Warning: This oneshot is a side-fic of my vampire diaries fic The Way We Burn. It is not canon for obvious reasons.

Enjoy! :)

April 14, 1912

The Titanic was a gigantic ocean liner and, for those who could afford it, it was also of unparalleled beauty and sumptuousness. From immense dining rooms lit by crystal chandeliers to gambling rooms where men armed with cigars and wads of banknotes came to pass the time away from their women, the upper deck of the Titanic could have accommodate kings and queens easily.

The contrast between the upper deck and the lower decks was startling. However, Kol and Nora Mikaelson didn't seem to care about it as they made their way towards the ship's bow, laughing and dancing with expensive bottles of wine in their hands. Kol's suit was as dark as the night sky above them while Nora was wearing a sumptuous long red dress. Giggling and spinning around, she stepped on the bars at the very front of the ship.

"I've always wanted to do that," she said with a beam before taking a sip directly from one of the bottle she held. As she did so, her foot slipped and she began to fall over the bars towards the ocean. Fortunately, Kol was there, wrapping an arm around her waist before he drank half of one of the bottle in a few gulps.

Resting his head on her shoulder, he brushed his lips against the skin of her neck, kissing his way up her jaw, then turning her head to taste the alcohol on her lips. "Do what, love?" he whispered against her lips in a hoarse voice, his grip on her tightening when she leaned towards the ocean with open arms instead of answering his question.

Nora took a deep breath before yelling, "I LOVE MY HUSBAND KOL MIKAELSON!"

Then, once again, she drank her wine, her cheeks already red and her eyes glassy. Kol's state wasn't much better. Whether it was the bottles of wine he drank to celebrate their wedding anniversary or the delicious scent of Nora, he was completely drunk. As such, when his wife turned to him and told him it was his turn to yell, he could only nod and yelled, "I LOVE MY HUSBAND KOL MIKAELSON!"

He was quick to change his words after his wife bit his nose in retaliation. "I LOVE MY WIFE NORA MIKAELSON!"

Nora giggled and hopped off the bars, then rubbed herself against him sensually to invite him to dance. A hand on her waist, the other bringing a bottle to his lips, he did exactly that, slowly swaying to the music he could hear from the upper deck.

He twirled her in a circle and laughed when he saw the state of her hair and smudged lipstick. "See Darling? I told you it was a good idea to celebrate our anniversary on the Titanic."

She emptied one of her bottle before she said, giggling, "You were right honey, I'm having a very good time with you here." She pulled his head down to kiss him, her eyes closing to enjoy the feeling of Kol's warm lips. As every time they kissed, the warmth and the tingles spread over her whole body, both of their heart beating faster but still at the same pace.

She sighed against his lips, aware that she was completely drunk. "Don't forget your promise honey. You have to find us a pretty door before the shipwreck. I don't fancy a swim right now."

It might be because there was fire coursing through her veins, but the cold water didn't tempt her. In fact, she would rather kiss a snail than take a swim in the cold ocean.

Unfortunately for them, Kol's drunkenness gave him a terrible idea. Throughout history, many disasters were testament to one universal truth - decisions taken under the influence of alcohol were rarely good. And Kol, here, was going to be the perfect example of this. In fact, many centuries later, Nora would still use this example to explain why a drunk Kol should never ever be listened to.

"What if you make us time-travel to avoid the shipwreck? No need to look for a pretty door then and I can kiss you for years in the blink of an eye."

It was so cheesy that the drunk Nora could only coo over it and do just that. She kissed him and let the fire inside her veins consume them and take them away from the Titanic.

And the moment she did that, she knew what an awful idea it was. Because even though Kol Mikaelson wasn't a witch anymore, there was still magic inside him. The one that made him an original vampire. That powerful magic didn't hesitate to meet Nora's fire.

She had been time-traveling for centuries and had learned to control it. Most of the time, she managed to keep her clothes. There was still the odd earing lost - or a lost sock - but the travel was usually smooth. Here though, while she was struggling to keep their clothes on and trying to reach a year not too far away in the future, the journey was quite bumpy.

When they touched the solid ground, they fell over, Kol immediately standing up to throw up in a bush. Nora, sober and without a drop of alcohol in her body, watched him with wide eyes. In her mind, there was only one thought. Good thing he's still alive.

"Nora," Kol moaned after he wiped off his mouth, "I think it's the first and last time we do that."

She got on her feet and straightened her dress. They were in a forest and there was dirt on her dress. "And the first and last time you decide something when we are drunk."

She crossed the distance between them to remove a few leaves from his hair and a worm from his shoulder. While she did so, he brought his hand to her face to remove the lipstick from her cheek, his thumb softly caressing the skin of her face. "I don't understand how it works and when we are, but I am still alive so I guess it's a good thing Darling, isn't it?"

He wasn't sure he wanted to know how he could be there when there should be another him in this particular time, waiting for his Nora to come back to him. Unless they would decide in the future to time-travel together again?

He held out his arm for her. "Shall we go discover when and where we are Darling?"

"We shall," she agreed with a smile, wrapping her arm around his. Of course, Nora being Nora, they only took a few steps before she changed her mind and hopped on his back. Not that he minded.

The forest around them was oddly familiar. Looking around, Nora suggested, "Maybe we have already come here when the forest was younger or older?"

They exited the forest only to discover an asphalt road. Seeing this, Nora squealed with joy and went to lie down on the road, feeling the tarmac with her hands. "Oh my baby, I haven't seen you in such a long time!" She rubbed her cheek against the road dramatically before getting to her feet and pushing Kol away from the road as a car came around and drove past them. She watched it with eyes full of tears. "A real car! I've been waiting so long for this beauty."

"It was actually quite ugly and noisy and the road is hideous. Whoever built it was lacking in good taste," Kol commented drily. "Are we in your original time?"

"Oh my god, yes Kol! We are! Fast food, here I come!" She looked left and right before deciding, "Let's go left!"

With a roll of his eyes, he smirked and grabbed her hand before going left. He already knew what she was going to say in two seconds.

"When you don't know where to go, always go left!"

"Yes, love," he nodded, inwardly laughing. "If I didn't know that after so many centuries with you, I would be quite the moron."

She giggled and kissed their intertwined hands, grinning widely and her eyes twinkling in amusement. "Well, I didn't dare to tell you before but-"

"Good thing stupid people belong together then," he cut her off, his smirk widening when she faked a pout. "You already know what you are going to order?"

There was a spring in her step as she walked with her hair bouncing. "Oh Kol, I want so many thing right now! Like, vanilla ice cream to eat while watching Harry Potter, a hamburger with fries and a milkshake, taking a shower with you and taking pictures. I also want to see my parents, of course, and my grandpa Archibald. Grandma Marlene is such a bitch though, so I'm not so sure I want to see her on our first day here. Maybe later. After a plane trip, because it's been really too long."

He shook his head fondly. "And now I feel like all those centuries with me have been awful for you."

She stopped walking abruptly and looked back with a grin, and all he could feel was her love for him. "Hardly, you are my reason number two to wake up in the morning."

"Only two? What's the first one?"

"I don't know yet," she answered with a wink.

They walked past a white and green town sign. Welcome to Mystic Falls, Virginia.

Reading the name of the town waiting for them at the end of the road, Kol snorted. "What kind of idiot names a town Mystic Falls?"

"Maybe they tried to be original? Or maybe there are magical falls? Do you thing magical falls are an actual thing? Could they exist? I mean, there are werewolves, witches, vampires, me, so why not magical water?"

Nora rambled for a while and he only listened with one ear, the other busy with listening to their surroundings. Suddenly, she gasped and stared at him with wide eyes, "Holy fuck, we forgot your sister on the Titanic."

"Bloody hell, she'll never let it go." Rebekah had decided to come with them after a dispute with her lover Marcel - also the adoptive son of Nik, which made the whole thing a bit icky to him. She went with them to Europe on a whim and found herself quite puzzled when once there they immediately embarked on the Titanic. If he remembered well, she had remained in the room with other women while Nora and he went outside. "What is the probability that she thinks we sunk with the ship?"

"A bit too high?"

They stared at each other for a few seconds before Kol began to walk with a decided step, faster than before. "Let's stay focus on fries, Harry Potter and the shower."

"Right. Besides, she will be so happy to see us alive and dry that she will forget to kill us."

Fat chance but it was better to think that. The alternative was scary.

Mystic Falls was a quaint and slow town. Life here seemed peaceful, if a bit boring. Some people were biking, others were walking their dogs. There was even an old woman walking her cat – the poor thing was dressed with a apple green wool coat, little blue booties and an orange hat that strangely looked like a lion's mane. The year was 2010 and the day October 23. Two days after Nora's first death.

With the cat burning their eyes - and minds -, Kol and Nora decided to visit the edges of the town first. They walked away from the center and the cat, though not before getting two vanilla ice cream cones and four doughnuts. A pity their lifespans were rather short, what with Nora eating them faster than he ate people. Listening to the sounds she made eating also made him question some of his skills.

Two hours later, they reached a dead end and were about to turn around when Kol saw her: A woman with shoulder-length, blond hair and a stern face. She was wearing pants, which he found odd for some reasons, and had brown eyes. She didn't see them and left the road to enter the woods in front of them.

"Doesn't she look familiar?" he asked Nora, his finger pointing the woman to his wife.

Nora looked at the woman, confused. "I don't know. Maybe the hair color? It looks a bit like Rebekah's."

She didn't need to say more than that. The truth slammed into him with the strength of a wall, leaving his breathless. He remembered her. How could he not? Her stern face hiding her madness and desire for dark magic, the night she cursed their family to a endless life and a thirst for blood, the many times she defended her husband's cruelty. He didn't know how she was alive. He didn't even care actually. She was there, in front of him, able to move as if he had not cursed her himself with Tatia's help. How dared she?

He moved without thinking. One second he was staring at her with Nora. The next he was in front of her, a wicked smirk on his face. "Hello Mother."

Then he snapped her neck and the sounds of her neck breaking was music to his ears. Esther collapsed on the ground like a puppet without strings.

Nora walked to him, her eyebrows raised. To say she was shocked was an understatement. Casting a glance at the corpse at her feet, she gave it a little kick to make sure that the wicked witch was dead.

"So, how does it feel to be the one to kill your mother?"

He crouched down by the body of his mother, poking the still warm face and looking at the glassy wide eyes. "Really good Darling."

"Good?" Nora snorted in amusement. "You've told me a thousand times how much you hated the way Niklaus killed your mother. Remember? You thought strangling her was not painful enough and that ripping her heart out would have been so much better. And here you are, snapping her neck. Don't you think it's a bit anticlimactic?"

He shrugged, "I don't care about her anymore so the way she died doesn't matter."

"Don't care? That's not what the body on the ground tells me."

"Nora," he grinned, "dead bodies don't speak."

"And yet you do, don't you?" she said cheekily. "Now, let's talk about the big question. How the hell is that bitch alive?"

Kol didn't answer her, instead staring at the body on the ground. As a vampire, his sight was far better than a human. And here, he was pretty sure he saw his mother move. Or her neck. As if it was healing. Now, that was something he didn't want. "Nora, would you look at this?" He showed her the neck. The healing neck. He could even hear the bones knitting back together now. "She's healing. Bloody hell, why is she healing? She needs to stay dead!"

Nora stared briefly at Esther before looking back at Kol. In her mind, her husband was the best man on Earth. Of course, her judgment was quite biased but she would never change her mind. Kol was the best man of all time and the Bonnie to her Clyde - not the contrary. He was the cherry on top and the chocolate flakes on ice cream. However, for all his qualities, he had one big flaw - he was a very resentful person. Kick him and he will tear your leg off. And he could hold his grudge for a very, very long time.

No matter how much he tried to act casually, she knew he hated his mother. Even now, as the woman was healing and coming back to life, there were shadows in his eyes. So, she did what any devoted wife would do and used the fire in her veins to completely burn down Esther.

Her mother-in-law screamed for Eleven seconds - they counted - and they could hear other people screaming with her. Then there was nothing left but ashes on the ground. Kol was quick to blow on them with a wide smile.

When he stood up, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately, expressing his gratitude in the most delicious way. "Let's take that shower together," he whispered in her ear, his breath tingling and warming her whole body. Even her toes.

However, no matter how tempting Kol's idea was, she was forced to refuse. Well, her stomach refused, growling like a starved animal.

"Alright, I understand," Kol chuckled, "let's feed the monster in your belly."

Patting her belly with one hand and scratching the back of her head with the other, she gave him a bashful grin. "Looks like the ice cream and the doughnuts weren't enough."

"Well, we haven't eaten anything since 1912."

"And we escaped a terrible shipwreck," Noora added somberly before laughing. "Can you imagine Rebekah's face when we tell her we kill Esther? With her mommy issues, she's going to kill us."

Kol grimaced. He had forgotten that tiny detail. At least, Niklaus's mommy issues made his brother kill the woman. Rebekah's mommy issues made her cry over the woman's death. "It might be a good idea to not tell her anything. Who knows? Maybe she doesn't know Esther was back to life."

"Let's do that then hon. Better, we look surprised and we volunteer to look for her."

"But not in the woods," Kol added, "or it would look like we know something. Rebekah can be very suspicious."

There were little doubts that Rebekah knew their mother had been back to life. As such, it was more than likely that his little sister was in Mystic Falls. Same for Niklaus and Elijah, though he hoped not.

Finn might be there as well. He doubted Esther would have let her favorite son to rot in a coffin with a dagger in his heart. Hopefully, he was with Sage.

"Look hon, a bar!" With that said, Nora pulled him towards the building. Not that he needed much motivation to follow her, his eyes trailing down her back.

As they walked, a lot of people looked at them oddly, some wondering aloud if Kol and Nora came from a costume party. While simple, Kol's suit did looked out of place - and time. As for Nora, her dress attracted the most attention. Yet Kol didn't care as his own eyes were glued to his wife and the way the dress clung to her body.

His eyes continued their journey down and -

"Honey, stop staring at my ass and walk faster. I'm hungry."

"Yes, ma'am."

"I'm so hoping they have French fries."

The name of the bar - Mystic Grill - was as unoriginal as the name of the town and the building didn't look like much but he knew better than to get between Nora and her French fries. He let her open the door wide, aware that she wanted to do nothing less than run to the counter and order as much food as possible.

He was quite surprised when she turned back and pushed him out of the bar, closing the door behind them as quickly as possible.

"Honey, I think we made a tiny mistake," she whispered in a quavering voice, her face pale and her eyes wide and scared. With a shake of her head, she rectified, "Scratch that, a big mistake. Possibly bigger than a pile of whales."

Concern pooled into the pit of his stomach and he caressed the side of her face. "What is it, Darling? Because if you are talking about too much alcohol and crazy ideas, I agree with you. There is no need to worry though, love. We are in this together, as always, aren't we?"

She bit her lips. "That's not… I don't think we killed your mother."

"Love, I'm pretty sure I'm able to recognize my mother," he retorted with a frown.

"I mean," she began, then stopped herself. It was a strange idea, the strangest she ever had. However, it was also the only thing that could explain the situation. "I mean, the mother of Kol Mikaelson, yes, but not yours."

Kol loved his wife, he truly did, but he couldn't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, she had lost her marbles in this last time-travel. Or a piece of her brain.

"You're thinking that I'm crazy!" she accused him with indignation, her eyes narrowed and looking particularly dangerous.

Kol was also very clever and had learned to live his life with one motto - happy wife, happy life. Putting his hands up he gave her his most innocent smile. "Of course no Darling, I would never think that. It's just that what you said -"

"Was strange?" she cut him off. Strange was certainly one way to put it. "Believe me, I fucking know it. But it's the only way to explain why there is your bitchy blondy wolfy brother in this bar with a blond girl who's not Rebekah and a man who looks just like you, without the whole we-can-feel-each-other-thing. So, unless you have a twin I never knew of or a doppelganger wanting to be a part of this damn family, we are in deep shit."

He half-opened the door to see if she was right, hoping that something was wrong with her eyes, and his gaze landed on Nik and… himself. Now, that was weird. The weirdest thing he had ever seen, and he had lived for centuries now.

He quickly stepped back when the blond woman turned around and grabbed Nora to pull her in an alley behind the bar.

"I am really handsome," he couldn't help but say, both because it was true and he was trying to diffuse the tension.

Maybe they had been too hasty when they killed Esther.

"You are still the better-looking."

"Of course I am, I am your husband, the beauty in our couple."

They looked at each other, unable to laugh like they would usually do. After a moment, Kol asked, "You think we are in some parallel dimension?"

"Well, a parallel dimension would certainly explain our current situation and the travel itself. It was rougher than usual." She glanced down, thoughtful. Never had she thought she would one day end up in such situation. "I think the magic in your veins amplified mine. Honestly, I don't know what to do. Apart from having a threesome with the other you."

"Not going to happen," he refused flatly. "No way I'm sharing you with someone else, even myself." He paused. "That sounded weird."

"A little."

Because he was keeping an ear on the inside of the bar, Kol could hear his other self flirting with another woman. Which didn't make any sense. He could understand that the man was alone if the Nora of this world was currently in another time, but why would he flirt with another woman?

He couldn't imagine himself with someone other than Nora and unless the Kol Mikaelson of this world was completely different from him, the way he acted meant he wasn't married. Where was the Nora of this world? Was she still alive? Could there even be a Kol Mikaelson without her? Or more exactly a happy Kol Mikaelson?

A thousand years with the Mikaelson siblings would drive anyone crazy. And Kol Mikaelson was always bitter and angry in the presence of his siblings, no matter how good he was at hiding it.

They hid behind a rubbish container when the back door of the bar opened just as two vampires arrived. One look, and Kol and Nora knew who they were. Although they never met, Katerina did showed them a picture of her boytoys. She was very fond of them.

A human came out of the bar, dragging a daggered Kol. Nora knew the man wasn't her husband, but the scene was too familiar to not fill her with rage.

Before she could do anything and alert the two vampires of their presence, Kol put his hand on her mouth and pulled her into his chest. He could feel her body shaking with anger and while he understood her, he couldn't bring himself to feel the same. To be honest, he was kind of confused right now. And the confusion certainly didn't recede when Nik showed up, immediately undaggering this world's Kol and violently threw the human into the wall. Then, he knocked one of the vampire out before he spat at the other, "I should have killed you months ago."

Then why didn't he? Nora removed his hand from her mouth and raised her eyebrow, bewildered.

Was this word's Klaus a softie? That would explain why he removed the dagger so quickly. His Nik would have never done so without a lot of grumbling. Especially after Budapest.

"Do it, it's not going to stop Esther from killig you," Katerina's toyboy retorted mockingly.

So, in a way, Kol was right to kill Esther.

Elijah arrived just in time to stop Nik from killing the dark haired vampire. Not that Kol cared about it, instead looking at his other self who was taking a very long time to wake up. Did he take as long? He would need to ask Nora. And maybe try to dagger Elijah to see how long his older brother takes to wake up. The saintly bastard certainly deserved it. At least, Kol wouldn't let him rot into a box.

Katerina's toy took his brother and the human and left while Nik and Elijah was chatting with their brother's dead body at their feet. Kol and Nora exchanged a glance. Maybe it was time for them to show themselves and admit to killing Esther. Mea culpa and all that.

Kol wasn't fond of having Nora next to Elijah and Niklaus - or his other self to be honest - but in a way these siblings weren't those who had caused him so much pain and killed his wife before his very eyes. Maybe this Mikaelson siblings didn't hate each other as much if not more than they loved each other. This world's Niklaus undaggered his brother and Rebekah was somewhere, threatening a certain Elena in order to save their family. No idea about Finn but he could think about that later.

With that in mind, Kol grabbed Nora's hand when his other self woke up and left their hiding place.

"Is now a good time to say that we have already killed Ester an hour ago?" he asked cheekily when the three vampires stared at them with wide eyes and open mouths.

He moved slightly so that Nora was partially hidden behind him.

"Bloody hell, am I really that handsome?" his other self blurted.

Nora didn't even let out the tiniest laugh, a clear sign that she didn't feel comfortable in Nik and Elijah's presence. Especially when they have a dagger with them. Of course, he understood her. His whole body was tense, ready to kill them at the slightest movement towards Nora. No way was her ever going to let her die before his eyes again.

"What kind of sorcery is this?" Elijah murmured as dramatically as usual just when Nik demanded, "Who the hell are you?!"

Kol let out a fake laugh which didn't fool his other self. The problem with being in the presence of himself. "Isn't it obvious? I am Kol Mikaelson." He paused and, just when the three brother were going to contradict him, added, "Although, not from this world. Or even time, seeing as just a few hours ago, I was celebrating my wedding anniversary on the Titanic."

He had never told his brothers about Nora in order to protect Nora. However, no matter how much they looked like his Niklaus and Elijah, they weren't his brothers. Or were they? It was very confusing.

Behind him, Nora took a deep breath. No matter how carelessly Kol acted, she knew it was merely a facade. It was unfair of her to let him to it alone. They were in this together. Taking her courage in both hands, she stepped forward to stand next to him and clasped his hand, intertwining their fingers and ignoring the Mikaelson's dubious and curious stares.

"Our 764th wedding anniversary give or take," she said with a smile that felt awful on her face and as fake as a papier-mâché bar trying to pass for a gold bar. 764 years of marriage if one counted the years Kol spent alone while she was in another time and the years she spent alone while Kol was lying in a coffin.

Nobody said anything for a while, the three brothers staring at them and their clothes, looking like they finally realized there was something odd with them.

Elijah cleared his throat. "And do you have any proof of that?"

"Of course," Nora said drily and began to pat her dress, looking for her nonexistent pockets, "just wait a little, I need to find my passport. Pretty sure there is a stamp for crossing into this universe."

From where they stood, it looked like there was a slight blush on Elijah's cheeks. It wasn't possible though, because Elijah didn't blush. As for Kol's less handsome other self, he burst out laughing, looking at Nora a bit too fondly.

"Just tell us something only we know!" grumpy Niklaus snapped.

Wow, look at this! Niklaus had better ideas than Elijah. Usually, he was the kind of people that act then face the consequences. Sometimes, after that, there was some thinking. But only sometimes. And Kol himself had been more than one a consequence. One that never failed to scare Nik since Budapest.

"Well, just before I died the day mother and father killed me, I cursed them into insanity with Tatia's help. Even the other side won't spare their souls and minds."

"You did?!" the siblings shouted out.

Kol looked at this world's Kol puzzled. "You didn't?"

"Hell, no! I should have though. But why Tatia? Please, don't tell me you were one of her boys?"

He almost threw up at the words of his other self. Instead, he answered his question harshly, "Tatia was a close friend of mine and stood by my side until my very last breath as a human. Show some respect. She was a better person than you could ever hope to be." He stared sternly at the doppelgangers of his brothers, silently defying them to contradict him. When they didn't, he looked at Nik. "You killed Esther and told us it was Mikael."

"A bit late for this revelation I fear," Elijah noted calmly, although the look in his eyes when he gazed at him was strange. As if he had just discovered something particularly odd. "A good thing we already knew or we could have turned on each other. Is it what you are trying to do? Pit us against each other to buy time while our mother is trying to kill us?"

"As if," Nora snorted contemptuously, "we all know you could never turn on Klaus, Elijah, especially to avenge your crazy as hell mother. As for your Kol, if he's anything like my husband, his only regret is not being the one who killed that witch."

"Actually, it is also," her husband's lookalike interjected but she stopped him before he could finish his sentence.

"I know, you also regret the way Klaus killed her. And I agree, he shouldn't have strangled her. She should have suffered a bloodier death for what she's done to you."

Looking at his wife and his other self, Kol sighed, suddenly feeling tired. "Honestly, I don't even know why we need to prove our identity. We know who we are, and we killed Esther so your problem is solved. Believe me, there is no way she can come back from this death."

Actually, he wasn't even sure her soul was on the Other Side after being burned by Nora's fire. Same for the spirits who helped her coming back to life.

"We owe you nothing," he continued, his face void of any expression. "You are not my brothers and I'm not the Kol you know. Your Kol was flirting with a woman earlier so I'm pretty sure he's not married to this world's version of my wonderful wife. Seeing as I saved her life in our world, this world's Nora is probably dead. My own brothers would rather have me in a box. Should Nik see me daggered on the ground, he would have me back in a coffin in less than a second. He would certainly not remove the dagger like this Nik did, unless he needed me for something. Finn has been in a box for centuries because Nik sees him as a bore. Never mind that he was happily married to my sister-in-law Sage. As for Elijah… Well, he killed Nora in front of my eyes a second before Niklaus daggered me so he's definitely not my favorite siblings. The reason she's still alive doesn't concern you and it goes the same for the way we ended up here."

He looked away before finishing his monologue, "Obviously, my favorite brother is and has always been Henrik. It's an easy guess that he died here the same way he did in my world. Pretty sure he is in peace though, flying in the sky like he always wanted to."

Following his words was an awkward moment of silence. Niklaus was looking at him with unease and Elijah with shame.

As for his other self, his fist were clenched and there was a bitter smile darkening his face. "I guess our lives aren't that different then. Nik and Elijah love seeing me with a dagger into my heart. Actually, it's Nik's favorite threat." He stooped down and picked up the dagger, twirling it. "Why did you kill Mother?"

"I have always hated her," Kol admitted with a shrug. "When I saw her alive, she was dead before I realized it. And when her broken neck began to heal, Nora turned her to dust. And no, I won't tell you how she did it."

"Our Rebekah will totally kill us when she hears about it," Nora moaned, banging her head into his arms.

"Don't forget that our Rebekah will also be very happy we didn't sink with the Titanic."

He cast a last glance at the three Mikaelson before wrapping an arm around Nora's waist and saying to the lookalike of his brothers, "Now not-brothers of mine and single version of myself, if you'll excuse us, my wife wants to eat her weight of food and dip French fries in a milkshake before we try to go back to our world."

"Don't forget our Harry Potter movie marathon honey!"

I hope you liked reading this oneshot :) It was certainly fun to write. Pretty sure I'll write more oneshots in that universe again at one point.