Wedding Peach Christmas

Momoko x Yousuke

Momoko was helping her dad with another wedding by taking pictures.

"Good job sweetie." Her father said.

"Thanks. I'll be over there." She said and walked to the other side of the room.

"Well is it isn't little Momo." That was the voice of her boyfriend. "Yousuke! I have told you don't call me that!" She shouted.

"Sorry." He said with a laugh. "What are you doing here?" Momoko asks.

Yousuke turns a little red as Momoko asks him. What was he hiding?

"Yousuke?" Momoko asked again.

Yousuke shook his head. "Never mind. I'll see you at school." He said and left.

Momoko watched him leave while holding a hand to her chest.

"I'll see you at school." She said in a whisper.

The next day, Momoko ate some breakfast and headed off to school.

She hurried to see her best friends and her boyfriend.

"Hey girls!" Momoko shouted.

"Hey!" Yuri and Hinagiku said as Momoko approached them.

"Where is Scarlet?" She asked.

"She's visiting her parents. She left school early to get there. They do live in America." Yuri said.

"Besides, she's already way ahead of us in school." Hinagiku said.

"True I guess. Was her plane this early?"

"Yup. She left last night." Yuri said.

"Man. Guess I'll have to mail her Christmas gift." Momoko sighed.

"You didn't give it to her?" Hinagiku asked.

"No. I thought she was staying. Should have known she was going home. I'll mail it to her this weekend." She said.

Yuri and Hinagiku sighed. "Can we come over and wrap ours with you and send them together?"

"Sure!" Momoko smiled. "I still need to get Yousuke's gift. And my parents." She said.

"Wait! What about Jama-P?" Yuri asked.

"Oh! We didn't get him anything." Hinagiku said.

"I think I have the perfect idea." Momoko said. "But we'll need the guys. And we'll need to call Scarlet so she can be a part of it." Momoko added.

"Alright." They said.

Heading inside, they got to class and continued with their day. Where were the guys at?

"Hey. Have you heard from Yousuke?" Momoko asked.

"I don't know. Kazuya also hasn't been here. He came to my house and acted odd." Yuri said.

"Same with Yousuke. What about you, Hinagiku?" Momoko asked.

Hinagiku turned and there was Takuro.

"He's normal." She said.

"Hello. Good morning girls." He waved to them.

"Hey, have you seen Yousuke and Kazuya?" Hiangiku asked him.

"I think they left. They were here fro early practice, but Yousuke was asking Kazuya about something and they had an excuse for the couch. They should be back by lunch time." He explained.

"What was Yousuke worried about?" Momoko asked.

Takuro just shook his head and shrugged. "I don't know. They still don't trust me enough to hang out with me." He said sadly.

"It's not your fault." Hinagiku said.

"Yousuke. I hope everything's alright." Momoko mumbled.

"If they're coming back by lunch, they should be here in an hour. Let's get to our next class." Yuri said.

"I have free period. I'll talk to you later." Takuro said.

"Later!" All three waved to him as he left.

"Do you have a gift for Takuro yet?" Momoko asked slyly.

Hinagiku glared at them. "I do actually. So there's no need to bug me about shopping." She snapped.

The next class was long. Or it felt like it to Momoko.

She kept looking out the window wondering when Yousuke was coming back.

He did say he's meet her at school. Was he trying to ask her about Christmas without letting her know she was getting a gift from him?

Maybe. But till they talked, she would never know.

Soon she saw Kazuya and Yousuke return to school a little early and it was only a few minutes till lunch time.

Yuri and Momoko were the first out of the classroom so they could meet up with their boyfriends.

But when they arrived in the cafeteria, Yousuke was talking to another girl. And Kazuya was surrounded by more girls.

Yuri sighed.

"Don't worry. He knows who his girlfriend is." Momoko smiled at her.

"What am I going to get him? Other girls are going to give him gifts this week."

"Well, unlike those girls, they don't get to go out on Christmas dates with him after school is over." Momoko said.

Yuri smiled. "True."

Hinagiku came up to them and laughed. "Seriously? You girls are so chicken. Just walk up to them and say"we'd like to have a talk with our boyfriends" and they'll excuse themselves." She said.

"Easy for you to say." Momoko said.

"Hey. Kazuya. Mind if I talk to you a moment?" She called.

He smiled in their direction.

Momoko puffed her cheeks and marched up to Yousuke. "Excuse me. But I need to have a word with him." She said and pulled Yousuke away from the other girls.

"What's up Yuri?" Kazuya asked.

"Momo! What was that about? Do you know how rude you were?" Yousuke asked crossing his arms.

Hinagiku sighed. "So, what was the idea of missing morning classes?" She asked.

Both of them looked at each other then back at the three girls.

"Takuro tell you?" Yousuke asked.

All three nodded.

Yousuke sighed. "Look, we were..."

"We were shopping. It's almost Christmas. You think you are going to only give us gifts?" Kazuya said in a teasing manor.

Yuri blushed.

"And you had to miss two classes?" Momoko asked.

"Yes. It took a lot of thought and looking around to find a perfect gift." Yousuke said.

"Did you?" Hinagiku asked.

Neither of them said a word.

"I'll take that as a 'No we couldn't find our beautiful angel girlfriends a perfect gift."" She said.

They stayed silent.

"Alright. Maybe these two can gift you a list of things they like and you can figure it out." Hinagiku said.

"I like that idea." Yuri said.

"My pleasure." Kazuya said bowing.

Momoko scoffed."Fine. Okay. I do wish you'd asked us before hand. That way you wouldn't be shopping at the last minute."

While she said that, Hinagiku glared at them as they were also in the same boat.

So during lunch, Yuri and Momoko made a list of a few things they liked to give to their boyfriends for them to go shopping for Christmas.

"This is good." Momoko said.

"The sandwich?" Yuri asked.

"Yes. My mom knows what I like now. It's great having her back home." Momoko smiled.

Yousuke smiled seeing how happy she was.

"What kind is it?" Hinagiku asked.

"It's turkey with cheddar cheese and some lettuce and pickle. Leftover from dinner." She said.

"That smells good." Takuro showed up behind the girls with his lunch.

"Is that pizza?" Hinagiku asked.

"Yes it is. My parents ordered one yesterday for me to bring to school for the last week before winter break." He explained.

Hinagiku moved over and Takuro slid between her and Momoko.

"That's a great sandwich you have."

"Thanks. If you want I can share with you tomorrow." Momoko offered.

"Thanks. But I'm good with my pizza." Takuro said.

Hinagiku frowned at his words and continued to eat.

"Finished. Here you go, Kazuya." Yuri handed him her list.

"Thank you, Lily." He whispered.

She giggled loudly when he called her that.

Momoko and Hinagiku rolled their eyes.

Lunch was quiet after that. Momoko finally finished her list as well and gave it to Yousuke after lunch was over.

"Here." She said.

"Thank you." Yousuke said.

"What was yesterday about?" She asked.

"Oh. That was..."

"Were you trying to get an idea for Christmas?" She asked.

Yousuke sighed. But as he was going to tell her, the bell rang.

"Oops! We can talk after. See you." Momoko ran to her next class leaving Yousuke standing alone.

"Oh Momoko. How will I ever tell you?" He said to himself.

Class was long and boring for the girls.

But as soon as class was over they could move on to their next two classes then after school, and last would be to leave and go shopping!

It was a long wait.

But as soon as the bell rang, the girls were out of there.

"I can't stand history." Yuri said.

"I know. It's boring. Who wants to read about the past anyway? There's nothing we can learn from it that we don't already know from like elementary." Momoko said.

"Well, it's also written for us to learn so we don't make the same mistakes. And even if we do, we can learn from our past ancestors to figure a way out of trouble." Hinagiku explained to them.

Both girls stared at her. "I'm a history fan. My father is a history professor." She said.

"It's fine, Hina." Yuri said.

"Yeah. If you like it then it's fine. We'll try to be more sensitive about it." Momoko said.

"You don't have to. I just said it because. I hate it too." Hinagiku said.

"Oh good." Momoko sighed.

"There was no way we would have lasted long with that." Yuri said.

"It's fine girls. Let's get to our next class." Hinagiku said. "And don't call me "Hina" again!" She warned.

Soon school was over and they headed out to do some shopping.

Walking down the street, Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku were looking at almost everything in every shop they passed by.

They found many things for Jama-P for Christmas her would love.

They could just make him a big box with many different things inside.

But it was Momoko and Yuri who couldn't find a good enough gift for their boyfriends.

"You two just can't find anything?" Hinagiku asked.

"Nope." Yuri said.

"Nothing." Momoko said. "What did you get Takuro for Christmas?" She asked.

Hinagiku rolled her eyes. "No. I'm not telling." She said.

"What? Come on Hinagiku. Me and Momoko can't get any ideas. Can't you give u some ideas?" Yuri asked.

"You two should be getting your boyfriends something THEY like. Not base it off what I'm getting my best friend. Just think of something Yousuke or Kazuya likes. And go off that." She said.

"Well, they like us." Yuri said.

"And Football." Momoko added.

Hinagiku sighed and placed her hand on her forehead. She couldn't handle much more of this.

Momoko thought hard on what Yousuke would want fro Christmas. Something did come to mind, she only hoped she would get it done in time. And it would work.

She made a list in her head as the three of them kept on shopping for another hour.

She gathered most the items she needed and when she got home, she put together her things and began working.

If you want to show someone how much you love them, make them a gift from your own hands.

She spent all night putting it together.

When it was morning- "Oh my gosh I'm late!" Momoko ran down the stairs. She missed her first class of the day.

"Sweetheart." He mother called.

"What?" Momoko answered. "I'm going to be late for-"

"I know. I called the school explaining that you were stressed and needed a day to relax. Let's go. Were going to get a day of beauty." Her mother said.

"What?" Momoko didn't understand.

"Come on. Mother-daughter day. It'll be fun." Her mother smiled.

Momoko was going to be missing school. But she did want to talk to Yousuke.

"Okay." Momoko said.

So Momoko and her mother went and had their hair, nails, make-up, and full mud bath done.

"Wow!" Momoko was so revealed.

"You feel better?" Her mother asked.

"Yeah. How did you know I needed this?"

"Because, believe it or not, I know how stressful it is for a young girl like you and your friends to be buying Christmas gifts for your loved ones. Boyfriends, best friends, and family." Her mother said.

Momoko sighed. "It's been hard. I mean, I know what to get my friends, I'm still looking for you and dad's gifts. But one for Yousuke...I just don't truly know. I thought that, what I was doing all night, would work. But I messed it up and slept in." Momoko explained.

Her mother hugged her. "Well, here is something I'll tell you. Making a gift for Yousuke, is the most precious gift anyone could ask for. You know why?"

"Because it's made from the heart? Dad did that for me. When he couldn't get me toys for Christmas, he made me brand new ones just to make me laugh." Momoko told her mother.

Her mother giggled. "And that's because he did that same thing to me. He made things to make me laugh. And he must have thought that you would too." She said.

Momoko smiled at her mother. She was glad to have parents like her mom an dad. "Thanks mom. I really did need this."

"If you need help, you let me know." Her mother said.

They headed home where the girls were waiting.

"Momoko. What happened?" Yuri asked.

"You didn't come to school, we've been worried." Hinagiku said.

"Sorry girls. I saw how stressed she was so I pulled her an excuse and took her on an adventure of beauty." Momoko's mother said.

"Oh!" Both girls said.

Looking closer, they saw just how pretty Momoko looked.

"We should take pictures later." Yuri said.

"Come inside. I'll make some cookies." Momoko's mother said.

The girls went inside and up to Momoko's room.

"What on-"

"Were you making-"

"Yes and yes." Momoko said cutting both her friends off. "This was the only other thing I could think of. And it's awful." She said.

"Oh. We can help you." Yuri said.

"Thanks, but this is my gift to him. I need to make it myself." Momoko smiled at her friends offer.

The girls talked about what to do with the box and what to do to send Scarlet her Christmas gifts as well.

They made such progress with it. The box was nearly filled.

"Maybe we should ask Scarlet if she wants to send something here for him herself." Yuri said.

"I'll send the letter." Hinagiku said.

"Okay. I'll finish getting this box ready. I still need to do a little more shopping." Momoko said.

"Maybe I'll make Kazuya something from my hands too." Yuri said to herself.

"I'm sure you could. I'll take you to where I found most of these things. I need to get more stuff anyway." Momoko said.

The girls went back out, taking a couple cookies with them, and back to some of the shops they were at yesterday.

With only three school days left, they had to be quick before school was over. Then they would be going on their winter breaks and celebrating with families. And their boyfriends.

Shopping for the things they needed, Momoko found the gifts for her parents.

1: For her mother, she found a beautiful pink pearl necklace.

2: For her father, she found a full set of camera supplies for his to use.

3: She found a picture frame for her to use to put their wedding picture in it.

She was making the best gift for her parents.

Once they did that, they went home and Momoko was upstairs already back onto making something for Yousuke. But getting distracted, she finished her parents gift and finished filling the box for Jama-P.

The next two days the girls were waiting on Scarlet to answer the letter.

They only hoped they could send her their Christmas gifts to her.

But a response won't come for a whole week or longer.

At least Jama-P will be staying with Momoko this holiday.

"So," Hinagiku spoke. "Who took my book?" She asked.


"Who. Took. My. Book." She repeated.

"We don't know what book your talking about?" Momoko said.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Was this your book?" Takuro held it up.

Hinagiku held her breath as he did. "I must have picked it up by accident. Sorry Hinagiku." He said.

He gave it back to her and soon lunch was over.

The girls went on to the next class. Hinagiku was more freaked out still however.

"Are you okay, Hinagiku?" Momoko asked.

"Fine." She said.

"You don't look it. Was Takuro not supposed to see that book?" Yuri asked.

"No. It's just..." Hinagiku was quiet.

"What?" Momoko crossed her arms.

"This is actually from...him." She said blushing.


"He gave me this book for Christmas a few years ago. And we wrote in it years ago as a letter to our future selves. I was planning on getting a copy and...making the same notes inside and give him the copy." She explained.

The two girls looked to each other then to her again. "That's so sweet and romantic!" They said.

Hinagiku scoffed and gagged. "Please. It's a precious memory that I have. So just shut up!" She snapped at them.

"Hina. We don't think it's stupid. It's sweet. It's a great idea that you thought of this between you and Takuro." Yuri explained.

"Don't call me, "Hina." Please." She said.

"Sorry." Yuri said.

"Hey. Takuro will love it. And I'm sure he's got you the best gift for Christmas this year." Momoko told her.

Hinagiku smiled a little at that idea. Takuro getting her a cool gift. "Thanks girls." She said.

The girls finished school that day, with their boyfriends coming over.

"Hey girls. Want to grab some dinner and go ice skating?" Yousuke asked.

"Sure!" All three of them smiled.

"Takuro?" Kazuya asked.

"No thanks. I'm going home!" He said and dashed away.

Hinagiku frowned. He sure was busy lately. But it was Christmas.

"Let's go then." Yuri said smiling.

The five of them went and grabbed something to eat and then headed on to ice skating.

It was cold enough as it was outside, but it was colder inside the place.

Hinagiku just sat and watched the others skate. She checked in her book and worked on her gift. And talked to other people.

Yuri and Kazuya were enjoying their time together skating hand in hand.

Momoko...she and Yousuke were more or less skating hand in hand. Or hand and one hand around waste. Momoko wasn't great at skating.

At least Yousuke was there to help her when she needed it.

"This was a great idea to come here and hang out. Everyone's having a good time." Yuri said to Kazuya.

"Indeed. Say, I do have something to give you." He said to her.

"What? But it's early."

"Call it an early Christmas present then. But this is just extra for you. Since it will be before Christmas." Kazuya said.

Yuri was curious to what it was. What could Kazuya have gotten her for an early Christmas present?

"Tada!" He held up two tickets in his hand. "I have here, two tickets to the ice show of the story of Princess Kaguya. Just for us two to go and enjoy."

"What?! That's amazing!" Yuri was so surprised. "But that's not here."

"No. But it's in France." He smiled.

Yuri was even more shocked. She then shouted with such joy. "YES! WE"RE GOING TO FRANCE FOR CHRISTMAS!" She was so happy. "This is the best early Christmas gift ever! Thank you so much. I love you." She said.

Kazuya smiled and hugged her tight. "I love you too. I'm glad you are happy about the gift." He said.

They were so happy. Momoko heard and smiled from afar for her friend.

"You glad?" He asked.

Yousuke got her attention. "Momo?"

"Sorry. Yes. I'm glad for them. It's so amazing what people do for the ones they love." She said. She really was happy for Yuri. But it means she wouldn't be around for Christmas. She'd be away from her and home.

"I'll miss her. But she'll be happy." Momoko said.

"I'm glad..." Yousuke seemed spaced out.

"Is there something going on? You've been acting so odd this last week. What's going on?" She asked him.

Yousuke sighed and stopped moving.


"I'm sorry. I should have told you this earlier. But I didn't know how to tell you." He said.

"What's wrong?" Momoko asked. But as soon as she heard, she regretted it.

"I'm not spending Christmas here. With you. In Japan." He told her.

Momoko frowned.

"I'm going to the UK." He said.

Momoko pushed him away with her face full of shock and disappointment.

"I'm sorry."

"When do you leave?" She asked.

"Friday." He said. "After school I'm getting on a plane and heading out."

"What?! Why?!" She asked shouting.

"We are graduating. I'm looking into Colleges. I'm not planning on staying here. I want to get out there." He explained.

"And you think NOW is the only time?!" Momoko asked.

At this point, Hinagiku, Yuri, and Kazuya were staring at them.

"Kazuya is planning on leaving for France to go to college. I am picking my college to go to so I can-"

"I don't want to hear this!" Momoko yelled. She was having a panic attack.

All her plans are now being shattered with this news. He wouldn't be here for Christmas. She'd be alone with her family and Jama-P. She made him a gift and he won't even be here to receive it. He wasn't going to be here.

She was hyperventilating. She couldn't handle this.


"Don't! Don't "Momo" me!" She snapped. "I've got to go." And she headed right off the ice and out the building.

"Momoko!" Hinagiku went after her.

Yuri stayed with Kazuya and Yousuke and heard the whole story.

"What? I understand you, Kazuya. But why you Yousuke?" She asked.

He frowned. "Because. I don't have much else here anymore. all I have left is...Momoko and you guys." He said.

Yuri shook her head. "This was a terrible time to be telling her this." She told him.

Yousuke felt bad. He wanted to talk to her the next day if he could.

But the whole school day, she didn't show. Was she mad at him? Possibly, yes.

Momoko made it home that evening with a crying face.

"Sweetie?" Her mother called to her but she ran past and ignored her.

She closed her door and wept in her pillow.

"Momoko? What's wrong?" Jama-P asked her.

But she wouldn't answer. All she did was cry the whole night.

By morning she didn't go to school. She didn't even go down for breakfast.

She stayed in her room the whole day. She couldn't handle it. Yousuke wasn't spending Christmas with her. He wanted to focus on College. He was moving on. Moving away from her. She didn't want to lose him. She didn't want him to be far away. She didn't want them to be over. She loved him. But this...She looked down at her gift to him.

She sighed at how perfect it looked. And she couldn't see the look on his face when she gave it to him. She cried more. "It's not fair." She said.

"There there." Jama-P said.

But it didn't matter. She didn't want Christmas to come anymore. "I hate Christmas!"

She said the words, and the world, just, stopped.

Momoko stayed in her room all day, but as she saw, her world really was frozen.

"What the-"

"Angel Peach."

She heard the goddess speak.

"Queen Aphrodite." Momoko heard her voice but didn't know what was going on.

She then appeared in her room.

"Come." She held out her hand.

Momoko wasn't sure what to do. But this was a queen. So, she took her hand.

Then they walked all the way to the school and she saw the world move again. "What is going on?" She asked.

"Dear Peach. No one knows were here. Your back in your bed still sleeping. I just want you to see what's going on." The queen said.

Momoko looked and saw Yuri and Hinagiku sitting at their seats frowning.

"Still no Momoko." Yuri said.

"I can't believe this. Yousuke had to go over Christmas? Why didn't he go when Kazuya went in the summer?" Hinagiku questioned.

"I don't know. He was planning on going in France. And I was planning on going myself." Yuri said.

"I'm staying here. Takuro thinks he's going to America. We've worked things out however. We aren't-"

"Fighting over the future." Yuri said.

"What?! How dare you guys think that?!" Momoko yelled.

"They can't hear you." The queen said.


"Momoko. You may be an angel, but remember, you are also human. Same with them. Even Yousuke." She said.

Momoko sighed. She was right. Everyone was focusing on their future. They were going to leave anyway. But the problem was...

"I'm not going to college." She said. "I was planning on working full time with my dad. But, everyone is leaving. I feel so alone." Momoko began crying again.

"You aren't alone, Angel Peach." The queen said.

"Let me show you something." She said.

Momoko was walking and then suddenly it was like she went through a tunnel of colors.

"Mom?" She saw her mother standing there.

"Great mom!" Future Momoko said.

"Thank you dear. Not bad for an old woman." Her mother joked.

"Your fantastic. Better then hiring a pro." She said.

"Well. Looks like you don't need us then."

"Hina. Yuri." Momoko saw herself hugging her friends. "How was the honeymoon?" She asked.

"Perfect! I mean you should see these pictures. Australia was so pretty." Yuri said.

"Yes. I've heard already. But I also enjoyed my trip." Hinagiku said.

"What's happening?!" Present Momoko asked.

"This is your future. Or a glimpse of what it could be." The queen said.

"But that's-"

"You became the best photographer in all Japan. While your friends became world wedding planners and designers. And Yuri married her long love. You and her both." She added.

Momoko watched as a grown Yousuke and Kazuya walked up laughing.

"It's been too long since we've been together." Yousuke said.

"We should go out for lunch." Kazuya said.

"Great! I'll call Takuro and Scarlet. Maybe she'll bring Dean Butler this time." Hinagiku teased.

Everyone was happy and laughing.

"I can't believe this." Momoko was seeing all of them happy and together.

"You see, even if they are leaving to go far away, your bond will never break. You'll always be together. Even if your far apart." Aphrodite said.

Momoko scoffed. If this was how it was supposed to be, then she needed to make sure of it. But...Yousuke was leaving after school, today.

Momoko realized she was back in her room.


"Give him the gift. He loves you Peach. And you do love him, right?" Were the queens last words.

Momoko sighed.

"Momoko. Please cheer up. You can't hate Christmas." Jama-P said.

Thinking back, what she saw, the future, it was Christmas day! So she couldn't have this year, but she'll have many more years to come. But only if she and Yousuke are good. If they stay together.

Momoko grabbed the gift and ran out the door.

School was almost over. Yousuke would be heading to the airport.

She ran all the way to the school and looked for Yousuke.

She had to give him his gift. She wasn't letting the future change to something worse because of her.

"Momoko?!" her two friends saw her coming in the school.

"What are you doing here?" Yuri asked.

"We thought you weren't coming." Hinagiku said.

"Where is Yousuke?" Momoko asked.

"Where do you think?" Yuri said.

Momoko hurried to the football field and there he was. Practicing.

"Yousuke!" She yelled.

He turned slowly to see her up by the door.

Hinagiku and Yuri stood behind her. Smiling as Momoko walked down to him.

"Momoko. What are you doing here?"

"I know that...what I said wasn't fair. And I should understand why you need to go to...UK for college. I overacted. I was feeling like you were leaving me when that wasn't the case at all. I'm sorry. So, since your not coming tomorrow, here. Your Christmas present." She said. Handing him the gift.

"Momoko." He took it. Shocked she got him anything. "I...Thank you. And...I should have told you sooner. But...I know you wanted me to spend Christmas with you and...I felt like I was betraying you. I'm sorry I held onto it for too long. I should have told you right away." He said.

"I hope you like it." Momoko said.

"Hey." He pulled her into a hug. "I'll wait and opening with you. I do need to go. But...I'll open it Christmas day. With you. Okay?" He said.

Momoko nodded. "Okay." She said. "I like that idea. And we'll have many more Christmases together." She smiled up at him.

A few hours late, Momoko was waving goodbye to him as he got onto the plane.

Saturday came.

The girls and Kazuya and Takuro all came to Momoko's house and worked on Christmas.

Jama-P sure would be happy.

And they found presents from Scarlet. She left them all gifts for Christmas and a letter of her planning on sending Jama-P some souvenirs for Christmas from America.

The girls spent the night working on gifts for their boyfriends.

Yuri worked on her flower pot for Kazuya or mug. It was hard to tell.

Hinagiku worked on the book for Takuro and she was focused the whole time.

Momoko thought back to her gift. A little angel that looked a lot like Jama-P. But she made it so it looked more human like and more like her.

She made a second one to go with it, but she didn't have time for it to be finished. It would have been a version of him.

How happy he will be to see it? If only she'd be able to tell.

"Momoko. Don't worry. He'll love it." Yuri said.

"Thanks." Momoko smiled.

"You worked hard on it. He'll love it. Especially since it was made by you. You can't get something like it in any store." Hinagiku said.

Momoko smiled. But she couldn't help but still wonder.

Soon the girls fell asleep. And Momoko dreamed of Yousuke's reaction to her gift. And what he could have gotten her. She dreamed and slept so peacefully, she didn't even hear her friends leave her house for their winter breaks.

Momoko spent the rest of her days helping her parents. Her dad did more weddings in a day then they could keep up with. And her mother she helped at home when she was free.

Momoko loved helping her parents. She got calls from her friends. Yuri called her from France and told her ALL about the story of Princess Kaguya on ice.

She had such a fun time. And Kazuya told her how much he loved her. Momoko heard the tone in her voice, "He practically proposed to me!" is what it was saying.

Momoko rolled her eyes but was happy for Yuri.

She called Hinagiku about how Takuro took the gift.

Turned out, he gave her, her first kiss after that. She really did do a super sweet thing.

Yuri found out a little later and all three would talk about it in person when they could get together after the holidays.

As for Yousuke, he wrote to her.

Scarlet sent a letter to all three of the girls explaining how her Christmas was, but they wouldn't read it till after.

To the day, Christmas came. Momoko headed downstairs. Jama-P right behind her.

They celebrated this morning with such joy with her parents.

And Jama-P loved his HUGE box of gifts from everyone. Including the ones from Scarlet, which came in almost too late.

A knock came at the door.

"I'll get it." Momoko said.

She got up and answered the door.

"Hel- Yousuke?!"

Her boyfriend smiled as she opened the door.

"What are you-"

"Merry Christmas. He handed her a small box. She took it and opened it up. Inside was a small bracelet with a peach charm on it. It also had the word "Angel" engraved on the inside of it.

"What? You...You got be this?" She asked.

"Of course. Now, can I open mine?" He asked.

He hadn't opened it yet? "Sure." She told him.

Yousuke opened his gift from her and he was amazed. "It's supposed to be you?" He asked laughing.

"It's not funny. And yes. I wanted both of us but...You, weren't finished." She said.

Yousule laughed harder. "Oh my little Momo. Your too sweet and cute." He said. He kissed the top of her head. "I love this gift. Thank you." He said.

"I'm glad." She really was. He loved her gift she made terribly like.

He was happy. But what made them both happy, was getting to spend Christmas day with each other.

It was the best Christmas for now. But in the years to come there would be many more. Each one more special then the last.

"Momoko. What are- Oh! Yousuke. Please come on in. It's cold outside." Momoko's mother said.

"Sorry. And Thank you." He said.

They came in and drank hot coco all day long. Singing carols, talking about funny childhood Christmas memories, much to Momoko's annoyance, but she was happy Yousuke was here with her.

The End