Author's Note: Hello my lovelies, this is the last chapter of Fearless, but fear not! I have a the final installation of the series - Evermore. Kind of excited will have more liberties to go off on a tangent since i've changed the story slightly. There will be loose interpertiations of Breaking Dawn, but i will be twisting and molding it to fit Lettie and Jasper. Hope to see your guys's reviews fo the new one! Please also let me know what you guys think of the story thus far! I love hearing your ideas and thoughts!
The night following the attack was a rough one, nightmares plagued my dreams. Jasper held me close through all of them. It wasn't until the wee hours the following day when I finally managed to drift into a dreamless sleep. Jasper – ever the southern gentleman let me sleep in, he cooked me breakfast the next morning, and we spent most of the day cuddling on the couch. Apparently Bella was still under the guise of having a girl's weekend with Alice, she and Alice had left early that morning to return Bella to Charlie.
I had a feeling from there she'd likely go bug Jake, especially because he didn't see her before the events in the clearing went down. Jake had texted me a few times since the even, no one was hurt, and all was well. Jake had enthused about the fight and was slightly jealous at being witness of Jasper eviscerating the triplets, but did admit it was almost as good seeing it through Seth's eyes. I did warn him of Bella's likely visit. He said he'd talk with her. It had a sound of finality to it, hopefully it retained. Charlie said I was more than welcome to stay the night at the Cullen home for the night since Jasper came back from his "hunting trip". He liked Jasper, which was more than what I could say for Masen.
I was lying on my stomach on the living room couch when I was approached by Bella. Studying her face her eyes were red-rimmed and her nose had a reddish hue to it. She had been crying. She looked a bit nervous if I was picking up her cues right.
"What's up?" I asked.
She sat on the arm of the couch as I sat up on my elbows.
"When you told Charlie about your engagement…how did he take it?"
I blinked a few times, trying to register my surprise. She was going to tell Charlie…and if the ring on the third finger of her left was any indication, she was going to do it soon.
"I'm not sure, I wasn't there when Jasper asked dad's permission first." I said slowly.
"He was in on it?"
I frowned at the term, it made it seem like we were hiding it from her purposefully. And while that could be likely, I wasn't about to tell her that.
"Like I said, I wasn't there, Jazz asked dad's permission first before proposing." I said shaking my head.
Bella frowned looking at her hands, she seemed troubled.
"I'm dreading what he's going to say." She admitted.
I snorted.
"I can already tell you what he's going to say."
She raised an eyebrow at me.
"Seriously I know dad better than you do I think."
She paused a moment.
"I'll take that bet," She said after a moment.
"Really now?"
She nodded.
"Few stipulations first, no asking Edward to read his mind and tell you before hand – and no asking Alice either."
Bella paused and she nodded, we shook hands and I looked at her straight in the eyes.
"He'll first assume you're pregnant first, then he'll have you tell Renee,"
Bella's face turned crimson and the paled past her normal color. She was getting married at eighteen – well both of us were if you wanted to get technical - so young in human standards, and most people would assume it's because Bella was pregnant. Telling Renee, our mom, that she was getting married early was like akin to boiling puppies live - in mom's eyes. Bella mumbled a goodbye and wandered away. Emmett came into the living room short after my twin left and raised an eyebrow at me.
"Why does she look paler than usual?"
I grinned.
"She made a bet with me, and she's realizing the possibilities if I'm right."
"Never took you for a gambler," he said plopping down in one of the armchairs.
"Only when I know I'm right," I quipped back.
He grinned, dimples on full blast.
"What was she asking about?"
"How dad reacted when he found out I was engaged. Jazz already asked him before he asked me, I told her as much."
Emmett frowned slightly at that.
"He never asked Charlie's permission did he?"
I shrugged.
"Wasn't there, but I guess not, kind of a bit backwards for them, since he's all 'traditional'. " I said using air quotes.
Emmett snorted.
"If you mean old fashioned sure,"
I snickered, Jasper came into the room and raised an eyebrow at the pair of us snickering like naughty children. Happy I curled up to him on the couch, where he easily pulled me into his body, He glanced over at Emmett.
"Do I want to know?"
Emmett grinned impishly.
"Lettie was telling me about a bet that she just went into with Bella."
He looked down at me with a raised eyebrow.
"She asked me how dad took it when he found out I was engaged…I told her you had asked prior to asking me...she said she was afraid of how he'd react.
"Considering his dislike for Masen, I would be too,"
Emmett erupted into giggles to. It was hard not to smile.
"So I said I knew how dad would react, she took the bet – she's not allowed to ask Masen or Alice ahead of the reveal though, would ruin the impact."
Emmett still enough to hear me talk.
"Oh and what is your insight oh all-knowing one?" Emmett teased.
"I told her that he's going to assume she's pregnant, and then she'll have to break the news to Renee."
There was a heartbeat of silence and Emmett boomed out laughing. Jasper was laughing too, albeit quieter than his brother. When the laughter died down, Emmett grinned at me.
"What colors did she turn?"
"Red, then paler than a ghost when I mentioned Renee."
He snickered again.
"Why is she fearing Renee's reaction?" Jasper asked
"Renee has early marriage right up there with boiling puppies alive." I retorted.
Jasper frowned.
"She and Charlie got married young didn't they?"
I nodded.
"I think that's part of the reason she's highly against it. It didn't work out so well for her…" I said quietly doodling a design with my fingertips on Jasper's shirt.
"Just because it did not work out for her – does not mean it won't work out for anyone else."
I nodded, and Emmett turned on a game, and for once, I was able to relax slightly. There were no demons or monsters – save for the constantly vigilant Volturi – out to get me. No more constantly looking over my shoulder to make sure I wasn't being tracked or stalked. Nor began the normalcy – well as normal as a girl could get with a vampire for a boyfriend.
I couldn't wait to see what happens next – especially with Jasper at my side – I was ready to start our forever.