Aster had come to consult Ajuka and Azazel, Sona had accompanied her to check in on Saji, before the end of Summer Break.
Turning to Saji, Sona spoke. "Was the training fruitful, Saji?"
He raised both of his arms at her question. Two vambraces materialised on his arms while a knee-high armored boot grew on his ankle, gleaming with a slight purple light. "I'm still making my way there, Kaichou. I've managed to attain a sufficient level of control over the second and third Vritra Sacred Gear, Blaze Black Flare and Shadow Prison. For the time being, I'll have to get used to them and use them like it's second nature, before Azazel-sensei would consider implanting the final one, and awakening Vritra's consciousness with Hyoudou's help."
Dematerialising his Sacred Gears, his arms fell limp by his side. "Did you know, Kaichou? I felt so useless during the battle. I was only able to support the rest of the Peerage, and had no value on my own. Even Momo-senpai and Reya-senpai… The both of them have their cutting barriers and Lightning Magic to act as their offence. As for me, I couldn't do anything."
"... I know." Sona was silent for a moment, before speaking simply.
"At the end of it, Reya-senpai had to use her lifeforce for the rest of us. If I had an overwhelming power, I could have transferred the strength I gathered to the others instead of overloading Reya-senpai, allowing them to fight the others on equal footing while I dealt the final blow instead! None of us would have retired! We would have faced Sairaorg-sama with a full, healthy Peerage!
"Reya-senpai wouldn't have to draw on her lifeforce, and still be struggling with the injury even now… If I had a stronger power… That's why, when Governor Azazel told me he had a way to make me powerful, make me strong, I told him I would do it! No matter how painful it would be!"
Sona smiled at his admission. Turning around, she patted Saji on the shoulder. "That's an impressive resolution, Saji. I await the day you master all four of Vritra's Sacred Gears, becoming a Pawn on par with Issei! Also, I wish you luck in your pursuit of Reya. I support you!"
Aster and Sona giggled as they walked away, leaving the dumbfounded Saji frozen to his spot.
Aster nudged her in the side, and spoke quietly. "Sona-chan, mean!"
Sona couldn't help but snicker at her words. "But it was so obvious! He was all over Reya after the day of the Rating Game! I just helped him gain a deeper understanding of his emotions, and gave him a push!"
"Kaichou?! What do you mean!?" Saji finally unfroze and cried out, even as his face and neck turned completely red. He quickly chased after the two giggling girls in a panic.
Once again, the four Satans sat around a table. Sirzechs laced his fingers together and rested his chin on them. "We have verified most of the information Sona has compiled and sent us. We will now be starting our counter attack."
For once, Ajuka was not doing any magical calculations, and had an unusually serious expression. "The most important one is Trihexia's seals. No matter what, we must secure the area with our full force.
Sirzechs nodded his head in agreement. "That is why you, Azazel and Michael will be headed there secretly. The three of you together should be able to handle any forces in the area, and inspect the seals afterwards. I have full confidence in the three of you, as both you and Azazel are our most knowledgeable, and Michael is the most familiar with God's work. Be sure to reclaim the last Holy Grail, as it is the most likely place to host it."
Looking towards Falbium, he continued. "Falbium, you'll take charge of Hell during this period of time. We will crush the Great King Faction with every available forces we have that is stationed in Hell. Using the King Piece, manipulating the Rating Games over and over again… It cannot continue. You may take Sairaorg and Seekvaira, together with their Peerages as we are lacking in manpower. I assume Diehauser would be happy to lead the strike force as well.
"Zzzz… Fine… I suppose… It is time… for me… to finally… use my position… as the in charge… of Military Affairs…"
With his reply, Sirzechs turned towards Serafall. "Have you informed the other two of their tasks?"
A bright smile on her face, she nodded energetically. "Ria-tan and her Peerage will be escorting Odin, luring Loki out for them to finish him off. Vali and his team will be assisting them. They can't reject that Sage Monkey's orders after all. So-tan and her Peerage will be heading to Kyoto with me, to liaise with the Youkai there. Finally, Aster-chan is headed to Romania with Aspi-chan, to take away Valerie-chan secretly !"
Sirzechs sighed. "Didn't you promise him you would let him sleep for another century?"
Raising a finger to her chin, Serafall had a thoughtful look, before she began to pout. "I did? Oh poor Aspi-chan !"
"It's fine. I expect their actions in Romania to lure out Rizevim, given that the Evil Dragons plan is so important to him. I will have words with him, while The Great Sage, Sun Wukong, will hold off Crom Cruach. Grayfia… will settle her business with Euclid."
He then looked up at them. "Gabriel will handle Heaven's side of dissensions, while retrieving the hidden Fruit of Life and Fruit of Wisdom. She will also station troops near Romania to provide the manpower to fight off any Evil Dragons that might have already been created. Meanwhile, Shemhazai will direct the Grigori to hold off the Khaos Brigade, buying time for our operations to finish. They too will begin reaching out to other mythologies to obtain a peace treaty."
"Hai, Sirzechs-chan !"
"Zzzz… Zzzzz…"
Relaxing, Sirzechs leaned back on his seat. "That is the limit of our powers. If we could, I would attack the Evil Gods and the Khaos Brigade as well, but I suppose this will be fine. Khaos Brigade can act as our sharpening tools for our younger generation, and the Evil Gods can be a future challenge for them as well."
His mouth drew a thin line. "I can only hope that everything goes smoothly."
Author's Note:
It is saddening, but I must apologise as I have abandoned this fic. I love it even now, but the flaws were all too glaring and finally got to me.
The pacing was off the charts. There wasn't any character development. Everything was just me on adrenaline and bulldozing my way through. If just 50k words in and the fact that we are already at the endgame doesn't clue you in… then I wouldn't know what would.
It was great though. I love Aster and Ikari as my characters, and I felt that Sona was the only character I didn't forget to develop (which might not even be good). The battles were awesome. Kokabiel vs Aster was great, and the Sitri vs Bael chapter still gave me shivers and made me reread it over and over even now.
The endgame required a far slower pacing, which when compared to the previous 10 chapters, it was like a bullet train falling off the rails and slamming into the ground. It thoroughly threw me off and made it next to impossible for me to write.
I have started on several other fics which I hope will not have the same flaws, but they are all in other fandoms. I'm still not sure which one I would like to share as I hadn't gotten too far in them, so I wouldn't be posting anything for the next month or so, or perhaps longer.
It's been a wild ride, and I hope to see y'all at my next fic, whenever it may be.