So you might all be wondering what happened to all of my stories. Well, it would appear that a watchdog was stalking me and lecturing me on all of the guidelines that I didn't know applied to all of my stories. Well, I was in a situation that there was only one outcome of with my stories still being on the site, and that was deleting all with 'explicit content' and rewriting it to be suitable for a younger audience. So since I was rewriting this anyway, I thought to myself lets reupload this first.

Just about one week after everyone broke up, boys were still upset. Stan was almost going to go goth again, but Kyle and Kenny talked him out of it. Come to think of it, the only couple left now is Heidi and Cartman, but they were on and off, so no one really knew how long they would last.

The way it started was the troll SkankHunt42, his bullying led to a mass breakup throughout the school. The girls didn't know that SkankHunt wasn't a kid, but an adult.

Now, one week after these events, boys and girls would only glare at each other. The two genders were constantly at each other's throats.

Monday, everyone was on the bus. Completely silent, not a word. This was because the SkankHunt42 trolled yet again last night. For some reason, the girls didn't even realize that the troll was not a child.

Then on the bus, two girls behind Stan and Kenny were whispering to each other, in the sense that they didn't want anyone else to hear, whether it was the girls or the boys.

Kenny listened in since one of the girls was his ex, Lola. He put his head on the window of the bus to try and eavesdrop on the two.

"So you didn't want to either?" Lola asked Wendy.

"No, I just wanted to stand with you girls, I knew it was never him." She replied.

"I know that the girls won't be okay with what I'm about to do, but I know that I have to do it," Lola stated.

"What do you mean?" Wendy asked.

Before Lola could answer, the bus slammed to the brakes as they arrived at the school.

Lola stepped out of her seat, paused, and took a look at Kenny, but then quickly continued walking with Wendy following her.

Kenny was smiling from ear to ear, but his parka hid that. Stan put his backpack on and left the bus.

Around five minutes later Kenny was unpacking his backpack, he got out his binder and was heading to his class when someone grabbed his arm.

He looked behind him to see Lola, "Can we talk?" She asked.

Kenny was thinking about what she meant by, 'The girls wouldn't be okay with it." But he wasn't 100% sure that's what she meant.

"Okay," Kenny smiled, "About what?"

"I wanted to apologize, I wasn't really been fair when I broke up with you, I didn't have a reason to nor did I really want to." She shifted her feet nervously, she was breathing as if she was trying to keep herself together, it was obvious on how much stress she was put under from the mass breakup.

She started sniffling and Kenny knew she would start crying, he took Lola's head into his shoulder and held her for what felt like forever.

"I love you, Kenny, I don't want to lose you again." She cried.

"I know, I love you too Lola."

"We have to keep this secret you know." She said.

"I know, we'll find a way, the boys can't know either."

Lola wrapped her arms around his neck and he put his hands on her waist, they leaned closer and closed their eyes as they kissed.

"Mmmmmm," Lola moaned.

They made out in the hallway for about 2 minutes before a teacher cut them off.

"Get to class!" She yelled.

Lola smiled at Kenny, "Can we hang out later?"

"Sure," Kenny smiled, "I love you."

Lola kissed his cheek, "I love you too."

"Okay, children lets take our seats." Mrs. Nelson said while walking towards the chalkboard.

"So, let's go over this one more time before the test," She said writing the equation on the chalkboard, "Who can tell me how to divide a fraction?"

Getting lost her imagination, Lola thought about what her and Kenny could do to make up for the lost time.

'Go to the movies? No, go to a restaurant? No. Oh! I've got it! He can come over to my house later and we can spend time together.' She thought happily.

Noticing her excitement, Wendy looked over and shook her, "Lola? Why are you so jumpy?" She asked confused.

Knowing what would come out would only bring trouble, at least until she and Stan got back together, she just responded with, "Oh, um, it's just almost lunchtime and class is boring today." She lied.

Wendy knew she was a bad liar but knew she wouldn't give the real answer, so she just rolled her eyes, "Okay." She went back to copying down notes but she couldn't help but look at her ex. She couldn't deny the fact that she missed him, despite all of his flaws and the two working tirelessly to get him over his nervous issue, she knew that she loved him. Even if he could sometimes be a pain.

But she was daydreaming for too long and lost sight of what the class was talking about before the bell rang.

"Okay, children it is lunchtime I'll see you back here next period." Mrs. Nelson announced as the 4th Grade class walked out the door.

Wendy took no time in catching up to Lola to question her about why she was so jumpy.

"I'm not telling you the truth," Lola said before Wendy could even speak.

"Why? I thought we were besties?" Wendy replied.

"Well this is something I can't share, not even with you, if I did I know it would spread and that would only make things worse, so there is no point in telling you unless I wanted to screw things up even more."

"What do you mean by that, I promise I won't tell anyone!" She pleaded.

"So anyways it led to me and him making out in the middle of the hallway and then we promised we would meet up later."

"So that's why your so jittery today. Listen, I won't tell the girls because I know it can't be Kenny, he doesn't even have a phone let alone the internet or even the motive to do what Skankhunt42 did."

"Which makes me wonder, why don't you apologize to Stan, he doesn't have the motive or anything to do what SkankHunt42 did. So why?"

"Stan and I are a different story. I don't even think he wants to be friends, let alone get back together." She looked down.

Lola put her hand on Wendy's back, "Don't say that, he probably just needs some time, just give it a week, he'll forgive you."

Wendy looked like she was about to cry, "But what if he goes goth again? What if he doesn't go back to being his normal self? What if he-"

Before she could finish speaking, Lola shushed her, "You really think that's going to happen? Wendy the only reason he went goth was that you started dating Token, and he felt replaced, I'll bet that right now he's in the cafeteria laughing with everyone, you'll know when it's time to ask him about how he feels, but I don't think that now's the time. Speaking of the time, I've got to get to the lunchroom before the girls think something's up, so do you, come on."

Stan and Kyle got their lunches and sat down at their table.

"So, what do you guys want to do after school?" Stan asked.

"How about we go to Whistling Willie's?" Cartman asked, "I could use some pizza."

"That's the last thing you need fatass!"

"Oh shut up you stupid Jew!"

Kyle and Cartman continued to bicker while most of the table left because they didn't want to hear them.

Eventually, Stan and Kenny left as well, being done with their lunches they brought their trays back and then left the lunchroom to recess.

Stan had become better friends with Kenny over the course of the past few weeks. Unlike Kyle, they both understood how being dumped after a grade-long relationship felt.

The two went behind the school to avoid any attention, normally one of them just talked and played the occasional game. It is the back of the school meaning there wasn't much to do.

Wendy and Lola had spent recess with the girls and thankfully they were none the wiser about Lola's relationship with Kenny.

The day proceeded as normal up until the point of the final bell.

Everyone rushed out of the classroom and packed their stuff up as the students left the school. People grouping up for their daily after school activities, hanging out, etc.

As Wendy was leaving someone grabbed her and pulled her aside.

"We need to talk," They said.

Well, that was the first chapter of the rewrite, for all of you people who read the first version, which did you like better? I think that this version is better personally, and I hope you think the same as well!