Hey people, here's the latest chapter. Quite hard to write as I broke my left hand at work :s sorry :p

Pairing still undecided

4 991 Renewal (279 AC, 19 years before the Events of Game of Thrones)

Camelot Palace, Silvermoon,

Harry was carefully watching the letter lying on his desk. Made of mere parchment, it had been sealed with a cachet representing six bats, the coat of arms of the Whent family of the Riverlands of Westeros.

"What is the latest news regarding our project?" Harry suddenly asked.

A second person was in the room. Tall and slender, the elf sported a sculpted face and blue-red eyes betraying his vampiric origin. It was none other than Dracula Bloodriver.

"Everything is going as you planned, your majesty. The dragon continues to deepen his descent into madness, of course helped by the offered clothing which he refuses to part with. According to my informants, the robe's enchantments have continued to accelerate the deterioration of his state of mind, making him every day more and more unstable." Dracula replied with a smirk.

Nodding, Harry looked at the letter once more. Everything was going according to plan, if not this rather unexpected invitation. He frowned slightly as he continued to watch the letter ... Something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"What about our trades?" Harry spoke out loud.

There was a third and last person in the room. Much smaller than the other two elves, the latter sported a Machiavellian smile and blue-black eyes, thus betraying his goblin origin. Known by all for his business acumen and incredible greed, Ragnok Goldrunner personally watched over the exchanges between Albion and Westeros.

"Our exchanges are fruitful and have given us a certain reputation in Westeros. After having introduced the " Albionese Glass " and demonstrating the extent of its quality, in addition to its greatly reduced price compared to its Myrish equivalence, we have managed to take hold of the market in all of the Seven Kingdoms. Not to mention the strong export of arts. All the Houses in Westeros want an "Albionese portrait" , which is very funny…" Ragnok laughed.

Harry and Dracula laughed heartily, amused too by the ignorance of the Westerosians. They did not realize that these " Albionese portraits " were alive, allowing them to spy on them.

"However, the Westerosians have started to show a keen interest in our equipment. The beauty of our weapons and our shields seem to have inspired them. Particularly the Lannister family, who would like to obtain a complete set of armour, with sword and shield." Ragnok continued with a frown.

Harry squinted at the news. He obviously expected such a request, and he was unsure how to respond. After all, elven weapons are enchanted and very powerful, which in the hands of a human would give him the ability to defeat all his opponents of the same race.

"What did he offer for such a request?" Harry asked with an interested glint in his eyes.

Ragnok looked at him before smiling, taking a letter from his jacket. With an effective gesture, he unfolded it before handing it to Harry. The latter accepted the piece of parchment before reading with amazement the proposal of the Lannisters ... or rather, of Tywin Lannister.

"Well, he must really want this armour if he offers such a sum. I do not think that another house, perhaps the Targaryens, can offer 3 000 000 Golden Dragons." Harry reads the letter with keen interest.

For his part, Dracula nodded while remaining impassive. As Spy Master, he was aware of the fortunes of Westeros. As for Harry, he looked again at the Whent House letter before smiling. A plan had just sprouted in his mind to better divide the Kingdoms of Westeros.

"How has the relationship between Tywin and Aerys evolved?" Harry asked Dracula the question.

The latter pretended to think before answering.

"The friendship between Tywin and Aerys went down the drain since the beginning of Aerys' madness. The latter is convinced that Tywin wants his throne, which is not far from the truth. Tywin do wish to place one of his descendants on the throne, but by marriage, not force. However, Aerys refused to marry his son to Tywin's daughter, even going so far as to call them " peasants " and " servants " ... Let's just say that Tywin Lannister did not appreciate such rejection, without forgetting the shame as the rejection was public." Dracula responded with a shook of his head.

According to him, Aerys should have married his son with Cersei Lannister in order to consolidate his power. Had he done so, the reign of the Targaryens would be ensured for centuries to come and their elimination would have become much more complicated for the Elves.

Harry nodded, seeming to appreciate the news.

"I remember refusing an armour to Rhaegar Targaryen last year. Is that right?" Harry asked Ragnok.

The Imperial Treasurer nodded with a cruel smile. He had been happy to personally write the rejection letter to the so-called "Dragon Prince" of Westeros, explaining that such armour was far beyond his means.

"It is time to continue to sow discord among our opponents. Ragnok, you are actually going to make a full armour for Tywin Lannister, specially made for him. The details must be exquisite and refined, with as much detail as possible. The shoulder pads should represent the mouths of lions while the helmet will take the form of a white lion. And to add to the insult to the Targaryens, I want the torso to represent a dead dragon overhung by a victorious lion." Harry smirked.

Ragnok nodded, slightly intrigued by the request.

"A preference for materials and enchantments?" Ragnok asked, conjuring a parchment and a Dicta-quill.

Harry pretended to think before nodding.

"The lions will be in yellow gold except the helmet which will be in white gold while the dragon will be in red gold. The rest of the armour will be a skilful mixture of silver and titanium in order to give it a strong resistance while keeping a certain flexibility. I want the basic enchantments in addition to a blood seal." Harry quietly stated what he wanted.

Ragnok nodded, already thinking about the aesthetics of the armour. If the goal was both to impress the Westerosians in addition to making the Targaryens jealous (and probably the rest of the Nobles), then he will have to make a masterpiece. As for the basic enchantments, they would be easy to integrate (flame resistance, temperature adaptation, lightness, etc.). He frowned slightly at the thought of the blood seal ...

Harry easily noticed the questioning on the faces of the other two elves.

"I won't be surprised if Aerys tries to take the armour. Therefore, linking the armour directly to Tywin would prevent the dragon from claiming such treasure. I refuse to see a bastard Valyrien wear one of our armour." Harry explained with a smirk.

Ragnok nodded, understanding the blood seal better. So, the goal would be to tie the armour to Tywin… interestingly, Harry asked for a Blood Seal, not a Blood Link…

The difference is quite simple: A blood seal allows an individual to bind an object until his death. No one other than him can carry the object during his lifetime. Conversely, the Blood Link allows an entire line to carry an object, and this over several generations without individual restriction ... as long as they are of the same line. So, Harry planned that Tywin couldn't pass the armour to someone else until his death...

"What about the other two requests?" Dracula asked as he crossed his hands.

He was now very interested in his king's plan. It was obvious that Harry wanted to separate the Lannisters and Targaryens, and given the amused look of his king, the latter wanted much more than a separation…

"No need to make a sword. I have already sent mages to Valyria in order to recover as many objects made of Valyrian Steel in order to study the manufacturing process. They found a Lannister ship stranded near the Valyrian capital, with the Valyrian blade of the Lannisters on board: Brightroar. As for the body of the man holding the blade, it must have been Tommen II Lannister." Harry responded with a roll of his eyes.

He believed that Tommen's idea of trying to explore Valyria, a desolate, smoking and volcanic peninsula, proved his idiocy. Finally, Harry thought of Tywin's last request ... A shield.

"As for the shield, it will be a large shield with a lion in perspective. The animal will be gold and the rest of the shield platinum. No need to make a body, I just want a gigantic lion head with a sharp look and a closed mouth with an imposing mane." Harry detailed the shield.

He briefly thought back to the colours of the Lannisters…

"Remember to colour part of the armour red. It must represent the Lannisters, which means a mixture of gold and red. Maybe some rubies set ..." Harry added with a nod.

Ragnok just nodded, imagining shots after shots. There was one last detail.

"What are the deadlines?" Ragnok asked carefully.

Harry studied the Whent's letter before smiling.

"Two months. I intend to offer this armour to Tywin Lannister during the Harrenhal Tournament to which I was graciously invited. According to this letter, I will be the " guest of honour " of the Tournament, and I intend to cause trouble." Harry laughed frighteningly.

The other two elves looked into each other's eyes, slightly disturbed by Harry. The Westerosians had no idea of the stupidity they had just done by inviting Harry ...

4 991 Renewal (279 AC, 19 years before the Events of Game of Thrones)

Vingilot, Westeros' Sky,

The Vingilot was the flagship of the Albion fleet. Named for the famous elven ship of Tolkien's World (of which Harry was an avid fan), it was a gigantic flying ship thanks to countless enchantments and magic crystals feeding it continuously. In the shape of a gigantic blue phoenix, the ship was crossing the skies at top speed towards Harrenhal.

On board were a thousand elves, most of them crew members, but also nobles and magisters who decided to attend this " muggle event " (although Harry suspects they just wanted to see their reactions to the ship and strutting around…). In just four hours, the gigantic ship had travelled the distance between Quel'Thalas and the Riverlands…

For his part, Harry kept smiling. For the occasion, he had decided to wear his formal attire. It consisted of a midnight blue robe embroidered with gold and other details with an emerald ermine cape with a golden collar attached by a gold clasp taking the form of the Deathly Hallows. On his head was the Daily Imperial Crown (a thin crown with eleven spades plus a twelfth taking the shape of a phoenix, each spade set with a different precious stone), while around his neck was a heavy necklace made of gold and other precious materials with the symbol of the Church of Sacred Light (it was the Necklace of the Order of Sacred Light reserved for its leader).

Finally, Harry wore his favourite sword, Excalibur, on his belt. Fun fact: Tormas complained that he didn't have a sword, so Harry gave him the sword of Godric Gryffindor. Tormas laughed for hours before deciding to rename it ... Voldemort. Yes, quite a lack of imagination ... he also removed the inscription " Godric Gryffindor " to replace it with " Tormas Sunstrider " on one side, and " Voldemort " on the other, in addition to set the pommel with a snake head.

"The domain of Harrenhal is in sight, your majesty." The captain of the ship came to warn Harry with a bow.

Harry nodded, just waving his hand to start the descent. The captain nodded before returning to the helm. Harry smiled slightly, noticing the playful air of the captain who loved to fly ... His name was Oliver Wood.

4 991 Renewal (279 AC, 19 years before the Events of Game of Thrones)

Harrenhal, Riverlands,

Rhaegar Targaryen's eyes widened in surprise as he saw a gigantic boat coming from the sky. He barely noticed the astonished and admiring looks of those around him, or the cries of surprise from the many spectators and guests.

Elves? But what are they doing here? It was not planned! Rhaegar thought furiously.

He gnashed his teeth at the possible repercussions of the arrival of the elves. Already that everything had started badly with the arrival of his father ... He thought he had planned everything yet each plan came crashing down.

Waiting for his father's growing madness, he had planned to depose him by reuniting the Grand Houses of Westeros in a Secret Council. This is why he decided to personally finance the Tournament of Lord Walter Whent to allow the lords to meet without attracting the distrust of his father ...

Walter Whent! This asshole must have invited the elves to show-off ... Rhaegar fought inside against the stupidity of Lord Whent, understanding that he was responsible for this mess.

He sighed ... anyway, things couldn't get worse. Not since his father, who systematically refused to leave the Red Keep, had suddenly decided to attend the Harrenhal Tournament. Rhaegar narrowed his eyes ... His father must have learned that Rhaegar intended to organize a meeting by his new doggie ... An Essossi whom he had brought from Pentos to become his Master of Whispers.

Rolling his eyes, Rhaegar decided to approach the ship that had landed in the Gods Eye. He was not very surprised to see hundreds of spectators watching the ship with envy. Most residents had never seen an elf before. And despite the habit of seeing elves (merchants coming to King's Landing), Rhaegar was speechless when he saw the elves get off the ship. There were hundreds of them and it seemed that they were groups. Having managed to obtain a book called " Nobility and Hierarchy of the High Empire of Albion " from an elf merchant (he paid the book fifty dragons, which is a lot), Rhaegar succeeded in recognizing certain groups.

Those dressed in red robes with purple collars were Magisters, Nobles sitting on the Magisterium, an " institution " promulgating laws and decrees. And if the book was correct, these Magisters were also " magi " of great power.

Those dressed in white multi-layered robes (togas) with conical hats were Priests of the Church of Light, the equivalent of the Septons of their religion. Rhaegar easily noticed the presence of an elf with a very large hat (mitre) among them and carrying a large golden staff overhung by the symbol of the Church of Light. Rhaegar easily recognized the elf whose portrait was in the book: Octavian Solfaith, Archbishop of the Church of Light (equivalent to the Great Septon).

Those dressed in blue and black dresses seemed to be watching the place carefully. From the little that he knew about dress codes, they must have been " magi " or nobles, whatever the book said it was the same thing ...

Then there were the guards wearing armour of great beauty, which made Rhaegar rage inside. He would so much like to get one, but the elves had refused.

Finally, he saw the most important elf appear ... Hadrian Sunstrider, their King ... Rhaegar narrowed his eyes, not expecting to see the monarch in person. Rumours said he never left his palace, but it appears to be untrue. Taking a deep breath, he decided to approach the Elven King to greet him as his prerogatives wanted.

He didn't have time to greet him, though, as Walter Whent was already hanging from his neck , constantly thanking him for coming. This confirmed Rhaegar's suspicions about Walter Whent's involvement ... Rhaegar's eyes widened slightly when he saw the Kingsguards approach with his father. He wondered how King Hadrian would react to his father's crazy behaviour. His reaction was surprising ...

"King Aerys, such a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard so many good things about you!" Hadrian exclaimed as he approached Aerys Targaryen.

The Kingsguards moved slightly away from Aerys to let Hadrian pass. For his part, Aerys Targaryen seemed completely playful, which greatly surprised Rhaegar. For several years now, he had been used to his father's wary and crazy looks, not to that cheerful smile that reminded him of his childhood.

"As I, my friend! I always wanted to invite you; do you know? Unfortunately, the city is a viper nest which I am wary of, and I didn't want to risk your life!" Aerys exclaimed, shaking Harry's hand vigorously.

Rhaegar noticed that Aerys' nails had been cut ... odd, he remembered that his nails were still long this morning ... Seeing the admiring look of his father, he understood why. We don't know how, but King Hadrian managed to cut the nails before they could scratch him when they shake hands.

"Marvellous! Oh, it's so wonderful!" Aerys exclaimed, looking at his hands with a large smile.

"No need to thank me. I couldn't decently leave you in such a state, although it intrigues me." Harry replied with a comforting smile.

Aerys looked at him before nodding. The King of the Seven Kingdoms began to speak in a low voice, far too low for Rhaegar to understand. But deep down, he already suspected what his father should say, speaking of attempted murder and other follies running through his mind. He noticed Hadrian nodding, answering softly. Rhaegar didn't hear the answer, but he saw his father's smile. He then saw Hadrian make appear with a simple gesture of the hand a small box with holes which he handed to Aerys.

Seeing his father hasten to take the box, Rhaegar suspected that it was intended to solve this nail problem, but how? He had his answer when he saw his father placing his fingers in the holes before pulling out his fingers ... with polished and shiny nails. The Prince of Peyredragon blinked several times when he saw the effects of the box, and given the envious looks of the many women, he suspected that this box would be in high demand among nobility.

For his part, Harry smiled at the reaction of Aerys Targaryen. The King was so paranoid that he refused to let a servant approach him with a blade to cut his nails or his hair. Harry thanked inwardly for his idea of offering this robe capable of cleaning the King, not daring to imagine the smell of the King without… the latter having decided not to wash himself for fear of being murdered in his bath.

He noticed out of the corner of his eye the Prince of Peyredragon in the crowd, as well as his gaze both confused and distrustful. The Prince seemed less idiot than his father, which was quite funny.

"I invite you to my gallery! A King can only be accompanied by another King, not mere peasants!" Aerys exclaimed with a big smile while placing the box inside her dress.

He is so suspicious that he refuses to entrust a simple Auto-Manicure Box to his servants ... How the mighty have fallen, ah! Harry smiled inside.

"It is with great pleasure that I accept your offer, King Aerys. Can I hope that members of my court will be offered a similar offer?" Harry asked, gesturing to the Magisters and other nobles.

Aerys nodded vigorously, like a child who had taken too much sugar.

"Of course! They have nothing to do with the other servants!" Aerys responded by glaring at the Westerosee nobles.

Harry noted with humour that the nobles of Westeros hadn't appreciated Aerys' remark at all ... especially a group of blondes that Harry easily guessed were the Lannisters. He saw two children (for him, 18 years old remained young) whom he supposed to be the children of Tywin… Speaking of the wolf, he stood in the centre of the group of blondes, his back straight with a brooch on his chest that Harry knew to be the symbol of the " Hand of the King ". He quickly detailed Lord Lannister. Rather tall with a certain musculature, the 45-year-old man had a light trimmed blond beard and hair that was starting to thin.

Poor man, he is predestined to lose his hair. Which is frankly a shame… Harry thought with a smile.

Tywin Lannister had a certain charm, and he was in full bloom of age. Without counting his green eyes speckled with gold which easily betrayed the storm of emotion inside. Harry smiled inwardly thinking that Tywin would be an interesting political companion.

This is how Harry followed Aerys to the stands overlooking the Tournaments. Without great surprise, they were many in the Royal Stand taking into account the Magisters and the Lannister family (although they maintained a certain gap with Aerys). Harry noticed the luscious looks that Tywin's daughter gave him… disgusting! Harry couldn't help but quickly search the girl's mind, and what he saw disgusted him… Sleeping with her own brother is a real heresy!

When Harry sat down next to Aerys, the mad king pointed to Tywin's son.

"I decided to name his son in my Kingsguard! He knows how to fight, and that will allow me to keep an eye on the lion!" Aerys exclaimed low enough not to be heard by the Lannisters.

Well, almost ... Harry saw the murderous glance that Tywin threw at Aerys. Harry didn't know much about the Kingsguard ... Seeing Harry's questioning gaze, Aerys quickly explained that the Royal Guards were for life, unable to marry or own titles. Harry then understood Tywin's reaction : He had just been deprived of his Heir, who had also become a hostage.

"And he will not compete in the Tournament! His place is by my side!" Aerys exclaimed forcefully, looking at Tywin.

Tywin's gaze intensified as he gritted his teeth. Harry understood that Jaime Lannister had to participate in the Tournament… The exacerbated hatred between the two men greatly facilitated Harry's plans.

"Is it wise to deprive him of his only heir?" Harry asked with interest.

"Bah, he has another heir! The dwarf!" Aerys laughed.

Harry nodded. Thus, Tywin had another son, and seeing his outraged look, he did not seem to appreciate him ... Was it due to his dwarfism? Harry noticed the lack of companion with Tywin ... He knew that some pregnancies were more complicated, especially of a dwarf ... Given the hateful look of Tywin, and his daughter, the mother must have died in childbirth. This was what explained Tywin's reaction. He had just lost his main heir, and the son he hated had just become the new heir.

Slowly time passed as Harry watched the games before his eyes. He noticed a small knight, armed with disparate pieces of armour little adjusted to his size and the shield sporting a white tree endowed with a hilarious red face. The elves immediately understood that it was a woman, easily noticing the feminine features through the posture and the way she seemed to be disturbed by the breastplate (probably because of her breasts). They called her the Knight of the Laughing Tree, and Aerys didn't seem to like him, thinking he was a disguised enemy.

Harry smiled when the three knights defeated by the Knight in disguise asked what her would cost them to recover their horses and weapons (the winner of each game takes the spoil from the losers) and the disguised woman simply asked them to teach honour to their squires.

A very interesting woman, and very focused on honour ... She must come from the North. Harry thought quickly looking at the northern families who had entrenched themselves in the same stand.

He noted with a smile the Stark were missing someone (a family he was looking after especially because of their magical potential)… Lyanna Stark, the young daughter of Lord Paramount Rickard Stark.

The Stark seem to possess a higher force than the normal one, in addition to sharpened senses. According to Dracula, the rumours mention the presence of " wolf blood " among the Stark ... I wonder if it's true. Harry wondered inwardly.

It was indeed a possibility, but Harry had not seen the slightest werewolf or other shape shifter who could have transmitted wolf blood to the Stark ... Unless it dates back to before their arrival?

In any case, the game ends quickly, and Harry goes to the Room of a Hundred Hearths (which is wrong since Harry has only counted thirty) of Harrenhal where a big feast is organized. Dozens of different dishes are offered while acrobats keep playing to entertain the gallery. Harry decides to sleep on the Vingilot, just like the other elves.

The next day, Harry notices that the Knight of the Laughing Tree has not returned, which particularly annoys Aerys who orders his son to find him. An hour later, Rhaegar brings back the shield of the knight who was supposedly abandoned in a tree. For his part, Harry takes pleasure in quickly searching Rhaegar's mind before smiling. The latter found Lyanna removing the armour, and he helped her. The Prince fell in love with the wolf ... this is interesting. Not wasting a moment, Harry casts a very slight compulsion spell on Rhaegar to intensify his feelings for Lyanna.

The rest of the Tournament takes place quietly, and Harry stays with Aerys. This does not however prevent him from observing Tywin, showing his interest in the man, which intrigues him. It seems to upset Aerys, which delights Harry all the more, being the expected effect.

Finally, the last day of the Tournament takes place. And Harry couldn't stop laughing inside when Rhaegar won the match and crowned Lyanna Stark as Queen of Beauty instead of his own wife. He noted the angry cries from the stands, and Harry watched with interest as a tall, muscular man burst out in rage. His black hair and blue eyes were identical to Steffon Baratheon, not to mention his face. It must have been Robert Baratheon, Steffon's eldest son and Lyanna's fiancé…

Everything is going as planned ... And now, the highlight of the show! Harry thought as he stood up.

The screams died down quickly when they noticed that Harry had risen. The latter advanced on the platform overlooking the jousting ground.

"Citizens of Westeros! I must admit that I particularly appreciated your jousting and other entertainment that never ceased to impress me. Your knights are emeritus, your archers insightful and your soldiers tenacious." Harry started under cheer of the Westerosians.

"However, I must return to my Kingdom in order to continue its management, for such is the lot of monarchs. Reigning is not easy, and the crown is fraught with responsibilities, something that King Aerys must understand as much as I do." Harry continued, nodding towards Aerys.

The Targaryen King was delighted with what he thought was a compliment. He did not understand that Harry had just insulted him because everyone knew that Tywin was the one who ruled the Kingdom ...

"Before I go, I wish to offer a present to one who has never ceased to prove his justness and his compassion. The man who knew how to manage your Kingdom and maintain a rare and welcome prosperity." Harry exclaimed as Aerys became more and more excited.

Not for long, my little mad dragon! Harry smiled viciously.

"You all know who I am obviously talking about. The one who knew how to manage this Kingdom for so many years, and who knew how to forge links with my people. Tywin Lannister!" Harry cried out the last two words.

While the peasants and other commoners clapped loudly, most of the Westeros nobles backed away in fear at Aerys' furious gaze. Surprisingly, the gaze did not seem to be directed towards Harry, but indeed Tywin. For his part, Tywin lost his impassive face, betraying his excitement. It was the first time anyone had recognized his hard work, before Aerys. He saw from the corner of his eye the hateful look of Aerys, and he could not help giving him a sly smile.

The Westerosians then saw four elves brought a kind of large package, as large as a man hidden by a shroud of fabric. They were all intrigued by the present.

"In order to reward this good man for his services, I decided to offer him what so many people covet. Armor from the royal forges of Silvermoon, with a shield produced by one of our greatest blacksmiths as well as Brightroar, the Valyrian blade that we specially recovered from the smoking ruins of the Valyrian Freehold!" Harry cried out with panache and banishing the shroud.

Hiccups of surprise could be heard everywhere; nobles and commoners could not help admiring the armour of gold and rubies resting on a mannequin. At his feet was a gigantic shield in the shape of a lion's head while the gloves held Brightroar.

"Come here, Lord Tywin! There is one last step." Harry ordered Tywin to approach.

Tywin was so surprised by the " present " that he took an absent step. He could vaguely hear the unpleasant remarks from Aerys behind his back.

"Apply your right hand to the breastplate, and your left hand to the shield." Harry asked him.

Tywin frowned before executing. No sooner had he put his hands on than he felt a slight tingling. To everyone's shock, the armour and shield began to shine in a ruby colour before stopping.

"This armour and this shield are bound to you, and this until death. No one can wear them during your lifetime, on pain of dying for such an offense. I hope you enjoy my present, Lord Tywin." Harry asked with a smile.

"I don't know how to thank you for such a present, your majesty. And even more for the return of Brightroar, the ancestral sword of my family. Know that the Lannister family owes you, and a Lannister always pays his debts." Tywin replied with a bow.

The Westerosians opened their eyes wide when they saw the rarest thing: Tywin Lannister was smiling! It hadn't happened in eighteen years!

"Use this present to protect yourself, Lord Lannister. I am afraid that you have several enemies, including a high-ranking one." Harry responded by referring to Aerys.

Tywin turned to see Aerys' distorted face in rage, the latter seeming to foam like a rabid dog. Indeed, Tywin had a highly placed enemy ... but he intended to remedy it.

"On that note, I must return to my prerogatives. I wish you all a great day!" Harry exclaimed before disappearing in a deafening flash.

The elves couldn't help but snort before doing the same thing, apparating to Vingilot. They easily found Harry on deck, enjoying a glass of wine with a smile on his face. They had done well to come for the show.

For his part, Octavian was pleased to preach the Church of Light among the peasants and commoners, offering precious rosaries by showing the extent of the Church's generosity. Everything was going according to plan, and the lowly Westerosians were starting to move away from the Faith of the Seven. As Harry had predicted.

A week after returning to Camelot, Harry learned that Tywin had resigned from his position following the continuous insults from Aerys who seemed to reproach Tywin for sabotaging relations with the elves. Not to mention that Dracula kept monitoring Lyanna and Rhaegar, who seemed to have a relationship and wanted to get married ... Yes, everything was going according to plan and the Targaryen dynasty would soon come to an end!